path: root/Rx/v2/src/rxcpp/sources/rx-error.hpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-09-01Remove RxCpp, which is no longer used.HEADmastermainElliott Hughes
2018-08-09Rx: Add support for compiling code without exceptions (-fno-exceptions)Igor Murashkin
2017-02-03move sources docs out of observableKirk Shoop
2015-02-17Use type aliases or: How I learned to love the closing chevronBenPope
2014-07-29add create and print. redo lift.Kirk Shoop
2014-07-07more work on coordinationKirk Shoop
2014-06-15coordinator refinementsKirk Shoop
2014-06-10osx fixes, abort on unhandled errorKirk Shoop
2014-06-10windows fixes, replace scheduler with coordinationKirk Shoop
2014-06-07perf improvementsKirk Shoop
2014-06-01add errorKirk Shoop