# This is a helper function and not a build rule. It is to be used by the # the "add_entrypoint_library" rule to generate the full list of object files # recursively produced by "add_object_library" targets upstream in the # dependency tree. This function traverses up through the # "add_entrypoint_object" targets but does not collect the object files # produced by them. # Usage: # get_object_files_for_test( [ ...]) # # targetN is either an "add_entrypoint_target" target or an # "add_object_library" target. function(get_object_files_for_entrypoint_library result) set(object_files "") foreach(dep IN LISTS ARGN) get_target_property(dep_type ${dep} "TARGET_TYPE") if (NOT dep_type) continue() endif() if(${dep_type} STREQUAL ${OBJECT_LIBRARY_TARGET_TYPE}) get_target_property(dep_object_files ${dep} "OBJECT_FILES") if(dep_object_files) list(APPEND object_files ${dep_object_files}) endif() endif() get_target_property(indirect_deps ${dep} "DEPS") get_object_files_for_entrypoint_library(indirect_objfiles ${indirect_deps}) list(APPEND object_files ${indirect_objfiles}) endforeach(dep) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES object_files) set(${result} ${object_files} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # This is a helper function and not a build rule. Given an entrypoint object # target, it returns the object file produced by this target in |result|. # If the given entrypoint target is an alias, then it traverses up to the # aliasee to get the object file. function(get_entrypoint_object_file entrypoint_target result) get_target_property(target_type ${entrypoint_target} "TARGET_TYPE") if(NOT (${target_type} STREQUAL ${ENTRYPOINT_OBJ_TARGET_TYPE})) message(FATAL_ERROR "Expected an target added using `add_entrypoint_object` rule.") endif() get_target_property(objfile ${entrypoint_target} "OBJECT_FILE") if(objfile) set(${result} ${objfile} PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() # If the entrypoint is an alias, fetch the object file from the aliasee. get_target_property(is_alias ${entrypoint_target} "IS_ALIAS") if(is_alias) get_target_property(aliasee ${entrypoint_target} "DEPS") if(NOT aliasee) message(FATAL_ERROR "Entrypoint alias ${entrypoint_target} does not have an aliasee.") endif() get_entrypoint_object_file(${aliasee} objfile) set(${result} ${objfile} PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() message(FATAL_ERROR "Entrypoint ${entrypoint_target} does not produce an object file.") endfunction(get_entrypoint_object_file) # A rule to build a library from a collection of entrypoint objects. # Usage: # add_entrypoint_library( # DEPENDS # ) # # NOTE: If one wants an entrypoint to be availabe in a library, then they will # have to list the entrypoint target explicitly in the DEPENDS list. Implicit # entrypoint dependencies will not be added to the library. function(add_entrypoint_library target_name) cmake_parse_arguments( "ENTRYPOINT_LIBRARY" "" # No optional arguments "" # No single value arguments "DEPENDS" # Multi-value arguments ${ARGN} ) if(NOT ENTRYPOINT_LIBRARY_DEPENDS) message(FATAL_ERROR "'add_entrypoint_library' target requires a DEPENDS list " "of 'add_entrypoint_object' targets.") endif() get_fq_deps_list(fq_deps_list ${ENTRYPOINT_LIBRARY_DEPENDS}) get_object_files_for_entrypoint_library(obj_list ${fq_deps_list}) foreach(dep IN LISTS fq_deps_list) get_target_property(dep_type ${dep} "TARGET_TYPE") if(NOT (${dep_type} STREQUAL ${ENTRYPOINT_OBJ_TARGET_TYPE})) message(FATAL_ERROR "Dependency '${dep}' of 'add_entrypoint_collection' is " "not an 'add_entrypoint_object' target.") endif() get_entrypoint_object_file(${dep} objfile) list(APPEND obj_list ${objfile}) endforeach(dep) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES obj_list) set(library_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}${target_name}${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${library_file} COMMAND ${CMAKE_AR} -r ${library_file} ${obj_list} DEPENDS ${obj_list} ) add_custom_target( ${target_name} ALL DEPENDS ${library_file} ) endfunction(add_entrypoint_library) # Rule to build a shared library of redirector objects. function(add_redirector_library target_name) cmake_parse_arguments( "REDIRECTOR_LIBRARY" "" "" "DEPENDS" ${ARGN} ) set(obj_files "") foreach(dep IN LISTS REDIRECTOR_LIBRARY_DEPENDS) # TODO: Ensure that each dep is actually a add_redirector_object target. list(APPEND obj_files $) endforeach(dep) # TODO: Call the linker explicitly instead of calling the compiler driver to # prevent DT_NEEDED on C++ runtime. add_library( ${target_name} SHARED ${obj_files} ) set_target_properties(${target_name} PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) target_link_libraries( ${target_name} -nostdlib -lc -lm ) set_target_properties( ${target_name} PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE "C" ) endfunction(add_redirector_library) set(HDR_LIBRARY_TARGET_TYPE "HDR_LIBRARY") # Rule to add header only libraries. # Usage # add_header_library( # # HDRS # DEPENDS # ) function(add_header_library target_name) cmake_parse_arguments( "ADD_HEADER" "" # No optional arguments "" # No Single value arguments "HDRS;DEPENDS" # Multi-value arguments ${ARGN} ) if(NOT ADD_HEADER_HDRS) message(FATAL_ERROR "'add_header_library' target requires a HDRS list of .h files.") endif() get_fq_target_name(${target_name} fq_target_name) set(FULL_HDR_PATHS "") # TODO: Remove this foreach block when we can switch to the new # version of the CMake policy CMP0076. foreach(hdr IN LISTS ADD_HEADER_HDRS) list(APPEND FULL_HDR_PATHS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${hdr}) endforeach() set(interface_target_name "${fq_target_name}.__header_library__") add_library(${interface_target_name} INTERFACE) target_sources(${interface_target_name} INTERFACE ${FULL_HDR_PATHS}) get_fq_deps_list(fq_deps_list ${ADD_HEADER_DEPENDS}) if(ADD_HEADER_DEPENDS) add_dependencies(${interface_target_name} ${fq_deps_list}) endif() add_custom_target(${fq_target_name}) add_dependencies(${fq_target_name} ${interface_target_name}) set_target_properties( ${fq_target_name} PROPERTIES "TARGET_TYPE" "${HDR_LIBRARY_TARGET_TYPE}" "DEPS" "${fq_deps_list}" ) endfunction(add_header_library)