#!/bin/bash # setup_env # Script for pulling down the MOTODEV plugins source, all dependencies, and building # If building on Windows with Cygwin or MingGW/Git Bash, use forward slash format # Required parameters # ===== BEGIN ===== # Insert your build base here. This is where files will be downloaded and build export BUILD_BASE_PATH=/home/username/work/build_test # This is the path to the downloaded Eclipse installation export ECLIPSE_BASE_PATH=$BUILD_BASE_PATH/env/eclipse # Target OS. (WINDOWS, LINUX) #export BUILD_TARGET="WINDOWS" export BUILD_TARGET="LINUX" # ===== END ===== # Required parameters # It's OK if this fails due to existing mkdir $BUILD_BASE_PATH cd $BUILD_BASE_PATH mkdir ./env mkdir ./env/code #mkdir ./env/code/android #mkdir ./env/code/android/makefile #mkdir ./env/code/android/src #mkdir ./env/eclipse mkdir ./input mkdir ./input/repository mkdir ./input/repository/base # These will come from eclipse git repos mkdir ./input/repository/base/REPO_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM mkdir ./input/repository/base/REPO_BIRT mkdir ./input/repository/base/REPO_DATATOOLS mkdir ./input/repository/base/REPO_EMF_XSD_SDO mkdir ./input/repository/base/REPO_GEF mkdir ./input/repository/base/REPO_JDT mkdir ./input/repository/base/REPO_PDE mkdir ./input/repository/base/REPO_WTP mkdir ./input/repository/base/REPO_EGIT mkdir ./input/repository/base/REPO_MYLYN # This will come from eclipse svn mkdir ./input/repository/base/REPO_MAT # This will come from an archive or Eclipse git mkdir ./input/repository/base/REPO_SEQUOYAH # This will come from Google mkdir ./input/repository/base/REPO_ADT # These are set to get the revision used by MOTODEV. In some cases, it # may be necessary to get the HEAD by removing the -b parameter cd ./input/repository/base if [ -f "REPO_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM.zip" ]; then echo "REPO_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.2-201206081400/org.eclipse.platform.source-4.2.zip > REPO_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM.zip; fi if [ -f "REPO_BIRT.zip" ]; then echo "REPO_BIRT.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/birt/downloads/drops/R-R1-4_2_0-201206131143/birt-updatesite-4_2_0.zip > REPO_BIRT.zip; fi if [ -f "REPO_DATATOOLS.zip" ]; then echo "REPO_DATATOOLS.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/datatools/downloads/1.10/dtp-sdk_1.10.zip > REPO_DATATOOLS.zip; fi if [ -f "REPO_EMF_XSD_SDO.zip" ]; then echo "REPO_EMF_XSD_SDO.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/emf/downloads/drops/2.8.0/R201206080554/emf-xsd-Update-2.8.0.zip > REPO_EMF_XSD_SDO.zip; fi if [ -f "REPO_GEF.zip" ]; then echo "REPO_GEF.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/tools/gef/downloads/drops/3.8.0/R201206112118/GEF-ALL-3.8.0.zip > REPO_GEF.zip; fi if [ -f "REPO_JDT.zip" ]; then echo "REPO_JDT.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.2-201206081400/org.eclipse.jdt.source-4.2.zip > REPO_JDT.zip; fi if [ -f "REPO_PDE.zip" ]; then echo "REPO_PDE.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.2-201206081400/org.eclipse.pde.source-4.2.zip > REPO_PDE.zip; fi if [ -f "REPO_WTP.zip" ]; then echo "REPO_WTP.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/downloads/drops/R3.4.0/R-3.4.0-20120612174739/wtp4x-repo-R-3.4.0-20120612174739.zip > REPO_WTP.zip; fi if [ -f "REPO_MAT.zip" ]; then echo "REPO_MAT.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/mat/1.1.1/MemoryAnalyzer- > REPO_MAT.zip; fi if [ -f "REPO_SEQUOYAH.zip" ]; then echo "REPO_SEQUOYAH.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/sequoyah/downloads/drops/2.1/2.1.1.N20120718-0509/org.eclipse.sequoyah.feature.2.1.1.N20120718-0509.zip > REPO_SEQUOYAH.zip; fi if [ -f "REPO_EGIT.zip" ]; then echo "REPO_EGIT.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates-2.0/org.eclipse.egit.repository- > REPO_EGIT.zip; fi if [ -f "REPO_MYLYN.zip" ]; then echo "REPO_MYLYN.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/eclipse/mylyn/drops/3.8.0/v20120612-0600/mylyn-3.8.0.v20120612-0600.zip > REPO_MYLYN.zip; fi if [ -f "REPO_ADT.zip" ]; then echo "REPO_ADT.