path: root/gki/compare_mixed_trees
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gki/compare_mixed_trees')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gki/compare_mixed_trees b/gki/compare_mixed_trees
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..713a58a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gki/compare_mixed_trees
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Python version issues? Try using build-tools/path/linux-x86/python3
+import argparse
+import collections
+import filecmp
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import pathlib
+import re
+import sys
+import textwrap
+_SOURCE_RE = re.compile(r'.* := (?P<file>.*)\n?$')
+_WILDCARD_RE = re.compile(r'\$\(wildcard (?P<file>[^\)]+)\)')
+BuiltFilesResult = collections.namedtuple('BuiltFilesResult', ['files', 'src_dir'])
+def parse_cmd_file(dotcmd, parse_deps=True):
+ """
+ Parse a .cmd file for the source files it used to build.
+ The .cmd is a Makefile script generated by scripts/basic/fixdep.c and has
+ following format:
+ cmd_init/main.o := clang <......>
+ source_init/main.o := <root_dir>/common/init/main.c
+ deps_init/main.o := \
+ $(wildcard include/config/INIT_ENV_ARG_LIMIT) \
+ ...
+ <root_dir>/include/common/include/linux/compiler-version.h \
+ arch/arm64/include/generated/uapi/asm/sockios.h \
+ ...
+ <root_dir>/common/include/kunit/try-catch.h \
+ init/main.o: $(deps_init/main.o)
+ $(deps_init/main.o):
+ We're interested in parsing source_ line to get the source file
+ and all the items in deps_. For the sake of not missing anything, we pull out
+ all the paths inside $(wildcard <path>) and non-absolute paths, which mostly
+ appear to be generated in the output folder. We'll check if they really exist
+ later and remove them from our list if not.
+ """
+ deps = set()
+ source = None
+ with as f:
+ in_deps = False
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ if line.startswith('source_'):
+ m = _SOURCE_RE.fullmatch(line)
+ if m:
+ source = os.path.normpath('file'))
+ if parse_deps:
+ if in_deps:
+ m =
+ split = line.split()
+ if m:
+ deps.add(os.path.normpath('file')))
+ elif len(split) > 0:
+ deps.add(os.path.normpath(split[0]))
+ if not split or split[-1] != '\\':
+ in_deps = False
+ if line.startswith('deps_'):
+ in_deps = True
+ return BuiltFilesResult(source, deps)
+def find_source_dir(dir):
+ """Guess the source directory for a build output folder.
+ The list of files we are interested in should be relative to the kernel source
+ directory. Dependencies listed by the .cmd files are a mix of absolute and
+ relative paths.
+ init/main.c has been part of kernel since 2.6.12-rc2. It appears unlikely to
+ go away and thus is a good candidate to make assumptions about its existence
+ in the build output and source trees.
+ """
+ main_cmd = dir / 'init' / '.main.o.cmd'
+ main_c, _ = parse_cmd_file(main_cmd, parse_deps=False)
+ if not main_c:
+ print(f'ERROR! Failed to extract GKI kernel directory from {main_cmd}')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Remove "init/main.c" to leave us with GKI_KERNEL_DIR
+ return pathlib.Path(main_c).parent.parent
+def extract_built_files(dir):
+ """Extract source files and their dependencies from a build directory
+ Args:
+ dir: Kernel build output folder (e.g. out/android-mainline/common)
+ Returns:
+ A tuple. The first value is the set of found files used in the build.
+ The second value is the location of the source directory.
+ """
+ files = set()
+ src_dir = find_source_dir(dir)
+ src_dir_prefix = str(src_dir) + os.pathsep
+ with multiprocessing.Pool() as p:
+ for source, deps in, dir.glob('**/.*.cmd')):
+ if source:
+ files.add(source.removeprefix(src_dir_prefix))
+ files.update(dep.removeprefix(src_dir_prefix) for dep in deps)
+ return BuiltFilesResult(set(f for f in files if os.path.exists(src_dir / f)),
+ src_dir)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='Compare the files used to compile a GKI kernel with those on a'
+ ' device kernel',
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ epilog=textwrap.dedent('''
+ Comparison of the trees is achieved by parsing the build output of the GKI kernel tree (GKI_KERNEL_OUT_DIR). The .cmd
+ files list the file dependencies and give a good idea of which files are used when compiling the GKI kernel.
+ Limitations:
+ - Vendor kernel should have GKI kernel baseline merged into its tree for accurate diff reporting
+ - Does not compare files which *would* be compiled into a vmlinux in a vendor kernel build.
+ For instance, if vendor kernel has added obj-y += vendor_file.o, script would not detect such addition.
+ Similarly, implicit Kconfig "select FOO" from a vendor module is not detected. The assumption
+ is that such differences would be caught during other build steps or during test.
+ - All .cmd from GKI_KERNEL_OUT_DIR are scanned. If extra build steps are run (e.g. menuconfig) or build is
+ old, then extra files might be added to the list of GKI source files.
+ '''))
+ parser.add_argument('gki_out_dir', metavar='GKI_KERNEL_OUT_DIR',
+ type=pathlib.Path,
+ help='Location of the GKI kernel output folder.')
+ parser.add_argument('--gki-files', type=pathlib.Path,
+ help='Location to write GKI files list to.')
+ parser.add_argument('vendor_tree', metavar='VENDOR_TREE', nargs='?',
+ type=pathlib.Path,
+ help='Location of the vendor source tree. '
+ 'If not provided,then just the list of GKI kernel '
+ 'output files is generated.')
+ parser.add_argument('--changed-files', type=pathlib.Path,
+ help='Location to write changed files list to.')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ built_files, source_dir = extract_built_files(args.gki_out_dir)
+ print(f'There are {len(built_files)} source files contributing to the build '
+ f'in {args.gki_out_dir}.')
+ if args.gki_files:
+ with open(args.gki_files, mode='w') as f:
+ f.writelines(f'{file}\n' for file in built_files)
+ if args.vendor_tree:
+ match, mismatch, errors = filecmp.cmpfiles(source_dir, args.vendor_tree,
+ built_files)
+ diff_files = {*mismatch, *errors}
+ print(f'There are {len(diff_files)} source file(s) changed in vendor tree.')
+ print('\n '.join(f' {file}' for file in diff_files))
+ if args.changed_files:
+ with open(args.changed_files, mode='w') as f:
+ f.writelines(f'{file}\n' for file in diff_files)
+ if diff_files:
+ sys.exit(2)