/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.jetbrains.python.psi.impl; import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode; import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.Extensions; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.psi.StubBasedPsiElement; import com.intellij.psi.search.LocalSearchScope; import com.intellij.psi.search.SearchScope; import com.intellij.psi.stubs.IStubElementType; import com.intellij.psi.stubs.StubElement; import com.intellij.psi.util.CachedValueProvider; import com.intellij.psi.util.CachedValuesManager; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import com.intellij.psi.util.QualifiedName; import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException; import com.intellij.util.PlatformIcons; import com.jetbrains.python.PyElementTypes; import com.jetbrains.python.PyNames; import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes; import com.jetbrains.python.codeInsight.controlflow.ControlFlowCache; import com.jetbrains.python.codeInsight.controlflow.ScopeOwner; import com.jetbrains.python.codeInsight.dataflow.scope.ScopeUtil; import com.jetbrains.python.documentation.DocStringUtil; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.*; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.resolve.QualifiedNameFinder; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.stubs.PyClassStub; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.stubs.PyFunctionStub; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.stubs.PyTargetExpressionStub; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.types.*; import com.jetbrains.python.sdk.PythonSdkType; import icons.PythonIcons; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; import static com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyFunction.Modifier.CLASSMETHOD; import static com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyFunction.Modifier.STATICMETHOD; import static com.jetbrains.python.psi.impl.PyCallExpressionHelper.interpretAsModifierWrappingCall; /** * Implements PyFunction. */ public class PyFunctionImpl extends PyPresentableElementImpl implements PyFunction { public PyFunctionImpl(ASTNode astNode) { super(astNode); } public PyFunctionImpl(final PyFunctionStub stub) { this(stub, PyElementTypes.FUNCTION_DECLARATION); } public PyFunctionImpl(PyFunctionStub stub, IStubElementType nodeType) { super(stub, nodeType); } private class CachedStructuredDocStringProvider implements CachedValueProvider { @Nullable @Override public Result compute() { final PyFunctionImpl f = PyFunctionImpl.this; return Result.create(DocStringUtil.getStructuredDocString(f), f); } } private CachedStructuredDocStringProvider myCachedStructuredDocStringProvider = new CachedStructuredDocStringProvider(); @Nullable @Override public String getName() { final PyFunctionStub stub = getStub(); if (stub != null) { return stub.getName(); } ASTNode node = getNameNode(); return node != null ? node.getText() : null; } public PsiElement getNameIdentifier() { final ASTNode nameNode = getNameNode(); return nameNode != null ? nameNode.getPsi() : null; } public PsiElement setName(@NotNull String name) throws IncorrectOperationException { final ASTNode nameElement = PyUtil.createNewName(this, name); final ASTNode nameNode = getNameNode(); if (nameNode != null) { getNode().replaceChild(nameNode, nameElement); } return this; } @Override public Icon getIcon(int flags) { if (isValid()) { final Property property = getProperty(); if (property != null) { if (property.getGetter().valueOrNull() == this) { return PythonIcons.Python.PropertyGetter; } if (property.getSetter().valueOrNull() == this) { return PythonIcons.Python.PropertySetter; } if (property.getDeleter().valueOrNull() == this) { return PythonIcons.Python.PropertyDeleter; } return PlatformIcons.PROPERTY_ICON; } } return PlatformIcons.METHOD_ICON; } @Nullable public ASTNode getNameNode() { return getNode().findChildByType(PyTokenTypes.IDENTIFIER); } @NotNull public PyParameterList