path: root/input/autofill/AutofillFramework/kotlinApp/README.md
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-07-23Update language to comply with Android’s inclusive language guidanceXevi Miro Bruix
2018-02-16Add maintainer's note to AutofillFramework am: 614f070360Trevor Johns
2018-02-15Add maintainer's note to AutofillFrameworkTrevor Johns
2018-02-03Autofill kotlin sample: warn that it is outdated.Doug Sigelbaum
2018-01-18Add missing packaging info for Kotlin samplesTiem Song
2017-08-31Autofill kotlin sample: Improve kotlin style.Douglas Sigelbaum
2017-07-10Autofill sample: updating screenshots.Douglas Sigelbaum
2017-05-31Changes to get Kotlin and Java autofill samples in sync.Douglas Sigelbaum
2017-05-17AutofillFramework: Make kotlinApp module self-containedTrevor Johns