/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.tradefed.config; import com.android.ddmlib.Log; import com.android.tradefed.command.CommandOptions; import com.android.tradefed.log.LogUtil.CLog; import com.android.tradefed.util.ClassPathScanner; import com.android.tradefed.util.ClassPathScanner.IClassPathFilter; import com.android.tradefed.util.DirectedGraph; import com.android.tradefed.util.FileUtil; import com.android.tradefed.util.StreamUtil; import com.android.tradefed.util.SystemUtil; import com.android.tradefed.util.keystore.DryRunKeyStore; import com.android.tradefed.util.keystore.IKeyStoreClient; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Factory for creating {@link IConfiguration}. */ public class ConfigurationFactory implements IConfigurationFactory { private static final String LOG_TAG = "ConfigurationFactory"; private static IConfigurationFactory sInstance = null; private static final String CONFIG_SUFFIX = ".xml"; private static final String CONFIG_PREFIX = "config/"; private static final String DRY_RUN_TEMPLATE_CONFIG = "empty"; private static final String CONFIG_ERROR_PATTERN = "(Could not find option with name )(.*)"; private Map mConfigDefMap; /** * A simple struct-like class that stores a configuration's name alongside * the arguments for any {@code } tags it may contain. * Because the actual bits stored by the configuration may vary with * template arguments, they must be considered as essential a part of the * configuration's identity as the filename. */ static class ConfigId { public String name = null; public Map templateMap = new HashMap<>(); /** * No-op constructor */ public ConfigId() { } /** * Convenience constructor. Equivalent to calling two-arg constructor * with {@code null} {@code templateMap}. */ public ConfigId(String name) { this(name, null); } /** * Two-arg convenience constructor. {@code templateMap} may be null. */ public ConfigId(String name, Map templateMap) { this.name = name; if (templateMap != null) { this.templateMap.putAll(templateMap); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int hashCode() { return 2 * ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode()) + 3 * templateMap.hashCode(); } private boolean matches(Object a, Object b) { if (a == null && b == null) return true; if (a == null || b == null) return false; return a.equals(b); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == null) return false; if (!(other instanceof ConfigId)) return false; final ConfigId otherConf = (ConfigId) other; return matches(name, otherConf.name) && matches(templateMap, otherConf.templateMap); } } /** * A {@link IClassPathFilter} for configuration XML files. */ private class ConfigClasspathFilter implements IClassPathFilter { private String mPrefix = null; public ConfigClasspathFilter(String prefix) { mPrefix = getConfigPrefix(); if (prefix != null) { mPrefix += prefix; } CLog.d("Searching the '%s' config path", mPrefix); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean accept(String pathName) { // only accept entries that match the pattern, and that we don't already know about final ConfigId pathId = new ConfigId(pathName); return pathName.startsWith(mPrefix) && pathName.endsWith(CONFIG_SUFFIX) && !mConfigDefMap.containsKey(pathId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String transform(String pathName) { // strip off CONFIG_PREFIX and CONFIG_SUFFIX int pathStartIndex = getConfigPrefix().length(); int pathEndIndex = pathName.length() - CONFIG_SUFFIX.length(); return pathName.substring(pathStartIndex, pathEndIndex); } } /** * A {@link Comparator} for {@link ConfigurationDef} that sorts by * {@link ConfigurationDef#getName()}. */ private static class ConfigDefComparator implements Comparator { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int compare(ConfigurationDef d1, ConfigurationDef d2) { return d1.getName().compareTo(d2.getName()); } } /** * Get a list of {@link File} of the test cases directories * *

The wrapper function is for unit test to mock the system calls. * * @return a list of {@link File} of directories of the test cases folder of build output, based * on the value of environment variables. */ @VisibleForTesting List getExternalTestCasesDirs() { return SystemUtil.getExternalTestCasesDirs(); } /** * Get the path to the config file for a test case. * *

The given name in a test config can be the name of a test case located in an out directory * defined in the following environment variables: * *



