/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.loganalysis.parser; import com.android.loganalysis.item.GfxInfoItem; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class GfxInfoParserTest extends TestCase { /** * Tests gfxinfo output from M with single process. */ public void testSingleProcess() { List input = Arrays.asList( "** Graphics info for pid 853 [com.google.android.leanbacklauncher] **", "", "Stats since: 13370233957ns", "Total frames rendered: 20391", "Janky frames: 785 (3.85%)", "90th percentile: 9ms", "95th percentile: 14ms", "99th percentile: 32ms", "Number Missed Vsync: 155", "Number High input latency: 0", "Number Slow UI thread: 469", "Number Slow bitmap uploads: 65", "Number Slow issue draw commands: 153", "", "Caches:", "Current memory usage / total memory usage (bytes):", " TextureCache 16055224 / 50331648", " LayerCache 0 / 33554432 (numLayers = 0)", " Layers total 0 (numLayers = 0)", " RenderBufferCache 0 / 2097152", " GradientCache 0 / 838860", " PathCache 0 / 25165824", " TessellationCache 1048296 / 1048576", " TextDropShadowCache 0 / 4194304", " PatchCache 0 / 131072", " FontRenderer 0 A8 524288 / 524288", " FontRenderer 0 RGBA 0 / 0", " FontRenderer 0 total 524288 / 524288", "Other:", " FboCache 0 / 0", "Total memory usage:", " 17627808 bytes, 16.81 MB", "", "Profile data in ms:", "", "\tcom.google.android.leanbacklauncher/com.google.android.leanbacklauncher.MainActivity/android.view.ViewRootImpl@8dc465 (visibility=8)", "Stats since: 13370233957ns", "Total frames rendered: 20391", "Janky frames: 785 (3.85%)", "90th percentile: 9ms", "95th percentile: 14ms", "99th percentile: 32ms", "Number Missed Vsync: 155", "Number High input latency: 0", "Number Slow UI thread: 469", "Number Slow bitmap uploads: 65", "Number Slow issue draw commands: 153", "", "View hierarchy:", "", " com.google.android.leanbacklauncher/com.google.android.leanbacklauncher.MainActivity/android.view.ViewRootImpl@8dc465", " 220 views, 177.61 kB of display lists", "", "", "Total ViewRootImpl: 1", "Total Views: 220", "Total DisplayList: 177.61 kB"); GfxInfoItem item = new GfxInfoParser().parse(input); assertEquals(1, item.getPids().size()); assertEquals("com.google.android.leanbacklauncher", item.getName(853)); assertEquals(20391, item.getTotalFrames(853)); assertEquals(785, item.getJankyFrames(853)); assertEquals(9, item.getPrecentile90(853)); assertEquals(14, item.getPrecentile95(853)); assertEquals(32, item.getPrecentile99(853)); } /** * Test gfxinfo output from M with multiple processes. */ public void testMultipleProcesses() { List input = Arrays.asList( "Applications Graphics Acceleration Info:", "Uptime: 6127679 Realtime: 6127679", "", "** Graphics info for pid 844 [com.google.android.leanbacklauncher] **", "", "Stats since: 12167093145ns", "Total frames rendered: 1690", "Janky frames: 125 (7.40%)", "90th percentile: 13ms", "95th percentile: 19ms", "99th percentile: 48ms", "Number Missed Vsync: 17", "Number High input latency: 0", "Number Slow UI thread: 32", "Number Slow bitmap uploads: 20", "Number Slow issue draw commands: 67", "", "Caches:", "Current memory usage / total memory usage (bytes):", " TextureCache 16550096 / 50331648", " LayerCache 0 / 33554432 (numLayers = 0)", " Layers total 0 (numLayers = 0)", " RenderBufferCache 0 / 2097152", " GradientCache 0 / 838860", " PathCache 0 / 25165824", " TessellationCache 350424 / 1048576", " TextDropShadowCache 0 / 4194304", " PatchCache 0 / 131072", " FontRenderer 0 A8 524288 / 524288", " FontRenderer 0 RGBA 0 / 