path: root/make_helpers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'make_helpers')
9 files changed, 921 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/make_helpers/build_env.mk b/make_helpers/build_env.mk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83093bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make_helpers/build_env.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# This file contains the logic to identify and include any relevant
+# build environment specific make include files.
+ifndef BUILD_ENV_MK
+ BUILD_ENV_MK := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+ # Block possible built-in command definitions that are not fully portable.
+ # This traps occurences that need replacing with our OS portable macros
+ COPY := $$(error "Replace COPY with call to SHELL_COPY or SHELL_COPY_TREE.")
+ CP := $$(error "Replace CP with call to SHELL_COPY or SHELL_COPY_TREE.")
+ DEL := $$(error "Replace DEL with call to SHELL_DELETE.")
+ MD := $$(error "Replace MD with call to MAKE_PREREQ_DIR.")
+ MKDIR := $$(error "Replace MKDIR with call to MAKE_PREREQ_DIR.")
+ RD := $$(error "Replace RD with call to SHELL_REMOVE_DIR.")
+ RM := $$(error "Replace RM with call to SHELL_DELETE.")
+ RMDIR := $$(error "Replace RMDIR with call to SHELL_REMOVE_DIR.")
+ ENV_FILE_TO_INCLUDE := unix.mk
+ ifdef OSTYPE
+ ifneq ($(findstring ${OSTYPE}, cygwin),)
+ ENV_FILE_TO_INCLUDE := cygwin.mk
+ else
+ ifneq ($(findstring ${OSTYPE}, MINGW32 mingw msys),)
+ ENV_FILE_TO_INCLUDE := msys.mk
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ ifdef MSYSTEM
+ # Although the MINGW MSYS shell sets OSTYPE as msys in its environment,
+ # it does not appear in the GNU make view of environment variables.
+ # We use MSYSTEM as an alternative, as that is seen by make
+ ifneq ($(findstring ${MSYSTEM}, MINGW32 mingw msys),)
+ OSTYPE ?= msys
+ ENV_FILE_TO_INCLUDE := msys.mk
+ endif
+ else
+ ifdef OS
+ ifneq ($(findstring ${OS}, Windows_NT),)
+ ENV_FILE_TO_INCLUDE := windows.mk
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifndef SHELL_COPY
+ $(error "SHELL_COPY not defined for build environment.")
+ endif
+ $(error "SHELL_COPY_TREE not defined for build environment.")
+ endif
+ $(error "SHELL_DELETE_ALL not defined for build environment.")
+ endif
+ $(error "SHELL_DELETE not defined for build environment.")
+ endif
+ $(error "MAKE_PREREQ_DIR not defined for build environment.")
+ endif
+ $(error "SHELL_REMOVE_DIR not defined for build environment.")
+ endif
diff --git a/make_helpers/build_macros.mk b/make_helpers/build_macros.mk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e59a64b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make_helpers/build_macros.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Report an error if the eval make function is not available.
+$(eval eval_available := T)
+ifneq (${eval_available},T)
+ $(error This makefile only works with a Make program that supports $$(eval))
+# Some utility macros for manipulating awkward (whitespace) characters.
+blank :=
+space :=${blank} ${blank}
+# A user defined function to recursively search for a filename below a directory
+# $1 is the directory root of the recursive search (blank for current directory).
+# $2 is the file name to search for.
+define rwildcard
+$(strip $(foreach d,$(wildcard ${1}*),$(call rwildcard,${d}/,${2}) $(filter $(subst *,%,%${2}),${d})))
+# This table is used in converting lower case to upper case.
+uppercase_table:=a,A b,B c,C d,D e,E f,F g,G h,H i,I j,J k,K l,L m,M n,N o,O p,P q,Q r,R s,S t,T u,U v,V w,W x,X y,Y z,Z
+# Internal macro used for converting lower case to upper case.
