path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-07-06CleanSpec: add "-f" flag for broadcastradio@1.0-impl.soMikhail Naganov
2017-06-30Remove Broadcast Radio HAL impl libraryMikhail Naganov
2015-10-01Angler monitors rotation for speaker assignment swapJean-Michel Trivi
2015-09-25Don't even think about monitoring rotationJean-Michel Trivi
2015-09-24Claim pro audio featureGlenn Kasten
2015-09-23angler: audio: swap left/right channel when the screen rotationzhaoyang yin
2015-09-22Fix typo in device mk file for ecc_list.Amit Mahajan
2015-09-17Revert "Angler: device rotation affects channel-speaker mapping"Jean-Michel Trivi
2015-09-16Angler: device rotation affects channel-speaker mappingJean-Michel Trivi
2015-09-14Change ecc overrides from persist.* to ril.*Amit Mahajan
2015-09-13Fix wrong incoming number in call historyPavel Zhamaitsiak
2015-09-11Set RIL_DATA_REG_STATE_CONDITIONAL_REPORT to trueNathan Harold
2015-09-10Adding 111,113,117,122,125 to the list of emergency numbers.Amit Mahajan
2015-08-26audio: reduce audio flinger standby delay.Eric Laurent
2015-08-26audio: add support for 3 mic 3 channel audio capturevivek mehta
2015-03-31angler: initial device commitPatrick Tjin