path: root/hifi/xaf/hifi-dpf/ipc/xt-shmem/hikey/int_vector.S
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 830 deletions
diff --git a/hifi/xaf/hifi-dpf/ipc/xt-shmem/hikey/int_vector.S b/hifi/xaf/hifi-dpf/ipc/xt-shmem/hikey/int_vector.S
deleted file mode 100644
index d579a55e..00000000
--- a/hifi/xaf/hifi-dpf/ipc/xt-shmem/hikey/int_vector.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,830 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (C) 2018 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
-* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-* "Software"), to use this Software with Cadence processor cores only and
-* not with any other processors and platforms, subject to
-* the following conditions:
-* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- int_vector.S
-#include <xtensa/coreasm.h>
-#include <xtensa/corebits.h>
-#include <xtensa/config/system.h>
-#include <xtensa/simcall.h>
-#include "arch_hifi330.h"
-// .data
- .section, "aw"
-/* CP */
- .type g_awVosCoprocSaOffset,@object
- .align 16 /* minimize crossing cache boundaries */
- .word XT_CP0_SA, XT_CP1_SA, XT_CP2_SA, XT_CP3_SA
- .word XT_CP4_SA, XT_CP5_SA, XT_CP6_SA, XT_CP7_SA
-/* CP n's CPENABLE bit. */
- .type g_bVosCoprocMask,@object
- .align 16,,8 /* try to keep it all in one cache line */
- .byte 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80
-/* Owner of CP (0 = unowned). */
- .global g_awVosCoprocOwnerSa
- .type g_awVosCoprocOwnerSa,@object
- .align 16,,XCHAL_CP_MAX<<2 /* minimize crossing cache boundaries */
- .space XCHAL_CP_MAX << 2,0
- .global g_strVosPanicMessage
- .align 4
- .string "\npanic at addr 0x%08x.\n"
- .begin literal_prefix .iram0
- .section .iram0.text, "ax"
- .global OS_Panic
- .type OS_Panic,@function
- .align 4
- OS_Panic
-#ifdef ZOS_SIM
- /*panic at addr*/
- addi a4, a0, -3 /* point to call0 */
- movi a3, g_strVosPanicMessage
- movi a2, SYS_log_msg
- simcall
- movi a2, SYS_gdb_abort
- simcall
- /*low & med*/
- rsil a2, XCHAL_EXCM_LEVEL /* disable all low & med ints */
-1: j 1b /* loop infinitely */
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .DebugExceptionVector
- .section .DebugExceptionVector.text, "ax"
- .global OS_DebugExceptionVector
- .align 4
-#ifdef ZOS_SIM
- movi a2, SYS_gdb_enter_sktloop
- simcall
- call0 OS_Panic
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .DoubleExceptionVector
- .section .DoubleExceptionVector.text, "ax"
- .global OS_DoubleExceptionVector
- .align 4
- OS_DoubleExceptionVector
- call0 OS_Panic /* does not return */
- rfde /* make a0 point here not later */
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .KernelExceptionVector
- .section .KernelExceptionVector.text, "ax"
- .global OS_KernelExceptionVector
- .align 4
- _KernelExceptionVector
- call0 OS_Panic /* does not return */
- rfe /* make a0 point here not later */
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .UserExceptionVector
- .section .UserExceptionVector.text, "ax"
- .global OS_UserExceptionVector
- .type OS_UserExceptionVector,@function
- .align 4
- _UserExceptionVector
- wsr a0, EXCSAVE_1 /* preserve a0 */
- call0 OS_UserExc /* user exception handler */
- /* never returns here - call0 is used as a jump (see note at top) */
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .iram0
- .section .iram0.text, "ax"
- .align 4
- s32i a5, sp, XT_STK_A5 /* save a5 */
- addi a5, a0, -EXCCAUSE_CP0_DISABLED /* a0 = CP index */
- bgei a5, XCHAL_CP_MAX, .L_xt_user_exc_not_coproc
- call0 OS_CoProcessorException /* in window vectors section */
- /* never returns here - call0 is used as a jump (see note at top) */