+# $(1) = upper case table
+# $(2) = String to convert
+define uppercase_internal
+$(if $(1),$$(subst $(firstword $(1)),$(call uppercase_internal,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)),$(2))),$(2))
+# A macro for converting a string to upper case
+# $(1) = String to convert
+define uppercase
+$(eval uppercase_result:=$(call uppercase_internal,$(uppercase_table),$(1)))$(uppercase_result)
+# Convenience function for adding build definitions
+# $(eval $(call add_define,FOO)) will have:
+# -DFOO if $(FOO) is empty; -DFOO=$(FOO) otherwise
+define add_define
+ DEFINES += -D$(1)$(if $(value $(1)),=$(value $(1)),)
+# Convenience function for adding build definitions
+# $(eval $(call add_define_val,FOO,BAR)) will have:
+define add_define_val
+ DEFINES += -D$(1)=$(2)
+# Convenience function for verifying option has a boolean value
+# $(eval $(call assert_boolean,FOO)) will assert FOO is 0 or 1
+define assert_boolean
+ $(if $(filter-out 0 1,$($1)),$(error $1 must be boolean))
+0-9 := 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+# Function to verify that a given option $(1) contains a numeric value
+define assert_numeric
+$(if $($(1)),,$(error $(1) must not be empty))
+$(eval __numeric := $($(1)))
+$(foreach d,$(0-9),$(eval __numeric := $(subst $(d),,$(__numeric))))
+$(if $(__numeric),$(error $(1) must be numeric))
+# IMG_LINKERFILE defines the linker script corresponding to a BL stage
+# $(1) = BL stage (2, 30, 31, 32, 33)
+ ${BUILD_DIR}/bl$(1).ld
+# IMG_MAPFILE defines the output file describing the memory map corresponding
+# to a BL stage
+# $(1) = BL stage (2, 30, 31, 32, 33)
+ ${BUILD_DIR}/bl$(1).map
+# IMG_ELF defines the elf file corresponding to a BL stage
+# $(1) = BL stage (2, 30, 31, 32, 33)
+define IMG_ELF
+ ${BUILD_DIR}/bl$(1).elf
+# IMG_DUMP defines the symbols dump file corresponding to a BL stage
+# $(1) = BL stage (2, 30, 31, 32, 33)
+define IMG_DUMP
+ ${BUILD_DIR}/bl$(1).dump
+# IMG_BIN defines the default image file corresponding to a BL stage
+# $(1) = BL stage (2, 30, 31, 32, 33)
+define IMG_BIN
+ ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl$(1).bin
+# FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD appends the command line arguments required by fiptool
+# to package a new payload. Optionally, it adds the dependency on this payload
+# $(1) = payload filename (i.e. bl31.bin)
+# $(2) = command line option for the specified payload (i.e. --bl31)
+# $(3) = fip target dependency (optional) (i.e. bl31)
+ $(eval FIP_ARGS += $(2) $(1))
+ $(eval $(if $(3),FIP_DEPS += $(3)))
+# CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT adds a new command line option to the cert_create invocation
+# $(1) = parameter filename
+# $(2) = cert_create command line option for the specified parameter
+# $(3) = input parameter (false if empty)
+ $(eval $(if $(3),CRT_DEPS += $(1)))
+ $(eval CRT_ARGS += $(2) $(1))
+# FIP_ADD_IMG allows the platform to specify an image to be packed in the FIP
+# using a build option. It also adds a dependency on the image file, aborting
+# the build if the file does not exist.