This method tries to locate the test config name in these directories. If no config is * found, return null. * * @param name Name of a config file. * @return A File object of the config file for the given test case. */ @VisibleForTesting File getTestCaseConfigPath(String name) { String[] possibleConfigFileNames = {name + ".xml", name + ".config"}; for (File testCasesDir : getExternalTestCasesDirs()) { for (String configFileName : possibleConfigFileNames) { File config = FileUtil.findFile(testCasesDir, configFileName); if (config != null) { CLog.d("Using config: %s/%s", testCasesDir.getAbsoluteFile(), configFileName); return config; } } } return null; } /** * Implementation of {@link IConfigDefLoader} that tracks the included configurations from one * root config, and throws an exception on circular includes. */ class ConfigLoader implements IConfigDefLoader { private final boolean mIsGlobalConfig; private DirectedGraph mConfigGraph = new DirectedGraph(); public ConfigLoader(boolean isGlobalConfig) { mIsGlobalConfig = isGlobalConfig; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ConfigurationDef getConfigurationDef(String name, Map templateMap) throws ConfigurationException { String configName = name; if (!isBundledConfig(name)) { configName = getAbsolutePath(null, name); // If the config file does not exist in the default location, try to locate it from // test cases directories defined by environment variables. File configFile = new File(configName); if (!configFile.exists()) { configFile = getTestCaseConfigPath(name); if (configFile != null) { configName = configFile.getAbsolutePath(); } } } final ConfigId configId = new ConfigId(name, templateMap); ConfigurationDef def = mConfigDefMap.get(configId); if (def == null || def.isStale()) { def = new ConfigurationDef(configName); loadConfiguration(configName, def, null, templateMap); mConfigDefMap.put(configId, def); } else { if (templateMap != null) { // Clearing the map before returning the cached config to // avoid seeing them as unused. templateMap.clear(); } } return def; } /** * Returns true if it is a config file found inside the classpath. */ private boolean isBundledConfig(String name) { InputStream configStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream( String.format("/%s%s%s", getConfigPrefix(), name, CONFIG_SUFFIX)); return configStream != null; } /** * Get the absolute path of a local config file. * * @param root parent path of config file * @param name config file * @return absolute path for local config file. * @throws ConfigurationException */ private String getAbsolutePath(String root, String name) throws ConfigurationException { File file = new File(name); if (!file.isAbsolute()) { if (root == null) { // if root directory was not specified, get the current // working directory. root = System.getProperty("user.dir"); } file = new File(root, name); } try { return file.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(String.format( "Failure when trying to determine local file canonical path %s", e)); } } /** * Configs that are bundled inside the tradefed.jar can only include other configs also * bundled inside tradefed.jar. However, local (external) configs can include both local * (external) and bundled configs. */ @Override public void loadIncludedConfiguration( ConfigurationDef def, String parentName, String name, String deviceTagObject, Map templateMap) throws ConfigurationException { String config_name = name; if (!isBundledConfig(name)) { try { // Check that included config is either bundled or exists in filesystem if (isBundledConfig(parentName)) { // check that 'name' maps to a local file that exists File localConfig = new File(name); if (!localConfig.exists()) { localConfig = getTestCaseConfigPath(name); } if (localConfig == null) { throw new ConfigurationException(String.format( "Bundled config '%s' is including a config '%s' that's neither " + "local nor bundled.", parentName, name)); } config_name = localConfig.getAbsolutePath(); } else { // Local configs' include should be relative to their parent's path. String parentRoot = new File(parentName).getParentFile().getCanonicalPath(); config_name = getAbsolutePath(parentRoot, name); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(String.format( "Failure when trying to determine local file canonical path %s", e)); } } mConfigGraph.addEdge(parentName, config_name); // If the inclusion of configurations is a cycle we throw an exception. if (!mConfigGraph.isDag()) { CLog.e("%s", mConfigGraph); throw new ConfigurationException(String.format( "Circular configuration include: config '%s' is already included", config_name)); } loadConfiguration(config_name, def, deviceTagObject, templateMap); } /** * Loads a configuration. * * @param name the name of a built-in configuration to load or a file path to configuration * xml to load * @param def the loaded {@link ConfigurationDef} * @param deviceTagObject name of the current deviceTag if we are loading from a config * inside an . Null otherwise. * @param templateMap map from template-include names to their respective concrete * configuration files * @throws ConfigurationException if a configuration with given name/file path cannot be * loaded or parsed */ void