Library of MTK camera driver files, including driver interface and driver flow contorl flow. This library is pre-built by MediaTek internal. WHAT IT DOES? ============= libcam.iopipe.postproc.a contains MediaTek developed camera driver related driver interface and driver flow control. Without them, camera functionalties will not work. HOW IT WAS BUILT? ================== It needs the following library from AOSP: none and the following libs from MediaTek: none note that it's a STATIC_LIBRARY All source/dependency modules of this module are already put in 'vendor/mediatek/libs' folder. HOW TO USE IT? ============== Provide api for camera HAL to control the camera features. all api interface are at (vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam) All the source code of this library were written by MediaTek co..