+# $(1) = build option to specify the image filename (SCP_BL2, BL33, etc)
+# $(2) = command line option for fiptool (scp_bl2, bl33, etc)
+# Example:
+# $(eval $(call FIP_ADD_IMG,BL33,--bl33))
+define FIP_ADD_IMG
+ CRT_DEPS += check_$(1)
+ FIP_DEPS += check_$(1)
+ $(call FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,$(value $(1)),$(2))
+ $$(if $(value $(1)),,$$(error "Platform '${PLAT}' requires $(1). Please set $(1) to point to the right file"))
+# FWU_FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD appends the command line arguments required by fiptool
+# to package a new FWU payload. Optionally, it adds the dependency on this payload
+# $(1) = payload filename (e.g. ns_bl2u.bin)
+# $(2) = command line option for the specified payload (e.g. --fwu)
+# $(3) = fip target dependency (optional) (e.g. ns_bl2u)
+ $(eval $(if $(3),FWU_FIP_DEPS += $(3)))
+ $(eval FWU_FIP_ARGS += $(2) $(1))
+# FWU_CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT adds a new command line option to the cert_create invocation
+# $(1) = parameter filename
+# $(2) = cert_create command line option for the specified parameter
+# $(3) = input parameter (false if empty)
+ $(eval $(if $(3),FWU_CRT_DEPS += $(1)))
+ $(eval FWU_CRT_ARGS += $(2) $(1))
+# FWU_FIP_ADD_IMG allows the platform to pack a binary image in the FWU FIP
+# $(1) build option to specify the image filename (BL2U, NS_BL2U, etc)
+# $(2) command line option for fiptool (bl2u, ns_bl2u, etc)
+# Example:
+# $(eval $(call FWU_FIP_ADD_IMG,BL2U,--bl2u))
+ FWU_CRT_DEPS += check_$(1)
+ FWU_FIP_DEPS += check_$(1)
+ $(call FWU_FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,$(value $(1)),$(2))
+ $$(if $(value $(1)),,$$(error "Platform '${PLAT}' requires $(1). Please set $(1) to point to the right file"))
+# Auxiliary macros to build TF images from sources
+MAKE_DEP = -Wp,-MD,$(DEP) -MT $$@ -MP
+# MAKE_C builds a C source file and generates the dependency file
+# $(1) = output directory
+# $(2) = source file (%.c)
+# $(3) = BL stage (2, 2u, 30, 31, 32, 33)
+define MAKE_C
+$(eval OBJ := $(1)/$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(notdir $(2))))
+$(eval DEP := $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJ)))
+$(eval IMAGE := IMAGE_BL$(call uppercase,$(3)))
+$(OBJ): $(2) | bl$(3)_dirs
+ @echo " CC $$<"
+ $$(Q)$$(CC) $$(TF_CFLAGS) $$(CFLAGS) -D$(IMAGE) $(MAKE_DEP) -c $$< -o $$@
+-include $(DEP)
+# MAKE_S builds an assembly source file and generates the dependency file
+# $(1) = output directory
+# $(2) = assembly file (%.S)
+# $(3) = BL stage (2, 2u, 30, 31, 32, 33)
+define MAKE_S
+$(eval OBJ := $(1)/$(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(notdir $(2))))
+$(eval DEP := $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJ)))
+$(eval IMAGE := IMAGE_BL$(call uppercase,$(3)))
+$(OBJ): $(2) | bl$(3)_dirs
+ @echo " AS $$<"
+ $$(Q)$$(AS) $$(ASFLAGS) -D$(IMAGE) $(MAKE_DEP) -c $$< -o $$@
+-include $(DEP)
+# MAKE_LD generate the linker script using the C preprocessor
+# $(1) = output linker script
+# $(2) = input template
+# $(3) = BL stage (2, 2u, 30, 31, 32, 33)
+define MAKE_LD
+$(eval DEP := $(1).d)
+$(1): $(2) | bl$(3)_dirs
+ @echo " PP $$<"
+ $$(Q)$$(CPP) $$(CPPFLAGS) -P -D__ASSEMBLY__ -D__LINKER__ $(MAKE_DEP) -o $$@ $$<
+-include $(DEP)
+# MAKE_OBJS builds both C and assembly source files
+# $(1) = output directory
+# $(2) = list of source files (both C and assembly)
+# $(3) = BL stage (2, 30, 31, 32, 33)
+define MAKE_OBJS
+ $(eval C_OBJS := $(filter %.c,$(2)))
+ $(eval REMAIN := $(filter-out %.c,$(2)))
+ $(eval $(foreach obj,$(C_OBJS),$(call MAKE_C,$(1),$(obj),$(3))))
+ $(eval S_OBJS := $(filter %.S,$(REMAIN)))
+ $(eval REMAIN := $(filter-out %.S,$(REMAIN)))
+ $(eval $(foreach obj,$(S_OBJS),$(call MAKE_S,$(1),$(obj),$(3))))
+ $(and $(REMAIN),$(error Unexpected source files present: $(REMAIN)))
+# NOTE: The line continuation '\' is required in the next define otherwise we
+# end up with a line-feed characer at the end of the last c filename.
+# Also bear this issue in mind if extending the list of supported filetypes.
