path: root/manifest.xml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-12-12fix graphics transport arch in hidl manifastandroid-wear-8.0.0_r1android-p-preview-1android-o-mr1-iot-preview-7o-mr1-iot-preview-7Yuexi Ma
2017-12-12fix input and cec transport type in manifastYuexi Ma
2017-12-01Add tv cec service to fugu manifastYuexi Ma
2017-12-01Add tv input service to fugu manifastYuexi Ma
2017-05-19fugu: Add supplicant to HIDL manifestRoshan Pius
2017-04-28Enable passthrough graphics composerChia-I Wu
2017-04-13Revert "Revert "Enable binderized graphics allocator""Iliyan Malchev
2017-04-13Revert "Enable binderized graphics allocator"Chia-I Wu
2017-04-12Enable binderized graphics allocatorChia-I Wu