path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-09-18angler: reset timer_rate back to 20000Alex Naidis change GPU initial power levelzhihui wu
2015-08-20Disable aggressive small task packing.Tim Murray
2015-08-11Relax timer_rate to 19000.Tim Murray
2015-08-11Lower hispeed_freq on Angler.Tim Murray
2015-08-11Enable small task packing for angler.Tim Murray
2015-08-05Add init-power-sh domain.dcashman
2015-07-23angler: Use a stair-step target load for interactive governor.Riley Andrews
2015-07-17init.angler.rc: enable low power mode only on boot completeMekala Natarajan
2015-07-15Modify interactive timer_rate to 10ms, upmigrate to 95, andTim Murray
2015-06-30update minimum frequency for A57Tim Murray
2015-06-29cpufreq tunables: set go_hispeed_load to 99Riley Andrews
2015-06-12angler/perf: Force Android background tasks on A53sRiley Andrews
2015-06-10angler/power: Make Big.Little freq gov tuning more aggressiveRiley Andrews
2015-06-08angler: move perf/power init to init-angler-power.shRiley Andrews