path: root/cras/src/tests/
diff options
authorAndrew Walbran <>2021-08-03 14:20:19 +0000
committerAndrew Walbran <>2021-08-03 14:20:19 +0000
commit8dce65084f73d40bb081312769a24b4bd533f667 (patch)
treee2118ad5dbee0370c6ab114bb3974cd9f09a2251 /cras/src/tests/
parentbcf1f249f11b6865cff3f0d3f0ae5801e67e0e7e (diff)
This repository will be removed from the manifest change, but Treehugger seems unable to test the manifest change, so this change first removes all files so we can test that instead. Bug: 190503456 Test: m crosvm Change-Id: I133ef3bd8b39035a68113c4da8fe4c637a40daac
Diffstat (limited to 'cras/src/tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2362 deletions
diff --git a/cras/src/tests/ b/cras/src/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c71214a..00000000
--- a/cras/src/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2362 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <map>
-extern "C" {
-#include "audio_thread.h"
-#include "cras_iodev.h"
-#include "cras_iodev_list.h"
-#include "cras_main_thread_log.h"
-#include "cras_observer_ops.h"
-#include "cras_ramp.h"
-#include "cras_rstream.h"
-#include "cras_system_state.h"
-#include "cras_tm.h"
-#include "stream_list.h"
-#include "utlist.h"
-namespace {
-struct cras_server_state server_state_stub;
-struct cras_server_state* server_state_update_begin_return;
-int system_get_mute_return;
-/* Data for stubs. */
-static struct cras_observer_ops* observer_ops;
-static int add_stream_called;
-static int rm_stream_called;
-static unsigned int set_node_plugged_called;
-static cras_iodev* audio_thread_remove_streams_active_dev;
-static cras_iodev* audio_thread_set_active_dev_val;
-static int audio_thread_set_active_dev_called;
-static cras_iodev* audio_thread_add_open_dev_dev;
-static int audio_thread_add_open_dev_called;
-static int audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called;
-static int audio_thread_is_dev_open_ret;
-static struct audio_thread thread;
-static struct cras_iodev loopback_input;
-static int cras_iodev_close_called;
-static struct cras_iodev* cras_iodev_close_dev;
-static struct cras_iodev mock_hotword_iodev;
-static struct cras_iodev mock_empty_iodev[2];
-static stream_callback* stream_add_cb;
-static stream_callback* stream_rm_cb;
-static struct cras_rstream* stream_list_get_ret;
-static int server_stream_create_called;
-static int server_stream_destroy_called;
-static int audio_thread_drain_stream_return;
-static int audio_thread_drain_stream_called;
-static int cras_tm_create_timer_called;
-static int cras_tm_cancel_timer_called;
-static void (*cras_tm_timer_cb)(struct cras_timer* t, void* data);
-static void* cras_tm_timer_cb_data;
-static struct timespec clock_gettime_retspec;
-static struct cras_iodev* device_enabled_dev;
-static int device_enabled_count;
-static struct cras_iodev* device_disabled_dev;
-static int device_disabled_count;
-static void* device_enabled_cb_data;
-static void* device_disabled_cb_data;
-static struct cras_rstream* audio_thread_add_stream_stream;
-static struct cras_iodev* audio_thread_add_stream_dev;
-static struct cras_iodev* audio_thread_disconnect_stream_dev;
-static int audio_thread_add_stream_called;
-static unsigned update_active_node_called;
-static struct cras_iodev* update_active_node_iodev_val[5];
-static unsigned update_active_node_node_idx_val[5];
-static unsigned update_active_node_dev_enabled_val[5];
-static int set_swap_mode_for_node_called;
-static int set_swap_mode_for_node_enable;
-static int cras_iodev_start_volume_ramp_called;
-static size_t cras_observer_add_called;
-static size_t cras_observer_remove_called;
-static size_t cras_observer_notify_nodes_called;
-static size_t cras_observer_notify_active_node_called;
-static size_t cras_observer_notify_output_node_volume_called;
-static size_t cras_observer_notify_node_left_right_swapped_called;
-static size_t cras_observer_notify_input_node_gain_called;
-static int cras_iodev_open_called;
-static int cras_iodev_open_ret[8];
-static struct cras_audio_format cras_iodev_open_fmt;
-static int set_mute_called;
-static std::vector<struct cras_iodev*> set_mute_dev_vector;
-static std::vector<unsigned int> audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_dev_vector;
-static int audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_called;
-static enum CRAS_IODEV_RAMP_REQUEST audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_req;
-static std::map<int, bool> stream_list_has_pinned_stream_ret;
-static struct cras_rstream* audio_thread_disconnect_stream_stream;
-static int audio_thread_disconnect_stream_called;
-static struct cras_iodev fake_sco_in_dev, fake_sco_out_dev;
-static struct cras_ionode fake_sco_in_node, fake_sco_out_node;
-static int server_state_hotword_pause_at_suspend;
-int dev_idx_in_vector(std::vector<unsigned int> v, unsigned int idx) {
- return std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), idx) != v.end();
-int device_in_vector(std::vector<struct cras_iodev*> v,
- struct cras_iodev* dev) {
- return std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), dev) != v.end();
-class IoDevTestSuite : public testing::Test {
- protected:
- virtual void SetUp() {
- cras_iodev_list_reset();
- cras_iodev_close_called = 0;
- stream_list_get_ret = 0;
- server_stream_create_called = 0;
- server_stream_destroy_called = 0;
- audio_thread_drain_stream_return = 0;
- audio_thread_drain_stream_called = 0;
- cras_tm_create_timer_called = 0;
- cras_tm_cancel_timer_called = 0;
- audio_thread_disconnect_stream_called = 0;
- audio_thread_disconnect_stream_stream = NULL;
- audio_thread_is_dev_open_ret = 0;
- stream_list_has_pinned_stream_ret.clear();
- sample_rates_[0] = 44100;
- sample_rates_[1] = 48000;
- sample_rates_[2] = 0;
- channel_counts_[0] = 2;
- channel_counts_[1] = 0;
- fmt_.format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE;
- fmt_.frame_rate = 48000;
- fmt_.num_channels = 2;
- memset(&d1_, 0, sizeof(d1_));
- memset(&d2_, 0, sizeof(d2_));
- memset(&d3_, 0, sizeof(d3_));
- memset(&node1, 0, sizeof(node1));
- memset(&node2, 0, sizeof(node2));
- memset(&node3, 0, sizeof(node3));
- d1_.set_volume = NULL;
- d1_.set_capture_gain = NULL;
- d1_.set_capture_mute = NULL;
- d1_.update_supported_formats = NULL;
- d1_.update_active_node = update_active_node;
- d1_.set_swap_mode_for_node = set_swap_mode_for_node;
- d1_.format = NULL;
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- = -999;
- d1_.nodes = &node1;
- d1_.active_node = &node1;
- strcpy(, "d1");
- d1_.supported_rates = sample_rates_;
- d1_.supported_channel_counts = channel_counts_;
- d2_.set_volume = NULL;
- d2_.set_capture_gain = NULL;
- d2_.set_capture_mute = NULL;
- d2_.update_supported_formats = NULL;
- d2_.update_active_node = update_active_node;
- d2_.format = NULL;
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- = -999;
- d2_.nodes = &node2;
- d2_.active_node = &node2;
- strcpy(, "d2");
- d2_.supported_rates = sample_rates_;
- d2_.supported_channel_counts = channel_counts_;
- d3_.set_volume = NULL;
- d3_.set_capture_gain = NULL;
- d3_.set_capture_mute = NULL;
- d3_.update_supported_formats = NULL;
- d3_.update_active_node = update_active_node;
- d3_.format = NULL;
- d3_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- = -999;
- d3_.nodes = &node3;
- d3_.active_node = &node3;
- strcpy(, "d3");
- d3_.supported_rates = sample_rates_;
- d3_.supported_channel_counts = channel_counts_;
- loopback_input.set_volume = NULL;
- loopback_input.set_capture_gain = NULL;
- loopback_input.set_capture_mute = NULL;
- loopback_input.update_supported_formats = NULL;
- loopback_input.update_active_node = update_active_node;
- loopback_input.format = NULL;
- loopback_input.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- = -999;
- loopback_input.nodes = &node3;
- loopback_input.active_node = &node3;
- strcpy(, "loopback_input");
- loopback_input.supported_rates = sample_rates_;
- loopback_input.supported_channel_counts = channel_counts_;
- server_state_update_begin_return = &server_state_stub;
- system_get_mute_return = false;
- /* Reset stub data. */
- add_stream_called = 0;
- rm_stream_called = 0;
- set_node_plugged_called = 0;
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called = 0;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- audio_thread_set_active_dev_called = 0;
- audio_thread_add_stream_called = 0;
- update_active_node_called = 0;
