RUN: llvm-dwarfdump -v %p/Inputs/dwarfdump-objc.x86_64.o | FileCheck %s RUN: not llvm-dwarfdump -verify %p/Inputs/dwarfdump-objc.x86_64.o | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=VERIFY Gather some DIE indexes to verify the accelerator table contents. CHECK: .debug_info contents CHECK: [[TESTINTERFACE:0x[0-9a-f]*]]:{{.*}}DW_TAG_structure_type CHECK-NOT: DW_TAG CHECK: DW_AT_name{{.*}}"TestInterface" CHECK: [[READONLY:0x[0-9a-f]*]]:{{.*}}DW_TAG_subprogram CHECK-NOT: DW_TAG CHECK: DW_AT_name{{.*}}"-[TestInterface ReadOnly]" CHECK: [[ASSIGN:0x[0-9a-f]*]]:{{.*}}DW_TAG_subprogram CHECK-NOT: DW_TAG CHECK: DW_AT_name{{.*}}"-[TestInterface Assign]" CHECK: [[SETASSIGN:0x[0-9a-f]*]]:{{.*}}DW_TAG_subprogram CHECK-NOT: DW_TAG CHECK: DW_AT_name{{.*}}"-[TestInterface setAssign:]" Check that the section header is printed correclty. CHECK: .apple_names contents: CHECK: Magic = 0x48415348 CHECK: Version = 0x0001 CHECK: Hash function = 0x00000000 CHECK: Bucket count = 21 CHECK: Hashes count = 42 CHECK: HeaderData length = 12 CHECK: DIE offset base = 0 CHECK: Number of atoms = 1 CHECK: Atom[0] Type: DW_ATOM_die_offset Form: DW_FORM_data4 Check that the accelerators point to the right DIEs. CHECK: Name:{{.*}}"-[TestInterface ReadOnly]" CHECK-NOT: Name CHECK: {Atom[0]: [[READONLY]]} Check that empty buckets are handled correctly. CHECK: Bucket[3] CHECK: EMPTY CHECK: Bucket[4] Check that the accelerators point to the right DIEs. CHECK: Name:{{.*}}"-[TestInterface Assign]" CHECK-NOT: Name CHECK: {Atom[0]: [[ASSIGN]]} CHECK: Name:{{.*}}"-[TestInterface setAssign:]" CHECK-NOT: Name CHECK: {Atom[0]: [[SETASSIGN]]} Check that types are referenced correctly. CHECK: .apple_types contents: CHECK: Name{{.*}}"TestInterface" CHECK-NOT: Name CHECK: {Atom[0]: [[TESTINTERFACE]]} Check that an empty accelerator section is handled correctly. CHECK: .apple_namespaces contents: CHECK-NOT: Magic Check ObjC specific accelerators. CHECK: .apple_objc contents: CHECK: Name{{.*}}"TestInterface" CHECK-NOT: Name CHECK: {Atom[0]: [[READONLY]]} CHECK: {Atom[0]: [[ASSIGN]]} CHECK: {Atom[0]: [[SETASSIGN]]} Verify the debug info in the apple_names accelerator table. VERIFY: Verifying .apple_names... VERIFY-NEXT: Verifying .apple_types... VERIFY-NEXT: Verifying .apple_namespaces... VERIFY-NEXT: error: Section is smaller than size described in section header. VERIFY-NEXT: Verifying .apple_objc... VERIFY-NEXT: Errors detected.