import sys import unittest import threading import os from import eq_ from pydev_imports import StringIO, SimpleXMLRPCServer from pydev_localhost import get_localhost from pydev_console_utils import StdIn import socket # make it as if we were executing from the directory above this one sys.argv[0] = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) # twice the dirname to get the previous level from this file. sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))) # PyDevFrontEnd depends on singleton in IPython, so you # can't make multiple versions. So we reuse front_end for # all the tests orig_stdout = sys.stdout orig_stderr = sys.stderr stdout = sys.stdout = StringIO() stderr = sys.stderr = StringIO() from pydev_ipython_console_011 import PyDevFrontEnd s = socket.socket() s.bind(('', 0)) client_port = s.getsockname()[1] s.close() front_end = PyDevFrontEnd(get_localhost(), client_port) def addExec(code, expected_more=False): more = front_end.addExec(code) eq_(expected_more, more) class TestBase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): front_end.input_splitter.reset() stdout.truncate(0) stderr.truncate(0) def tearDown(self): pass class TestPyDevFrontEnd(TestBase): def testAddExec_1(self): addExec('if True:', True) def testAddExec_2(self): addExec('if True:\n testAddExec_a = 10\n', True) def testAddExec_3(self): assert 'testAddExec_a' not in front_end.getNamespace() addExec('if True:\n testAddExec_a = 10\n\n') assert 'testAddExec_a' in front_end.getNamespace() eq_(front_end.getNamespace()['testAddExec_a'], 10) def testGetNamespace(self): assert 'testGetNamespace_a' not in front_end.getNamespace() addExec('testGetNamespace_a = 10') assert 'testGetNamespace_a' in front_end.getNamespace() eq_(front_end.getNamespace()['testGetNamespace_a'], 10) def testComplete(self): unused_text, matches = front_end.complete('%') assert len(matches) > 1, 'at least one magic should appear in completions' def testCompleteDoesNotDoPythonMatches(self): # Test that IPython's completions do not do the things that # PyDev's completions will handle addExec('testComplete_a = 5') addExec('testComplete_b = 10') addExec('testComplete_c = 15') unused_text, matches = front_end.complete('testComplete_') assert len(matches) == 0 def testGetCompletions_1(self): # Test the merged completions include the standard completions addExec('testComplete_a = 5') addExec('testComplete_b = 10') addExec('testComplete_c = 15') res = front_end.getCompletions('testComplete_', 'testComplete_') matches = [f[0] for f in res] assert len(matches) == 3 eq_(set(['testComplete_a', 'testComplete_b', 'testComplete_c']), set(matches)) def testGetCompletions_2(self): # Test that we get IPython completions in results # we do this by checking kw completion which PyDev does # not do by default addExec('def ccc(ABC=123): pass') res = front_end.getCompletions('ccc(', '') matches = [f[0] for f in res] assert 'ABC=' in matches def testGetCompletions_3(self): # Test that magics return IPYTHON magic as type res = front_end.getCompletions('%cd', '%cd') assert len(res) == 1 eq_(res[0][3], '12') # '12' == IToken.TYPE_IPYTHON_MAGIC assert len(res[0][1]) > 100, 'docstring for %cd should be a reasonably long string' class TestRunningCode(TestBase): def testPrint(self): addExec('print("output")') eq_(stdout.getvalue(), 'output\n') def testQuestionMark_1(self): addExec('?') assert len(stdout.getvalue()) > 1000, 'IPython help should be pretty big' def testQuestionMark_2(self): addExec('int?') assert stdout.getvalue().find('Convert') != -1 def testGui(self): from pydev_ipython.inputhook import get_inputhook, set_stdin_file set_stdin_file(sys.stdin) assert get_inputhook() is None addExec('%gui tk') # we can't test the GUI works here because we aren't connected to XML-RPC so # nowhere for hook to run assert get_inputhook() is not None addExec('%gui none') assert get_inputhook() is None def testHistory(self): ''' Make sure commands are added to IPython's history ''' addExec('a=1') addExec('b=2') _ih = front_end.getNamespace()['_ih'] eq_(_ih[-1], 'b=2') eq_(_ih[-2], 'a=1') addExec('history') hist = stdout.getvalue().split('\n') eq_(hist[-1], '') eq_(hist[-2], 'history') eq_(hist[-3], 'b=2') eq_(hist[-4], 'a=1') def testEdit(self): ''' Make sure we can issue an edit command ''' called_RequestInput = [False] called_IPythonEditor = [False] def startClientThread(client_port): class ClientThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, client_port): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.client_port = client_port def run(self): class HandleRequestInput: def RequestInput(self): called_RequestInput[0] = True return '\n' def IPythonEditor(self, name, line): called_IPythonEditor[0] = (name, line) return True handle_request_input = HandleRequestInput() import pydev_localhost client_server = SimpleXMLRPCServer((pydev_localhost.get_localhost(), self.client_port), logRequests=False) client_server.register_function(handle_request_input.RequestInput) client_server.register_function(handle_request_input.IPythonEditor) client_server.serve_forever() client_thread = ClientThread(client_port) client_thread.setDaemon(True) client_thread.start() return client_thread startClientThread(client_port) orig_stdin = sys.stdin sys.stdin = StdIn(self, get_localhost(), client_port) try: filename = '' addExec('%edit ' + filename) eq_(called_IPythonEditor[0], (os.path.abspath(filename), 0)) assert called_RequestInput[0], "Make sure the 'wait' parameter has been respected" finally: sys.stdin = orig_stdin if __name__ == '__main__': #Just doing: unittest.main() was not working for me when run directly (not sure why) #And doing it the way below the test with the import: from pydev_ipython.inputhook import get_inputhook, set_stdin_file #is failing (but if I do a Ctrl+F9 in PyDev to run it, it works properly, so, I'm a bit puzzled here). unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(unittest.makeSuite(TestRunningCode)) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(unittest.makeSuite(TestPyDevFrontEnd))