AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-11-30hi4511: Add config for core tracking kernellinaro-jbharigollamudi
2013-10-13hisilicon: disable suspend from bootVishal Bhoj
2013-09-20Fix kernel path detectionVishal Bhoj
2013-09-16Select the right kernel for the buildVishal Bhoj
2013-08-28update mount optionsVishal Bhoj
2013-07-31set CPU_VARIANT to A9 explicitly for 4.3Vishal Bhoj
2013-07-03set userdata partition size to 4GBVishal Bhoj
2013-06-30hisilicon: set ro.serialno=0123456789ABCDEFVishal Bhoj
2013-06-24Fix the defconfigVishal Bhoj
2013-06-18hi4511: use config fragmentVishal Bhoj
2013-05-10hi4511: set ro.sf.lcd_density=320Vishal Bhoj
2013-04-24Add support for dtb in boot.imgVishal Bhoj
2013-04-09Add initial support for hi4511HEADmasterVishal Bhoj