loadConfiguration( String name, ConfigurationDef def, String deviceTagObject, Map templateMap) throws ConfigurationException { //Log.d(LOG_TAG, String.format("Loading configuration '%s'", name)); BufferedInputStream bufStream = getConfigStream(name); ConfigurationXmlParser parser = new ConfigurationXmlParser(this, deviceTagObject); parser.parse(def, name, bufStream, templateMap); // Track local config source files if (!isBundledConfig(name)) { def.registerSource(new File(name)); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isGlobalConfig() { return mIsGlobalConfig; } } ConfigurationFactory() { mConfigDefMap = new Hashtable(); } /** * Get the singleton {@link IConfigurationFactory} instance. */ public static IConfigurationFactory getInstance() { if (sInstance == null) { sInstance = new ConfigurationFactory(); } return sInstance; } /** * Retrieve the {@link ConfigurationDef} for the given name * * @param name the name of a built-in configuration to load or a file path to configuration xml * to load * @return {@link ConfigurationDef} * @throws ConfigurationException if an error occurred loading the config */ ConfigurationDef getConfigurationDef( String name, boolean isGlobal, Map templateMap) throws ConfigurationException { return new ConfigLoader(isGlobal).getConfigurationDef(name, templateMap); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IConfiguration createConfigurationFromArgs(String[] arrayArgs) throws ConfigurationException { return createConfigurationFromArgs(arrayArgs, null); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IConfiguration createConfigurationFromArgs(String[] arrayArgs, List unconsumedArgs) throws ConfigurationException { return createConfigurationFromArgs(arrayArgs, unconsumedArgs, null); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IConfiguration createConfigurationFromArgs(String[] arrayArgs, List unconsumedArgs, IKeyStoreClient keyStoreClient) throws ConfigurationException { List listArgs = new ArrayList(arrayArgs.length); // FIXME: Update parsing to not care about arg order. String[] reorderedArrayArgs = reorderArgs(arrayArgs); IConfiguration config = internalCreateConfigurationFromArgs(reorderedArrayArgs, listArgs, keyStoreClient); config.setCommandLine(arrayArgs); if (listArgs.contains("--" + CommandOptions.DRY_RUN_OPTION)) { // In case of dry-run, we replace the KeyStore by a dry-run one. CLog.w("dry-run detected, we are using a dryrun keystore"); keyStoreClient = new DryRunKeyStore(); } final List tmpUnconsumedArgs = config.setOptionsFromCommandLineArgs( listArgs, keyStoreClient); if (unconsumedArgs == null && tmpUnconsumedArgs.size() > 0) { // (unconsumedArgs == null) is taken as a signal that the caller // expects all args to // be processed. throw new ConfigurationException(String.format( "Invalid arguments provided. Unprocessed arguments: %s", tmpUnconsumedArgs)); } else if (unconsumedArgs != null) { // Return the unprocessed args unconsumedArgs.addAll(tmpUnconsumedArgs); } return config; } /** * Creates a {@link Configuration} from the name given in arguments. *

* Note will not populate configuration with values from options * * @param arrayArgs the full list of command line arguments, including the * config name * @param optionArgsRef an empty list, that will be populated with the * option arguments left to be interpreted * @param keyStoreClient {@link IKeyStoreClient} keystore client to use if * any. * @return An {@link IConfiguration} object representing the configuration * that was loaded * @throws ConfigurationException */ private IConfiguration internalCreateConfigurationFromArgs(String[] arrayArgs, List optionArgsRef, IKeyStoreClient keyStoreClient) throws ConfigurationException { if (arrayArgs.length == 0) { throw new ConfigurationException("Configuration to run was not specified"); } final List listArgs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(arrayArgs)); // first arg is config name final String configName = listArgs.remove(0); // Steal ConfigurationXmlParser arguments from the command line final ConfigurationXmlParserSettings parserSettings = new ConfigurationXmlParserSettings(); final ArgsOptionParser templateArgParser = new ArgsOptionParser(parserSettings); if (keyStoreClient != null) { templateArgParser.setKeyStore(keyStoreClient); } optionArgsRef.addAll(templateArgParser.parseBestEffort(listArgs)); ConfigurationDef configDef = getConfigurationDef(configName, false, parserSettings.templateMap); if (!parserSettings.templateMap.isEmpty()) { // remove the bad ConfigDef from the cache. for (ConfigId cid : mConfigDefMap.keySet()) { if (mConfigDefMap.get(cid) == configDef) { CLog.d("Cleaning the cache for this configdef"); mConfigDefMap.remove(cid); break; } } throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Unused template:map parameters: %s", parserSettings.templateMap.toString())); } return configDef.createConfiguration(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IGlobalConfiguration createGlobalConfigurationFromArgs(String[] arrayArgs, List remainingArgs) throws ConfigurationException { List listArgs = new ArrayList(arrayArgs.length); IGlobalConfiguration config = internalCreateGlobalConfigurationFromArgs(arrayArgs, listArgs); remainingArgs.addAll(config.setOptionsFromCommandLineArgs(listArgs)); return config; } /** * Creates a {@link GlobalConfiguration} from the name given in arguments. *

