path: root/src/plugins/snippets/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/snippets/')
1 files changed, 532 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# Code Snippets properties
+pluginName=MOTODEV Studio for Android Code Snippets Plug-in
+providerName= Motorola Mobility, Inc.
+# -------------------------
+# System Services
+# -------------------------
+category.service=System Services
+category.service.description=Obtain handles for system-level services
+snippet.service.systemService00=Activity Manager
+snippet.service.systemService01=Alarm Manager
+snippet.service.systemService02=Audio Manager
+snippet.service.systemService03=Clipboard Manager
+snippet.service.systemService04=Connectivity Manager
+snippet.service.systemService05=Input Method Manager
+snippet.service.systemService06=Keyguard Manager
+snippet.service.systemService07=Layout Inflater Manager
+snippet.service.systemService08=Location Manager
+snippet.service.systemService09=Notification Manager
+snippet.service.systemService10=Power Manager
+snippet.service.systemService11=Search Manager
+snippet.service.systemService12=Sensor Manager
+snippet.service.systemService13=Telephony Manager
+snippet.service.systemService16=Wi-Fi Manager
+snippet.service.systemService17=Window Manager
+snippet.service.systemService00.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for interacting with running activities
+snippet.service.systemService01.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for providing access to the system alarm services
+snippet.service.systemService02.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for handling volume, ringer modes, audio routing and so on
+snippet.service.systemService03.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for accessing and modifying the contents of the global clipboard
+snippet.service.systemService04.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for answering queries about the state of network connectivity
+snippet.service.systemService05.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for handling input methods
+snippet.service.systemService06.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for locking and unlocking the keyboard
+snippet.service.systemService07.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for instantiating layout XML files into their corresponding View objects
+snippet.service.systemService08.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for providing access to the system location services (geographical location)
+snippet.service.systemService09.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for informing the user about events that happen in the background
+snippet.service.systemService10.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for controlling power management, including "wake locks"
+snippet.service.systemService11.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for providing access to the system search services
+snippet.service.systemService12.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for accessing sensors, such as those that provide information about device orientation and inclination
+snippet.service.systemService13.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for accessing information about the telephony services on the device
+snippet.service.systemService14.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for interacting with the vibration hardware
+snippet.service.systemService15.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for accessing wallpapers
+snippet.service.systemService16.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for managing all aspects of Wi-Fi connectivity
+snippet.service.systemService17.description=Obtain a handle to the manager responsible for granting apps access to the system window manager
+# -------------------------
+# General
+# -------------------------
+category.general.description=General snippets to use while building your application
+snippet.general.sendSMS=Send an SMS
+snippet.general.toast=Display a Toast
+snippet.general.statusBar=Status Bar Notification
+snippet.general.vibrateTime=Vibrate the phone for a given time
+snippet.general.vibratePattern=Vibrate the phone following an on/off pattern
+snippet.general.strictMode=Turn on Strict Mode
+snippet.general.sendSMS.description=Construct and send an SMS message
+snippet.general.toast.description=Display a "toast" message to the user
+snippet.general.statusBar.description=Display a message in the status bar
+snippet.general.vibrateTime.description=Trigger the vibration hardware for a limited time
+snippet.general.vibratePattern.description=Trigger the vibration hardware to follow an on/off pattern
+snippet.general.strictMode.description=Detect operations executed in the UI that are not recommended and bring them to the user's attention
+# -------------------------
+# Preferences
+# -------------------------
+category.preferences.description=Snippets used to store and retrieve application preferences as key-value pairs.
+snippet.preferences.loadSharedPreference=Retrieve shared preference - named preferences file
+snippet.preferences.loadSharedPreference.description=Retrieve a preference value from a named preferences file.
+snippet.preferences.loadSharedPreferenceFromPreferenceManager=Retrieve shared preference - single preference file
+snippet.preferences.loadSharedPreferenceFromPreferenceManager.description=Retrieve a shared preference from Preference Manager
+snippet.preferences.writeSharedPreference=Write shared preference - named preferences file
+snippet.preferences.writeSharedPreference.description=Write a preference value to a named preferences file.
+snippet.preferences.writeSharedPreferenceFromPreferenceManager=Write shared preference - single preference file
+snippet.preferences.writeSharedPreferenceFromPreferenceManager.description=Write a preference value in the one preferences file used by your Activity.
