/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.jetbrains.python.psi.impl; import com.intellij.icons.AllIcons; import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode; import com.intellij.lang.Language; import com.intellij.lang.injection.InjectedLanguageManager; import com.intellij.navigation.ItemPresentation; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange; import com.intellij.psi.*; import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.reference.ReferenceProvidersRegistry; import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.LeafElement; import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes; import com.jetbrains.python.codeInsight.regexp.PythonVerboseRegexpLanguage; import com.jetbrains.python.lexer.PyStringLiteralLexer; import com.jetbrains.python.lexer.PythonHighlightingLexer; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.*; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.types.PyType; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.types.TypeEvalContext; import org.intellij.lang.regexp.DefaultRegExpPropertiesProvider; import org.intellij.lang.regexp.RegExpLanguageHost; import org.intellij.lang.regexp.psi.RegExpGroup; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class PyStringLiteralExpressionImpl extends PyElementImpl implements PyStringLiteralExpression, RegExpLanguageHost { public static final Pattern PATTERN_ESCAPE = Pattern .compile("\\\\(\n|\\\\|'|\"|a|b|f|n|r|t|v|([0-7]{1,3})|x([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})" + "|N(\\{.*?\\})|u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})|U([0-9a-fA-F]{8}))"); // -> 1 -> 2 <--> 3 <- -> 4 <--> 5 <- -> 6 <-<- private enum EscapeRegexGroup { WHOLE_MATCH, ESCAPED_SUBSTRING, OCTAL, HEXADECIMAL, UNICODE_NAMED, UNICODE_16BIT, UNICODE_32BIT } private static final Map escapeMap = initializeEscapeMap(); private String stringValue; private List valueTextRanges; @Nullable private List> myDecodedFragments; private final DefaultRegExpPropertiesProvider myPropertiesProvider; private static Map initializeEscapeMap() { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("\n", "\n"); map.put("\\", "\\"); map.put("'", "'"); map.put("\"", "\""); map.put("a", "\001"); map.put("b", "\b"); map.put("f", "\f"); map.put("n", "\n"); map.put("r", "\r"); map.put("t", "\t"); map.put("v", "\013"); return map; } public PyStringLiteralExpressionImpl(ASTNode astNode) { super(astNode); myPropertiesProvider = DefaultRegExpPropertiesProvider.getInstance(); } @Override protected void acceptPyVisitor(PyElementVisitor pyVisitor) { pyVisitor.visitPyStringLiteralExpression(this); } public void subtreeChanged() { super.subtreeChanged(); stringValue = null; valueTextRanges = null; myDecodedFragments = null; } public List getStringValueTextRanges() { if (valueTextRanges == null) { int elStart = getTextRange().getStartOffset(); List ranges = new ArrayList(); for (ASTNode node : getStringNodes()) { TextRange range = getNodeTextRange(node.getText()); int nodeOffset = node.getStartOffset() - elStart; ranges.add(TextRange.from(nodeOffset + range.getStartOffset(), range.getLength())); } valueTextRanges = Collections.unmodifiableList(ranges); } return valueTextRanges; } public static TextRange getNodeTextRange(final String text) { int startOffset = getPrefixLength(text); int delimiterLength = 1; final String afterPrefix = text.substring(startOffset); if (afterPrefix.startsWith("\"\"\"") || afterPrefix.startsWith("'''")) { delimiterLength = 3; } final String delimiter = text.substring(startOffset, startOffset + delimiterLength); startOffset += delimiterLength; int endOffset = text.length(); if (text.substring(startOffset).endsWith(delimiter)) { endOffset -= delimiterLength; } return new TextRange(startOffset, endOffset); } public static int getPrefixLength(String text) { int startOffset = 0; startOffset = PyStringLiteralLexer.skipEncodingPrefix(text, startOffset); startOffset = PyStringLiteralLexer.skipRawPrefix(text, startOffset); startOffset = PyStringLiteralLexer.skipEncodingPrefix(text, startOffset); startOffset = PyStringLiteralLexer.skipRawPrefix(text, startOffset); return startOffset; } private static boolean isRaw(String text) { int startOffset = PyStringLiteralLexer.skipEncodingPrefix(text, 0); return PyStringLiteralLexer.skipRawPrefix(text, startOffset) > startOffset; } private static boolean isUnicode(String text) { return text.length() > 0 && Character.toUpperCase(text.charAt(0)) == 'U'; //TODO[ktisha] } private boolean isUnicodeByDefault() { if (LanguageLevel.forElement(this).isAtLeast(LanguageLevel.PYTHON30)) { return true; } final PsiFile file = getContainingFile(); if (file instanceof PyFile) { final PyFile pyFile = (PyFile)file; return pyFile.hasImportFromFuture(FutureFeature.UNICODE_LITERALS); } return