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .iram0
- .section .iram0.text, "ax"
- .align 4
- call0 OS_AllocaException /* in window vectors section */
- /* never returns here - call0 is used as a jump (see note at top) */
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .iram0
- .section .iram0.text, "ax"
- .align 4
- call0 OS_SyscallException
- /* never returns here - call0 is used as a jump (see note at top) */
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .iram0
- .section .iram0.text, "ax"
- .global OS_UserExc
- .type OS_UserExc,@function
- .align 4
- rsr a0, EXCCAUSE
- beqi a0, EXCCAUSE_ALLOCA, OS_AllocExc
- beqi a0, EXCCAUSE_SYSCALL, OS_SyscallExc
- mov a0, sp /* sp == a1 */
- addi sp, sp, -XT_STK_FRMSZ /* allocate interrupt stack frame */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_A1 /* save pre-interrupt SP */
- rsr a0, PS /* save interruptee's PS */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_PS
- rsr a0, EPC_1 /* save interruptee's PC */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_PC
- rsr a0, EXCSAVE_1 /* save interruptee's a0 */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_A0
- movi a0, OS_UserExit /* save exit point for dispatch */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_EXIT
- rsr a0, EXCCAUSE
- bgeui a0, EXCCAUSE_CP0_DISABLED, OS_CoProcessorExc
- wsr a0, PS
- rsync
- rsr a2, EXCCAUSE
- beqi a2, EXCCAUSE_LEVEL1INTERRUPT, .L_xt_user_int
- mov a6,a2
- mov a7,a1
- /*User exception*/
- call4 OS_UserexecHandler
- j .L_xt_user_done
- /* level 1 int */
- rsr a2, INTENABLE
- rsr a3, INTERRUPT
- and a2, a2, a3
- and a2, a2, a4
- beqz a2, .L_int_done1
- neg a3,a2
- and a3,a3,a2
- wsr a3,INTCLEAR
- find_ls_one a2, a3
- mov a6,a2
- call4 OS_EnterIntHook
- mov a6,a2
- call4 OS_InterruptHandler
- mov a6,a2
- call4 OS_ExitIntHook
- j .L_xt_user_int
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .iram0
- .section .iram0.text, "ax"
- .global OS_UserExit
- .type OS_UserExit,@function
- .align 4
- l32i a0, sp, XT_STK_PS /* retrieve interruptee's PS */
- wsr a0, PS
- l32i a0, sp, XT_STK_PC /* retrieve interruptee's PC */
- wsr a0, EPC_1
- l32i a0, sp, XT_STK_A0 /* retrieve interruptee's A0 */
- l32i sp, sp, XT_STK_A1 /* remove interrupt stack frame */
- rsync /* ensure PS and EPC written */
- rfe /* PS.EXCM is cleared */
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .iram0
- .section .iram0.text, "ax"
- .type OS_SyscallException,@function
- .align 4
- OS_SyscallException
- addi sp, sp, -XT_STK_FRMSZ /* allocate interrupt stack frame */
- s32i a12, sp, XT_STK_A12 /* _xt_context_save requires A12- */
- s32i a13, sp, XT_STK_A13 /* A13 to have already been saved */
- call0 OS_ContextSave
- /*
- 2)update PC*/
- rsr a2, EPC_1
- addi a3, a2, 3
- rsr a0, LEND
- bne a3, a0, 1f
- rsr a0, LCOUNT
- beqz a0, 1f
- addi a0, a0, -1
- rsr a3, LBEG
- wsr a0, LCOUNT
-1: wsr a3, EPC_1
- /* Restore context,exception */
- call0 OS_ContextRestore
- addi sp, sp, XT_STK_FRMSZ
- movi a0, -1
- movnez a2, a0, a2 /* return -1 if not syscall 0 */
- rsr a0, EXCSAVE_1
- rfe
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .iram0
- .section .iram0.text, "ax"
- .type OS_CoProcessorException,@function
- .align 4
- OS_CoProcessorException
-OS_CoProcessorException: /* a5 = CP index */
- s32i a2, sp, XT_STK_A2
- s32i a3, sp, XT_STK_A3
- s32i a4, sp, XT_STK_A4
- s32i a15, sp, XT_STK_A15
- /* co-processor old owner new owner. */
- call0 XT_RTOS_CP_STATE /* a15 = new owner's save area */
- beqz a15, .L_xt_coproc_invalid /* not in a thread (invalid) */
- mov a0, a5 /* a0 = CP index */