- cras_observer_add_called = 0;
- cras_observer_remove_called = 0;
- cras_observer_notify_nodes_called = 0;
- cras_observer_notify_active_node_called = 0;
- cras_observer_notify_output_node_volume_called = 0;
- cras_observer_notify_node_left_right_swapped_called = 0;
- cras_observer_notify_input_node_gain_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_open_called = 0;
- memset(cras_iodev_open_ret, 0, sizeof(cras_iodev_open_ret));
- set_mute_called = 0;
- set_mute_dev_vector.clear();
- set_swap_mode_for_node_called = 0;
- set_swap_mode_for_node_enable = 0;
- cras_iodev_start_volume_ramp_called = 0;
- audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_dev_vector.clear();
- audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_called = 0;
- audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_req = CRAS_IODEV_RAMP_REQUEST_UP_START_PLAYBACK;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- update_active_node_iodev_val[i] = NULL;
- DL_APPEND(fake_sco_in_dev.nodes, &fake_sco_in_node);
- DL_APPEND(fake_sco_out_dev.nodes, &fake_sco_out_node);
- fake_sco_in_node.is_sco_pcm = 0;
- fake_sco_out_node.is_sco_pcm = 0;
- mock_empty_iodev[0].state = CRAS_IODEV_STATE_CLOSE;
- mock_empty_iodev[0].update_active_node = update_active_node;
- mock_empty_iodev[1].state = CRAS_IODEV_STATE_CLOSE;
- mock_empty_iodev[1].update_active_node = update_active_node;
- mock_hotword_iodev.update_active_node = update_active_node;
- server_state_hotword_pause_at_suspend = 0;
- }
- virtual void TearDown() {
- cras_iodev_list_reset();
- }
- static void set_volume_1(struct cras_iodev* iodev) { set_volume_1_called_++; }
- static void set_capture_gain_1(struct cras_iodev* iodev) {
- set_capture_gain_1_called_++;
- }
- static void set_capture_mute_1(struct cras_iodev* iodev) {
- set_capture_mute_1_called_++;
- }
- static void update_active_node(struct cras_iodev* iodev,
- unsigned node_idx,
- unsigned dev_enabled) {
- int i = update_active_node_called++ % 5;
- update_active_node_iodev_val[i] = iodev;
- update_active_node_node_idx_val[i] = node_idx;
- update_active_node_dev_enabled_val[i] = dev_enabled;
- }
- static int set_swap_mode_for_node(struct cras_iodev* iodev,
- struct cras_ionode* node,
- int enable) {
- set_swap_mode_for_node_called++;
- set_swap_mode_for_node_enable = enable;
- return 0;
- }
- struct cras_iodev d1_;
- struct cras_iodev d2_;
- struct cras_iodev d3_;
- struct cras_audio_format fmt_;
- size_t sample_rates_[3];
- size_t channel_counts_[2];
- static int set_volume_1_called_;
- static int set_capture_gain_1_called_;
- static int set_capture_mute_1_called_;
- struct cras_ionode node1, node2, node3;
-int IoDevTestSuite::set_volume_1_called_;
-int IoDevTestSuite::set_capture_gain_1_called_;
-int IoDevTestSuite::set_capture_mute_1_called_;
-// Check that Init registers observer client. */
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, InitSetup) {
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_observer_add_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_observer_remove_called);
-/* Check that the suspend alert from cras_system will trigger suspend
- * and resume call of all iodevs. */
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, SetSuspendResume) {
- struct cras_rstream rstream, rstream2, rstream3;
- struct cras_rstream* stream_list = NULL;
- int rc;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- memset(&rstream2, 0, sizeof(rstream2));
- memset(&rstream3, 0, sizeof(rstream3));
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_add_active_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream2);
- stream_add_cb(&rstream2);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called = 0;
- observer_ops->suspend_changed(NULL, 1);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- /* Test disable/enable dev won't cause add_stream to audio_thread. */
- audio_thread_add_stream_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_disable_dev(&d1_, false);
- cras_iodev_list_enable_dev(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- audio_thread_drain_stream_return = 0;
- DL_DELETE(stream_list, &rstream2);
- stream_rm_cb(&rstream2);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_drain_stream_called);
- /* Test stream_add_cb won't cause add_stream to audio_thread. */
- audio_thread_add_stream_called = 0;
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream3);
- stream_add_cb(&rstream3);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- audio_thread_add_stream_called = 0;
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- observer_ops->suspend_changed(NULL, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream3, audio_thread_add_stream_stream);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
- EXPECT_EQ(3, cras_observer_notify_active_node_called);
-/* Check that the suspend/resume call of active iodev will be triggered and
- * fallback device will be transciently enabled while adding a new stream whose
- * channel count is higher than the active iodev. */
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, ReopenDevForHigherChannels) {
- struct cras_rstream rstream, rstream2;
- struct cras_rstream* stream_list = NULL;
- int rc;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- memset(&rstream2, 0, sizeof(rstream2));
- rstream.format = fmt_;
- rstream2.format = fmt_;
- rstream2.format.num_channels = 6;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- = 2;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_add_active_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_open_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_iodev_open_fmt.num_channels);
- audio_thread_add_stream_called = 0;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_open_called = 0;
- /* stream_list should be descending ordered by channel count. */
- DL_PREPEND(stream_list, &rstream2);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream2);
- /* The channel count(=6) of rstream2 exceeds d1's max_supported_channels(=2),
- * rstream2 will be added directly to d1, which will not be re-opened. */
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_open_called);
- = 6;
- stream_rm_cb(&rstream2);
- audio_thread_add_stream_called = 0;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_open_called = 0;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream2);
- /* Added both rstreams to fallback device, then re-opened d1. */
- EXPECT_EQ(4, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_iodev_open_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(6, cras_iodev_open_fmt.num_channels);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-/* Check that after resume, all output devices enter ramp mute state if there is
- * any output stream. */
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, RampMuteAfterResume) {
- struct cras_rstream rstream, rstream2;
- struct cras_rstream* stream_list = NULL;
- int rc;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- d1_.initial_ramp_request = CRAS_IODEV_RAMP_REQUEST_UP_START_PLAYBACK;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- d2_.initial_ramp_request = CRAS_IODEV_RAMP_REQUEST_UP_START_PLAYBACK;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d2_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- d2_.format = &fmt_;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_add_active_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- rstream.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- rstream2.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream2);
- stream_add_cb(&rstream2);
- /* Suspend and resume */
- observer_ops->suspend_changed(NULL, 1);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- observer_ops->suspend_changed(NULL, 0);
- /* Test only output device that has stream will be muted after resume */
- d2_.initial_ramp_request);
- /* Reset d1 ramp_mute and remove output stream to test again */
- d1_.initial_ramp_request = CRAS_IODEV_RAMP_REQUEST_UP_START_PLAYBACK;
- DL_DELETE(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- stream_rm_cb(&rstream);
- /* Suspend and resume */
- observer_ops->suspend_changed(NULL, 1);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- observer_ops->suspend_changed(NULL, 0);
- d1_.initial_ramp_request);
- d2_.initial_ramp_request);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, InitDevFailShouldEnableFallback) {
- int rc;