+# -------------------------
+# Database
+# -------------------------
+category.database.description=Database related snippets which use SQLite
+snippet.database.createOrOpenDb=Database - Create/Open
+snippet.database.deleteDb=Database - Delete
+snippet.database.createTbl=Table - Create
+snippet.database.deleteTbl=Table - Delete
+snippet.database.insertEntry=Entry - Insert
+snippet.database.updateEntry=Entry - Update
+snippet.database.deleteEntry=Entry - Delete
+snippet.database.runQuery=Run SQL Query
+snippet.database.createOrOpenDb.description=Open or create a new SQLite database
+snippet.database.deleteDb.description=Delete a SQLite database
+snippet.database.createTbl.description=Create a new table within a database
+snippet.database.deleteTbl.description=Delete a table from a database
+snippet.database.insertEntry.description=Insert a table row
+snippet.database.updateEntry.description=Update a table row
+snippet.database.deleteEntry.description=Delete a table row
+snippet.database.runQuery.description=Execute a SQL query
+# -------------------------
+# Menus and Action Bar
+# -------------------------
+category.menus=Menus and Action Bar
+category.menus.description=Snippets for working with menu and action bar
+snippet.menus.handleItems=Construct and handle an options menu
+snippet.menus.disableItem=Disable a menu item
+snippet.menus.subItem=Add a sub-menu
+snippet.menus.declareMenuXML=XML menu definition
+snippet.menus.inflateMenu=Inflate menu from XML
+snippet.menus.showActionBar=Show action bar
+snippet.menus.hideActionBar=Hide action bar
+snippet.menus.manage.actionbar.label=Action bar - navigation tab mode
+snippet.menus.toggle.actionbar.label=Toggle action bar visibility
+snippet.menus.handleItems.description=Example of how to add items to an options menu and handle menu item selection. Add this to your activity.
+snippet.menus.disableItem.description=Disable a menu item, making it unusable
+snippet.menus.subItem.description=Add a sub-menu to a menu item
+snippet.menus.declareMenuXML.description=A menu definition, in XML. Save this in res/menu/ and name it <nameYouWantToReferToThisMenu>.xml
+snippet.menus.inflateMenu.description=Inflate an XML menu definition for use in an activity.
+snippet.menus.showActionBar.description=Programmatically show the action bar
+snippet.menus.hideActionBar.description=Programmatically hide the action bar
+snippet.menus.manage.actionbar.description=Put the action bar in tab mode for navigation
+snippet.menus.toggle.actionbar.description=Show the action bar if it is hidden, and hide it otherwise.
+# -------------------------
+# Screen
+# -------------------------
+category.screen.description=Snippets related to screen properties
+snippet.screen.fullscreen=Make an activity full-screen
+snippet.screen.size=Get the screen size
+snippet.screen.orientation=Get the screen orientation
+snippet.screen.fullscreen.description=Expand the current activity so it fits the device's screen
+snippet.screen.size.description=Retrieve the size of the device's screen
+snippet.screen.orientation.description=Retrieve the current screen orientation
+# -------------------------
+# Log
+# -------------------------
+category.log.description=Snippets for logging messages from an Android application
+snippet.log.error=Log ERROR message
+snippet.log.warning=Log WARNING message INFO message
+snippet.log.debug=Log DEBUG message
+snippet.log.error.description=Log an ERROR message
+snippet.log.warning.description=Log a WARNING message an INFO message
+snippet.log.debug.description=Log a DEBUG message
+# -------------------------
+# GPS
+# -------------------------
+category.gps.description=Snippets related to GPS location and status
+snippet.gps.currentCoordinates=Get current GPS coordinates
+snippet.gps.lastCoordinates=Get last known GPS coordinates
+snippet.gps.distance=Distance between GPS coordinates
+snippet.gps.listenerChanges=Register for GPS status changes
+snippet.gps.listenerProximity=Register for a proximity alert
+snippet.gps.currentCoordinates.description=Get the current location of the device
+snippet.gps.lastCoordinates.description=Get the last known location of the device
+snippet.gps.distance.description=Calculate the distance between two locations
+snippet.gps.listenerChanges.description=Register a listener for changes in GPS status
+snippet.gps.listenerProximity.description=Register a listener to be notified when the device is near a given point
+# -------------------------
+# Media
+# -------------------------
+ to play/record media files
+ audio or video from a file within the application audio or video given a path to a file or a URL recording audio recording audio
+ a media file that is located in a folder inside the application a media file that is located in the local file system or on the Internet audio and save to a file the audio recording
+# -------------------------
+# -------------------------
+category.motorolaapi=Motorola APIs
+category.motorolaapi.description=Snippets for Motorola APIs
+snippet.motorolaapi.ffcamera=Use Front-Facing Camera
+snippet.motorolaapi.hdmi=Retrieve HDMI Status
+snippet.motorolaapi.ffcamera.description=Example of how to obtain the camera object that represents the front-facing camera
+snippet.motorolaapi.hdmi.description=Receive notification of HDMI status changes
+# -------------------------
+# Resources and Assets
+# -------------------------
+category.resources=Resources and Assets
