AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-12-09device: make LinaroWallpaper the default wallpaper for beaglelinaro_android_2.3.7Andy Doan
2011-11-25Add support for gatorPatrik Ryd
2011-10-20beagleboard: Set TARGET_EXTRA_CFLAGSlinaro_android_2.3.5Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
2011-10-18camera: Enable camera in the buildVishal Bhoj
2011-09-27beagleboard: Don't pass CPU specific flags to the HOST compilerBernhard Rosenkraenzer
2011-09-26beagleboard: Add CPU specific compiler flags tuned for the target deviceBernhard Rosenkraenzer
2011-08-19Introduced configuration variable XLOADER_CONFIG needed when building MLOTony Mansson
2011-05-20vold.fstab: Change the sys path for mmc devicelinaro_android_2.3.4linaro_android_2.3.3Jeremy Chang
2011-05-20Revert "vold.fstab: Change the sys path for mmc device"Patrik Ryd
2011-05-03vold.fstab: Change the sys path for mmc deviceJeremy Chang
2011-04-26The file should be in the system partition.Patrik Ryd
2011-04-18Decrease the sdcard partiton number in vold.fstabJeremy Chang
2011-04-18Remove obsolete vold.confJeremy Chang
2011-04-18Move the common package and benchmark definitions into common folderJeremy Chang
2011-04-13MLO for beaglePatrik Ryd
2011-04-11Configure build to use u-bootPatrik Ryd
2011-04-07Enable u-bootPatrik Ryd
2011-04-05Enable kernelPatrik Ryd
2011-03-25Add vold.fstabJeremy Chang
2011-03-17Moved init.rc to commonPatrik Ryd
2011-02-28device/linaro/beagleboard: Enable Android TLS for beagleboardlinaro_android_2.3.2Jeremy Chang
2011-02-15Install 0xbench native applicationsJeremy Chang
2011-01-27Added 0xbench to PRODUCT_PACKAGESlinaro_android_2.3.1Patrik Ryd
2011-01-17Generate ext4 images instead of yaffs2.Patrik Ryd
2011-01-13Initial board configuration for a beagle board.Jim Huang
2011-01-12added readme.txtPatrik Ryd