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- struct cras_rstream* stream_list = NULL;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 0));
- cras_iodev_open_ret[0] = -5;
- cras_iodev_open_ret[1] = 0;
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- /* open dev called twice, one for fallback device. */
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_iodev_open_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, InitDevWithEchoRef) {
- int rc;
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- struct cras_rstream* stream_list = NULL;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- d1_.echo_reference_dev = &d2_;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- snprintf(d2_.active_node->name, CRAS_NODE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE, "echo ref");
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d2_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- d2_.format = &fmt_;
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 0));
- /* No close call happened, because no stream exists. */
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_close_called);
- cras_iodev_open_ret[1] = 0;
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_open_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, server_stream_create_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- DL_DELETE(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- stream_rm_cb(&rstream);
- clock_gettime_retspec.tv_sec = 11;
- clock_gettime_retspec.tv_nsec = 0;
- cras_tm_timer_cb(NULL, NULL);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_close_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, server_stream_destroy_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, SelectNodeOpenFailShouldScheduleRetry) {
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- struct cras_rstream* stream_list = NULL;
- int rc;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d2_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- d2_.format = &fmt_;
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- /* Select node triggers: fallback open, d1 close, d2 open, fallback close. */
- cras_iodev_close_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_open_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_iodev_close_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_iodev_open_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_tm_create_timer_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_tm_cancel_timer_called);
- /* Test that if select to d1 and open d1 fail, fallback doesn't close. */
- cras_iodev_open_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_open_ret[0] = 0;
- cras_iodev_open_ret[1] = -5;
- cras_iodev_open_ret[2] = 0;
- cras_tm_timer_cb = NULL;
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ(3, cras_iodev_close_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d2_, cras_iodev_close_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_iodev_open_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_tm_cancel_timer_called);
- /* Assert a timer is scheduled to retry open. */
- EXPECT_NE((void*)NULL, cras_tm_timer_cb);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_tm_create_timer_called);
- audio_thread_add_stream_called = 0;
- cras_tm_timer_cb(NULL, cras_tm_timer_cb_data);
- EXPECT_EQ(3, cras_iodev_open_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- /* Retry open success will close fallback dev. */
- EXPECT_EQ(4, cras_iodev_close_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_tm_cancel_timer_called);
- /* Select to d2 and fake an open failure. */
- cras_iodev_close_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_open_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_open_ret[0] = 0;
- cras_iodev_open_ret[1] = -5;
- cras_iodev_open_ret[2] = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_close_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, cras_iodev_close_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_tm_create_timer_called);
- EXPECT_NE((void*)NULL, cras_tm_timer_cb);
- /* Select to another iodev should cancel the timer. */
- memset(cras_iodev_open_ret, 0, sizeof(cras_iodev_open_ret));
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_tm_cancel_timer_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, InitDevFailShouldScheduleRetry) {
- int rc;
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- struct cras_rstream* stream_list = NULL;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- rstream.format = fmt_;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 0));
- update_active_node_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_open_ret[0] = -5;
- cras_iodev_open_ret[1] = 0;
- cras_tm_timer_cb = NULL;
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- /* open dev called twice, one for fallback device. */
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_iodev_open_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, update_active_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&mock_empty_iodev[CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT], audio_thread_add_stream_dev);
- EXPECT_NE((void*)NULL, cras_tm_timer_cb);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_tm_create_timer_called);
- /* If retry still fail, won't schedule more retry. */
- cras_iodev_open_ret[2] = -5;
- cras_tm_timer_cb(NULL, cras_tm_timer_cb_data);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_tm_create_timer_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- mock_empty_iodev[CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT].format = &fmt_;
- cras_tm_timer_cb = NULL;
- cras_iodev_open_ret[3] = -5;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_NE((void*)NULL, cras_tm_timer_cb);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_tm_create_timer_called);
- cras_iodev_list_rm_output(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_tm_cancel_timer_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, PinnedStreamInitFailShouldScheduleRetry) {
- int rc;
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- struct cras_rstream* stream_list = NULL;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- rstream.is_pinned = 1;
- rstream.pinned_dev_idx =;
- cras_iodev_open_ret[0] = -5;
- cras_iodev_open_ret[1] = 0;
- cras_tm_timer_cb = NULL;
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- /* Init pinned dev fail, not proceed to add stream. */
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_open_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_NE((void*)NULL, cras_tm_timer_cb);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_tm_create_timer_called);
- cras_tm_timer_cb(NULL, cras_tm_timer_cb_data);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_iodev_open_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- cras_iodev_list_rm_output(&d1_);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-static void device_enabled_cb(struct cras_iodev* dev, void* cb_data) {
- device_enabled_dev = dev;
- device_enabled_count++;
- device_enabled_cb_data = cb_data;
-static void device_disabled_cb(struct cras_iodev* dev, void* cb_data) {
- device_disabled_dev = dev;
- device_disabled_count++;
- device_disabled_cb_data = cb_data;
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, SelectNode) {
- struct cras_rstream rstream, rstream2;
- int rc;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- memset(&rstream2, 0, sizeof(rstream2));
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- node1.idx = 1;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- node2.idx = 2;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d2_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- d2_.format = &fmt_;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called = 0;
- device_enabled_count = 0;
- device_disabled_count = 0;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_set_device_enabled_callback(
- device_enabled_cb, device_disabled_cb, (void*)0xABCD));
- cras_iodev_list_add_active_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, device_enabled_count);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_observer_notify_active_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, cras_iodev_list_get_first_enabled_iodev(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT));
- // There should be a disable device call for the fallback device.