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://dl.google.com/android/ADT-20.0.3.zip > REPO_ADT.zip; fi # call unzip -q if it exists on all the downloaded repos # unzip -q REPO_EGIT.zip -d ./REPO_EGIT if ! [ -f "./REPO_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM/artifacts.jar" ]; then unzip -q REPO_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM.zip -d ./REPO_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM; fi if ! [ -f "./REPO_BIRT/artifacts.jar" ]; then unzip -q REPO_BIRT.zip -d ./REPO_BIRT; fi if ! [ -f "./REPO_EMF_XSD_SDO/artifacts.jar" ]; then unzip -q REPO_EMF_XSD_SDO.zip -d ./REPO_EMF_XSD_SDO; fi if ! [ -f "./REPO_JDT/artifacts.jar" ]; then unzip -q REPO_JDT.zip -d ./REPO_JDT; fi if ! [ -f "./REPO_PDE/artifacts.jar" ]; then unzip -q REPO_PDE.zip -d ./REPO_PDE; fi if ! [ -f "./REPO_WTP/artifacts.jar" ]; then unzip -q REPO_WTP.zip -d ./REPO_WTP; fi if ! [ -f "./REPO_MAT/artifacts.jar" ]; then unzip -q REPO_MAT.zip -d ./REPO_MAT; fi if ! [ -f "./REPO_SEQUOYAH/artifacts.jar" ]; then unzip -q REPO_SEQUOYAH.zip -d ./REPO_SEQUOYAH; fi if ! [ -f "./REPO_EGIT/artifacts.jar" ]; then unzip -q REPO_EGIT.zip -d ./REPO_EGIT; fi if ! [ -f "./REPO_MYLYN/artifacts.jar" ]; then unzip -q REPO_MYLYN.zip -d ./REPO_MYLYN; fi if ! [ -f "./REPO_ADT/site.xml" ]; then unzip -q REPO_ADT.zip -d ./REPO_ADT; fi # Get the MOTODEV plugins code cd $BUILD_BASE_PATH cd ./env/code git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/motodev.git mv motodev/ android # Get the eclipse SDK + delta pack cd $BUILD_BASE_PATH if [ "$BUILD_TARGET" == "WINDOWS" ]; then if [ -f "eclipse-SDK-4.2-win32-x86_64.zip" ]; then echo "eclipse-SDK-4.2-win32-x86_64.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.2-201206081400/eclipse-SDK-4.2-win32-x86_64.zip > eclipse-SDK-4.2-win32-x86_64.zip; fi if ! [ -f "./env/eclipse/artifacts.xml" ]; then unzip -q eclipse-SDK-4.2-win32-x86_64.zip -d ./env; fi elif [ "$BUILD_TARGET" == "LINUX" ]; then if [ -f "eclipse-SDK-4.2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz" ]; then echo "eclipse-SDK-4.2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.2-201206081400/eclipse-SDK-4.2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz > eclipse-SDK-4.2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz; fi if ! [ -f "./env/eclipse/artifacts.xml" ]; then tar -xcf eclipse-SDK-4.2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz -C ./env fi fi if [ -f "eclipse-4.2-delta-pack.zip" ]; then echo "eclipse-4.2-delta-pack.zip exists. Skipping."; else curl http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.2-201206081400/eclipse-4.2-delta-pack.zip > eclipse-4.2-delta-pack.zip; fi unzip -q -o eclipse-4.2-delta-pack.zip -d ./env # These two are in an incompatible format cd $BUILD_BASE_PATH mkdir ./TEMP if ! [ -f "$BUILD_BASE_PATH/TEMP/REPO_DATATOOLS/eclipse/notice.html" ]; then unzip -q ./input/repository/base/REPO_DATATOOLS.zip -d ./TEMP/REPO_DATATOOLS; fi if ! [ -f "$BUILD_BASE_PATH/input/repository/base/REPO_DATATOOLS/artifacts.jar" ]; then java -jar $ECLIPSE_BASE_PATH/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20120522-1813.jar -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher -metadataRepository file://$BUILD_BASE_PATH/input/repository/base/REPO_DATATOOLS -artifactRepository file://$BUILD_BASE_PATH/input/repository/base/REPO_DATATOOLS -source $BUILD_BASE_PATH/TEMP/REPO_DATATOOLS/eclipse -compress -publishArtifacts ; fi if ! [ -f "$BUILD_BASE_PATH/TEMP/REPO_GEF/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.gef_3.8.0.201206112118.jar" ]; then unzip -q ./input/repository/base/REPO_GEF.zip -d ./TEMP/REPO_GEF ; fi if ! [ -f "$BUILD_BASE_PATH/input/repository/base/REPO_GEF/artifacts.jar" ]; then java -jar $ECLIPSE_BASE_PATH/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20120522-1813.jar -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher -metadataRepository file://$BUILD_BASE_PATH/input/repository/base/REPO_GEF -artifactRepository file://$BUILD_BASE_PATH/input/repository/base/REPO_GEF -source $BUILD_BASE_PATH/TEMP/REPO_GEF/eclipse -compress -publishArtifacts ; fi # Now that everything is in place, create these two variables export ADT_JAR_FILENAME=`ls input/repository/base/REPO_ADT/plugins | grep eclipse.adt_ | sed "s/.jar//"` export DDMS_JAR_FILENAME=`ls input/repository/base/REPO_ADT/plugins | grep eclipse.ddms_ | sed "s/.jar//"` # Run the eclipse to build the plugins $ECLIPSE_BASE_PATH/eclipse -nosplash -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -data $BUILD_BASE_PATH/env/workspace_product -buildfile $BUILD_BASE_PATH/env/code/android/makefile/studioBuild.xml -debug # Add these items to the build command line if you want a log file #-logger org.apache.tools.ant.XmlLogger -logfile $BUILD_BASE_PATH/log.xml