AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2009-07-31Add MODULE_LICENSE file.HEADandroid-sdk-tools_r2android-sdk-1.6_r2android-sdk-1.6_r1android-sdk-1.6-docs_r1android-1.6_r2android-1.6_r1.5android-1.6_r1.4android-1.6_r1.3android-1.6_r1.2android-1.6_r1.1android-1.6_r1mastermaindonut-release2donut-releasedonut-plus-aospdonutXavier Ducrohet
2009-06-16Added encoding comment to manifest.iniXavier Ducrohet
2009-06-05Change the revision property for the add-ons from "version" to "revision".Xavier Ducrohet
"version" will still be supported by tools for the moment. But all add-ons must move to "revision" asap.
2009-06-01Add usb-vendor to the manifest.iniXavier Ducrohet
2009-05-12Minor fixes in the sample SDK add-on project.Xavier Ducrohet
Fixed the hardware.ini to remove an obsolete reference to the google add-on (copy/paste issue). Added comments to the SDK add-on product makefile.
2009-05-12Add the PlatformLibrary sample to the new "sample" vendorXavier Ducrohet
This adds the PlatformLibrary samples previously located in development/samples. This also creates all the files required to build an add-on including the optional library provided by PlatformLibrary
2009-04-23newThe Android Open Source Project