- // But no close call actually happened, because no stream exists.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, device_disabled_count);
- EXPECT_NE(&d1_, device_disabled_dev);
- DL_APPEND(stream_list_get_ret, &rstream);
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- DL_APPEND(stream_list_get_ret, &rstream2);
- stream_add_cb(&rstream2);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 2));
- // Additional enabled devices: fallback device, d2_.
- EXPECT_EQ(3, device_enabled_count);
- // Additional disabled devices: d1_, fallback device.
- EXPECT_EQ(3, device_disabled_count);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_observer_notify_active_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d2_, cras_iodev_list_get_first_enabled_iodev(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT));
- // For each stream, the stream is added for fallback device and d2_.
- EXPECT_EQ(6, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_set_device_enabled_callback(NULL, NULL, NULL));
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, SelectPreviouslyEnabledNode) {
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- int rc;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- node1.idx = 1;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- node2.idx = 2;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d2_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- d2_.format = &fmt_;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called = 0;
- device_enabled_count = 0;
- device_disabled_count = 0;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_set_device_enabled_callback(
- device_enabled_cb, device_disabled_cb, (void*)0xABCD));
- // Add an active node.
- cras_iodev_list_add_active_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, device_enabled_count);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_observer_notify_active_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, cras_iodev_list_get_first_enabled_iodev(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT));
- // There should be a disable device call for the fallback device.
- EXPECT_EQ(1, device_disabled_count);
- EXPECT_NE(&d1_, device_disabled_dev);
- EXPECT_NE(&d2_, device_disabled_dev);
- DL_APPEND(stream_list_get_ret, &rstream);
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- // Add a second active node.
- cras_iodev_list_add_active_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 2));
- EXPECT_EQ(2, device_enabled_count);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, device_disabled_count);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_observer_notify_active_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, cras_iodev_list_get_first_enabled_iodev(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT));
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- // Select the second added active node - the initially added node should get
- // disabled.
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 2));
- EXPECT_EQ(2, device_enabled_count);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, device_disabled_count);
- EXPECT_EQ(3, cras_observer_notify_active_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d2_, cras_iodev_list_get_first_enabled_iodev(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT));
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, device_disabled_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_set_device_enabled_callback(NULL, NULL, NULL));
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, UpdateActiveNode) {
- int rc;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d2_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ(2, update_active_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d2_, update_active_node_iodev_val[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, update_active_node_node_idx_val[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, update_active_node_dev_enabled_val[0]);
- /* Fake the active node idx on d2_, and later assert this node is
- * called for update_active_node when d2_ disabled. */
- d2_.active_node->idx = 2;
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 0));
- EXPECT_EQ(5, update_active_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d2_, update_active_node_iodev_val[2]);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, update_active_node_iodev_val[3]);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, update_active_node_node_idx_val[2]);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, update_active_node_node_idx_val[3]);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, update_active_node_dev_enabled_val[2]);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, update_active_node_dev_enabled_val[3]);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_observer_notify_active_node_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, SelectNonExistingNode) {
- int rc;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 0));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, d1_.is_enabled);
- /* Select non-existing node should disable all devices. */
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT, cras_make_node_id(2, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, d1_.is_enabled);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_observer_notify_active_node_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-// Devices with the wrong direction should be rejected.
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, AddWrongDirection) {
- int rc;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d1_);
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
-// Test adding/removing an iodev to the list.
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, AddRemoveOutput) {
- struct cras_iodev_info* dev_info;
- int rc;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // Test can't insert same iodev twice.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- EXPECT_NE(0, rc);
- // Test insert a second output.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d2_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // Test that it is removed.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_rm_output(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // Test that we can't remove a dev twice.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_rm_output(&d1_);
- EXPECT_NE(0, rc);
- // Should be 1 dev now.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_get_outputs(&dev_info);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, rc);
- free(dev_info);
- // Passing null should return the number of outputs.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_get_outputs(NULL);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, rc);
- // Remove other dev.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_rm_output(&d2_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // Should be 0 devs now.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_get_outputs(&dev_info);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- free(dev_info);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_observer_notify_active_node_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-// Test output_mute_changed callback.
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, OutputMuteChangedToMute) {
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d2_);
- cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d3_);
- // d1_ and d2_ are enabled.
- cras_iodev_list_enable_dev(&d1_);
- cras_iodev_list_enable_dev(&d2_);
- // Assume d1 and d2 devices are open.
- d1_.state = CRAS_IODEV_STATE_OPEN;
- d2_.state = CRAS_IODEV_STATE_OPEN;
- // Execute the callback.
- observer_ops->output_mute_changed(NULL, 0, 1, 0);
- // d1_ and d2_ should set mute state through audio_thread_dev_start_ramp
- // because they are both open.
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_called);
- dev_idx_in_vector(audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_dev_vector,;
- dev_idx_in_vector(audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_dev_vector,;
- EXPECT_EQ(CRAS_IODEV_RAMP_REQUEST_DOWN_MUTE, audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_req);
- // d3_ should set mute state right away without calling ramp
- // because it is not open.
- EXPECT_EQ(1, set_mute_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, set_mute_dev_vector.size());
- ASSERT_TRUE(device_in_vector(set_mute_dev_vector, &d3_));
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-// Test output_mute_changed callback.
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, OutputMuteChangedToUnmute) {
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d2_);
- cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d3_);
- // d1_ and d2_ are enabled.
- cras_iodev_list_enable_dev(&d1_);
- cras_iodev_list_enable_dev(&d2_);
- // Assume d1 and d2 devices are open.
- d1_.state = CRAS_IODEV_STATE_OPEN;
- // Execute the callback.
- observer_ops->output_mute_changed(NULL, 0, 0, 0);
- // d1_ should set mute state through audio_thread_dev_start_ramp.
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_called);
- dev_idx_in_vector(audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_dev_vector,;
- EXPECT_EQ(CRAS_IODEV_RAMP_REQUEST_UP_UNMUTE, audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_req);
- // d2_ and d3_ should set mute state right away because they both
- // are closed.
- EXPECT_EQ(2, set_mute_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, set_mute_dev_vector.size());
- ASSERT_TRUE(device_in_vector(set_mute_dev_vector, &d2_));
- ASSERT_TRUE(device_in_vector(set_mute_dev_vector, &d3_));
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-// Test enable/disable an iodev.
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, EnableDisableDevice) {
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- device_enabled_count = 0;
- device_disabled_count = 0;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_set_device_enabled_callback(
- device_enabled_cb, device_disabled_cb, (void*)0xABCD));
- // Enable a device, fallback should be diabled accordingly.
- cras_iodev_list_enable_dev(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, device_enabled_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ((void*)0xABCD, device_enabled_cb_data);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, device_enabled_count);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, device_disabled_count);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, cras_iodev_list_get_first_enabled_iodev(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT));
- // Connect a normal stream.