- movi a3, g_awVosCoprocOwnerSa
- addx4 a3, a0, a3 /* a3 = &g_awVosCoprocOwnerSa[CP] */
- l32i a2, a3, 0 /* a2 = old owner's save area */
- /* Enable the co-processor's bit in CPENABLE. */
- movi a4, g_bVosCoprocMask
- rsr a5, CPENABLE /* a5 = CPENABLE */
- add a4, a4, a0
- l8ui a4, a4, 0 /* a4 = bitmask from CP index */
- or a5, a5, a4 /* a5 = CPENABLE + CP */
- wsr a5, CPENABLE
- beq a15, a2, .L_xt_coproc_done /* new owner == old, we're done */
- s32i a15, a3, 0 /* g_awVosCoprocOwnerSa[CP] = new */
- l8ui a5, a15, XT_CPSTORED /* a5 = new owner's old CPSTORED */
- neg a3, a4
- addi a3, a3, -1 /* a3 = ~a4 (bitmask for CP) */
- and a3, a5, a3 /* clr CP in new owner's CPSTORED */
- s8i a3, a15, XT_CPSTORED /* update new owner's CPSTORED */
- /* Adjust new owner's save area pointers to area for CP n. */
- movi a3, g_awVosCoprocSaOffset
- and a5, a5, a4 /* a5 = new owner's CP is stored */
- addx4 a3, a0, a3 /* a3 = &OS_CoprocSaOffset[CP] */
- l32i a3, a3, 0 /* a3 = XT_CP[CP]_SA */
- add a15, a15, a3 /* a15 = new owner's area for CP */
- moveqz a15, a5, a5 /* a15 = 0 if state not stored */
- rsync /* ensure wsr.CPENABLE is complete */
- beqz a2, .L_xt_coproc_new /* no old owner to save */
- /* If old owner still needs CP, clear CP in CPENABLE and set in CPSTORED. */
- l8ui a5, a2, XT_CPENABLE /* a5 = old owner's CPENABLE */
- and a4, a5, a4 /* a4 = CP in old owner CPENABLE */
- beqz a4, .L_xt_coproc_new /* discard old owner's CP state */
- sub a5, a5, a4 /* clr CP in old owner's CPENABLE */
- s8i a5, a2, XT_CPENABLE /* update old owner's CPENABLE */
- l8ui a5, a2, XT_CPSTORED /* a5 = old owner's CPSTORED */
- or a5, a5, a4 /* set CP in old owner's CPSTORED */
- s8i a5, a2, XT_CPSTORED /* update old owner's CPSTORED */
- /* Save co-processor state of old owner. */
- add a2, a2, a3 /* a2 = old owner's area for CP */
- mov a3, a0 /* a3 = CP index */
- /*
- The config-specific HAL macro invoked below destroys a2-5, preserves a0-1.
- It is theoretically possible for Xtensa processor designers to write TIE
- that causes more address registers to be affected, but it is generally
- unlikely. If that ever happens, more registers needs to be saved/restored
- around this macro invocation, and the value in a15 needs to be recomputed.
- */
- xchal_cpi_store_funcbody
- /* Restore co-processor state of new owner. */
- beqz a15, .L_xt_coproc_done /* no valid state to restore */
- mov a2, a15 /* a2 = new owner's area for CP */
- mov a3, a0 /* a3 = CP index */
- xchal_cpi_load_funcbody
- l32i a15, sp, XT_STK_A15
- l32i a5, sp, XT_STK_A5
- l32i a4, sp, XT_STK_A4
- l32i a3, sp, XT_STK_A3
- l32i a2, sp, XT_STK_A2
- call0 OS_UserExit
- call0 OS_Panic /* not in a thread (invalid) */
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .Level2InterruptVector
- .section .Level2InterruptVector.text, "ax"
- .global OS_Level2Vector
- .type OS_Level2Vector,@function
- .align 4
- _Level2Vector
- wsr a0, EXCSAVE_2 /* preserve a0 */
- call0 OS_Medint2 /* load interrupt handler */
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .iram0
- .section .iram0.text, "ax"
- .extern OS_InterruptHandler
- .type OS_Medint2,@function
- .align 4
-#movi a1, 0xdeadbeef
- movi a1, 0xe8075000
- movi a2, 0xe8075e30 /*HIFI_RESERVE1_LOCATION*/
- s32i a1, a2, 0
- mov a0, sp /* sp == a1 */
- addi sp, sp, -XT_STK_FRMSZ /* allocate interrupt stack frame */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_A1 /* save pre-interrupt SP */
- rsr a0, EPS_2 /* save interruptee's PS */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_PS
- rsr a0, EPC_2 /* save interruptee's PC */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_PC