false; } private static boolean isBytes(String text) { return text.length() > 0 && Character.toUpperCase(text.charAt(0)) == 'B'; } private static boolean isChar(String text) { return text.length() > 0 && Character.toUpperCase(text.charAt(0)) == 'C'; } @Override @NotNull public List> getDecodedFragments() { if (myDecodedFragments == null) { final List> result = new ArrayList>(); final int elementStart = getTextRange().getStartOffset(); final boolean unicodeByDefault = isUnicodeByDefault(); for (ASTNode node : getStringNodes()) { final String text = node.getText(); final TextRange textRange = getNodeTextRange(text); final int offset = node.getTextRange().getStartOffset() - elementStart + textRange.getStartOffset(); final String encoded = textRange.substring(text); result.addAll(getDecodedFragments(encoded, offset, isRaw(text), unicodeByDefault || isUnicode(text))); } myDecodedFragments = result; } return myDecodedFragments; } @NotNull private static List> getDecodedFragments(@NotNull String encoded, int offset, boolean raw, boolean unicode) { final List> result = new ArrayList>(); final Matcher escMatcher = PATTERN_ESCAPE.matcher(encoded); int index = 0; while (escMatcher.find(index)) { if (index < escMatcher.start()) { final TextRange range = TextRange.create(index, escMatcher.start()); final TextRange offsetRange = range.shiftRight(offset); result.add(Pair.create(offsetRange, range.substring(encoded))); } final String octal = escapeRegexGroup(escMatcher, EscapeRegexGroup.OCTAL); final String hex = escapeRegexGroup(escMatcher, EscapeRegexGroup.HEXADECIMAL); // TODO: Implement unicode character name escapes: EscapeRegexGroup.UNICODE_NAMED final String unicode16 = escapeRegexGroup(escMatcher, EscapeRegexGroup.UNICODE_16BIT); final String unicode32 = escapeRegexGroup(escMatcher, EscapeRegexGroup.UNICODE_32BIT); final String wholeMatch = escapeRegexGroup(escMatcher, EscapeRegexGroup.WHOLE_MATCH); final boolean escapedUnicode = raw && unicode || !raw; final String str; if (!raw && octal != null) { str = new String(new char[]{(char)Integer.parseInt(octal, 8)}); } else if (!raw && hex != null) { str = new String(new char[]{(char)Integer.parseInt(hex, 16)}); } else if (escapedUnicode && unicode16 != null) { str = unicode ? new String(new char[]{(char)Integer.parseInt(unicode16, 16)}) : wholeMatch; } else if (escapedUnicode && unicode32 != null) { String s = wholeMatch; if (unicode) { try { s = new String(Character.toChars((int)Long.parseLong(unicode32, 16))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { } } str = s; } else if (raw) { str = wholeMatch; } else { final String toReplace = escapeRegexGroup(escMatcher, EscapeRegexGroup.ESCAPED_SUBSTRING); str = escapeMap.get(toReplace); } if (str != null) { final TextRange wholeMatchRange = TextRange.create(escMatcher.start(), escMatcher.end()); result.add(Pair.create(wholeMatchRange.shiftRight(offset), str)); } index = escMatcher.end(); } final TextRange range = TextRange.create(index, encoded.length()); final TextRange offRange = range.shiftRight(offset); result.add(Pair.create(offRange, range.substring(encoded))); return result; } @Nullable private static String escapeRegexGroup(@NotNull Matcher matcher, EscapeRegexGroup group) { return matcher.group(group.ordinal()); } public List getStringNodes() { return Arrays.asList(getNode().getChildren(PyTokenTypes.STRING_NODES)); } public String getStringValue() { //ASTNode child = getNode().getFirstChildNode(); //assert child != null; if (stringValue == null) { final StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); for (Pair fragment : getDecodedFragments()) { out.append(fragment.getSecond()); } stringValue = out.toString(); } return stringValue; } @Override public TextRange getStringValueTextRange() { List allRanges = getStringValueTextRanges(); if (allRanges.size() == 1) { return allRanges.get(0); } if (allRanges.size() > 1) { return new TextRange(allRanges.get(0).getStartOffset(), allRanges.get(allRanges.size()-1).getEndOffset()); } return new TextRange(0, getTextLength()); } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + ": " + getStringValue(); } @Override public boolean isValidHost() { return true; } public PyType getType(@NotNull TypeEvalContext context, @NotNull TypeEvalContext.Key key) { final List nodes = getStringNodes(); if (nodes.size() > 0) { String text = getStringNodes().get(0).getText(); PyFile file = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, PyFile.class); if (file != null) { IElementType type = PythonHighlightingLexer.convertStringType(getStringNodes().get(0).getElementType(), text, LanguageLevel.forElement(this), file.hasImportFromFuture(FutureFeature.UNICODE_LITERALS)); if (PyTokenTypes.UNICODE_NODES.contains(type)) { return