; RUN: not opt -verify < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s target datalayout = "e-ni:4:6" define i64 @f_0(i8 addrspace(4)* %ptr) { ; CHECK: ptrtoint not supported for non-integral pointers %val = ptrtoint i8 addrspace(4)* %ptr to i64 ret i64 %val } define <4 x i64> @f_1(<4 x i8 addrspace(4)*> %ptr) { ; CHECK: ptrtoint not supported for non-integral pointers %val = ptrtoint <4 x i8 addrspace(4)*> %ptr to <4 x i64> ret <4 x i64> %val } define i64 @f_2(i8 addrspace(3)* %ptr) { ; Negative test %val = ptrtoint i8 addrspace(3)* %ptr to i64 ret i64 %val } define i8 addrspace(4)* @f_3(i64 %integer) { ; CHECK: inttoptr not supported for non-integral pointers %val = inttoptr i64 %integer to i8 addrspace(4)* ret i8 addrspace(4)* %val } define <4 x i8 addrspace(4)*> @f_4(<4 x i64> %integer) { ; CHECK: inttoptr not supported for non-integral pointers %val = inttoptr <4 x i64> %integer to <4 x i8 addrspace(4)*> ret <4 x i8 addrspace(4)*> %val } define i8 addrspace(3)* @f_5(i64 %integer) { ; Negative test %val = inttoptr i64 %integer to i8 addrspace(3)* ret i8 addrspace(3)* %val } define i64 @f_6(i8 addrspace(6)* %ptr) { ; CHECK: ptrtoint not supported for non-integral pointers %val = ptrtoint i8 addrspace(6)* %ptr to i64 ret i64 %val } define i8 addrspace(4)* @f_7() { ; CHECK: inttoptr not supported for non-integral pointers ret i8 addrspace(4)* inttoptr (i64 50 to i8 addrspace(4)*) } @global0 = addrspace(4) constant i8 42 define i64 @f_8() { ; CHECK: ptrtoint not supported for non-integral pointers ret i64 ptrtoint (i8 addrspace(4)* @global0 to i64) } define i8 addrspace(4)* @f_9() { ; CHECK: inttoptr not supported for non-integral pointers ret i8 addrspace(4)* getelementptr (i8, i8 addrspace(4)* inttoptr (i64 55 to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 100) } @global1 = addrspace(4) constant i8 42 define i8 addrspace(4)* @f_10() { ; CHECK: ptrtoint not supported for non-integral pointers ret i8 addrspace(4)* getelementptr (i8, i8 addrspace(4)* @global0, i64 ptrtoint (i8 addrspace(4)* @global1 to i64)) } @cycle_0 = addrspace(4) constant i64 ptrtoint (i64 addrspace(4)* addrspace(4)* @cycle_1 to i64) @cycle_1 = addrspace(4) constant i64 addrspace(4) * @cycle_0 define i64 addrspace(4)* addrspace(4)* @f_11() { ; CHECK: ptrtoint not supported for non-integral pointers ret i64 addrspace(4)* addrspace(4)* @cycle_1 } @cycle_self = addrspace(4) constant i64 ptrtoint (i64 addrspace(4)* @cycle_self to i64) define i64 addrspace(4)* @f_12() { ; CHECK: ptrtoint not supported for non-integral pointers ret i64 addrspace(4)* @cycle_self }