- rsr a0, EXCSAVE_2 /* save interruptee's a0 */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_A0
- movi a0, OS_Medint2Exit /* save exit point for dispatch */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_EXIT
- movi a0, PS_INTLEVEL(2) | PS_UM | PS_WOE
- wsr a0, PS
- rsync
- rsr a2, INTENABLE
- rsr a3, INTERRUPT
- and a2, a2, a3
- and a2, a2, a4
- beqz a2, .L_int_done2
- neg a3,a2
- and a3,a3,a2
- wsr a3,INTCLEAR
- find_ls_one a2, a3
- mov a6,a2
- call4 OS_EnterIntHook
- mov a6,a2
- call4 OS_InterruptHandler
- mov a6,a2
- call4 OS_ExitIntHook
- j .L_ProcAllInt2
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .iram0
- .section .iram0.text, "ax"
- .global OS_Medint2Exit
- .type OS_Medint2Exit,@function
- .align 4
- /* Restore only level-specific regs (the rest were already restored) */
- l32i a0, sp, XT_STK_PS /* retrieve interruptee's PS */
- wsr a0, EPS_2
- l32i a0, sp, XT_STK_PC /* retrieve interruptee's PC */
- wsr a0, EPC_2
- l32i a0, sp, XT_STK_A0 /* retrieve interruptee's A0 */
- l32i sp, sp, XT_STK_A1 /* remove interrupt stack frame */
- rsync /* ensure EPS and EPC written */
- rfi 2
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .Level3InterruptVector
- .section .Level3InterruptVector.text, "ax"
- .global OS_Level3Vector
- .type OS_Level3Vector,@function
- .align 4
- _Level3Vector
- wsr a0, EXCSAVE_3 /* preserve a0 */
- call0 OS_MedInt3 /* load interrupt handler */
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .iram0
- .section .iram0.text, "ax"
- .extern OS_InterruptHandler
- .type OS_MedInt3,@function
- .align 4
- mov a0, sp /* sp == a1 */
- addi sp, sp, -XT_STK_FRMSZ /* allocate interrupt stack frame */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_A1 /* save pre-interrupt SP */
- rsr a0, EPS_3 /* save interruptee's PS */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_PS
- rsr a0, EPC_3 /* save interruptee's PC */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_PC
- rsr a0, EXCSAVE_3 /* save interruptee's a0 */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_A0
- movi a0, OS_Medint3Exit /* save exit point for dispatch */
- s32i a0, sp, XT_STK_EXIT
- movi a0, PS_INTLEVEL(3) | PS_UM | PS_WOE
- wsr a0, PS
- rsync
- rsr a2, INTENABLE
- rsr a3, INTERRUPT
- and a2, a2, a3
- and a2, a2, a4
- beqz a2, .L_int_done3
- neg a3,a2
- and a3,a3,a2
- wsr a3,INTCLEAR
- find_ls_one a2, a3
- mov a6,a2
- call4 OS_EnterIntHook
- mov a6,a2
- call4 OS_InterruptHandler
- mov a6,a2
- call4 OS_ExitIntHook
- j .L_ProcAllInt3
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .iram0
- .section .iram0.text, "ax"
- .global OS_Medint3Exit
- .type OS_Medint3Exit,@function
- .align 4
- /* Restore only level-specific regs (the rest were already restored) */
- l32i a0, sp, XT_STK_PS /* retrieve interruptee's PS */
- wsr a0, EPS_3
- l32i a0, sp, XT_STK_PC /* retrieve interruptee's PC */
- wsr a0, EPC_3
- l32i a0, sp, XT_STK_A0 /* retrieve interruptee's A0 */
- l32i sp, sp, XT_STK_A1 /* remove interrupt stack frame */
- rsync /* ensure EPS and EPC written */
- rfi 3
- .end literal_prefix
- .begin literal_prefix .NMIExceptionVector
- .section .NMIExceptionVector.text, "ax"
- .global OS_NMIExceptionVector
- .align 8
- OS_NMIExceptionVector
- /*wsr a3, 213
- wsr a4, 214*/
- /*movi a3, 0x0
- movi a4, 0xf711a510
- s32i a3, a4, 0*/
- /*rsr a3, 213
- rsr a4, 214*/
- movi a0, PS_INTLEVEL(3) | PS_UM | PS_WOE
- wsr a0, PS
- rsync
- rsr a2, EXCCAUSE
- mov a6,a2
- mov a7,a1
- call4 OS_NmiHook
- .end literal_prefix
- .section .WindowVectors.text, "ax"
-Window Overflow Exception for Call4.
