from pydevd_constants import * #@UnusedWildImport from pydevd_file_utils import GetFilenameAndBase threadingCurrentThread = threading.currentThread DEBUG = False #======================================================================================================================= # CustomFramesContainer #======================================================================================================================= class CustomFramesContainer: pass def CustomFramesContainerInit(): #Note: no staticmethod on jython 2.1 (so, use free-function) CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames_lock = threading.Lock() # custom_frames can only be accessed if properly locked with custom_frames_lock! # Key is a string identifying the frame (as well as the thread it belongs to). # Value is a CustomFrame. # CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames = {} # Only to be used in this module CustomFramesContainer._next_frame_id = 0 # This is the event we must set to release an internal process events. It's later set by the actual debugger # when we do create the debugger. CustomFramesContainer._py_db_command_thread_event = Null() #Initialize it the first time (it may be reinitialized later on when dealing with a fork). CustomFramesContainerInit() #======================================================================================================================= # CustomFrame #======================================================================================================================= class CustomFrame: def __init__(self, name, frame, thread_id): # 0 = string with the representation of that frame = name # 1 = the frame to show self.frame = frame # 2 = an integer identifying the last time the frame was changed. self.mod_time = 0 # 3 = the thread id of the given frame self.thread_id = thread_id def addCustomFrame(frame, name, thread_id): CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames_lock.acquire() try: curr_thread_id = GetThreadId(threadingCurrentThread()) next_id = CustomFramesContainer._next_frame_id = CustomFramesContainer._next_frame_id + 1 # Note: the frame id kept contains an id and thread information on the thread where the frame was added # so that later on we can check if the frame is from the current thread by doing frame_id.endswith('|'+thread_id). frame_id = '__frame__:%s|%s' % (next_id, curr_thread_id) if DEBUG: sys.stderr.write('addCustomFrame: %s (%s) %s %s\n' % ( frame_id, GetFilenameAndBase(frame)[1], frame.f_lineno, frame.f_code.co_name)) CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames[frame_id] = CustomFrame(name, frame, thread_id) CustomFramesContainer._py_db_command_thread_event.set() return frame_id finally: CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames_lock.release() def updateCustomFrame(frame_id, frame, thread_id, name=None): CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames_lock.acquire() try: if DEBUG: sys.stderr.write('updateCustomFrame: %s\n' % frame_id) try: old = CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames[frame_id] if name is not None: = name old.mod_time += 1 old.thread_id = thread_id except: sys.stderr.write('Unable to get frame to replace: %s\n' % (frame_id,)) import traceback;traceback.print_exc() CustomFramesContainer._py_db_command_thread_event.set() finally: CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames_lock.release() def getCustomFrame(thread_id, frame_id): ''' :param thread_id: This should actually be the frame_id which is returned by addCustomFrame. :param frame_id: This is the actual id() of the frame ''' CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames_lock.acquire() try: frame_id = int(frame_id) f = CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames[thread_id].frame while f is not None: if id(f) == frame_id: return f f = f.f_back finally: f = None CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames_lock.release() def removeCustomFrame(frame_id): CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames_lock.acquire() try: if DEBUG: sys.stderr.write('removeCustomFrame: %s\n' % frame_id) DictPop(CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames, frame_id, None) CustomFramesContainer._py_db_command_thread_event.set() finally: CustomFramesContainer.custom_frames_lock.release()