* Note will not populate configuration with values from options * * @param arrayArgs the full list of command line arguments, including the config name * @param optionArgsRef an empty list, that will be populated with the * remaining option arguments * @return a {@link IGlobalConfiguration} created from the args * @throws ConfigurationException */ private IGlobalConfiguration internalCreateGlobalConfigurationFromArgs(String[] arrayArgs, List optionArgsRef) throws ConfigurationException { if (arrayArgs.length == 0) { throw new ConfigurationException("Configuration to run was not specified"); } optionArgsRef.addAll(Arrays.asList(arrayArgs)); // first arg is config name final String configName = optionArgsRef.remove(0); ConfigurationDef configDef = getConfigurationDef(configName, true, null); return configDef.createGlobalConfiguration(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void printHelp(PrintStream out) { try { loadAllConfigs(true); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { // ignore, should never happen } // sort the configs by name before displaying SortedSet configDefs = new TreeSet( new ConfigDefComparator()); configDefs.addAll(mConfigDefMap.values()); for (ConfigurationDef def : configDefs) { out.printf(" %s: %s", def.getName(), def.getDescription()); out.println(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List getConfigList() { return getConfigList(null); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List getConfigList(String subPath) { return getConfigList(subPath, true); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List getConfigList(String subPath, boolean loadFromEnv) { Set configNames = getConfigSetFromClasspath(subPath); if (loadFromEnv) { // list config on variable path too configNames.addAll(getConfigNamesFromTestCases(subPath)); } // sort the configs by name before adding to list SortedSet configDefs = new TreeSet(); configDefs.addAll(configNames); List configs = new ArrayList(); configs.addAll(configDefs); return configs; } /** * Private helper to get the full set of configurations. */ private Set getConfigSetFromClasspath(String subPath) { ClassPathScanner cpScanner = new ClassPathScanner(); return cpScanner.getClassPathEntries(new ConfigClasspathFilter(subPath)); } /** * Helper to get the test config files from test cases directories from build output. * * @param subPath where to look for configuration. Can be null. */ @VisibleForTesting Set getConfigNamesFromTestCases(String subPath) { return ConfigurationUtil.getConfigNamesFromDirs(subPath, getExternalTestCasesDirs()); } /** * Loads all configurations found in classpath and test cases directories. * * @param discardExceptions true if any ConfigurationException should be ignored. * @throws ConfigurationException */ public void loadAllConfigs(boolean discardExceptions) throws ConfigurationException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos); boolean failed = false; Set configNames = getConfigSetFromClasspath(null); // TODO: split the the configs into two lists, one from the jar packages and one from test // cases directories. configNames.addAll(getConfigNamesFromTestCases(null)); for (String configName : configNames) { final ConfigId configId = new ConfigId(configName); try { ConfigurationDef configDef = attemptLoad(configId, null); mConfigDefMap.put(configId, configDef); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { ps.printf("Failed to load %s: %s", configName, e.getMessage()); ps.println(); failed = true; } } if (failed) { if (discardExceptions) { CLog.e("Failure loading configs"); CLog.e(baos.toString()); } else { throw new ConfigurationException(baos.toString()); } } } /** * Helper to load a configuration. */ private ConfigurationDef attemptLoad(ConfigId configId, Map templateMap) throws ConfigurationException { ConfigurationDef configDef = null; try { configDef = getConfigurationDef(configId.name, false, templateMap); return configDef; } catch (TemplateResolutionError tre) { // When a template does not have a default, we try again with known good template // to make sure file formatting at the very least is fine. Map fakeTemplateMap = new HashMap(); if (templateMap != null) { fakeTemplateMap.putAll(templateMap); } fakeTemplateMap.put(tre.getTemplateKey(), DRY_RUN_TEMPLATE_CONFIG); // We go recursively in case there are several