+ $(notdir $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(filter %.c,$(1)))) \
+ $(notdir $(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(filter %.S,$(1))))
+# MAKE_TOOL_ARGS macro defines the command line arguments for fiptool for
+# each BL image. Arguments:
+# $(1) = BL stage (2, 30, 31, 32, 33)
+# $(2) = Binary file
+# $(3) = FIP command line option (if empty, image will not be included in the FIP)
+ $(if $(3),$(eval $(call FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,$(2),--$(3),bl$(1))))
+# Allow overriding the timestamp, for example for reproducible builds, or to
+# synchronize timestamps across multiple projects.
+# This must be set to a C string (including quotes where applicable).
+# MAKE_BL macro defines the targets and options to build each BL image.
+# Arguments:
+# $(1) = BL stage (2, 2u, 30, 31, 32, 33)
+# $(2) = FIP command line option (if empty, image will not be included in the FIP)
+define MAKE_BL
+ $(eval BUILD_DIR := ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl$(1))
+ $(eval BL_SOURCES := $(BL$(call uppercase,$(1))_SOURCES))
+ $(eval OBJS := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(call SOURCES_TO_OBJS,$(SOURCES))))
+ $(eval LINKERFILE := $(call IMG_LINKERFILE,$(1)))
+ $(eval MAPFILE := $(call IMG_MAPFILE,$(1)))
+ $(eval ELF := $(call IMG_ELF,$(1)))
+ $(eval DUMP := $(call IMG_DUMP,$(1)))
+ $(eval BIN := $(call IMG_BIN,$(1)))
+ $(eval BL_LINKERFILE := $(BL$(call uppercase,$(1))_LINKERFILE))
+ # We use sort only to get a list of unique object directory names.
+ # ordering is not relevant but sort removes duplicates.
+ $(eval TEMP_OBJ_DIRS := $(sort $(dir ${OBJS} ${LINKERFILE})))
+ # The $(dir ) function leaves a trailing / on the directory names
+ # Rip off the / to match directory names with make rule targets.
+ $(eval OBJ_DIRS := $(patsubst %/,%,$(TEMP_OBJ_DIRS)))
+# Create generators for object directory structure
+$(eval $(call MAKE_PREREQ_DIR,${BUILD_DIR},))
+$(eval $(foreach objd,${OBJ_DIRS},$(call MAKE_PREREQ_DIR,${objd},${BUILD_DIR})))
+.PHONY : bl${1}_dirs
+# We use order-only prerequisites to ensure that directories are created,
+# but do not cause re-builds every time a file is written.
+bl${1}_dirs: | ${OBJ_DIRS}
+$(eval $(call MAKE_OBJS,$(BUILD_DIR),$(SOURCES),$(1)))
+$(eval $(call MAKE_LD,$(LINKERFILE),$(BL_LINKERFILE),$(1)))
+$(ELF): $(OBJS) $(LINKERFILE) | bl$(1)_dirs
+ @echo " LD $$@"
+ $(call MAKE_BUILD_STRINGS, $(BUILD_DIR)/build_message.o)
+ @echo 'const char build_message[] = "Built : "$(BUILD_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP); \
+ const char version_string[] = "${VERSION_STRING}";' | \
+ $$(CC) $$(TF_CFLAGS) $$(CFLAGS) -xc -c - -o $(BUILD_DIR)/build_message.o
+ $$(Q)$$(LD) -o $$@ $$(TF_LDFLAGS) $$(LDFLAGS) -Map=$(MAPFILE) \
+ --script $(LINKERFILE) $(BUILD_DIR)/build_message.o $(OBJS) $(LDLIBS)
+$(DUMP): $(ELF)
+ @echo " OD $$@"
+ $${Q}$${OD} -dx $$< > $$@
+$(BIN): $(ELF)
+ @echo " BIN $$@"
+ $$(Q)$$(OC) -O binary $$< $$@
+ @echo "Built $$@ successfully"
+.PHONY: bl$(1)
+bl$(1): $(BIN) $(DUMP)
+all: bl$(1)
+$(eval $(call MAKE_TOOL_ARGS,$(1),$(BIN),$(2)))
diff --git a/make_helpers/cygwin.mk b/make_helpers/cygwin.mk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04a963ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make_helpers/cygwin.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# OS specific definitions for builds in a Cygwin environment.
+# Cygwin allows us to use unix style commands on a windows platform.
