@ New ARMv8 T32 encodings @ RUN: llvm-mc -triple thumbv8 -show-encoding < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-V8 @ RUN: not llvm-mc -triple thumbv7 -show-encoding < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-V7 @ HLT (in ARMv8 only) hlt #0 hlt #63 @ CHECK-V8: hlt #0 @ encoding: [0x80,0xba] @ CHECK-V8: hlt #63 @ encoding: [0xbf,0xba] @ CHECK-V7: error: instruction requires: armv8 @ CHECK-V7: error: instruction requires: armv8 @ In IT block it pl hlt #24 @ CHECK-V8: it pl @ encoding: [0x58,0xbf] @ CHECK-V8: hlt #24 @ encoding: [0x98,0xba] @ CHECK-V7: error: instruction requires: armv8 @ Can accept AL condition code (in ARMv8 only) hltal #24 @ CHECK-V8: hlt #24 @ encoding: [0x98,0xba] @ CHECK-V7: error: instruction requires: armv8 @ Can accept SP as rGPR (in ARMv8 only) sbc.w r6, r3, sp, asr #16 and.w r6, r3, sp, asr #16 and sp, r0, #0 @ CHECK-V8: sbc.w r6, r3, sp, asr #16 @ encoding: [0x63,0xeb,0x2d,0x46] @ CHECK-V8: and.w r6, r3, sp, asr #16 @ encoding: [0x03,0xea,0x2d,0x46] @ CHECK-V8: and sp, r0, #0 @ encoding: [0x00,0xf0,0x00,0x0d] @ CHECK-V7: error: invalid instruction, any one of the following would fix this: @ CHECK-V7-NEXT: sbc.w r6, r3, sp, asr #16 @ CHECK-V7: note: instruction variant requires ARMv8 or later @ CHECK-V7: note: operand must be a register in range [r0, r12] or r14 @ CHECK-V7: error: invalid instruction, any one of the following would fix this: @ CHECK-V7-NEXT: and.w r6, r3, sp, asr #16 @ CHECK-V7: note: invalid operand for instruction @ CHECK-V7: note: instruction variant requires ARMv8 or later @ CHECK-V7: note: operand must be a register in range [r0, r12] or r14 @ CHECK-V7: error: invalid instruction, any one of the following would fix this: @ CHECK-V7-NEXT: and sp, r0, #0 @ CHECK-V7: note: operand must be a register in range [r0, r12] or r14 @ CHECK-V7: note: invalid operand for instruction @ DCPS{1,2,3} (in ARMv8 only) dcps1 dcps2 dcps3 @ CHECK-V8: dcps1 @ encoding: [0x8f,0xf7,0x01,0x80] @ CHECK-V8: dcps2 @ encoding: [0x8f,0xf7,0x02,0x80] @ CHECK-V8: dcps3 @ encoding: [0x8f,0xf7,0x03,0x80] @ CHECK-V7: error: instruction requires: armv8 @ CHECK-V7: error: instruction requires: armv8 @ CHECK-V7: error: instruction requires: armv8 @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ DMB (ARMv8-only barriers) @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dmb ishld dmb oshld dmb nshld dmb ld @ CHECK-V8: dmb ishld @ encoding: [0xbf,0xf3,0x59,0x8f] @ CHECK-V8: dmb oshld @ encoding: [0xbf,0xf3,0x51,0x8f] @ CHECK-V8: dmb nshld @ encoding: [0xbf,0xf3,0x55,0x8f] @ CHECK-V8: dmb ld @ encoding: [0xbf,0xf3,0x5d,0x8f] @ CHECK-V7: error: invalid operand for instruction @ CHECK-V7: error: invalid operand for instruction @ CHECK-V7: error: invalid operand for instruction @ CHECK-V7: error: invalid operand for instruction @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ DSB (ARMv8-only barriers) @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dsb ishld dsb oshld dsb nshld dsb ld @ CHECK-V8: dsb ishld @ encoding: [0xbf,0xf3,0x49,0x8f] @ CHECK-V8: dsb oshld @ encoding: [0xbf,0xf3,0x41,0x8f] @ CHECK-V8: dsb nshld @ encoding: [0xbf,0xf3,0x45,0x8f] @ CHECK-V8: dsb ld @ encoding: [0xbf,0xf3,0x4d,0x8f] @ CHECK-V7: error: invalid operand for instruction @ CHECK-V7: error: invalid operand for instruction @ CHECK-V7: error: invalid operand for instruction @ CHECK-V7: error: invalid operand for instruction @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ SEVL (in ARMv8 only) @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sevl sevl.w it ge sevlge @ CHECK-V8: sevl @ encoding: [0x50,0xbf] @ CHECK-V8: sevl.w @ encoding: [0xaf,0xf3,0x05,0x80] @ CHECK-V8: it ge @ encoding: [0xa8,0xbf] @ CHECK-V8: sevlge @ encoding: [0x50,0xbf] @ CHECK-V7: error: instruction requires: armv8 @ CHECK-V7: error: instruction requires: armv8 @ CHECK-V7: error: @ CHECK-V7: error: instruction requires: armv8