path: root/power
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-03-27Angler no longer supports vr.high_performance in Android OCraig Donner
2016-11-04power: Fix hal_api_version initializationAjay Dudani
2016-10-10power: Make powerHAL compatible for passthrough HIDL designRuchi Kandoi
2016-06-09angler: fix powerHAL to use monotonic time am: 6613a8e6d5Wei Wang
2016-06-08angler: fix powerHAL to use monotonic timeWei Wang
2016-05-24fix power hint commentsWei Wang
2016-05-12Power: Send perfd requests for hotplugging big cores.Ruchi Kandoi
2016-05-03Merge "power: Tune Sustained Performance Mode" into nyc-devRuchi Kandoi
2016-05-03power: Tune Sustained Performance ModeRuchi Kandoi
2016-04-27Merge "power: Add Platform-level sleep state stats for angler" into nyc-devBadhri Jagan Sridharan
2016-04-25power: Add Platform-level sleep state stats for anglerBadhri Jagan Sridharan
2016-04-18power: Check if the Sustained Performance/VR mode is already set.Ruchi Kandoi
2016-04-05power: Sustained Performance Mode tuning.Ruchi Kandoi
2016-03-22power: Adds the implementation for sustained performance mode and VRRuchi Kandoi
2015-10-05Enable touch boost during camera.Tim Murray
2015-10-05Modify screen-off behavior.Tim Murray
2015-09-23Fix rate limiting for flings.Tim Murray
2015-09-22Fix power hint.Tim Murray
2015-09-21Change touch boost behavior: extent and handles.Tim Murray
2015-09-21Delay video encode power hint for 2s.Tim Murray
2015-09-17extend little core freq boost during flingTim Murray
2015-09-16support duration hint to improve fling behaviorTim Murray
2015-09-11Modify touch boost to impact sched migration.Tim Murray
2015-09-10power-hal: Fix make file to use correct power hal libraryRanjith Kagathi Ananda
2015-09-10power: Update hint action for camera hintVeena Sambasivan
2015-08-17Remove executable bit for ordinary text filesGlenn Kasten
2015-07-03angler: Generate 64bit lib for PowerHALNaveen Ramaraj
2015-07-03angler: Add Power HALNaveen Ramaraj