+ifndef CYGWIN_MK
+ CYGWIN_MK := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+ include ${MAKE_HELPERS_DIRECTORY}unix.mk
+ # In cygwin executable files have the Windows .exe extension type.
+ BIN_EXT := .exe
diff --git a/make_helpers/defaults.mk b/make_helpers/defaults.mk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..412c3b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make_helpers/defaults.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Default, static values for build variables, listed in alphabetic order.
+# Dependencies between build options, if any, are handled in the top-level
+# Makefile, after this file is included. This ensures that the former is better
+# poised to handle dependencies, as all build variables would have a default
+# value by then.
+# The AArch32 Secure Payload to be built as BL32 image
+AARCH32_SP := none
+# The Target build architecture. Supported values are: aarch64, aarch32.
+ARCH := aarch64
+# ARM Architecture major and minor versions: 8.0 by default.
+# Determine the version of ARM GIC architecture to use for interrupt management
+# in EL3. The platform port can change this value if needed.
+# Flag used to indicate if ASM_ASSERTION should be enabled for the build.
+# Base commit to perform code check on
+BASE_COMMIT := origin/master
+# By default, consider that the platform may release several CPUs out of reset.
+# The platform Makefile is free to override this value.
+# For Chain of Trust
+# Build flag to include AArch32 registers in cpu context save and restore during
+# world switch. This flag must be set to 0 for AArch64-only platforms.
+# Include FP registers in cpu context
+# Debug build
+DEBUG := 0
+# Build platform
+# Flag to enable Performance Measurement Framework
+# Flag to enable PSCI STATs functionality
+# Flag to enable runtime instrumentation using PMF
+# Flag to enable stack corruption protection
+# Build flag to treat usage of deprecated platform and framework APIs as error.
+# Byte alignment that each component in FIP is aligned to
+# Default FIP file name
+FIP_NAME := fip.bin
+# Default FWU_FIP file name
+FWU_FIP_NAME := fwu_fip.bin
+# For Chain of Trust
+# Hint platform interrupt control layer that Group 0 interrupts are for EL3. By
+# default, they are for Secure EL1.
+GICV2_G0_FOR_EL3 := 0
+# Whether system coherency is managed in hardware, without explicit software
+# operations.
+# Set the default algorithm for the generation of Trusted Board Boot keys
+KEY_ALG := rsa
+# Flag to enable new version of image loading
+# NS timer register save and restore
+# Build PL011 UART driver in minimal generic UART mode
+# By default, consider that the platform's reset address is not programmable.
+# The platform Makefile is free to override this value.
+# Flag used to choose the power state format viz Extended State-ID or the
+# Original format.
+# By default, BL1 acts as the reset handler, not BL31
+RESET_TO_BL31 := 0
+# For Chain of Trust
+# Whether code and read-only data should be put on separate memory pages. The
+# platform Makefile is free to override this value.
+# SPD choice
+SPD := none
+# Flag to introduce an infinite loop in BL1 just before it exits into the next
+# image. This is meant to help debugging the post-BL2 phase.
+# Flags to build TF with Trusted Boot support
+# Build option to choose whether Trusted firmware uses Coherent memory or not.
+# Use tbbr_oid.h instead of platform_oid.h
+# Build verbosity
+V := 0
+# Whether to enable D-Cache early during warm boot. This is usually
+# applicable for platforms wherein interconnect programming is not
+# required to enable cache coherency after warm reset (eg: single cluster
+# platforms).
+# By default, enable Statistical Profiling Extensions.
+# The top level Makefile will disable this feature depending on
+# the target architecture and version number.
+# SPE is enabled by default but only supported on AArch64 8.2 onwards.
+# Disable it in all other cases.
+ifeq (${ARCH},aarch32)
+ override ENABLE_SPE_FOR_LOWER_ELS := 0
+ ifeq (${ARM_ARCH_MAJOR},8)
+ ifeq ($(ARM_ARCH_MINOR),$(filter $(ARM_ARCH_MINOR),0 1))
+ endif
+ endif
diff --git a/make_helpers/msys.mk b/make_helpers/msys.mk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e60d57f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make_helpers/msys.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# OS specific definitions for builds in a Mingw32 MSYS environment.
+# Mingw32 allows us to use some unix style commands on a windows platform.
