import os import shlex import sys import pydev_log import traceback helpers = os.path.dirname(__file__).replace('\\', '/') def is_python(path): if path.endswith("'") or path.endswith('"'): path = path[1:len(path)-1] filename = os.path.basename(path).lower() for name in ['python', 'jython', 'pypy']: if filename.find(name) != -1: return True return False def patch_args(args): try: pydev_log.debug("Patching args: %s"% str(args)) import sys new_args = [] i = 0 if len(args) == 0: return args if is_python(args[0]): try: indC = args.index('-c') except ValueError: indC = -1 if indC != -1: import pydevd host, port = pydevd.dispatch() if port is not None: new_args.extend(args) new_args[indC + 1] = "import sys; sys.path.append('%s'); import pydevd; pydevd.settrace(host='%s', port=%s, suspend=False); %s"%(helpers, host, port, args[indC + 1]) return new_args else: new_args.append(args[0]) else: pydev_log.debug("Process is not python, returning.") return args i = 1 while i < len(args): if args[i].startswith('-'): new_args.append(args[i]) else: break i+=1 if args[i].endswith(''): #no need to add pydevd twice return args for x in sys.original_argv: if sys.platform == "win32" and not x.endswith('"'): arg = '"%s"'%x else: arg = x new_args.append(arg) if x == '--file': break while i < len(args): new_args.append(args[i]) i+=1 return new_args except: traceback.print_exc() return args def args_to_str(args): quoted_args = [] for x in args: if x.startswith('"') and x.endswith('"'): quoted_args.append(x) else: quoted_args.append('"%s"' % x) return ' '.join(quoted_args) def remove_quotes(str): if str.startswith('"') and str.endswith('"'): return str[1:-1] else: return str def str_to_args(str): return [remove_quotes(x) for x in shlex.split(str)] def patch_arg_str_win(arg_str): new_arg_str = arg_str.replace('\\', '/') args = str_to_args(new_arg_str) if not is_python(args[0]): return arg_str arg_str = args_to_str(patch_args(args)) pydev_log.debug("New args: %s"% arg_str) return arg_str def monkey_patch_module(module, funcname, create_func): if hasattr(module, funcname): original_name = 'original_' + funcname if not hasattr(module, original_name): setattr(module, original_name, getattr(module, funcname)) setattr(module, funcname, create_func(original_name)) def monkey_patch_os(funcname, create_func): monkey_patch_module(os, funcname, create_func) def warn_multiproc(): import pydev_log pydev_log.error_once( "New process is launching. Breakpoints won't work.\n To debug that process please enable 'Attach to subprocess automatically while debugging' option in the debugger settings.\n") def create_warn_multiproc(original_name): def new_warn_multiproc(*args): import os warn_multiproc() return getattr(os, original_name)(*args) return new_warn_multiproc def create_execl(original_name): def new_execl(path, *args): ''' os.execl(path, arg0, arg1, ...) os.execle(path, arg0, arg1, ..., env) os.execlp(file, arg0, arg1, ...) os.execlpe(file, arg0, arg1, ..., env) ''' import os args = patch_args(args) return getattr(os, original_name)(path, *args) return new_execl def create_execv(original_name): def new_execv(path, args): ''' os.execv(path, args) os.execvp(file, args) ''' import os return getattr(os, original_name)(path, patch_args(args)) return new_execv def create_execve(original_name): """ os.execve(path, args, env) os.execvpe(file, args, env) """ def new_execve(path, args, env): import os return getattr(os, original_name)(path, patch_args(args), env) return new_execve def create_spawnl(original_name): def new_spawnl(mode, path, *args): ''' os.spawnl(mode, path, arg0, arg1, ...) os.spawnlp(mode, file, arg0, arg1, ...) ''' import os args = patch_args(args) return getattr(os, original_name)(mode, path, *args) return new_spawnl def create_spawnv(original_name): def new_spawnv(mode, path, args): ''' os.spawnv(mode, path, args) os.spawnvp(mode, file, args) ''' import os return getattr(os, original_name)(mode, path, patch_args(args)) return new_spawnv def create_spawnve(original_name): """ os.spawnve(mode, path, args, env) os.spawnvpe(mode, file, args, env) """ def new_spawnve(mode, path, args, env): import os return getattr(os, original_name)(mode, path, patch_args(args), env) return new_spawnve def create_CreateProcess(original_name): """ CreateProcess(*args, **kwargs) """ def new_CreateProcess(appName, commandLine, *args): try: import _subprocess except ImportError: import _winapi as _subprocess return getattr(_subprocess, original_name)(appName, patch_arg_str_win(commandLine), *args) return new_CreateProcess def create_CreateProcessWarnMultiproc(original_name): """ CreateProcess(*args, **kwargs) """ def new_CreateProcess(*args): try: import _subprocess except ImportError: import _winapi as _subprocess warn_multiproc() return getattr(_subprocess, original_name)(*args) return new_CreateProcess def create_fork(original_name): def new_fork(): import os child_process = getattr(os, original_name)() # fork if not child_process: import pydevd pydevd.settrace_forked() return child_process return new_fork def patch_new_process_functions(): #os.execl(path, arg0, arg1, ...) #os.execle(path, arg0, arg1, ..., env) #os.execlp(file, arg0, arg1, ...) #os.execlpe(file, arg0, arg1, ..., env) #os.execv(path, args) #os.execve(path, args, env) #os.execvp(file, args) #os.execvpe(file, args, env) monkey_patch_os('execl', create_execl) monkey_patch_os('execle', create_execl) monkey_patch_os('execlp', create_execl) monkey_patch_os('execlpe', create_execl) monkey_patch_os('execv', create_execv) monkey_patch_os('execve', create_execve) monkey_patch_os('execvp', create_execv) monkey_patch_os('execvpe', create_execve) #os.spawnl(mode, path, ...) #os.spawnle(mode, path, ..., env) #os.spawnlp(mode, file, ...) #os.spawnlpe(mode, file, ..., env) #os.spawnv(mode, path, args) #os.spawnve(mode, path, args, env) #os.spawnvp(mode, file, args) #os.spawnvpe(mode, file, args, env) monkey_patch_os('spawnl', create_spawnl) monkey_patch_os('spawnle', create_spawnl) monkey_patch_os('spawnlp', create_spawnl) monkey_patch_os('spawnlpe', create_spawnl) monkey_patch_os('spawnv', create_spawnv) monkey_patch_os('spawnve', create_spawnve) monkey_patch_os('spawnvp', create_spawnv) monkey_patch_os('spawnvpe', create_spawnve) if sys.platform != 'win32': monkey_patch_os('fork', create_fork) else: #Windows try: import _subprocess except ImportError: import _winapi as _subprocess monkey_patch_module(_subprocess, 'CreateProcess', create_CreateProcess) def patch_new_process_functions_with_warning(): monkey_patch_os('execl', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execle', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execlp', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execlpe', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execv', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execve', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execvp', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execvpe', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnl', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnle', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnlp', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnlpe', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnv', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnve', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnvp', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnvpe', create_warn_multiproc) if sys.platform != 'win32': monkey_patch_os('fork', create_warn_multiproc) else: #Windows try: import _subprocess except ImportError: import _winapi as _subprocess monkey_patch_module(_subprocess, 'CreateProcess', create_CreateProcessWarnMultiproc)