getParameterList() { return getRequiredStubOrPsiChild(PyElementTypes.PARAMETER_LIST); } @Override @NotNull public PyStatementList getStatementList() { final PyStatementList statementList = childToPsi(PyElementTypes.STATEMENT_LIST); assert statementList != null : "Statement list missing for function " + getText(); return statementList; } public PyClass getContainingClass() { final PyFunctionStub stub = getStub(); if (stub != null) { final StubElement parentStub = stub.getParentStub(); if (parentStub instanceof PyClassStub) { return ((PyClassStub)parentStub).getPsi(); } return null; } final PsiElement parent = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, StubBasedPsiElement.class); if (parent instanceof PyClass) { return (PyClass)parent; } return null; } @Nullable public PyDecoratorList getDecoratorList() { return getStubOrPsiChild(PyElementTypes.DECORATOR_LIST); // PsiTreeUtil.getChildOfType(this, PyDecoratorList.class); } @Nullable @Override public PyType getReturnType(@NotNull TypeEvalContext context, @NotNull TypeEvalContext.Key key) { for (PyTypeProvider typeProvider : Extensions.getExtensions(PyTypeProvider.EP_NAME)) { final PyType returnType = typeProvider.getReturnType(this, context); if (returnType != null) { returnType.assertValid(typeProvider.toString()); return returnType; } } if (context.maySwitchToAST(this) && LanguageLevel.forElement(this).isAtLeast(LanguageLevel.PYTHON30)) { PyAnnotation anno = getAnnotation(); if (anno != null) { PyClass pyClass = anno.resolveToClass(); if (pyClass != null) { return new PyClassTypeImpl(pyClass, false); } } } final PyType docStringType = getReturnTypeFromDocString(); if (docStringType != null) { docStringType.assertValid("from docstring"); return docStringType; } if (context.allowReturnTypes(this)) { final Ref yieldTypeRef = getYieldStatementType(context); if (yieldTypeRef != null) { return yieldTypeRef.get(); } return getReturnStatementType(context); } return null; } @Nullable @Override public PyType getCallType(@NotNull TypeEvalContext context, @NotNull PyCallSiteExpression callSite) { PyType type = null; for (PyTypeProvider typeProvider : Extensions.getExtensions(PyTypeProvider.EP_NAME)) { type = typeProvider.getCallType(this, callSite, context); if (type != null) { type.assertValid(typeProvider.toString()); break; } } if (type == null) { type = context.getReturnType(this); } final PyTypeChecker.AnalyzeCallResults results = PyTypeChecker.analyzeCallSite(callSite, context); if (results != null) { return analyzeCallType(type, results.getReceiver(), results.getArguments(), context); } return type; } @Nullable @Override public PyType getCallType(@Nullable PyExpression receiver, @NotNull Map parameters, @NotNull TypeEvalContext context) { return analyzeCallType(context.getReturnType(this), receiver, parameters, context); } @Nullable private PyType analyzeCallType(@Nullable PyType type, @Nullable PyExpression receiver, @NotNull Map parameters, @NotNull TypeEvalContext context) { if (PyTypeChecker.hasGenerics(type, context)) { final Map substitutions = PyTypeChecker.unifyGenericCall(receiver, parameters, context); if (substitutions != null) { type = PyTypeChecker.substitute(type, substitutions, context); } else { type = null; } } if (receiver != null) { type = replaceSelf(type, receiver, context); } if (type != null && isDynamicallyEvaluated(parameters.values(), context)) { type = PyUnionType.createWeakType(type); } return type; } @Nullable private PyType replaceSelf(@Nullable PyType returnType, @Nullable PyExpression receiver, @NotNull TypeEvalContext context) { if (receiver != null) { // TODO: Currently we substitute only simple subclass types, but we could handle union and collection types as well if (returnType instanceof PyClassType) { final PyClassType returnClassType = (PyClassType)returnType; if (returnClassType.getPyClass() == getContainingClass()) { final PyType receiverType = context.getType(receiver); if (receiverType instanceof PyClassType && PyTypeChecker.match(returnType, receiverType, context)) { return