/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.tradefed.targetprep; import com.android.ddmlib.Log; import com.android.tradefed.build.IDeviceBuildInfo; import com.android.tradefed.device.DeviceNotAvailableException; import com.android.tradefed.device.ITestDevice; import com.android.tradefed.util.FileUtil; import com.android.tradefed.util.IRunUtil; import com.android.tradefed.util.RunUtil; import com.android.tradefed.util.ZipUtil; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.zip.ZipFile; /** * A class that flashes an image on a physical Android device with a CDMA radio. *

* This class is required because a special flashing sequence is needed to properly update the * radio baseband, since it is typically the case that the radio and bootloader can't communicate * directly. Typically, they use the RIL (which runs in userspace) as a proxy. */ public class CdmaDeviceFlasher extends FastbootDeviceFlasher { private static final String LOG_TAG = "CdmaDeviceFlasher"; private boolean mShouldFlashBaseband = false; /** Time to allow for baseband to flash (in recovery mode), in ms */ protected static final int BASEBAND_FLASH_TIMEOUT = 10*60*1000; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected String getBootPartitionName() { return "bootloader"; } /** * {@inheritDoc} *

* If the baseband is up-to-date, this flasher behaves identically to the DeviceFlasher * superclass. If the baseband needs to be updated, it does the following: *

  1. Flash the bootloader as normal
  2. *
  3. Unpack the updater.zip
  4. *
  5. Flash the new baseband, but don't reboot afterward
  6. *
  7. Flash the boot, recovery, and system partitions
  8. *
  9. Reboot (device comes up in Recovery to actually flash baseband)
  10. *
  11. Reboot again
  12. *
  13. Flash userdata
  14. *
  15. Reboot into userspace
  16. *
*/ @Override public void flash(ITestDevice device, IDeviceBuildInfo deviceBuild) throws TargetSetupError, DeviceNotAvailableException { Log.i(LOG_TAG, String.format("Flashing device %s with build %s", device.getSerialNumber(), deviceBuild.getBuildId())); // get system build id and build flavor before booting into fastboot String systemBuildId = device.getBuildId(); String systemBuildFlavor = device.getBuildFlavor(); device.rebootIntoBootloader(); downloadFlashingResources(device, deviceBuild); checkAndFlashBootloader(device, deviceBuild); if (checkShouldFlashBaseband(device, deviceBuild)) { Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Performing special CDMA baseband update flash procedure"); // We need to flash these partitions: userdata, system, boot, radio, recovery // Flash userdata. system, boot, radio, recovery remain flashUserData(device, deviceBuild); wipeCache(device); // Flash baseband. system, boot, recovery remain mShouldFlashBaseband = true; checkAndFlashBaseband(device, deviceBuild); // Flash system, boot, recovery. Will reboot the device before returning. After these // are flashed, all partitions are up-to-date. checkAndFlashSystem(device, systemBuildId, systemBuildFlavor, deviceBuild); // flashSystem will leave the device in fastboot; reboot into userspace device.reboot(); } else { // Do the standard thing flashUserData(device, deviceBuild); wipeCache(device); checkAndFlashSystem(device, systemBuildId, systemBuildFlavor, deviceBuild); device.reboot(); } } /** * Flashes the given baseband image and does not reboot the device afterward. * * @param device the {@link ITestDevice} to flash * @param basebandImageFile the baseband image {@link File} * @throws DeviceNotAvailableException if device is not available * @throws TargetSetupError if failed to flash baseband */ @Override protected void flashBaseband(ITestDevice device, File basebandImageFile) throws DeviceNotAvailableException, TargetSetupError { executeLongFastbootCmd(device, "flash", BASEBAND_IMAGE_NAME, basebandImageFile.getAbsolutePath()); } /** * Flash an individual partition */ private void flashNamedPartition(ITestDevice device, File dir, String partition) throws DeviceNotAvailableException, TargetSetupError { File imgFile = new File(dir, partition + ".img"); flashPartition(device, imgFile, partition); } /** * Extract the updater zip to a directory and return the path of that directory *

* Exposed for unit testing */ protected File extractSystemZip(IDeviceBuildInfo deviceBuild) throws IOException { File updateDir = FileUtil.createTempDir(LOG_TAG); ZipFile updater = new ZipFile(deviceBuild.getDeviceImageFile().getAbsolutePath()); ZipUtil.extractZip(updater, updateDir); return updateDir; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void flashSystem(ITestDevice device, IDeviceBuildInfo deviceBuild) throws DeviceNotAvailableException, TargetSetupError { if (mShouldFlashBaseband) { // Unpack updater zip and flash partitions manually Log.i(LOG_TAG, String.format("MANUALLY flashing individual partitions on %s.", device.getSerialNumber())); File updateDir = null; try { // unzip updateDir = extractSystemZip(deviceBuild); // Expect updateDir to contain boot.img, recovery.img, system.img flashNamedPartition(device, updateDir, "boot"); flashNamedPartition(device, updateDir, "recovery"); flashNamedPartition(device, updateDir, "system"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TargetSetupError(String.format("Got IOException: %s", e.getMessage()), device.getDeviceDescriptor()); } finally { if (updateDir != null) { FileUtil.recursiveDelete(updateDir); updateDir = null; } } // Do the fancy double-reboot // Don't use device.reboot() the first time because radio flash can take 5+ minutes device.executeFastbootCommand("reboot"); device.waitForDeviceOnline(BASEBAND_FLASH_TIMEOUT); device.waitForDeviceAvailable(); // Wait for radio version updater to do its thing getRunUtil().sleep(5000); // Reboot again. device.reboot(); // Wait for radio version updater to do its thing again getRunUtil().sleep(5000); // Hopefully, that should be it device.rebootIntoBootloader(); } else { super.flashSystem(device, deviceBuild); device.waitForDeviceOnline(); device.rebootIntoBootloader(); } } /** * Get the {@link RunUtil} instance to use. *

* Exposed for unit testing. */ @Override protected IRunUtil getRunUtil() { return RunUtil.getDefault(); } }