0", " FontRenderer 0 total 524288 / 524288", "Other:", " FboCache 0 / 0", "Total memory usage:", " 17424808 bytes, 16.62 MB", "", "Profile data in ms:", "", "\tcom.google.android.leanbacklauncher/com.google.android.leanbacklauncher.MainActivity/android.view.ViewRootImpl@178d02b (visibility=0)", "Stats since: 12167093145ns", "Total frames rendered: 1690", "Janky frames: 125 (7.40%)", "90th percentile: 13ms", "95th percentile: 19ms", "99th percentile: 48ms", "Number Missed Vsync: 17", "Number High input latency: 0", "Number Slow UI thread: 32", "Number Slow bitmap uploads: 20", "Number Slow issue draw commands: 67", "", "View hierarchy:", "", " com.google.android.leanbacklauncher/com.google.android.leanbacklauncher.MainActivity/android.view.ViewRootImpl@178d02b", " 221 views, 207.24 kB of display lists", "", "", "Total ViewRootImpl: 1", "Total Views: 221", "Total DisplayList: 207.24 kB", "", "", "** Graphics info for pid 1881 [com.android.vending] **", "", "Stats since: 6092969986095ns", "Total frames rendered: 693", "Janky frames: 62 (8.95%)", "90th percentile: 16ms", "95th percentile: 26ms", "99th percentile: 81ms", "Number Missed Vsync: 17", "Number High input latency: 0", "Number Slow UI thread: 30", "Number Slow bitmap uploads: 4", "Number Slow issue draw commands: 13", "", "Caches:", "Current memory usage / total memory usage (bytes):", " TextureCache 7369504 / 50331648", " LayerCache 0 / 33554432 (numLayers = 0)", " Layers total 0 (numLayers = 0)", " RenderBufferCache 0 / 2097152", " GradientCache 0 / 838860", " PathCache 0 / 25165824", " TessellationCache 0 / 1048576", " TextDropShadowCache 0 / 4194304", " PatchCache 0 / 131072", " FontRenderer 0 A8 524288 / 524288", " FontRenderer 0 RGBA 0 / 0", " FontRenderer 0 total 524288 / 524288", "Other:", " FboCache 0 / 0", "Total memory usage:", " 7893792 bytes, 7.53 MB", "", "Profile data in ms:", "", "\tcom.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity/android.view.ViewRootImpl@5bd0cb2 (visibility=8)", "Stats since: 6092969986095ns", "Total frames rendered: 693", "Janky frames: 62 (8.95%)", "90th percentile: 16ms", "95th percentile: 26ms", "99th percentile: 81ms", "Number Missed Vsync: 17", "Number High input latency: 0", "Number Slow UI thread: 30", "Number Slow bitmap uploads: 4", "Number Slow issue draw commands: 13", "", "View hierarchy:", "", " com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity/android.view.ViewRootImpl@5bd0cb2", " 195 views, 157.71 kB of display lists", "", "", "Total ViewRootImpl: 1", "Total Views: 195", "Total DisplayList: 157.71 kB", "", "", "** Graphics info for pid 2931 [com.google.android.videos] **", "", "Stats since: 6039768250261ns", "Total frames rendered: 107", "Janky frames: 42 (39.25%)", "90th percentile: 48ms", "95th percentile: 65ms", "99th percentile: 113ms", "Number Missed Vsync: 9", "Number High input latency: 0", "Number Slow UI thread: 28", "Number Slow bitmap uploads: 8", "Number Slow issue draw commands: 20", "", "Caches:", "Current memory usage / total memory usage (bytes):", " TextureCache 7880000 / 50331648", " LayerCache 0 / 33554432 (numLayers = 0)", " Layers total 0 (numLayers = 0)", " RenderBufferCache 0 / 2097152", " GradientCache 0 / 838860", " PathCache 0 / 25165824", " TessellationCache 0 / 1048576", " TextDropShadowCache 0 / 4194304", " PatchCache 0 / 131072", " FontRenderer 0 A8 524288 / 524288", " FontRenderer 0 RGBA 0 / 0", " FontRenderer 0 total 524288 / 524288", "Other:", " FboCache 0 / 0", "Total memory usage:", " 8404288 bytes, 8.01 