PyBuiltinCache.getInstance(this).getUnicodeType(LanguageLevel.forElement(this)); } } } return PyBuiltinCache.getInstance(this).getBytesType(LanguageLevel.forElement(this)); } @NotNull public PsiReference[] getReferences() { return ReferenceProvidersRegistry.getReferencesFromProviders(this, PsiReferenceService.Hints.NO_HINTS); } @Override public ItemPresentation getPresentation() { return new ItemPresentation() { @Nullable @Override public String getPresentableText() { return getStringValue(); } @Nullable @Override public String getLocationString() { return "(" + PyElementPresentation.getPackageForFile(getContainingFile()) + ")"; } @Nullable @Override public Icon getIcon(boolean unused) { return AllIcons.Nodes.Variable; } }; } public PsiLanguageInjectionHost updateText(@NotNull String text) { // TODO is this the correct implementation? most likely not ASTNode valueNode = getNode().getFirstChildNode(); assert valueNode instanceof LeafElement; ((LeafElement)valueNode).replaceWithText(text); return this; } @NotNull public LiteralTextEscaper createLiteralTextEscaper() { return new StringLiteralTextEscaper(this); } private static class StringLiteralTextEscaper extends LiteralTextEscaper { private final PyStringLiteralExpressionImpl myHost; protected StringLiteralTextEscaper(@NotNull PyStringLiteralExpressionImpl host) { super(host); myHost = host; } @Override public boolean decode(@NotNull final TextRange rangeInsideHost, @NotNull final StringBuilder outChars) { for (Pair fragment : myHost.getDecodedFragments()) { final TextRange encodedTextRange = fragment.getFirst(); final TextRange intersection = encodedTextRange.intersection(rangeInsideHost); if (intersection != null && !intersection.isEmpty()) { final String value = fragment.getSecond(); final String intersectedValue; if (value.length() == 1 || value.length() == intersection.getLength()) { intersectedValue = value; } else { final int start = Math.max(0, rangeInsideHost.getStartOffset() - encodedTextRange.getStartOffset()); final int end = Math.min(value.length(), start + intersection.getLength()); intersectedValue = value.substring(start, end); } outChars.append(intersectedValue); } } return true; } @Override public int getOffsetInHost(final int offsetInDecoded, @NotNull final TextRange rangeInsideHost) { int offset = 0; int endOffset = -1; for (Pair fragment : myHost.getDecodedFragments()) { final TextRange encodedTextRange = fragment.getFirst(); final TextRange intersection = encodedTextRange.intersection(rangeInsideHost); if (intersection != null && !intersection.isEmpty()) { final String value = fragment.getSecond(); final int valueLength = value.length(); final int intersectionLength = intersection.getLength(); if (valueLength == 0) { return -1; } else if (valueLength == 1) { if (offset == offsetInDecoded) { return intersection.getStartOffset(); } offset++; } else { if (offset + intersectionLength >= offsetInDecoded) { final int delta = offsetInDecoded - offset; return intersection.getStartOffset() + delta; } offset += intersectionLength; } endOffset = intersection.getEndOffset(); } } // XXX: According to the real use of getOffsetInHost() it should return the correct host offset for the offset in decoded at the // end of the range inside host, not -1 if (offset == offsetInDecoded) { return endOffset; } return -1; } @Override public boolean isOneLine() { return false; } } @Override public int valueOffsetToTextOffset(int valueOffset) { return createLiteralTextEscaper().getOffsetInHost(valueOffset, getStringValueTextRange()); } public boolean characterNeedsEscaping(char c) { if (c == '#') { return isVerboseInjection(); } return c == ']' || c == '}' || c == '\"' || c == '\''; } private boolean isVerboseInjection() { List> files = InjectedLanguageManager.getInstance(getProject()).getInjectedPsiFiles(this); if (files != null) { for (Pair file : files) { Language language = file.getFirst().getLanguage(); if (language == PythonVerboseRegexpLanguage.INSTANCE) { return true; } } } return false; } public boolean supportsPerl5EmbeddedComments() { return true; } public boolean supportsPossessiveQuantifiers() { return false; } public boolean supportsPythonConditionalRefs() { return true; } public boolean supportsNamedGroupSyntax(RegExpGroup group) { return group.isPythonNamedGroup(); } @Override public boolean isValidCategory(@NotNull String category) { return myPropertiesProvider.isValidCategory(category); } @NotNull @Override public String[][] getAllKnownProperties() { return myPropertiesProvider.getAllKnownProperties(); } @Nullable @Override public String getPropertyDescription(@Nullable String name) { return myPropertiesProvider.getPropertyDescription(name); } @NotNull @Override public String[][] getKnownCharacterClasses() { return myPropertiesProvider.getKnownCharacterClasses(); } }