-Invoked if a call[i] referenced a register (a4-a15)
-that contains data from ancestor call[j];
-call[j] had done a call4 to call[j+1].
-On entry here:
- window rotated to call[j] start point;
- a0-a3 are registers to be saved;
- a4-a15 must be preserved;
- a5 is call[j+1]'s stack pointer.
- .org 0x0
- .global _WindowOverflow4
- s32e a0, a5, -16 /* save a0 to call[j+1]'s stack frame */
- s32e a1, a5, -12 /* save a1 to call[j+1]'s stack frame */
- s32e a2, a5, -8 /* save a2 to call[j+1]'s stack frame */
- s32e a3, a5, -4 /* save a3 to call[j+1]'s stack frame */
- rfwo /* rotates back to call[i] position */
-Window Underflow Exception for Call4
-Invoked by RETW returning from call[i+1] to call[i]
-where call[i]'s registers must be reloaded (not live in ARs);
-where call[i] had done a call4 to call[i+1].
-On entry here:
- window rotated to call[i] start point;
- a0-a3 are undefined, must be reloaded with call[i].reg[0..3];
- a4-a15 must be preserved (they are call[i+1].reg[0..11]);
- a5 is call[i+1]'s stack pointer.
- .org 0x40
- .global _WindowUnderflow4
- l32e a0, a5, -16 /* restore a0 from call[i+1]'s stack frame */
- l32e a1, a5, -12 /* restore a1 from call[i+1]'s stack frame */
- l32e a2, a5, -8 /* restore a2 from call[i+1]'s stack frame */
- l32e a3, a5, -4 /* restore a3 from call[i+1]'s stack frame */
- rfwu
- .global OS_AllocaException
- .align 4
- OS_AllocaException
- rsr a0, WINDOWBASE /* grab WINDOWBASE before rotw changes it */
- rotw -1 /* WINDOWBASE goes to a4, new a0-a3 are scratch */
- rsr a2, PS
- xor a3, a3, a4 /* bits changed from old to current windowbase */
- rsr a4, EXCSAVE_1 /* restore original a0 (now in a4) */
- slli a3, a3, XCHAL_PS_OWB_SHIFT
- xor a2, a2, a3 /* flip changed bits in old window base */
- wsr a2, PS /* update PS.OWB to new window base */
- rsync
- _bbci.l a4, 31, _WindowUnderflow4
- rotw -1 /* original a0 goes to a8 */
- _bbci.l a8, 30, _WindowUnderflow8
- rotw -1
- j _WindowUnderflow12
-Window Overflow Exception for Call8
-Invoked if a call[i] referenced a register (a4-a15)
-that contains data from ancestor call[j];
-call[j] had done a call8 to call[j+1].
-On entry here:
- window rotated to call[j] start point;
- a0-a7 are registers to be saved;
- a8-a15 must be preserved;
- a9 is call[j+1]'s stack pointer.
- .org 0x80
- .global _WindowOverflow8
- s32e a0, a9, -16 /* save a0 to call[j+1]'s stack frame */
- l32e a0, a1, -12 /* a0 <- call[j-1]'s sp
- (used to find end of call[j]'s frame) */
- s32e a1, a9, -12 /* save a1 to call[j+1]'s stack frame */
- s32e a2, a9, -8 /* save a2 to call[j+1]'s stack frame */
- s32e a3, a9, -4 /* save a3 to call[j+1]'s stack frame */
- s32e a4, a0, -32 /* save a4 to call[j]'s stack frame */
- s32e a5, a0, -28 /* save a5 to call[j]'s stack frame */
- s32e a6, a0, -24 /* save a6 to call[j]'s stack frame */
- s32e a7, a0, -20 /* save a7 to call[j]'s stack frame */
- rfwo /* rotates back to call[i] position */
-Window Underflow Exception for Call8
-Invoked by RETW returning from call[i+1] to call[i]
-where call[i]'s registers must be reloaded (not live in ARs);
-where call[i] had done a call8 to call[i+1].
