path: root/system.prop
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-07-23Update LTE retry pattern.Kazuhiro Ondo
2011-07-18recover QXDM logging after BP panicprabhu annabathula
2011-07-13Defiine FCC ID in system.propKazuhiro Ondo
2011-06-20Enable ALWAYS_READ_IMSI_FROM_SIM in rao
2011-06-20Set cdma tty path property for tcmd.James Wilson
2011-06-08Upgrade Moto LTE BP log & debug tools to not use ADBJohn Michelau
2011-05-24Enable IMSWink Saville
2011-05-24Clean up board-info.txt and system.propWink Saville
2011-05-20VZW retry configurations for LTE/EHRPD connectionsKazuhiro Ondo
2011-05-20Add telephony.lteOnCdmaProductTypeWink Saville
2011-05-19Turn off IMS.Wink Saville
2011-05-17Update to latest rils/radio configuration and turn on IMS.Wink Saville
2011-05-14MDM6600 & Whitney bugreport scriptsJohn Michelau
2011-05-13- CDMA RIL v3.9 Clear Ipv6 address after interface goes downWink Saville
2011-05-11Enable IMS registration by defaultKazuhiro Ondo
2011-04-22IMS application mode property.Ramesh Sudini
2011-04-01DO NOT MERGE. Default telephony.lte_on_cdma=1Wink Saville
2011-04-01Rename ro.telephony.lte_on_cdma to telephony.lte_on_cdma.Wink Saville
2011-03-28Vendor RIL Library Submissions for LTE: Version 1vidya rao
2011-01-31Fix numeric operator ID.Ficus Kirkpatrick
2010-10-27stingray: ril: Use /dev/usb/tty* symlinks instead of /dev/ttyUSB?Benoit Goby
2010-09-17Add some missing properties and overlays.Wink Saville
2010-09-14Add ro.cdma.otaspnumschema so *22899 is identified as an OTASP numberWink Saville
2010-09-02Tweak Dalvik settings.Andy McFadden
2010-07-26Declare that Stingray supports OpenGL ES 2.0.Jack Palevich
2010-07-23RIL and modem IPC enablers.Kazuhiro Ondo
2010-07-07Increase the heap limit for stingray to 32MB.Jason Parks