template to dry run. return attemptLoad(configId, fakeTemplateMap); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void printHelpForConfig(String[] args, boolean importantOnly, PrintStream out) { try { IConfiguration config = internalCreateConfigurationFromArgs(args, new ArrayList(args.length), null); config.printCommandUsage(importantOnly, out); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { // config must not be specified. Print generic help printHelp(out); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void dumpConfig(String configName, PrintStream out) { try { InputStream configStream = getConfigStream(configName); StreamUtil.copyStreams(configStream, out); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, e); } } /** * Return the path prefix of config xml files on classpath *

* Exposed so unit tests can mock. * * @return {@link String} path with trailing / */ String getConfigPrefix() { return CONFIG_PREFIX; } /** * Loads an InputStream for given config name * * @param name the configuration name to load * @return a {@link BufferedInputStream} for reading config contents * @throws ConfigurationException if config could not be found */ private BufferedInputStream getConfigStream(String name) throws ConfigurationException { InputStream configStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream( String.format("/%s%s%s", getConfigPrefix(), name, CONFIG_SUFFIX)); if (configStream == null) { // now try to load from file try { configStream = new FileInputStream(name); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Could not find configuration '%s'", name)); } } // buffer input for performance - just in case config file is large return new BufferedInputStream(configStream); } /** * Utility method that checks that all configs can be loaded, parsed, and * all option values set. * Only exposed so that depending project can validate their configs. * Should not be exposed in the console. * * @throws ConfigurationException if one or more configs failed to load */ public void loadAndPrintAllConfigs() throws ConfigurationException { loadAllConfigs(false); boolean failed = false; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos); for (ConfigurationDef def : mConfigDefMap.values()) { try { def.createConfiguration().printCommandUsage(false, new PrintStream(StreamUtil.nullOutputStream())); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof ClassNotFoundException) { ClassNotFoundException cnfe = (ClassNotFoundException)e.getCause(); String className = cnfe.getLocalizedMessage(); // Some Cts configs are shipped with Trade Federation, we exclude those from // the failure since these packages are not available for loading. if (className != null && className.startsWith("com.android.cts.")) { CLog.w("Could not confirm %s: %s because not part of Trade Federation " + "packages.", def.getName(), e.getMessage()); continue; } } else if (Pattern.matches(CONFIG_ERROR_PATTERN, e.getMessage())) { // If options are inside configuration object tag we are able to validate them if (!e.getMessage().contains("com.android.") && !e.getMessage().contains("com.google.android.")) { // We cannot confirm if an option is indeed missing since a template of // option only is possible to avoid repetition in configuration with the // same base. CLog.w("Could not confirm %s: %s", def.getName(), e.getMessage()); continue; } } ps.printf("Failed to print %s: %s", def.getName(), e.getMessage()); ps.println(); failed = true; } } if (failed) { throw new ConfigurationException(baos.toString()); } } /** * Exposed for testing. Return a copy of the Map. */ protected Map getMapConfig() { // We return a copy to ensure it is not modified outside return new HashMap(mConfigDefMap); } /** In some particular case, we need to clear the map. */ @VisibleForTesting public void clearMapConfig() { mConfigDefMap.clear(); } /** Reorder the args so that template:map args are all moved to the front. */ @VisibleForTesting protected String[] reorderArgs(String[] args) { List nonTemplateArgs = new ArrayList(); List reorderedArgs = new ArrayList(); String[] reorderedArgsArray = new String[args.length]; String arg; // First arg is the config. if (args.length > 0) { reorderedArgs.add(args[0]); } // Split out the template and non-template args so we can add // non-template args at the end while maintaining their order. for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { arg = args[i]; if (arg.equals("--template:map")) { // We need to account for these two types of template:map args. // --template:map tm=tm1 // --template:map tm tm1 reorderedArgs.add(arg); for (int j = i + 1; j < args.length; j++) { if (args[j].startsWith("-")) { break; } else { reorderedArgs.add(args[j]); i++; } } } else { nonTemplateArgs.add(arg); } } reorderedArgs.addAll(nonTemplateArgs); return reorderedArgs.toArray(reorderedArgsArray); } }