- cras_iodev_open_called = 0;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_open_called);
- stream_list_has_pinned_stream_ret[] = 0;
- // Disable a device. Expect dev is closed because there's no pinned stream.
- update_active_node_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_disable_dev(&d1_, false);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, device_disabled_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, device_disabled_count);
- EXPECT_EQ((void*)0xABCD, device_disabled_cb_data);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_close_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, cras_iodev_close_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, update_active_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_set_device_enabled_callback(
- device_enabled_cb, device_disabled_cb, (void*)0xCDEF));
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_observer_notify_active_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_set_device_enabled_callback(NULL, NULL, NULL));
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-// Test adding/removing an input dev to the list.
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, AddRemoveInput) {
- struct cras_iodev_info* dev_info;
- int rc, i;
- uint64_t found_mask;
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- // Check no devices exist initially.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_get_inputs(NULL);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- EXPECT_GE(, 0);
- // Test can't insert same iodev twice.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d1_);
- EXPECT_NE(0, rc);
- // Test insert a second input.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d2_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- EXPECT_GE(, 1);
- // make sure shared state was updated.
- EXPECT_EQ(2, server_state_stub.num_input_devs);
- EXPECT_EQ(, server_state_stub.input_devs[0].idx);
- EXPECT_EQ(, server_state_stub.input_devs[1].idx);
- // List the outputs.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_get_inputs(&dev_info);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, rc);
- if (rc == 2) {
- found_mask = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < rc; i++) {
- uint32_t idx = dev_info[i].idx;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, (found_mask & (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << idx)));
- found_mask |= (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << idx);
- }
- }
- if (rc > 0)
- free(dev_info);
- // Test that it is removed.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_rm_input(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // Test that we can't remove a dev twice.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_rm_input(&d1_);
- EXPECT_NE(0, rc);
- // Should be 1 dev now.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_get_inputs(&dev_info);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, rc);
- free(dev_info);
- // Remove other dev.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_rm_input(&d2_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // Shouldn't be any devices left.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_get_inputs(&dev_info);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- free(dev_info);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-// Test adding/removing an input dev to the list without updating the server
-// state.
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, AddRemoveInputNoSem) {
- int rc;
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- server_state_update_begin_return = NULL;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- EXPECT_GE(, 0);
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d2_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- EXPECT_GE(, 1);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_rm_input(&d1_));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_rm_input(&d2_));
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-// Test removing the last input.
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, RemoveLastInput) {
- struct cras_iodev_info* dev_info;
- int rc;
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d2_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // Test that it is removed.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_rm_input(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // Add it back.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // And again.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_rm_input(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // Add it back.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // Remove other dev.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_rm_input(&d2_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // Add it back.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d2_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // Remove both.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_rm_input(&d2_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- rc = cras_iodev_list_rm_input(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- // Shouldn't be any devices left.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_get_inputs(&dev_info);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-// Test nodes changed notification is sent.
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, NodesChangedNotification) {
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_observer_add_called);
- cras_iodev_list_notify_nodes_changed();
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_observer_notify_nodes_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_observer_remove_called);
-// Test callback function for left right swap mode is set and called.
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, NodesLeftRightSwappedCallback) {
- struct cras_iodev iodev;
- struct cras_ionode ionode;
- memset(&iodev, 0, sizeof(iodev));
- memset(&ionode, 0, sizeof(ionode));
- = &iodev;
- cras_iodev_list_notify_node_left_right_swapped(&ionode);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_observer_notify_node_left_right_swapped_called);
-// Test callback function for volume and gain are set and called.
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, VolumeGainCallback) {
- struct cras_iodev iodev;
- struct cras_ionode ionode;
- memset(&iodev, 0, sizeof(iodev));
- memset(&ionode, 0, sizeof(ionode));
- = &iodev;
- cras_iodev_list_notify_node_volume(&ionode);
- cras_iodev_list_notify_node_capture_gain(&ionode);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_observer_notify_output_node_volume_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_observer_notify_input_node_gain_called);
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, IodevListSetNodeAttr) {
- int rc;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- // The list is empty now.
- rc = cras_iodev_list_set_node_attr(cras_make_node_id(0, 0),
- EXPECT_LE(rc, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, set_node_plugged_called);
- // Add two device, each with one node.
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d1_));
- node1.idx = 1;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d2_));
- node2.idx = 2;
- // Mismatch id
- rc = cras_iodev_list_set_node_attr(cras_make_node_id(, 1),
- EXPECT_LT(rc, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, set_node_plugged_called);
- // Mismatch id
- rc = cras_iodev_list_set_node_attr(cras_make_node_id(, 2),
- EXPECT_LT(rc, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, set_node_plugged_called);
- // Correct device id and node id
- rc = cras_iodev_list_set_node_attr(cras_make_node_id(, 1),
- EXPECT_EQ(rc, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, set_node_plugged_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, SetNodeVolumeCaptureGain) {
- int rc;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- node1.idx = 1;
- = &d1_;
- // Do not ramp without software volume.
- d1_.software_volume_needed = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_set_node_attr(cras_make_node_id(, 1),
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_observer_notify_output_node_volume_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_start_volume_ramp_called);
- // Even with software volume, device with NULL ramp won't trigger ramp start.
- d1_.software_volume_needed = 1;
- cras_iodev_list_set_node_attr(cras_make_node_id(, 1),
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_observer_notify_output_node_volume_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_start_volume_ramp_called);
- // System mute prevents volume ramp from starting
- system_get_mute_return = true;
- cras_iodev_list_set_node_attr(cras_make_node_id(, 1),
- EXPECT_EQ(3, cras_observer_notify_output_node_volume_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_start_volume_ramp_called);
- // Ramp starts only when it's non-NULL, software volume is used, and
- // system is not muted
- system_get_mute_return = false;
- d1_.ramp = reinterpret_cast<struct cras_ramp*>(0x1);
- cras_iodev_list_set_node_attr(cras_make_node_id(, 1),
- EXPECT_EQ(4, cras_observer_notify_output_node_volume_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_start_volume_ramp_called);
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- cras_iodev_list_set_node_attr(cras_make_node_id(, 1),
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_observer_notify_input_node_gain_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, SetNodeSwapLeftRight) {
- int rc;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- node1.idx = 1;
- = &d1_;
- cras_iodev_list_set_node_attr(cras_make_node_id(, 1),
- EXPECT_EQ(1, set_swap_mode_for_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, set_swap_mode_for_node_enable);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, node1.left_right_swapped);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_observer_notify_node_left_right_swapped_called);
- cras_iodev_list_set_node_attr(cras_make_node_id(, 1),
- EXPECT_EQ(2, set_swap_mode_for_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, set_swap_mode_for_node_enable);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, node1.left_right_swapped);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_observer_notify_node_left_right_swapped_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, AddActiveNode) {
- int rc;
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- d3_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d2_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d3_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- d2_.format = &fmt_;
- d3_.format = &fmt_;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_add_active_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- ASSERT_EQ(audio_thread_add_open_dev_called, 0);
- ASSERT_EQ(audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called, 0);
- // If a stream is added, the device should be opened.