+ifndef MSYS_MK
+ MSYS_MK := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+ include ${MAKE_HELPERS_DIRECTORY}unix.mk
+ # In MSYS executable files have the Windows .exe extension type.
+ BIN_EXT := .exe
diff --git a/make_helpers/plat_helpers.mk b/make_helpers/plat_helpers.mk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2f383a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make_helpers/plat_helpers.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Helpers for finding and referencing platform directories
+ ifeq (${PLAT},)
+ $(error "Error: Unknown platform. Please use PLAT=<platform name> to specify the platform")
+ endif
+ # PLATFORM_ROOT can be overridden for when building tools directly
+ PLATFORM_ROOT ?= plat/
+ PLAT_MAKEFILE := platform.mk
+ # Generate the platforms list by recursively searching for all directories
+ # under /plat containing a PLAT_MAKEFILE. Append each platform with a `|`
+ # char and strip out the final '|'.
+ ALL_PLATFORM_DIRS := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir ${ALL_PLATFORM_MK_FILES}))
+ ALL_PLATFORMS := $(sort $(notdir ${ALL_PLATFORM_DIRS}))
+ PLATFORM_LIST := $(subst ${space},|,${ALL_PLATFORMS})
+ $(error "Error: Invalid platform. The following platforms are available: ${PLATFORM_LIST}")
+ endif
+ # Record the directory where the platform make file was found.
diff --git a/make_helpers/tbbr/tbbr_tools.mk b/make_helpers/tbbr/tbbr_tools.mk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..712fa6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make_helpers/tbbr/tbbr_tools.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# This file defines the keys and certificates that must be created to establish
+# a Chain of Trust following the TBBR document. These definitions include the
+# command line options passed to the cert_create and fiptool commands.
+# Expected environment:
+# BUILD_PLAT: output directory
+# NEED_BL32: indicates whether BL32 is needed by the platform
+# BL2: image filename (optional). Default is IMG_BIN(2) (see macro IMG_BIN)
+# SCP_BL2: image filename (optional). Default is IMG_BIN(30)
+# BL31: image filename (optional). Default is IMG_BIN(31)
+# BL32: image filename (optional). Default is IMG_BIN(32)
+# BL33: image filename (optional). Default is IMG_BIN(33)
+# Build options added by this file:
+# BL31_KEY
+# BL32_KEY
+# BL33_KEY
+# Certificate generation tool default parameters
+TRUSTED_KEY_CERT := ${BUILD_PLAT}/trusted_key.crt
+FWU_CERT := ${BUILD_PLAT}/fwu_cert.crt
+# Default non-volatile counter values (overridable by the platform)
+# Pass the non-volatile counters to the cert_create tool
+$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${TFW_NVCTR_VAL},--tfw-nvctr))
+$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${NTFW_NVCTR_VAL},--ntfw-nvctr))
+# Add Trusted Key certificate to the fiptool and cert_create command line options
+$(eval $(call FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,${TRUSTED_KEY_CERT},--trusted-key-cert))
+$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${TRUSTED_KEY_CERT},--trusted-key-cert))
+# Add fwu certificate to the fiptool and cert_create command line options
+$(eval $(call FWU_FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,${FWU_CERT},--fwu-cert))
+$(eval $(call FWU_CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${FWU_CERT},--fwu-cert))
+# Add the keys to the cert_create command line options (private keys are NOT
+# packed in the FIP). Developers can use their own keys by specifying the proper
+# build option in the command line when building the Trusted Firmware
+$(if ${KEY_ALG},$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${KEY_ALG},--key-alg)))
+$(if ${ROT_KEY},$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${ROT_KEY},--rot-key)))
+$(if ${ROT_KEY},$(eval $(call FWU_CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${ROT_KEY},--rot-key)))
+$(if ${TRUSTED_WORLD_KEY},$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${TRUSTED_WORLD_KEY},--trusted-world-key)))
+$(if ${NON_TRUSTED_WORLD_KEY},$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${NON_TRUSTED_WORLD_KEY},--non-trusted-world-key)))
+# Add the BL2 CoT (image cert + image)
+$(if ${BL2},$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BL2},--tb-fw,true)),\