-On entry here:
- window rotated to call[i] start point;
- a0-a7 are undefined, must be reloaded with call[i].reg[0..7];
- a8-a15 must be preserved (they are call[i+1].reg[0..7]);
- a9 is call[i+1]'s stack pointer.
- .org 0xC0
- .global _WindowUnderflow8
- l32e a0, a9, -16 /* restore a0 from call[i+1]'s stack frame */
- l32e a1, a9, -12 /* restore a1 from call[i+1]'s stack frame */
- l32e a2, a9, -8 /* restore a2 from call[i+1]'s stack frame */
- l32e a7, a1, -12 /* a7 <- call[i-1]'s sp
- (used to find end of call[i]'s frame) */
- l32e a3, a9, -4 /* restore a3 from call[i+1]'s stack frame */
- l32e a4, a7, -32 /* restore a4 from call[i]'s stack frame */
- l32e a5, a7, -28 /* restore a5 from call[i]'s stack frame */
- l32e a6, a7, -24 /* restore a6 from call[i]'s stack frame */
- l32e a7, a7, -20 /* restore a7 from call[i]'s stack frame */
- rfwu
-Window Overflow Exception for Call12
-Invoked if a call[i] referenced a register (a4-a15)
-that contains data from ancestor call[j];
-call[j] had done a call12 to call[j+1].
-On entry here:
- window rotated to call[j] start point;
- a0-a11 are registers to be saved;
- a12-a15 must be preserved;
- a13 is call[j+1]'s stack pointer.
- .org 0x100
- .global _WindowOverflow12
- s32e a0, a13, -16 /* save a0 to call[j+1]'s stack frame */
- l32e a0, a1, -12 /* a0 <- call[j-1]'s sp
- (used to find end of call[j]'s frame) */
- s32e a1, a13, -12 /* save a1 to call[j+1]'s stack frame */
- s32e a2, a13, -8 /* save a2 to call[j+1]'s stack frame */
- s32e a3, a13, -4 /* save a3 to call[j+1]'s stack frame */
- s32e a4, a0, -48 /* save a4 to end of call[j]'s stack frame */
- s32e a5, a0, -44 /* save a5 to end of call[j]'s stack frame */
- s32e a6, a0, -40 /* save a6 to end of call[j]'s stack frame */
- s32e a7, a0, -36 /* save a7 to end of call[j]'s stack frame */
- s32e a8, a0, -32 /* save a8 to end of call[j]'s stack frame */
- s32e a9, a0, -28 /* save a9 to end of call[j]'s stack frame */
- s32e a10, a0, -24 /* save a10 to end of call[j]'s stack frame */
- s32e a11, a0, -20 /* save a11 to end of call[j]'s stack frame */
- rfwo /* rotates back to call[i] position */
-Window Underflow Exception for Call12
-Invoked by RETW returning from call[i+1] to call[i]
-where call[i]'s registers must be reloaded (not live in ARs);
-where call[i] had done a call12 to call[i+1].
-On entry here:
- window rotated to call[i] start point;
- a0-a11 are undefined, must be reloaded with call[i].reg[0..11];
- a12-a15 must be preserved (they are call[i+1].reg[0..3]);
- a13 is call[i+1]'s stack pointer.
- .org 0x140
- .global _WindowUnderflow12
- l32e a0, a13, -16 /* restore a0 from call[i+1]'s stack frame */
- l32e a1, a13, -12 /* restore a1 from call[i+1]'s stack frame */
- l32e a2, a13, -8 /* restore a2 from call[i+1]'s stack frame */
- l32e a11, a1, -12 /* a11 <- call[i-1]'s sp
- (used to find end of call[i]'s frame) */
- l32e a3, a13, -4 /* restore a3 from call[i+1]'s stack frame */
- l32e a4, a11, -48 /* restore a4 from end of call[i]'s stack frame */
- l32e a5, a11, -44 /* restore a5 from end of call[i]'s stack frame */
- l32e a6, a11, -40 /* restore a6 from end of call[i]'s stack frame */
- l32e a7, a11, -36 /* restore a7 from end of call[i]'s stack frame */
- l32e a8, a11, -32 /* restore a8 from end of call[i]'s stack frame */
- l32e a9, a11, -28 /* restore a9 from end of call[i]'s stack frame */
- l32e a10, a11, -24 /* restore a10 from end of call[i]'s stack frame */
- l32e a11, a11, -20 /* restore a11 from end of call[i]'s stack frame */
- rfwu