; This testcase was reduced from Shootout-C++/reversefile.cpp by bugpoint ; RUN: opt < %s -lowerinvoke -disable-output declare void @baz() declare void @bar() define void @foo() personality i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 { then: invoke void @baz( ) to label %invoke_cont.0 unwind label %try_catch invoke_cont.0: ; preds = %then invoke void @bar( ) to label %try_exit unwind label %try_catch try_catch: ; preds = %invoke_cont.0, %then %__tmp.0 = phi i32* [ null, %invoke_cont.0 ], [ null, %then ] ; [#uses=0] %res = landingpad { i8* } cleanup ret void try_exit: ; preds = %invoke_cont.0 ret void } declare i32 @__gxx_personality_v0(...)