+ $(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,$(call IMG_BIN,2),--tb-fw,true)))
+$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BUILD_PLAT}/tb_fw.crt,--tb-fw-cert))
+$(eval $(call FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,${BUILD_PLAT}/tb_fw.crt,--tb-fw-cert))
+# Add the SCP_BL2 CoT (key cert + img cert + image)
+ifneq (${SCP_BL2},)
+ $(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${SCP_BL2},--scp-fw,true))
+ $(if ${SCP_BL2_KEY},$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${SCP_BL2_KEY},--scp-fw-key)))
+ $(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BUILD_PLAT}/scp_fw_content.crt,--scp-fw-cert))
+ $(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BUILD_PLAT}/scp_fw_key.crt,--scp-fw-key-cert))
+ $(eval $(call FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,${BUILD_PLAT}/scp_fw_content.crt,--scp-fw-cert))
+ $(eval $(call FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,${BUILD_PLAT}/scp_fw_key.crt,--scp-fw-key-cert))
+ifeq (${ARCH},aarch64)
+# Add the BL31 CoT (key cert + img cert + image)
+$(if ${BL31},$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BL31},--soc-fw,true)),\
+ $(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,$(call IMG_BIN,31),--soc-fw,true)))
+$(if ${BL31_KEY},$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BL31_KEY},--soc-fw-key)))
+$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BUILD_PLAT}/soc_fw_content.crt,--soc-fw-cert))
+$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BUILD_PLAT}/soc_fw_key.crt,--soc-fw-key-cert))
+$(eval $(call FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,${BUILD_PLAT}/soc_fw_content.crt,--soc-fw-cert))
+$(eval $(call FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,${BUILD_PLAT}/soc_fw_key.crt,--soc-fw-key-cert))
+# Add the BL32 CoT (key cert + img cert + image)
+ifeq (${NEED_BL32},yes)
+ $(if ${BL32},$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BL32},--tos-fw,true)),\
+ $(if ${BL32_SOURCES},$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,$(call IMG_BIN,32),--tos-fw,true))))
+ $(if ${BL32_KEY},$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BL32_KEY},--tos-fw-key)))
+ $(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BUILD_PLAT}/tos_fw_content.crt,--tos-fw-cert))
+ $(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BUILD_PLAT}/tos_fw_key.crt,--tos-fw-key-cert))
+ $(eval $(call FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,${BUILD_PLAT}/tos_fw_content.crt,--tos-fw-cert))
+ $(eval $(call FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,${BUILD_PLAT}/tos_fw_key.crt,--tos-fw-key-cert))
+ifneq (${BL32_EXTRA1},)
+ $(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BL32_EXTRA1},--tos-fw-extra1,true))
+ifneq (${BL32_EXTRA2},)
+ $(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BL32_EXTRA2},--tos-fw-extra2,true))
+# Add the BL33 CoT (key cert + img cert + image)
+ifneq (${BL33},)
+ $(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BL33},--nt-fw,true))
+ $(if ${BL33_KEY},$(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BL33_KEY},--nt-fw-key)))
+ $(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BUILD_PLAT}/nt_fw_content.crt,--nt-fw-cert))
+ $(eval $(call CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BUILD_PLAT}/nt_fw_key.crt,--nt-fw-key-cert))
+ $(eval $(call FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,${BUILD_PLAT}/nt_fw_content.crt,--nt-fw-cert))
+ $(eval $(call FIP_ADD_PAYLOAD,${BUILD_PLAT}/nt_fw_key.crt,--nt-fw-key-cert))
+# Add the BL2U image
+$(if ${BL2U},$(eval $(call FWU_CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${BL2U},--ap-fwu-cfg,true)),\
+ $(eval $(call FWU_CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,$(call IMG_BIN,2u),--ap-fwu-cfg,true)))
+# Add the SCP_BL2U image
+ifneq (${SCP_BL2U},)
+ $(eval $(call FWU_CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${SCP_BL2U},--scp-fwu-cfg,true))
+# Add the NS_BL2U image
+ifneq (${NS_BL2U},)
+ $(eval $(call FWU_CERT_ADD_CMD_OPT,${NS_BL2U},--fwu,true))
diff --git a/make_helpers/unix.mk b/make_helpers/unix.mk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17f8a7c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make_helpers/unix.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Trusted Firmware shell command definitions for a Unix style environment.