+category.resources.description=Snippets to access resources and assets
+snippet.resources.listAssets=List your application's assets
+snippet.resources.readFile=Open an asset as a byte stream
+snippet.resources.readXmlFile=Open an asset for parsing as XML
+snippet.resources.listAssets.description=Create a list of assets within your application's package
+snippet.resources.readFile.description=Retrieve an InputStream for a named asset
+snippet.resources.readXmlFile.description=Retrieve an XmlResourceParser for a compiled XML file
+# -------------------------
+# Dialogs
+# -------------------------
+category.dialogs.description=Snippets to display dialogs
+snippet.dialogs.alert=Alert Dialog
+snippet.dialogs.progressDialog=Progress Dialog
+snippet.dialogs.progressBar=Progress Bar Dialog
+snippet.dialogs.datePicker=Date Picker Dialog
+snippet.dialogs.timePicker=Time Picker Dialog
+snippet.dialogs.custom=Custom Dialog
+snippet.dialogs.customAlert=Custom Alert Dialog
+snippet.dialogs.alert.description=Display a simple alert dialog with a Yes/No question
+snippet.dialogs.progressDialog.description=Display a simple progress dialog
+snippet.dialogs.progressBar.description=Display a progress bar
+snippet.dialogs.datePicker.description=Construct and display a dialog that allows the user to select a date
+snippet.dialogs.timePicker.description=Construct and display a dialog that allows the user to select a time
+snippet.dialogs.custom.description=Display a dialog with custom content. This dialog must have a title.
+snippet.dialogs.customAlert.description=Display an alert dialog with custom content. This dialog doesn't have to have a title.
+# -------------------------
+# Web and WebServices
+# -------------------------
+category.web=Web and Web Services
+category.web.description=Samples of how to access web servers from your Android applications
+ a POST request
+snippet.web.get=Executing a GET request
+snippet.web.json=Retrieve JSON from a server response
+ for a REST response
+ an email
+snippet.web.urlconnection=Retrieve data from a URL
+snippet.web.soap= SOAP example
+ a post request using the Apache HTTPClient
+snippet.web.get.description=Executes a GET request using the Apache HTTPClient
+snippet.web.json.description=Retrieve JSON objects from a RESTful web server response. See the "Query for a REST response" snippet to get the response.
+ an email message where the subject, body, and destination are all text strings
+snippet.web.urlconnection.description=Open a connection to a given URL and get the response as a String
+snippet.web.soap.description=Example of accessing and parsing SOAP from a web server using the KSoap project for a REST response from a web server using a GET request
+# -------------------------
+# Sensors
+# -------------------------
+category.sensors.description=Use of sensors, such as accelerometer
+snnipet.sensor.detect=Detect a sensor
+snnipet.sensor.getorientation=Read data from a sensor
+snnipet.sensor.detect.description=Determine if your device supports a particular sensor
+snnipet.sensor.getorientation.description=Read data from an orientation sensor
+# -------------------------
+# SQL
+# -------------------------
+category.sql.description=Some SQL samples that you can use to mount your queries
+snippet.sql.update=Update a table
+snippet.sql.inner=Inner join example
+snippet.sql.left=Left join example
+snippet.sql.count=Count example
+snippet.sql.insert=Insert example
+snippet.sql.createfromtable=Create a table with data from another table
+snippet.sql.drop=Delete (drop) a table
+snippet.sql.delete=Delete rows
+snippet.sql.create=Create table
+snippet.sql.update.description=SQL query for updating a table
+snippet.sql.inner.description=SQL query for selecting all students from a table students that are also present in the table math_class
+snippet.sql.left.description=SQL query for selecting all students from a table students that has grade bigger than 5 in the table math_class
+snippet.sql.count.description=How many different cities do our students come from?
+snippet.sql.insert.description=Insert a David Bowie album into a database table
+snippet.sql.createfromtable.description=Creates a table composed of rock songs from the "songs" table
+snippet.sql.drop.description=Deletes a named table
+snippet.sql.delete.description=Deletes from a table all songs that have a rating less than 5
+snippet.sql.create.description=Creates a table to store songs
+# -------------------------
+# Bluetooth
+# -------------------------
+category.bluetooth.description=Snippets to access and use the device bluetooth
+snippet.bluetooth.check=Verify that Bluetooth is supported
+snippet.bluetooth.enable=Enable Bluetooth
+snippet.bluetooth.discoverable=Ensure that this device is discoverable
+snippet.bluetooth.getpaired=Get paired devices
+ for remote device discovery
+snippet.bluetooth.incoming=Wait for incoming connections
+snippet.bluetooth.connect=Connect to a device
+snippet.bluetooth.check.description=Verify that the device supports Bluetooth by trying to get the Bluetooth adapter
+snippet.bluetooth.enable.description=If Bluetooth is supported, enables it such that you receive a callback when it is enabled
+snippet.bluetooth.getpaired.description=Gets the set of devices paired with this one
+ intents for remote device discovery. Also includes a BroadcastReceiver that is notified as each device is found and when the discovery process completes.
