/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.jetbrains.python.refactoring; import com.intellij.refactoring.util.CommonRefactoringUtil; import com.intellij.testFramework.TestDataPath; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyCallExpression; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyExpression; import com.jetbrains.python.refactoring.introduce.IntroduceHandler; import com.jetbrains.python.refactoring.introduce.IntroduceOperation; import com.jetbrains.python.refactoring.introduce.variable.PyIntroduceVariableHandler; import java.util.Collection; /** * @author yole */ @TestDataPath("$CONTENT_ROOT/../testData/refactoring/introduceVariable/") public class PyIntroduceVariableTest extends PyIntroduceTestCase { public void testSimple() { doTest(); } public void testPy995() { doTest(); } public void testSkipLeadingWhitespace() { // PY-1338 doTest(); } public void testPy2862() { doTest(); } public void testMultilineString() { // PY-4962 doTest(); } public void testSuggestKeywordArgumentName() { // PY-1260 doTestSuggestions(PyExpression.class, "extra_context"); } public void testSuggestArgumentName() { // PY-1260 doTestSuggestions(PyExpression.class, "extra_context"); } public void testSuggestTypeName() { // PY-1336 doTestSuggestions(PyCallExpression.class, "my_class"); } public void testSuggestStringConstantValue() { // PY-1276 doTestSuggestions(PyExpression.class, "foo_bar"); } public void testDontSuggestBuiltinTypeNames() { // PY-4474 final Collection strings = buildSuggestions(PyExpression.class); assertTrue(strings.contains("s")); assertFalse(strings.contains("str")); } public void testDontSuggestBuiltinTypeNames2() { // PY-5626 final Collection strings = buildSuggestions(PyCallExpression.class); assertTrue(strings.contains("d")); assertFalse(strings.contains("dict")); } public void testSuggestNamesNotInScope() { // PY-4605 final Collection strings = buildSuggestions(PyExpression.class); assertTrue(strings.contains("myfunc1")); assertFalse(strings.contains("myfunc")); } public void testIncorrectSelection() { // PY-4455 doTestCannotPerform(); } public void testOneSidedSelection() { // PY-4456 doTestCannotPerform(); } public void testFunctionOccurrences() { // PY-5062 doTest(); } public void testBackslash() { // PY-6908 doTest(); } public void testMultipartString() { // PY-6698 doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testSimpleSubstring() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testLeftSubstring() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testRightSubstring() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testMiddleSubstring() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testLeftQuoteSubstring() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testSubstringInExpression() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testSubstringInStatement() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testTripleQuotedSubstring() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testSubstringInExpressionStatement() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testBytesSubstring() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testSubstringContainsFormatChars() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testSubstringBreaksFormatChars() { doTestCannotPerform(); } // PY-3654 public void testSubstringContainsEscapes() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testSubstringBreaksEscapes() { doTestCannotPerform(); } // PY-3654 public void testSubstringBeforeFormatTuple() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testSubstringInsideFormatTuple() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testSubstringAfterFormatTuple() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testSubstringAfterFormatTupleWithComma() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testSubstringFromFormatDict() { doTest(); } // PY-3654 public void testSubstringFromFormatSingleValue() { doTest(); } // PY-8372 public void testSubstringBreaksNewStyleFormatChars() { doTestCannotPerform(); } // PY-8372 public void testSubstringNewStylePositional() { doTest(); } // PY-8372 public void testSubstringNewStyleAutomaticNumbering() { doTest(); } // PY-8372 public void testSubstringNewStyleKeywords() { doTest(); } public void testGeneratorParameter() { doTest(); } // PY-10964 public void testMultiReference() { myFixture.configureByFile(getTestName(true) + ".py"); boolean inplaceEnabled = myFixture.getEditor().getSettings().isVariableInplaceRenameEnabled(); try { myFixture.getEditor().getSettings().setVariableInplaceRenameEnabled(true); IntroduceHandler handler = createHandler(); final IntroduceOperation operation = new IntroduceOperation(myFixture.getProject(), myFixture.getEditor(), myFixture.getFile(), "a_"); operation.setReplaceAll(true); handler.performAction(operation); myFixture.checkResultByFile(getTestName(true) + ".after.py"); } finally { myFixture.getEditor().getSettings().setVariableInplaceRenameEnabled(inplaceEnabled); } } private void doTestCannotPerform() { boolean thrownExpectedException = false; try { doTest(); } catch (CommonRefactoringUtil.RefactoringErrorHintException e) { if (e.getMessage().equals("Cannot perform refactoring using selected element(s)")) { thrownExpectedException = true; } } assertTrue(thrownExpectedException); } @Override protected String getTestDataPath() { return super.getTestDataPath() + "/refactoring/introduceVariable"; } protected IntroduceHandler createHandler() { return new PyIntroduceVariableHandler(); } }