path: root/tests
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-11-15fix ctad warning in llvmJordan Maples [MSFT]
2019-10-09Merge pull request #813 from JordanMaples/dev/jomaples/deprecate_multispanJordan Maples [MSFT]
2019-10-04lack of nl for bounds_testJordan Maples
2019-10-04accidentally commented out pragmaJordan Maples
2019-10-04adding clang/gcc suppression of the deprecation warnings.Jordan Maples
2019-10-02deprecating strided_spanJordan Maples
2019-09-28initial deprecation of multi_span and strided_spanJordan Maples
2019-09-01Fixed memory leaksB1Z0N
2019-09-01Thanks to @stayprivates fixed out of bounds access in "TestNotNullostream"B1Z0N
2019-01-15Clang cl (#762)Anna Gringauze
2019-01-14Make narrow constexpr (#698)Johel Ernesto Guerrero Peña
2019-01-14Dev/annagrin/remove explicit not null constructor (#743)Anna Gringauze
2018-11-27Dev/annagrin/fix span size test gcc (#750)Anna Gringauze
2018-11-05Span can be constructed from empty std::array safely (#686)Dave Hill
2018-08-19span constructor no address (#723)Anna Gringauze
2018-08-17Fix #717 - Add empty() to strided_span (#718)Stephan Dollberg
2018-08-13Dev/annagrin/sloppy not null (#712)Anna Gringauze
2018-08-13Dev/annagrin/make not null (#711)Anna Gringauze
2018-08-12fix cppcorecheck warnings (#703)Anna Gringauze
2018-07-13Test broken size (#704)Daniel599
2018-06-15Added testing for c++17 to latest compilers with test with (#692)Anna Gringauze
2018-06-07Added template argument deduction for not_null (#689)Anna Gringauze
2018-05-28Add as_bytes for basic_string_span, fixes issue #655 (#683)beinhaerter
2018-04-24not_null constructor is now explicit (#659)ericLemanissier
2018-03-15Enable usage of gsl::narrow with exceptions disabled (#640)Anna Gringauze
2018-03-03Fix return type of templated span.subspan() (#625)Neil MacIntosh
2018-03-03make explicit not_null move constructor so it is noexcept (#630)Zac Hansen
2018-02-21add gsl::index typedef (#620)paweldac
2018-02-12add throw on nullptr CTOR test (#577)menete
2018-02-10Removed span from-nullptr_t ctor.Neil MacIntosh
2018-02-10Removed span.length() as synonym for span.size().Neil MacIntosh
2018-02-10Removed from-smart-ptr constructors.Neil MacIntosh
2017-11-28Applied iwyu --comment to the code base (#588)Tiago
2017-11-14Updates catch to version 2.0 (#580)Tiago
2017-11-14Iosfwd (#586)menete
2017-10-31Move GSL pointers to a separate header (#566)Tiago
2017-10-31additional span tests (pointer length constructor) (#568)menete
2017-10-18Revert inadvertent addition of tests/unittest-cpp submodule from #561 (#562)Casey Carter
2017-10-18Update std::byte detection in gsl_byte for MSVC (#561)Casey Carter
2017-09-18Made string_span details::string_length() generic (Fix issue #542) (#543)Galik
2017-09-06correct spelling mistake (#554)Edward Betts
2017-08-16Allow to use system version of the catch test framework (#549)Nicholas Guriev
2017-08-16Fix catch installation issue (#540)Tiago
2017-07-13Move from unittest-cpp to catch for unit testing. (#533)Neil MacIntosh
2017-05-31Fixes dereferencing operator issue #517 introduced in PR #513 (#516)Alexey Malov
2017-05-30Restricting usage of owner<T> to pointer types (#507)saurabh singh
2017-05-30Adding derference operator to not_null (#513)saurabh singh
2017-04-25Update CMake usage (#493)Tiago
2017-04-20Reformat files to follow clang-format style (#492)Tiago
2017-04-17Turn warnings into errors (#488)Casey Carter