MB", "", "Profile data in ms:", "", "\tcom.google.android.videos/com.google.android.videos.pano.activity.PanoHomeActivity/android.view.ViewRootImpl@3d96e69 (visibility=8)", "Stats since: 6039768250261ns", "Total frames rendered: 107", "Janky frames: 42 (39.25%)", "90th percentile: 48ms", "95th percentile: 65ms", "99th percentile: 113ms", "Number Missed Vsync: 9", "Number High input latency: 0", "Number Slow UI thread: 28", "Number Slow bitmap uploads: 8", "Number Slow issue draw commands: 20", "", "View hierarchy:", "", " com.google.android.videos/com.google.android.videos.pano.activity.PanoHomeActivity/android.view.ViewRootImpl@3d96e69", " 219 views, 173.57 kB of display lists", "", "", "Total ViewRootImpl: 1", "Total Views: 219", "Total DisplayList: 173.57 kB"); GfxInfoItem item = new GfxInfoParser().parse(input); assertEquals(3, item.getPids().size()); assertEquals("com.google.android.leanbacklauncher", item.getName(844)); assertEquals(1690, item.getTotalFrames(844)); assertEquals(125, item.getJankyFrames(844)); assertEquals(13, item.getPrecentile90(844)); assertEquals(19, item.getPrecentile95(844)); assertEquals(48, item.getPrecentile99(844)); assertEquals("com.android.vending", item.getName(1881)); assertEquals(693, item.getTotalFrames(1881)); assertEquals(62, item.getJankyFrames(1881)); assertEquals(16, item.getPrecentile90(1881)); assertEquals(26, item.getPrecentile95(1881)); assertEquals(81, item.getPrecentile99(1881)); assertEquals("com.google.android.videos", item.getName(2931)); assertEquals(107, item.getTotalFrames(2931)); assertEquals(42, item.getJankyFrames(2931)); assertEquals(48, item.getPrecentile90(2931)); assertEquals(65, item.getPrecentile95(2931)); assertEquals(113, item.getPrecentile99(2931)); } /** * Test gfxinfo output from L with single process. * In L, gfxinfo does not contain Jank number information. * This method tests that GfxInfoParser silently ignores such outputs. */ public void testSingleProcessInL() { List input = Arrays.asList( "** Graphics info for pid 1924 [com.google.android.leanbacklauncher] **", "", "Caches:", "Current memory usage / total memory usage (bytes):", " TextureCache 19521592 / 50331648", " LayerCache 14745600 / 50331648 (numLayers = 5)", " Layer size 512x512; isTextureLayer()=0; texid=392 fbo=0; refs=1", " Layer size 512x448; isTextureLayer()=0; texid=377 fbo=0; refs=1", " Layer size 1920x832; isTextureLayer()=0; texid=360 fbo=0; refs=1", " Layer size 1920x512; isTextureLayer()=0; texid=14 fbo=0; refs=1", " Layer size 1920x320; isTextureLayer()=0; texid=393 fbo=0; refs=1", " Layers total 14745600 (numLayers = 5)", " RenderBufferCache 0 / 8388608", " GradientCache 0 / 1048576", " PathCache 3370264 / 33554432", " TessellationCache 194928 / 1048576", " TextDropShadowCache 0 / 6291456", " PatchCache 0 / 131072", " FontRenderer 0 A8 1048576 / 1048576", " FontRenderer 0 RGBA 0 / 0", " FontRenderer 0 total 1048576 / 1048576", "Other:", " FboCache 0 / 0", "Total memory usage:", " 38880960 bytes, 37.08 MB", "", "Profile data in ms:", "", "\tcom.google.android.leanbacklauncher/com.google.android.leanbacklauncher.MainActivity/android.view.ViewRootImpl@355a7923 (visibility=0)", "View hierarchy:", "", " com.google.android.leanbacklauncher/com.google.android.leanbacklauncher.MainActivity/android.view.ViewRootImpl@355a7923", " 142 views, 136.96 kB of display lists", "", "", "Total ViewRootImpl: 1", "Total Views: 142", "Total DisplayList: 136.96 kB"); GfxInfoItem item = new GfxInfoParser().parse(input); assertEquals(0, item.getPids().size()); } }