+ifndef UNIX_MK
+ UNIX_MK := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+ DIR_DELIM := /
+ PATH_SEP := :
+ # These defines provide Unix style equivalents of the shell commands
+ # required by the Trusted Firmware build environment.
+ # ${1} is the file to be copied.
+ # ${2} is the destination file name.
+ define SHELL_COPY
+ ${Q}cp -f "${1}" "${2}"
+ endef
+ # ${1} is the directory to be copied.
+ # ${2} is the destination directory path.
+ ${Q}cp -rf "${1}" "${2}"
+ endef
+ # ${1} is the file to be deleted.
+ -${Q}rm -f "${1}"
+ endef
+ # ${1} is a space delimited list of files to be deleted.
+ # Note that we do not quote ${1}, as multiple parameters may be passed.
+ -${Q}rm -rf ${1}
+ endef
+ # ${1} is the directory to be generated.
+ # ${2} is optional, and allows a prerequisite to be specified.
+ # Do nothing if $1 == $2, to ignore self dependencies.
+ ifneq (${1},${2})
+${1} : ${2}
+ ${Q}mkdir -p "${1}"
+ endif
+ endef
+ -${Q}rm -rf "${1}"
+ endef
diff --git a/make_helpers/windows.mk b/make_helpers/windows.mk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69f6a017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make_helpers/windows.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# OS specific parts for builds in a Windows_NT environment. The
+# environment variable OS is set to Windows_NT on all modern Windows platforms
+# Include generic windows command definitions.
+ifndef WINDOWS_MK
+ WINDOWS_MK := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+ ECHO_BLANK_LINE := @cmd /c echo.
+ DIR_DELIM := $(strip \)
+ BIN_EXT := .exe
+ PATH_SEP := ;
+ # For some Windows native commands there is a problem with the directory delimiter.
+ # Make uses / (slash) and the commands expect \ (backslash)
+ # We have to provide a means of translating these, so we define local functions.
+ # ${1} is the file to be copied.
+ # ${2} is the destination file name.
+ define SHELL_COPY
+ $(eval tmp_from_file:=$(subst /,\,${1}))
+ $(eval tmp_to_file:=$(subst /,\,${2}))
+ copy "${tmp_from_file}" "${tmp_to_file}"
+ endef
+ # ${1} is the directory to be copied.
+ # ${2} is the destination directory path.
+ $(eval tmp_from_dir:=$(subst /,\,${1}))
+ $(eval tmp_to_dir:=$(subst /,\,${2}))
+ xcopy /HIVE "${tmp_from_dir}" "${tmp_to_dir}"
+ endef
+ # ${1} is the file to be deleted.
+ $(eval tmp_del_file:=$(subst /,\,${*}))
+ -@if exist $(tmp_del_file) del /Q $(tmp_del_file)
+ endef
+ # ${1} is a space delimited list of files to be deleted.
+ $(eval $(foreach filename,$(wildcard ${1}),$(call DELETE_IF_THERE,${filename})))
+ endef
+ # ${1} is the directory to be generated.
+ # ${2} is optional, and allows prerequisites to be specified.
+ # Do nothing if $1 == $2, to ignore self dependencies.
+ ifneq (${1},${2})
+${1} : ${2}
+ $(eval tmp_dir:=$(subst /,\,${1}))
+ -@if not exist "$(tmp_dir)" mkdir "${tmp_dir}"
+ endif
+ endef
+ # ${1} is the directory to be removed.
+ $(eval tmp_dir:=$(subst /,\,${1}))
+ -@if exist "$(tmp_dir)" rd /Q /S "$(tmp_dir)"
+ endef
+# Because git is not available from CMD.EXE, we need to avoid
+# the BUILD_STRING generation which uses git.
+# For now we use "development build".
+# This can be overridden from the command line or environment.
+BUILD_STRING ?= development build
+# The DOS echo shell command does not strip ' characters from the command
+# parameters before printing. We therefore use an alternative method invoked
+# by defining the MAKE_BUILD_STRINGS macro.
+BUILT_TIME_DATE_STRING = const char build_message[] = "Built : "${BUILD_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP};
+VERSION_STRING_MESSAGE = const char version_string[] = "${VERSION_STRING}";
+ $$(CC) $$(TF_CFLAGS) $$(CFLAGS) -x c -c - -o $1