import sys from docutils.core import publish_string from docutils import nodes from docutils.nodes import Text from docutils.writers.html4css1 import HTMLTranslator from epydoc.markup import DocstringLinker from epydoc.markup.restructuredtext import ParsedRstDocstring, _EpydocHTMLTranslator, _DocumentPseudoWriter, _EpydocReader class RestHTMLTranslator(_EpydocHTMLTranslator): def visit_field_name(self, node): atts = {} if self.in_docinfo: atts['class'] = 'docinfo-name' else: atts['class'] = 'field-name' self.context.append('') atts['align'] = "right" self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'th', '', **atts)) def visit_field_body(self, node): self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'td', '', CLASS='field-body')) parent_text = node.parent[0][0].astext() if hasattr(node.parent, "type"): self.body.append("(") self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'a', '', **{"href": 'psi_element://#typename#' + node.parent.type})) self.body.append(node.parent.type) self.body.append("") self.body.append(") ") elif parent_text.startswith("type "): index = parent_text.index("type ") type_string = parent_text[index + 5] self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'a', '', **{"href": 'psi_element://#typename#' + type_string})) elif parent_text.startswith("rtype"): type_string = node.children[0][0].astext() self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'a', '', **{"href": 'psi_element://#typename#' + type_string})) self.set_class_on_child(node, 'first', 0) field = node.parent if (self.compact_field_list or isinstance(field.parent, nodes.docinfo) or field.parent.index(field) == len(field.parent) - 1): # If we are in a compact list, the docinfo, or if this is # the last field of the field list, do not add vertical # space after last element. self.set_class_on_child(node, 'last', -1) def depart_field_body(self, node): if node.parent[0][0].astext().startswith("type "): self.body.append("") HTMLTranslator.depart_field_body(self, node) def visit_field_list(self, node): fields = {} for n in node.children: if len(n.children) == 0: continue child = n.children[0] rawsource = child.rawsource if rawsource.startswith("param "): index = rawsource.index("param ") if len(child.children) == 0: continue child.children[0] = Text(rawsource[index + 6:]) fields[rawsource[index + 6:]] = n if rawsource == "return": fields["return"] = n for n in node.children: if len(n.children) == 0: continue child = n.children[0] rawsource = child.rawsource if rawsource.startswith("type "): index = rawsource.index("type ") name = rawsource[index + 5:] if fields.has_key(name): fields[name].type = n.children[1][0][0] node.children.remove(n) if rawsource == "rtype": if fields.has_key("return"): fields["return"].type = n.children[1][0][0] node.children.remove(n) HTMLTranslator.visit_field_list(self, node) def unknown_visit(self, node): """ Ignore unknown nodes """ def unknown_departure(self, node): """ Ignore unknown nodes """ def visit_block_quote(self, node): self.body.append(self.emptytag(node, "br")) def depart_block_quote(self, node): pass def visit_literal(self, node): """Process text to prevent tokens from wrapping.""" self.body.append( self.starttag(node, 'tt', '', CLASS='docutils literal')) text = node.astext() for token in self.words_and_spaces.findall(text): if token.strip(): self.body.append('%s' % self.encode(token)) elif token in ('\n', ' '): # Allow breaks at whitespace: self.body.append(token) else: # Protect runs of multiple spaces; the last space can wrap: self.body.append(' ' * (len(token) - 1) + ' ') self.body.append('') raise nodes.SkipNode class MyParsedRstDocstring(ParsedRstDocstring): def __init__(self, document): ParsedRstDocstring.__init__(self, document) def to_html(self, docstring_linker, directory=None, docindex=None, context=None, **options): visitor = RestHTMLTranslator(self._document, docstring_linker, directory, docindex, context) self._document.walkabout(visitor) return ''.join(visitor.body) def parse_docstring(docstring, errors, **options): writer = _DocumentPseudoWriter() reader = _EpydocReader(errors) # Outputs errors to the list. publish_string(docstring, writer=writer, reader=reader, settings_overrides={'report_level': 10000, 'halt_level': 10000, 'warning_stream': None}) return MyParsedRstDocstring(writer.document) try: src = errors = [] class EmptyLinker(DocstringLinker): def translate_indexterm(self, indexterm): return "" def translate_identifier_xref(self, identifier, label=None): return identifier docstring = parse_docstring(src, errors) html = docstring.to_html(EmptyLinker()) if errors and not html: sys.stderr.write("Error parsing docstring:\n") for error in errors: sys.stderr.write(str(error) + "\n") sys.exit(1) sys.stdout.write(html) sys.stdout.flush() except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() sys.stderr.write("Error calculating docstring: " + str(exc_value)) sys.exit(1)