diff options
authorArtem Serov <artem.serov@linaro.org>2021-11-30 13:18:21 +0000
committerLinaro Android Code Review <android-review@review.linaro.org>2021-11-30 13:18:21 +0000
commit36f8a793c9ba744966aa0af530907e997b64adfd (patch)
parent7acc95cad1ac8865e9e7d287872223337c8bccf3 (diff)
parent8ccd13b385231f6d59983c0d09beb90bc392d894 (diff)
Merge "Remove test_boot_to_gui_emulator.sh and adjust README."
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c1037280..4504b952 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -26,69 +26,6 @@ Requirements
Note: you don't need to have shellcheck installed, presubmit.sh will download it if necessary.
-Directory Structure
-(mostly output from `tree -Fn`)
- .
- ├── benchmarks/
- │   ├── benchmarks_run_target.sh* Runs benchmarks on a target device.
- │   ├── boot_oat_measurements_host.sh* Runs boot.oat measurements on the host.
- │   ├── calibrate_benchmark_target.sh* Calibrates a benchmark run on a target device.
- │   ├── report_html.sh* Wrapper for simpleperf report_html.py.
- │   ├── report.sh* Wrapper for simpleperf report.py.
- │   └── perf_profile_benchmarks_target.sh* Gets performance profiles of benchmarks.
- ├── devices/ Device specific scripts.
- │   ├── config/ Contains the configuration for each device.
- │   ├── cpu_freq_utils.sh Utilities to work with cpu frequencies.
- │   ├── flash_device.sh Helper script sourced by flash_${device}.sh scripts
- │ │ below:
- │   ├── flash_nexus5x.sh* -=|
- │   ├── flash_nexus6p.sh* | Use these scripts to flash
- │   ├── flash_nexus9.sh* | a particular device.
- │   ├── flash_pixel2.sh* |
- │   ├── flash_pixel3.sh* |
- │   ├── flash_pixel.sh* -=|
- │   ├── set_cpu_freq.sh* Sets the CPU frequency of a target device.
- │   ├── setup/
- │   └── support/
- ├── jenkins/
- │   ├── presubmit_art_testing.sh* Presubmit test for art-testing repo (benchmarks).
- │   ├── presubmit_vixl_test_mac.sh* Presubmit test for the vixl project (Mac OS only).
- │   ├── presubmit_vixl_test.sh* Presubmit test for the vixl project.
- │   ├── setup_adb.sh* Script to setup adb configuration for CI jobs.
- │   ├── setup_android.sh* Used by Jenkins to apply your patch & setup an
- │ │ Android env.
- │   ├── setup_host.sh* Used by Jenkins to set-up the Jenkins host.
- │   └── test_launcher.pl* Used by Jenkins as a wrapper for running the scripts,
- │ so that every script gets its new process group ID.
- ├── perf/
- │   └── sperf_target_dalvikvm.sh* Runs simpleperf for dalvikvm on a target device.
- ├── presubmit.sh* Presubmit script that uses shellcheck and a few
- │ other checkers.
- ├── README.md This file.
- ├── tests/
- │   ├── monkey/
- │   │   ├── blacklist
- │   │   ├── monkey.sh*
- │   │   └── whitelist
- │   ├── test_art_fuzzer.sh* The fuzzer script.
- │   ├── test_art_host.sh* The host tests script.
- │   ├── test_art_simulator.sh*
- │   ├── test_art_target.sh* The target tests script.
- │   ├── test_art_vixl.sh* The VIXL tests script.
- │   └── test_boot_to_gui_emulator.sh* The Boot to GUI script.
- └── utils/
- ├── internal/
- │   └── utils.sh
- ├── utils_android_root.sh Utilities to setup android_root configuration.
- ├── utils_android.sh Utilities for android tree manipulation.
- ├── utils_benchmarks.sh Utilities for running benchmarks.
- ├── utils_git.sh
- ├── utils_perf.sh Utilities for collecting performance profile.
- ├── utils.sh Common utilities.
- └── utils_test.sh Common test functions.
diff --git a/tests/test_boot_to_gui_emulator.sh b/tests/test_boot_to_gui_emulator.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c51c9af6..00000000
--- a/tests/test_boot_to_gui_emulator.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Linaro Ltd.