returnClassType.isDefinition() ? receiverType : ((PyClassType)receiverType).toInstance(); } } } } return returnType; } private static boolean isDynamicallyEvaluated(@NotNull Collection parameters, @NotNull TypeEvalContext context) { for (PyNamedParameter parameter : parameters) { final PyType type = context.getType(parameter); if (type instanceof PyDynamicallyEvaluatedType) { return true; } } return false; } @Nullable private Ref getYieldStatementType(@NotNull final TypeEvalContext context) { Ref elementType = null; final PyBuiltinCache cache = PyBuiltinCache.getInstance(this); final PyStatementList statements = getStatementList(); final Set types = new LinkedHashSet(); if (statements != null) { statements.accept(new PyRecursiveElementVisitor() { @Override public void visitPyYieldExpression(PyYieldExpression node) { final PyType type = context.getType(node); if (node.isDelegating() && type instanceof PyCollectionType) { final PyCollectionType collectionType = (PyCollectionType)type; types.add(collectionType.getElementType(context)); } else { types.add(type); } } @Override public void visitPyFunction(PyFunction node) { // Ignore nested functions } }); final int n = types.size(); if (n == 1) { elementType = Ref.create(types.iterator().next()); } else if (n > 0) { elementType = Ref.create(PyUnionType.union(types)); } } if (elementType != null) { final PyClass generator = cache.getClass(PyNames.FAKE_GENERATOR); if (generator != null) { return Ref.create(new PyCollectionTypeImpl(generator, false, elementType.get())); } } if (!types.isEmpty()) { return Ref.create(null); } return null; } @Nullable public PyType getReturnStatementType(TypeEvalContext typeEvalContext) { ReturnVisitor visitor = new ReturnVisitor(this, typeEvalContext); final PyStatementList statements = getStatementList(); if (statements != null) { statements.accept(visitor); if (isGeneratedStub() && !visitor.myHasReturns) { if (PyNames.INIT.equals(getName())) { return PyNoneType.INSTANCE; } return null; } } return visitor.result(); } public PyFunction asMethod() { if (getContainingClass() != null) { return this; } else { return null; } } @Nullable @Override public PyType getReturnTypeFromDocString() { final String typeName = extractReturnType(); return typeName != null ? PyTypeParser.getTypeByName(this, typeName) : null; } @Nullable @Override public String getDeprecationMessage() { PyFunctionStub stub = getStub(); if (stub != null) { return stub.getDeprecationMessage(); } return extractDeprecationMessage(); } @Nullable public String extractDeprecationMessage() { PyStatementList statementList = getStatementList(); if (statementList == null) { return null; } return extractDeprecationMessage(Arrays.asList(statementList.getStatements())); } @Override public PyType getType(@NotNull TypeEvalContext context, @NotNull TypeEvalContext.Key key) { for (PyTypeProvider provider : Extensions.getExtensions(PyTypeProvider.EP_NAME)) { final PyType type = provider.getCallableType(this, context); if (type != null) { return type; } } final boolean hasCustomDecorators = PyUtil.hasCustomDecorators(this) && !PyUtil.isDecoratedAsAbstract(this) && getProperty() == null; final PyFunctionType type = new PyFunctionType(this); if (hasCustomDecorators) { return PyUnionType.createWeakType(type); } return type; } @Nullable public static String extractDeprecationMessage(List statements) { for (PyStatement statement : statements) { if (statement instanceof PyExpressionStatement) { PyExpressionStatement expressionStatement = (PyExpressionStatement)statement; if (expressionStatement.getExpression() instanceof PyCallExpression) { PyCallExpression callExpression = (PyCallExpression)expressionStatement.getExpression(); if (callExpression.isCalleeText(PyNames.WARN)) { PyReferenceExpression warningClass = callExpression.getArgument(1, PyReferenceExpression.class); if (warningClass != null && (PyNames.DEPRECATION_WARNING.equals(warningClass.getReferencedName()) || PyNames.PENDING_DEPRECATION_WARNING.equals(warningClass.getReferencedName()))) { return