import sys from pydevd_constants import * #@UnusedWildImport from _pydev_imps import _pydev_thread from pydevd_frame import PyDBFrame import weakref #======================================================================================================================= # AbstractPyDBAdditionalThreadInfo #======================================================================================================================= class AbstractPyDBAdditionalThreadInfo: def __init__(self): self.pydev_state = STATE_RUN self.pydev_step_stop = None self.pydev_step_cmd = None self.pydev_notify_kill = False self.pydev_force_stop_at_exception = None self.pydev_smart_step_stop = None self.pydev_django_resolve_frame = None self.is_tracing = False self.conditional_breakpoint_exception = None def IterFrames(self): raise NotImplementedError() def CreateDbFrame(self, args): #args = mainDebugger, filename, base, additionalInfo, t, frame raise NotImplementedError() def __str__(self): return 'State:%s Stop:%s Cmd: %s Kill:%s' % (self.pydev_state, self.pydev_step_stop, self.pydev_step_cmd, self.pydev_notify_kill) #======================================================================================================================= # PyDBAdditionalThreadInfoWithCurrentFramesSupport #======================================================================================================================= class PyDBAdditionalThreadInfoWithCurrentFramesSupport(AbstractPyDBAdditionalThreadInfo): def IterFrames(self): #sys._current_frames(): dictionary with thread id -> topmost frame return sys._current_frames().values() #return a copy... don't know if it's changed if we did get an iterator #just create the db frame directly CreateDbFrame = PyDBFrame #======================================================================================================================= # PyDBAdditionalThreadInfoWithoutCurrentFramesSupport #======================================================================================================================= class PyDBAdditionalThreadInfoWithoutCurrentFramesSupport(AbstractPyDBAdditionalThreadInfo): def __init__(self): AbstractPyDBAdditionalThreadInfo.__init__(self) #That's where the last frame entered is kept. That's needed so that we're able to #trace contexts that were previously untraced and are currently active. So, the bad thing #is that the frame may be kept alive longer than it would if we go up on the frame stack, #and is only disposed when some other frame is removed. #A better way would be if we could get the topmost frame for each thread, but that's #not possible (until python 2.5 -- which is the PyDBAdditionalThreadInfoWithCurrentFramesSupport version) #Or if the user compiled threadframe (from #NOT RLock!! (could deadlock if it was) self.lock = _pydev_thread.allocate_lock() self._acquire_lock = self.lock.acquire self._release_lock = self.lock.release #collection with the refs d = {} self.pydev_existing_frames = d try: self._iter_frames = d.iterkeys except AttributeError: self._iter_frames = d.keys def _OnDbFrameCollected(self, ref): ''' Callback to be called when a given reference is garbage-collected. ''' self._acquire_lock() try: del self.pydev_existing_frames[ref] finally: self._release_lock() def _AddDbFrame(self, db_frame): self._acquire_lock() try: #create the db frame with a callback to remove it from the dict when it's garbage-collected #(could be a set, but that's not available on all versions we want to target). r = weakref.ref(db_frame, self._OnDbFrameCollected) self.pydev_existing_frames[r] = r finally: self._release_lock() def CreateDbFrame(self, args): #the frame must be cached as a weak-ref (we return the actual db frame -- which will be kept #alive until its trace_dispatch method is not referenced anymore). #that's a large workaround because: #1. we can't have weak-references to python frame object #2. only from 2.5 onwards we have _current_frames support from the interpreter db_frame = PyDBFrame(args) db_frame.frame = args[-1] self._AddDbFrame(db_frame) return db_frame def IterFrames(self): #We cannot use yield (because of the lock) self._acquire_lock() try: ret = [] for weak_db_frame in self._iter_frames(): try: ret.append(weak_db_frame().frame) except AttributeError: pass # ok, garbage-collected already return ret finally: self._release_lock() def __str__(self): return 'State:%s Stop:%s Cmd: %s Kill:%s Frames:%s' % (self.pydev_state, self.pydev_step_stop, self.pydev_step_cmd, self.pydev_notify_kill, len(self.IterFrames())) #======================================================================================================================= # NOW, WE HAVE TO DEFINE WHICH THREAD INFO TO USE # (whether we have to keep references to the frames or not) # from version 2.5 onwards, we can use sys._current_frames to get a dict with the threads # and frames, but to support other versions, we can't rely on that. #======================================================================================================================= if hasattr(sys, '_current_frames'): PyDBAdditionalThreadInfo = PyDBAdditionalThreadInfoWithCurrentFramesSupport else: try: import threadframe #@UnresolvedImport sys._current_frames = threadframe.dict assert sys._current_frames is threadframe.dict #Just check if it was correctly set PyDBAdditionalThreadInfo = PyDBAdditionalThreadInfoWithCurrentFramesSupport except: #If all fails, let's use the support without frames PyDBAdditionalThreadInfo = PyDBAdditionalThreadInfoWithoutCurrentFramesSupport