-# All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# AOSP Emulator Boot to GUI Test.
-# https://android-build.linaro.org/jenkins/view/ART-Tip/job/linaro-art-tip-build-BootToGui-aosp_arm64/
-readonly local_path=$(dirname "$0")
-source "${local_path}/../utils/utils.sh"
-source "${local_path}/../utils/utils_android.sh"
-readonly watchdog_timer="5m" # 5 minutes watchdog timer.
-readonly test_timer_name="Boot to GUI Test"
-readonly boot_timer_name="Time to GUI"
-readonly test_timer_file="$(get_workspace)/time_test.txt"
-readonly boot_timer_file="$(get_workspace)/time_boot.txt"
-readonly logcat_file="$(get_workspace)/log_logcat.txt"
-declare -A pid
-# shellcheck disable=SC2034
-declare -A options_format=(
- ["help"]="p:usage()"
- ["h"]="r:&help"
- ["verbose"]="p:enable_verbose()"
- ["v"]="r:&verbose"
-# shellcheck disable=SC2034
-declare -A options=()
-usage() {
- log I "$0"
- log I "This script is used to run the boot Jenkins test."
- log I "By default the lunch target is inferred from the environment as"
- log I "\${TARGET_PRODUCT}-\${TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT} (as set up by the \`lunch\`"
- log I "command). If those are not defined default lunch target is used"
- log I "instead. (current environment's default: $(lunch_target_from_env))"
- log I " -h - help"
- log I " -v - verbose"
- exit 0
-build_target() {
- log I "Building the default lunch target."
- make_build
-check_boot_to_gui() {
- start_timer "${boot_timer_name}"
- # Keep on checking until the watchdog timer kicks in.
- while true; do
- local boot_completed=$(adb_shell getprop sys.boot_completed)
- if [[ ${boot_completed} =~ 1 ]]; then
- stop_timer "${boot_timer_name}"
- dump_timer "${boot_timer_name}" "${boot_timer_file}"
- return 0
- fi
- # Don't spam ADB. Wait 10 seconds before checking again.
- sleep 10s
- done
-start_watchdog_timer() {
- log I "Starting the Watchdog Timer."
- sleep "${watchdog_timer}"
- # Target has failed to boot in the expected time.
- log E "${TARGET_PRODUCT} failed to boot in the expected time ${watchdog_timer}."
- kill "${pid["boot_loop"]}"
- clean_up
-clean_up() {
- local -a pids_to_kill
- pids_to_kill+=(${pid["emulator"]})
- pids_to_kill+=(${pid["logcat"]})
- pids_to_kill+=($(pgrep -P "${pid["emulator"]}"))
- pids_to_kill+=($(pgrep -P "${pid["logcat"]}"))
- # Kill the emulator, logcat, and all related processes.
- kill "${pids_to_kill[@]}"
-main() {
- exit_on_failure arguments_parser options_format options -- "$@"
- start_timer "${test_timer_name}"
- # The Boot to GUI test does not need to be run in an Android environment.
- # But if run in an interactive mode ask the user if he is OK to run with the
- # default target.
- source_android_environment_default
- setup_android_target_to_environment_or_default
- build_target
- # Launch emulator.
- safe emulator -no-window &
- pid["emulator"]=$!
- # Start logcat.
- adb logcat > "${logcat_file}" &
- pid["logcat"]=$!
- # Run the boot-to-gui loop.
- check_boot_to_gui &
- pid["boot_loop"]=$!
- # Have the watchdog kick in and stop everything else if it lapses.
- start_watchdog_timer &
- pid["watchdog"]=$!
- wait "${pid["boot_loop"]}"
- ret=$?
- # Boot loop ended. Watchdog not needed anymore.
- kill "${pid["watchdog"]}"
- clean_up
- stop_timer "${test_timer_name}"
- dump_timer "${test_timer_name}" "${test_timer_file}"
- if [[ ${ret} == 0 ]]; then
- log S "Test finished!"
- else
- log E "Test failed!"
- ret=1
- fi
- return ${ret}
-main "$@"