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- ASSERT_EQ(audio_thread_add_open_dev_called, 1);
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called = 0;
- audio_thread_drain_stream_return = 10;
- stream_rm_cb(&rstream);
- ASSERT_EQ(audio_thread_drain_stream_called, 1);
- ASSERT_EQ(audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called, 0);
- audio_thread_drain_stream_return = 0;
- clock_gettime_retspec.tv_sec = 15;
- clock_gettime_retspec.tv_nsec = 45;
- stream_rm_cb(&rstream);
- ASSERT_EQ(audio_thread_drain_stream_called, 2);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- // Stream should remain open for a while before being closed.
- // Test it is closed after 30 seconds.
- clock_gettime_retspec.tv_sec += 30;
- cras_tm_timer_cb(NULL, NULL);
- ASSERT_EQ(1, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_rm_output(&d3_);
- ASSERT_EQ(audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called, 0);
- /* Assert active devices was set to default one, when selected device
- * removed. */
- cras_iodev_list_rm_output(&d1_);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, OutputDevIdleClose) {
- int rc;
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_add_active_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- // If a stream is added, the device should be opened.
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called = 0;
- audio_thread_drain_stream_return = 0;
- clock_gettime_retspec.tv_sec = 15;
- stream_rm_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_drain_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_tm_create_timer_called);
- // Expect no rm dev happen because idle time not yet expire, and
- // new timer should be scheduled for the rest of the idle time.
- clock_gettime_retspec.tv_sec += 7;
- cras_tm_timer_cb(NULL, NULL);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_tm_create_timer_called);
- // Expect d1_ be closed upon unplug, and the timer stay armed.
- cras_iodev_list_rm_output(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_tm_cancel_timer_called);
- // When timer eventually fired expect there's no more new
- // timer scheduled because d1_ has closed already.
- clock_gettime_retspec.tv_sec += 4;
- cras_tm_timer_cb(NULL, NULL);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, cras_tm_create_timer_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, DrainTimerCancel) {
- int rc;
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_add_active_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- // If a stream is added, the device should be opened.
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called = 0;
- audio_thread_drain_stream_return = 0;
- clock_gettime_retspec.tv_sec = 15;
- clock_gettime_retspec.tv_nsec = 45;
- stream_rm_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_drain_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- // Add stream again, make sure device isn't closed after timeout.
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- clock_gettime_retspec.tv_sec += 30;
- cras_tm_timer_cb(NULL, NULL);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- // Remove stream, and check the device is eventually closed.
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called = 0;
- audio_thread_drain_stream_called = 0;
- stream_rm_cb(&rstream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_drain_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- clock_gettime_retspec.tv_sec += 30;
- cras_tm_timer_cb(NULL, NULL);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, RemoveThenSelectActiveNode) {
- int rc;
- cras_node_id_t id;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- /* d1_ will be the default_output */
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d2_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- /* Test the scenario that the selected active output removed
- * from active dev list, should be able to select back again. */
- id = cras_make_node_id(, 1);
- cras_iodev_list_rm_active_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT, id);
- ASSERT_EQ(audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called, 0);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, CloseDevWithPinnedStream) {
- int rc;
- struct cras_rstream rstream1, rstream2;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- = 1;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- memset(&rstream1, 0, sizeof(rstream1));
- memset(&rstream2, 0, sizeof(rstream2));
- rstream2.is_pinned = 1;
- rstream2.pinned_dev_idx =;
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- // Add a normal stream
- stream_add_cb(&rstream1);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- // Add a pinned stream, expect another dev open call triggered.
- cras_iodev_open_called = 0;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream2);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_open_called);
- // Force disable d1_ and make sure d1_ gets closed.
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called = 0;
- update_active_node_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_close_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_disable_dev(&d1_, 1);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_close_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, cras_iodev_close_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, update_active_node_called);
- // Add back the two streams, one normal one pinned.
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_open_called = 0;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream2);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_open_called);
- stream_add_cb(&rstream1);
- // Suspend d1_ and make sure d1_ gets closed.
- update_active_node_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_close_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_suspend_dev(;
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_close_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, cras_iodev_close_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, update_active_node_called);
- cras_iodev_list_resume_dev(;
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, DisableDevWithPinnedStream) {
- int rc;
- struct cras_rstream rstream1;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
- memset(&rstream1, 0, sizeof(rstream1));
- rstream1.is_pinned = 1;
- rstream1.pinned_dev_idx =;
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_add_active_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- // Add a pinned stream.
- cras_iodev_open_called = 0;
- stream_add_cb(&rstream1);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_open_called);
- // Disable d1_ expect no close dev triggered because pinned stream.
- stream_list_has_pinned_stream_ret[] = 1;
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called = 0;
- update_active_node_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_close_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_disable_dev(&d1_, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_close_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, update_active_node_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, AddRemovePinnedStream) {
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- // Add 2 output devices.
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- = 1;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_));
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 0));
- EXPECT_EQ(2, update_active_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, update_active_node_iodev_val[0]);
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- = 2;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d2_));
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- d2_.format = &fmt_;
- // Setup pinned stream.
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- rstream.is_pinned = 1;
- rstream.pinned_dev_idx =;
- // Add pinned stream to d1.
- update_active_node_called = 0;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, stream_add_cb(&rstream));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, audio_thread_add_stream_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_add_stream_stream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, update_active_node_called);
- // Init d1_ because of pinned stream
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, update_active_node_iodev_val[0]);
- // Select d2, check pinned stream is not added to d2.
- update_active_node_called = 0;
- stream_list_has_pinned_stream_ret[] = 1;
- cras_iodev_list_select_node(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 0));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, update_active_node_called);
- // Unselect d1_ and select to d2_
- EXPECT_EQ(&d2_, update_active_node_iodev_val[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ(&mock_empty_iodev[CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT],
- update_active_node_iodev_val[1]);
- // Remove pinned stream from d1, check d1 is closed after stream removed.
- update_active_node_called = 0;
- stream_list_has_pinned_stream_ret[] = 0;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, stream_rm_cb(&rstream));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_close_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, cras_iodev_close_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, update_active_node_called);
- // close pinned device
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, update_active_node_iodev_val[0]);
- // Assume dev is already opened, add pin stream should not trigger another
- // update_active_node call, but will trigger audio_thread_add_stream.
- audio_thread_is_dev_open_ret = 1;
- update_active_node_called = 0;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, stream_add_cb(&rstream));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, update_active_node_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, SuspendResumePinnedStream) {
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- // Add 2 output devices.
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d1_));
- d2_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_add_output(&d2_));
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- d2_.format = &fmt_;
- // Setup pinned stream.
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- rstream.is_pinned = 1;
- rstream.pinned_dev_idx =;
- // Add pinned stream to d1.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, stream_add_cb(&rstream));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, audio_thread_add_stream_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_add_stream_stream);
- DL_APPEND(stream_list_get_ret, &rstream);
- // Test for suspend
- // Device state enters no_stream after stream is disconnected.
- // Device has no pinned stream now. But this pinned stream remains in
- // stream_list.
- stream_list_has_pinned_stream_ret[] = 0;
- // Suspend
- observer_ops->suspend_changed(NULL, 1);
- // Verify that stream is disconnected and d1 is closed.