+snippet.bluetooth.discoverable.description=If this device is not discoverable, make it so
+snippet.bluetooth.incoming.description=Code (likely to run on a thread) that creates a listening, secure RFCOMM Bluetooth socket, retrieves incoming connections, and opens input and output streams connected to the socket.
+snippet.bluetooth.connect.description=Connect to a device
+# -------------------------
+# Localization
+# -------------------------
+category.localization.description=Snippets to work with localized resources
+snippet.localization.string=Get localized string
+snippet.localization.drawable=Get localized drawable
+snippet.localization.curLocale=Get current locale
+snippet.localization.resLocale=Get resource locale
+snippet.localization.dynamicMsg=Create formatted message
+snippet.localization.string.description=Get a localized string resource
+snippet.localization.drawable.description=Get a localized drawable resource
+snippet.localization.curLocale.description=Get the current locale from Java
+snippet.localization.resLocale.description=Get the current locale for your application's package
+snippet.localization.dynamicMsg.description=Create a formatted message containing the full language name in the default locale
+# -------------------------
+# General UI
+# -------------------------
+category.ui=General UI Utilities
+category.ui.description=Code for handling UIs in an efficient way
+snippet.ui.gestures.string=Pixel density independent touch gestures
+snippet.ui.sizes.string=Adjust widget size
+snippet.ui.background.string=Scale bitmap to view size
+snippet.ui.widget.string=Respond to widget interaction
+snippet.ui.moveout.string=Move code out of UI thread
+snippet.ui.backgroundtaskwithnotification.string=Background task with status bar notification
+snippet.ui.hide.statusbar.label=Hide status bar - lights off mode
+snippet.ui.visible.statusbar.label=Make status bar visible
+snippet.ui.gestures.description=Make your touch gestures work the same way, independent of the device pixel density.
+snippet.ui.sizes.description=Adjust the size of a widget (a button, in this example) when the enclosing view changes its size.
+snippet.ui.background.description=Resize a bitmap to the size of a view. Useful for creating background images.
+snippet.ui.widget.description=Handle user interaction with a widget (a button, in this example).
+snippet.ui.moveout.description=Use AsyncTask to perform background operations, thus avoiding UI freezes and improving application responsiveness. This helps with Honeycomb (Android 3.0), which enforces the rule "don't do network access in the UI thread" (throws exception).
+snippet.ui.backgroundtaskwithnotification.description=Use AsyncTask to perform a background operation while the user is notified via the status bar.
+snippet.ui.hide.statusbar.description=Hides status bar
+snippet.ui.visible.statusbar.description=Shows status bar (if it was hidden)
+# -------------------------
+# Android Intents for basic building blocks
+# -------------------------
+intents.ui=Android Intents
+intents.ui.description=Intent templates to call Activities, Broadcast Receivers, and Services
+intents.start.activity.explicitly.label=Start Activity explicitly
+intents.start.activity.explicitly.description=Starts Activity by calling the class (not using id)
+intents.start.activity.implicitly.label=Start Activity implicitly
+intents.start.activity.implicitly.description=Starts Activity by using the id, action and category
+intents.start.activity.for.result.label=Start Activity for result
+intents.start.activity.for.result.description=Starts Activity and waits for a result
+intents.send.broadcast.label=Send Broadcast
+intents.send.broadcast.description=Sends message for broadcast receivers
+intents.start.service.label=Start Service
+intents.start.service.description=Binds and starts service
+# -------------------------
+# Fragment snippets
+# -------------------------
+fragments.ui.description=Code to manipulate fragments
+fragments.replace.transaction.label=Fragment - Replace transaction
+fragments.replace.transaction.description=Replace one fragment by a new one using a animation
+fragments.add.transaction.label=Add Fragment programmatically
+fragments.add.transaction.description=Adds one fragment programmatically
+# -------------------------
+# Face recognition
+# -------------------------
+category.facerecog=Face recognition
+category.facerecog.description=Basic code for finding faces in a Bitmap
+snippet.facerecog.string=Find faces
+snippet.facerecog.description=Find faces in Bitmap and how much confidence can you take on them.