AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-04-18origen_quad: changed sequence in mk file loadinglinaro-jbFahad Kunnathadi
2013-04-18origen_quad: added codec map file.Fahad Kunnathadi
2013-04-18origen_quad: OMX decoder library enabling video Hardware acceleationFahad Kunnathadi
2013-04-18Merge "origen_quad: Added flag for enabling video." into linaro-jbVishal Bhoj
2013-04-17origen_quad: Added flag for enabling video.Vikas
2013-03-22origen_quad: update vendor folder pathVishal Bhoj
2013-01-23Merge "origen_quad: Fix for SD card not mounting" into linaro-jbVishal Bhoj
2013-01-23origen_quad: Fix for SD card not mountingFahad Kunnathadi
2013-01-22origen_quad: add hwpack supportVishal Bhoj
2012-12-12build uboot from sourceAmit Pundir
2012-12-12fix usb includesVishal Bhoj
2012-12-12rename board specific files as per kernelVishal Bhoj
2012-12-12fix build issues with lunchVishal Bhoj
2012-11-25skip prebuilt bootloader binaries and use emmc bootloader insteadAmit Pundir
2012-11-25remove bootloader binaries due to licensing issuesAmit Pundir
2012-11-23u-boot-mmc-spl.bin: update first stage bootloader binaryAmit Pundir
2012-11-23overlay: add storage listAmit Pundir
2012-11-23device.mk: enable software vsyncAmit Pundir
2012-11-23device.mk: move to fstab based partition mountingAmit Pundir
2012-11-23overlay: fix broken overlay configsAmit Pundir
2012-11-21origen_quad: Explicitly set TARGET_ARCH := armVishal Bhoj
2012-11-19BoardConfig.mk: target uses u-bootAmit Pundir
2012-11-19Initial commitHEADmasterAmit Pundir