PyPsiUtils.strValue(callExpression.getArguments()[0]); } } } } } return null; } @Override public String getDocStringValue() { final PyFunctionStub stub = getStub(); if (stub != null) { return stub.getDocString(); } return DocStringUtil.getDocStringValue(this); } @Nullable @Override public StructuredDocString getStructuredDocString() { return CachedValuesManager.getManager(getProject()).getCachedValue(this, myCachedStructuredDocStringProvider); } private boolean isGeneratedStub() { VirtualFile vFile = getContainingFile().getVirtualFile(); if (vFile != null) { vFile = vFile.getParent(); if (vFile != null) { vFile = vFile.getParent(); if (vFile != null && vFile.getName().equals(PythonSdkType.SKELETON_DIR_NAME)) { return true; } } } return false; } @Nullable private String extractReturnType() { final String ARROW = "->"; final StructuredDocString structuredDocString = getStructuredDocString(); if (structuredDocString != null) { return structuredDocString.getReturnType(); } final String docString = getDocStringValue(); if (docString != null && docString.contains(ARROW)) { final List lines = StringUtil.split(docString, "\n"); while (lines.size() > 0 && lines.get(0).trim().length() == 0) { lines.remove(0); } if (lines.size() > 1 && lines.get(1).trim().length() == 0) { String firstLine = lines.get(0); int pos = firstLine.lastIndexOf(ARROW); if (pos >= 0) { return firstLine.substring(pos + 2).trim(); } } } return null; } private static class ReturnVisitor extends PyRecursiveElementVisitor { private final PyFunction myFunction; private final TypeEvalContext myContext; private PyType myResult = null; private boolean myHasReturns = false; private boolean myHasRaises = false; public ReturnVisitor(PyFunction function, final TypeEvalContext context) { myFunction = function; myContext = context; } @Override public void visitPyReturnStatement(PyReturnStatement node) { if (PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(node, ScopeOwner.class, true) == myFunction) { final PyExpression expr = node.getExpression(); PyType returnType; returnType = expr == null ? PyNoneType.INSTANCE : myContext.getType(expr); if (!myHasReturns) { myResult = returnType; myHasReturns = true; } else { myResult = PyUnionType.union(myResult, returnType); } } } @Override public void visitPyRaiseStatement(PyRaiseStatement node) { myHasRaises = true; } @Nullable PyType result() { return myHasReturns || myHasRaises ? myResult : PyNoneType.INSTANCE; } } @Override protected void acceptPyVisitor(PyElementVisitor pyVisitor) { pyVisitor.visitPyFunction(this); } public int getTextOffset() { final ASTNode name = getNameNode(); return name != null ? name.getStartOffset() : super.getTextOffset(); } public void delete() throws IncorrectOperationException { ASTNode node = getNode(); node.getTreeParent().removeChild(node); } public PyStringLiteralExpression getDocStringExpression() { final PyStatementList stmtList = getStatementList(); return stmtList != null ? DocStringUtil.findDocStringExpression(stmtList) : null; } protected String getElementLocation() { final PyClass containingClass = getContainingClass(); if (containingClass != null) { return "(" + containingClass.getName() + " in " + getPackageForFile(getContainingFile()) + ")"; } return super.getElementLocation(); } @NotNull public Iterable iterateNames() { return Collections.singleton(this); } public PyElement getElementNamed(final String the_name) { return the_name.equals(getName()) ? this : null; } public boolean mustResolveOutside() { return false; } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + "('" + getName() + "')"; } public void subtreeChanged() { super.subtreeChanged(); ControlFlowCache.clear(this); } public Property getProperty() { final PyClass containingClass = getContainingClass(); if (containingClass != null) { return containingClass.findPropertyByCallable(this); } return null; } @Override public PyAnnotation getAnnotation() { return findChildByClass(PyAnnotation.class); } @NotNull @Override public