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_stream);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_close_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, cras_iodev_close_dev);
- // Test for resume
- cras_iodev_open_called = 0;
- audio_thread_add_stream_called = 0;
- audio_thread_add_stream_stream = NULL;
- // Resume
- observer_ops->suspend_changed(NULL, 0);
- // Verify that device is opened and stream is attached to the device.
- EXPECT_EQ(1, cras_iodev_open_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_add_stream_stream);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, HotwordStreamsAddedThenSuspendResume) {
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- struct cras_rstream* stream_list = NULL;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- node1.type = CRAS_NODE_TYPE_HOTWORD;
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d1_));
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- rstream.is_pinned = 1;
- rstream.pinned_dev_idx =;
- rstream.flags = HOTWORD_STREAM;
- /* Add a hotword stream. */
- EXPECT_EQ(0, stream_add_cb(&rstream));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, audio_thread_add_stream_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_add_stream_stream);
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- /* Suspend hotword streams, verify the existing stream disconnects
- * from the hotword device and connects to the empty iodev. */
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_suspend_hotword_streams());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_stream);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_add_stream_stream);
- EXPECT_EQ(&mock_hotword_iodev, audio_thread_add_stream_dev);
- /* Resume hotword streams, verify the stream disconnects from
- * the empty iodev and connects back to the real hotword iodev. */
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_resume_hotword_stream());
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_stream);
- EXPECT_EQ(&mock_hotword_iodev, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(3, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_add_stream_stream);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, audio_thread_add_stream_dev);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, HotwordStreamsAddedAfterSuspend) {
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- struct cras_rstream* stream_list = NULL;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- node1.type = CRAS_NODE_TYPE_HOTWORD;
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d1_));
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- rstream.is_pinned = 1;
- rstream.pinned_dev_idx =;
- rstream.flags = HOTWORD_STREAM;
- /* Suspends hotword streams before a stream connected. */
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_suspend_hotword_streams());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- /* Hotword stream connected, verify it is added to the empty iodev. */
- EXPECT_EQ(0, stream_add_cb(&rstream));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&mock_hotword_iodev, audio_thread_add_stream_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_add_stream_stream);
- /* Resume hotword streams, now the existing hotword stream should disconnect
- * from the empty iodev and connect to the real hotword iodev. */
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_resume_hotword_stream());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_stream);
- EXPECT_EQ(&mock_hotword_iodev, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_add_stream_stream);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, audio_thread_add_stream_dev);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, GetSCOPCMIodevs) {
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- fake_sco_in_dev.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- fake_sco_in_node.is_sco_pcm = 1;
- cras_iodev_list_add_input(&fake_sco_in_dev);
- fake_sco_out_dev.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
- fake_sco_out_node.is_sco_pcm = 1;
- cras_iodev_list_add_output(&fake_sco_out_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(&fake_sco_in_dev,
- cras_iodev_list_get_sco_pcm_iodev(CRAS_STREAM_INPUT));
- EXPECT_EQ(&fake_sco_out_dev,
- cras_iodev_list_get_sco_pcm_iodev(CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT));
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, HotwordStreamsPausedAtSystemSuspend) {
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- struct cras_rstream* stream_list = NULL;
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- node1.type = CRAS_NODE_TYPE_HOTWORD;
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d1_));
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- rstream.is_pinned = 1;
- rstream.pinned_dev_idx =;
- rstream.flags = HOTWORD_STREAM;
- /* Add a hotword stream. */
- EXPECT_EQ(0, stream_add_cb(&rstream));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, audio_thread_add_stream_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_add_stream_stream);
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- server_state_hotword_pause_at_suspend = 1;
- /* Trigger system suspend. Verify hotword stream is moved to empty dev. */
- observer_ops->suspend_changed(NULL, 1);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_stream);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_add_stream_stream);
- EXPECT_EQ(&mock_hotword_iodev, audio_thread_add_stream_dev);
- /* Trigger system resume. Verify hotword stream is moved to real dev.*/
- observer_ops->suspend_changed(NULL, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_stream);
- EXPECT_EQ(&mock_hotword_iodev, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_dev);
- EXPECT_EQ(3, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(&rstream, audio_thread_add_stream_stream);
- EXPECT_EQ(&d1_, audio_thread_add_stream_dev);
- server_state_hotword_pause_at_suspend = 0;
- audio_thread_disconnect_stream_called = 0;
- audio_thread_add_stream_called = 0;
- /* Trigger system suspend. Verify hotword stream is not touched. */
- observer_ops->suspend_changed(NULL, 1);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- /* Trigger system resume. Verify hotword stream is not touched.*/
- observer_ops->suspend_changed(NULL, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_disconnect_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-TEST_F(IoDevTestSuite, SetNoiseCancellation) {
- struct cras_rstream rstream;
- struct cras_rstream* stream_list = NULL;
- int rc;
- memset(&rstream, 0, sizeof(rstream));
- cras_iodev_list_init();
- d1_.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- rc = cras_iodev_list_add_input(&d1_);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
- d1_.format = &fmt_;
- rstream.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called = 0;
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called = 0;
- cras_iodev_list_add_active_node(CRAS_STREAM_INPUT,
- cras_make_node_id(, 1));
- DL_APPEND(stream_list, &rstream);
- stream_add_cb(&rstream);
- stream_list_get_ret = stream_list;
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_stream_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- // reset_for_noise_cancellation causes device suspend & resume
- // While suspending d1_: rm d1_, open fallback
- // While resuming d1_: rm fallback, open d1_
- cras_iodev_list_reset_for_noise_cancellation();
