/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.loganalysis.parser; import com.android.loganalysis.item.NativeCrashItem; import com.android.loganalysis.util.ArrayUtil; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * Unit tests for {@link NativeCrashParser}. */ public class NativeCrashParserTest extends TestCase { /** * Test that native crashes are parsed. */ public void testParseage() { List lines = Arrays.asList( "Build fingerprint: 'google/soju/crespo:4.0.4/IMM76D/299849:userdebug/test-keys'", "pid: 2058, tid: 2523 >>> com.google.android.browser <<<", "signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000", " r0 00000000 r1 007d9064 r2 007d9063 r3 00000004", " r4 006bf518 r5 0091e3b0 r6 00000000 r7 9e3779b9", " r8 000006c1 r9 000006c3 10 00000000 fp 67d246c1", " ip d2363b58 sp 50ed71d8 lr 4edfc89b pc 4edfc6a0 cpsr 20000030", " d0 00640065005f0065 d1 0072006f00740069", " d2 00730075006e006b d3 0066006900670000", " d4 00e6d48800e6d3b8 d5 02d517a000e6d518", " d6 0000270f02d51860 d7 0000000002d51a80", " d8 41d3dc5261e7893b d9 3fa999999999999a", " d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000", " d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000", " d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000", " d16 4070000000000000 d17 40c3878000000000", " d18 412310f000000000 d19 3f91800dedacf040", " d20 0000000000000000 d21 0000000000000000", " d22 4010000000000000 d23 0000000000000000", " d24 3ff0000000000000 d25 0000000000000000", " d26 0000000000000000 d27 8000000000000000", " d28 0000000000000000 d29 3ff0000000000000", " d30 0000000000000000 d31 3ff0000000000000", " scr 20000013", "", " #00 pc 001236a0 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #01 pc 00123896 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #02 pc 00123932 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #03 pc 00123e3a /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #04 pc 00123e84 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #05 pc 003db92a /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #06 pc 003dd01c /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #07 pc 002ffb92 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #08 pc 0031c120 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #09 pc 0031c134 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #10 pc 0013fb98 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #11 pc 0015b026 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #12 pc 0015b164 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #13 pc 0015f4cc /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #14 pc 00170472 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #15 pc 0016ecb6 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #16 pc 0027120e /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #17 pc 0026efec /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #18 pc 0026fcd8 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", " #19 pc 00122efa /system/lib/libwebcore.so", "", "code around pc:", "4edfc680 4a14b5f7 0601f001 23000849 3004f88d ...J....I..#...0", "4edfc690 460a9200 3006f8ad e00e4603 3a019f00 ...F...0.F.....:", "4edfc6a0 5c04f833 f83319ed 042c7c02 2cc7ea84 3..\\..3..|,....,", "4edfc6b0 0405ea8c 24d4eb04 33049400 d1ed2a00 .......$...3.*..", "4edfc6c0 f830b126 46681021 ff72f7ff f7ff4668 &.0.!.hF..r.hF..", "", "code around lr:", "4edfc878 f9caf7ff 60209e03 9605e037 5b04f856 ...... `7...V..[", "4edfc888 d0302d00 d13b1c6b 68a8e02d f7ff6869 .-0.k.;.-..hih..", "4edfc898 6128fef3 b010f8d5 99022500 ea0146aa ..(a.....%...F..", "4edfc8a8 9b01080b 0788eb03 3028f853 b9bdb90b ........S.(0....", "4edfc8b8 3301e015 4638d005 f7ff9905 b970ff15 ...3..8F......p.", "", "stack:", " 50ed7198 01d02c08 [heap]", " 50ed719c 40045881 /system/lib/libc.so", " 50ed71a0 400784c8", " 50ed71a4 400784c8", " 50ed71a8 02b40c68 [heap]", " 50ed71ac 02b40c90 [heap]", " 50ed71b0 50ed7290", " 50ed71b4 006bf518 [heap]", " 50ed71b8 00010000", " 50ed71bc 50ed72a4", " 50ed71c0 7da5a695", " 50ed71c4 50ed7290", " 50ed71c8 00000000", " 50ed71cc 00000008", " 50ed71d0 df0027ad", " 50ed71d4 00000000", "#00 50ed71d8 9e3779b9", " 50ed71dc 00002000", " 50ed71e0 00004000", " 50ed71e4 006bf518 [heap]", " 50ed71e8 0091e3b0 [heap]", " 50ed71ec 01d72588 [heap]", " 50ed71f0 00000000", " 50ed71f4 4edfc89b /system/lib/libwebcore.so", "#01 50ed71f8 01d70a78 [heap]", " 50ed71fc 02b6afa8 [heap]", " 50ed7200 00003fff", " 50ed7204 01d70a78 [heap]", " 50ed7208 00004000", " 50ed720c 01d72584 [heap]", " 50ed7210 00000000", " 50ed7214 00000006", " 50ed7218 006bf518 [heap]", " 50ed721c 50ed72a4", " 50ed7220 7da5a695", " 50ed7224 50ed7290", " 50ed7228 000016b8", " 50ed722c 00000008", " 50ed7230 01d70a78 [heap]", " 50ed7234 4edfc937 /system/lib/libwebcore.so", "debuggerd committing suicide to free the zombie!", "debuggerd"); NativeCrashItem nc = new NativeCrashParser().parse(lines); assertNotNull(nc); assertEquals(2058, nc.getPid().intValue()); assertEquals(2523, nc.getTid().intValue()); assertEquals("com.google.android.browser", nc.getApp()); assertEquals("google/soju/crespo:4.0.4/IMM76D/299849:userdebug/test-keys", nc.getFingerprint()); assertEquals(ArrayUtil.join("\n", lines), nc.getStack()); } /** * Test that both types of native crash app lines are parsed. */ public void testParseApp() { List lines = Arrays.asList( "*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***", "Build fingerprint: 'google/soju/crespo:4.0.4/IMM76D/299849:userdebug/test-keys'", "pid: 2058, tid: 2523 >>> com.google.android.browser <<<", "signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000"); NativeCrashItem nc = new NativeCrashParser().parse(lines); assertNotNull(nc); assertEquals(2058, nc.getPid().intValue()); assertEquals(2523, nc.getTid().intValue()); assertEquals("com.google.android.browser", nc.getApp()); lines = Arrays.asList( "*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***", "Build fingerprint: 'google/soju/crespo:4.0.4/IMM76D/299849:userdebug/test-keys'", "pid: 2058, tid: 2523, name: com.google.android.browser >>> com.google.android.browser <<<", "signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000"); nc = new NativeCrashParser().parse(lines); assertNotNull(nc); assertEquals(2058, nc.getPid().intValue()); assertEquals(2523, nc.getTid().intValue()); assertEquals("com.google.android.browser", nc.getApp()); lines = Arrays.asList( "*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***", "Build fingerprint: 'google/soju/crespo:4.0.4/IMM76D/299849:userdebug/test-keys'", "pid: 2058, tid: 2523, name: Atlas Worker #1 >>> com.google.android.browser <<<", "signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000"); nc = new NativeCrashParser().parse(lines); assertNotNull(nc); assertEquals(2058, nc.getPid().intValue()); assertEquals(2523, nc.getTid().intValue()); assertEquals("com.google.android.browser", nc.getApp()); } }