SearchScope getUseScope() { final ScopeOwner scopeOwner = ScopeUtil.getScopeOwner(this); if (scopeOwner instanceof PyFunction) { return new LocalSearchScope(scopeOwner); } return super.getUseScope(); } /** * Looks for two standard decorators to a function, or a wrapping assignment that closely follows it. * * @return a flag describing what was detected. */ @Nullable public Modifier getModifier() { String deconame = getClassOrStaticMethodDecorator(); if (PyNames.CLASSMETHOD.equals(deconame)) { return CLASSMETHOD; } else if (PyNames.STATICMETHOD.equals(deconame)) { return STATICMETHOD; } // implicit staticmethod __new__ PyClass cls = getContainingClass(); if (cls != null && PyNames.NEW.equals(getName()) && cls.isNewStyleClass()) { return STATICMETHOD; } // if (getStub() != null) { return getWrappersFromStub(); } String func_name = getName(); if (func_name != null) { PyAssignmentStatement assignment = PsiTreeUtil.getNextSiblingOfType(this, PyAssignmentStatement.class); if (assignment != null) { for (Pair pair : assignment.getTargetsToValuesMapping()) { PyExpression value = pair.getSecond(); if (value instanceof PyCallExpression) { PyExpression target = pair.getFirst(); if (target instanceof PyTargetExpression && func_name.equals(target.getName())) { Pair interpreted = interpretAsModifierWrappingCall((PyCallExpression)value, this); if (interpreted != null) { PyFunction original = interpreted.getSecond(); if (original == this) { String wrapper_name = interpreted.getFirst(); if (PyNames.CLASSMETHOD.equals(wrapper_name)) { return CLASSMETHOD; } else if (PyNames.STATICMETHOD.equals(wrapper_name)) { return STATICMETHOD; } } } } } } } } return null; } @Nullable private Modifier getWrappersFromStub() { final StubElement parentStub = getStub().getParentStub(); final List childrenStubs = parentStub.getChildrenStubs(); int index = childrenStubs.indexOf(getStub()); if (index >= 0 && index < childrenStubs.size() - 1) { StubElement nextStub = (StubElement)childrenStubs.get(index + 1); if (nextStub instanceof PyTargetExpressionStub) { final PyTargetExpressionStub targetExpressionStub = (PyTargetExpressionStub)nextStub; if (targetExpressionStub.getInitializerType() == PyTargetExpressionStub.InitializerType.CallExpression) { final QualifiedName qualifiedName = targetExpressionStub.getInitializer(); if (QualifiedName.fromComponents(PyNames.CLASSMETHOD).equals(qualifiedName)) { return CLASSMETHOD; } if (QualifiedName.fromComponents(PyNames.STATICMETHOD).equals(qualifiedName)) { return STATICMETHOD; } } } } return null; } /** * When a function is decorated many decorators, finds the deepest builtin decorator: *
   * @foo
   * @classmethod # <-- that's it
   * @bar
   * def moo(cls):
   *   pass
* * @return name of the built-in decorator, or null (even if there are non-built-in decorators). */ @Nullable private String getClassOrStaticMethodDecorator() { PyDecoratorList decolist = getDecoratorList(); if (decolist != null) { PyDecorator[] decos = decolist.getDecorators(); if (decos.length > 0) { for (int i = decos.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { PyDecorator deco = decos[i]; String deconame = deco.getName(); if (PyNames.CLASSMETHOD.equals(deconame) || PyNames.STATICMETHOD.equals(deconame)) { return deconame; } for (PyKnownDecoratorProvider provider : PyUtil.KnownDecoratorProviderHolder.KNOWN_DECORATOR_PROVIDERS) { String name = provider.toKnownDecorator(deconame); if (name != null) { return name; } } } } } return null; } @Nullable @Override public String getQualifiedName() { String name = getName(); if (name == null) { return null; } PyClass containingClass = getContainingClass(); if (containingClass != null) { return containingClass.getQualifiedName() + "." + name; } if (PsiTreeUtil.getStubOrPsiParent(this) instanceof PyFile) { VirtualFile virtualFile = getContainingFile().getVirtualFile(); if (virtualFile != null) { final String packageName = QualifiedNameFinder.findShortestImportableName(this, virtualFile); return packageName + "." + name; } } return null; } }