- EXPECT_EQ(3, audio_thread_add_open_dev_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called);
- cras_iodev_list_deinit();
-} // namespace
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
- return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-extern "C" {
-// Stubs
-struct main_thread_event_log* main_log;
-struct cras_server_state* cras_system_state_update_begin() {
- return server_state_update_begin_return;
-void cras_system_state_update_complete() {}
-int cras_system_get_mute() {
- return system_get_mute_return;
-bool cras_system_get_noise_cancellation_enabled() {
- return false;
-struct audio_thread* audio_thread_create() {
- return &thread;
-int audio_thread_start(struct audio_thread* thread) {
- return 0;
-void audio_thread_destroy(struct audio_thread* thread) {}
-int audio_thread_set_active_dev(struct audio_thread* thread,
- struct cras_iodev* dev) {
- audio_thread_set_active_dev_called++;
- audio_thread_set_active_dev_val = dev;
- return 0;
-void audio_thread_remove_streams(struct audio_thread* thread,
- audio_thread_remove_streams_active_dev = audio_thread_set_active_dev_val;
-int audio_thread_add_open_dev(struct audio_thread* thread,
- struct cras_iodev* dev) {
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_dev = dev;
- audio_thread_add_open_dev_called++;
- return 0;
-int audio_thread_rm_open_dev(struct audio_thread* thread,
- unsigned int dev_idx) {
- audio_thread_rm_open_dev_called++;
- return 0;
-int audio_thread_is_dev_open(struct audio_thread* thread,
- struct cras_iodev* dev) {
- return audio_thread_is_dev_open_ret;
-int audio_thread_add_stream(struct audio_thread* thread,
- struct cras_rstream* stream,
- struct cras_iodev** devs,
- unsigned int num_devs) {
- audio_thread_add_stream_called++;
- audio_thread_add_stream_stream = stream;
- audio_thread_add_stream_dev = (num_devs ? devs[0] : NULL);
- return 0;
-int audio_thread_disconnect_stream(struct audio_thread* thread,
- struct cras_rstream* stream,
- struct cras_iodev* iodev) {
- audio_thread_disconnect_stream_called++;
- audio_thread_disconnect_stream_stream = stream;
- audio_thread_disconnect_stream_dev = iodev;
- return 0;
-int audio_thread_drain_stream(struct audio_thread* thread,
- struct cras_rstream* stream) {
- audio_thread_drain_stream_called++;
- return audio_thread_drain_stream_return;
-struct cras_iodev* empty_iodev_create(enum CRAS_STREAM_DIRECTION direction,
- enum CRAS_NODE_TYPE node_type) {
- struct cras_iodev* dev;
- if (node_type == CRAS_NODE_TYPE_HOTWORD) {
- dev = &mock_hotword_iodev;
- } else {
- dev = &mock_empty_iodev[direction];
- }
- dev->direction = direction;
- if (dev->active_node == NULL) {
- struct cras_ionode* node = (struct cras_ionode*)calloc(1, sizeof(*node));
- node->type = node_type;
- dev->active_node = node;
- }
- return dev;
-void empty_iodev_destroy(struct cras_iodev* iodev) {
- if (iodev->active_node) {
- free(iodev->active_node);
- iodev->active_node = NULL;
- }
-struct cras_iodev* test_iodev_create(enum CRAS_STREAM_DIRECTION direction,
- enum TEST_IODEV_TYPE type) {
- return NULL;
-void test_iodev_command(struct cras_iodev* iodev,
- enum CRAS_TEST_IODEV_CMD command,
- unsigned int data_len,
- const uint8_t* data) {}
-struct cras_iodev* loopback_iodev_create(enum CRAS_LOOPBACK_TYPE type) {
- return &loopback_input;
-void loopback_iodev_destroy(struct cras_iodev* iodev) {}
-int cras_iodev_open(struct cras_iodev* iodev,
- unsigned int cb_level,
- const struct cras_audio_format* fmt) {
- if (cras_iodev_open_ret[cras_iodev_open_called] == 0)
- iodev->state = CRAS_IODEV_STATE_OPEN;
- cras_iodev_open_fmt = *fmt;
- iodev->format = &cras_iodev_open_fmt;
- return cras_iodev_open_ret[cras_iodev_open_called++];
-int cras_iodev_close(struct cras_iodev* iodev) {
- iodev->state = CRAS_IODEV_STATE_CLOSE;
- cras_iodev_close_called++;
- cras_iodev_close_dev = iodev;
- iodev->format = NULL;
- return 0;
-int cras_iodev_set_format(struct cras_iodev* iodev,
- const struct cras_audio_format* fmt) {
- return 0;
-int cras_iodev_set_mute(struct cras_iodev* iodev) {
- set_mute_called++;
- set_mute_dev_vector.push_back(iodev);
- return 0;
-void cras_iodev_set_node_plugged(struct cras_ionode* node, int plugged) {
- set_node_plugged_called++;
-bool cras_iodev_support_noise_cancellation(const struct cras_iodev* iodev) {
- return true;
-int cras_iodev_start_volume_ramp(struct cras_iodev* odev,
- unsigned int old_volume,
- unsigned int new_volume) {
- cras_iodev_start_volume_ramp_called++;
- return 0;
-bool cras_iodev_is_aec_use_case(const struct cras_ionode* node) {
- return 1;
-bool stream_list_has_pinned_stream(struct stream_list* list,
- unsigned int dev_idx) {
- return stream_list_has_pinned_stream_ret[dev_idx];
-struct stream_list* stream_list_create(stream_callback* add_cb,
- stream_callback* rm_cb,
- stream_create_func* create_cb,
- stream_destroy_func* destroy_cb,
- struct cras_tm* timer_manager) {
- stream_add_cb = add_cb;
- stream_rm_cb = rm_cb;
- return reinterpret_cast<stream_list*>(0xf00);
-void stream_list_destroy(struct stream_list* list) {}
-struct cras_rstream* stream_list_get(struct stream_list* list) {
- return stream_list_get_ret;
-void server_stream_create(struct stream_list* stream_list,
- unsigned int dev_idx) {
- server_stream_create_called++;
-void server_stream_destroy(struct stream_list* stream_list,
- unsigned int dev_idx) {
- server_stream_destroy_called++;
-int cras_rstream_create(struct cras_rstream_config* config,
- struct cras_rstream** stream_out) {
- return 0;
-void cras_rstream_destroy(struct cras_rstream* rstream) {}
-struct cras_tm* cras_system_state_get_tm() {
- return NULL;
-struct cras_timer* cras_tm_create_timer(struct cras_tm* tm,
- unsigned int ms,
- void (*cb)(struct cras_timer* t,
- void* data),
- void* cb_data) {
- cras_tm_timer_cb = cb;
- cras_tm_timer_cb_data = cb_data;
- cras_tm_create_timer_called++;
- return reinterpret_cast<struct cras_timer*>(0x404);
-void cras_tm_cancel_timer(struct cras_tm* tm, struct cras_timer* t) {
- cras_tm_cancel_timer_called++;
-void cras_fmt_conv_destroy(struct cras_fmt_conv* conv) {}
-struct cras_fmt_conv* cras_channel_remix_conv_create(unsigned int num_channels,
- const float* coefficient) {
- return NULL;
-void cras_channel_remix_convert(struct cras_fmt_conv* conv,
- uint8_t* in_buf,
- size_t frames) {}
-struct cras_observer_client* cras_observer_add(
- const struct cras_observer_ops* ops,
- void* context) {
- observer_ops = (struct cras_observer_ops*)calloc(1, sizeof(*ops));
- memcpy(observer_ops, ops, sizeof(*ops));
- cras_observer_add_called++;
- return reinterpret_cast<struct cras_observer_client*>(0x55);
-void cras_observer_remove(struct cras_observer_client* client) {
- if (observer_ops)
- free(observer_ops);
- cras_observer_remove_called++;
-void cras_observer_notify_nodes(void) {
- cras_observer_notify_nodes_called++;
-void cras_observer_notify_active_node(enum CRAS_STREAM_DIRECTION direction,
- cras_node_id_t node_id) {
- cras_observer_notify_active_node_called++;
-void cras_observer_notify_output_node_volume(cras_node_id_t node_id,
- int32_t volume) {
- cras_observer_notify_output_node_volume_called++;
-void cras_observer_notify_node_left_right_swapped(cras_node_id_t node_id,
- int swapped) {
- cras_observer_notify_node_left_right_swapped_called++;
-void cras_observer_notify_input_node_gain(cras_node_id_t node_id,
- int32_t gain) {
- cras_observer_notify_input_node_gain_called++;
-int audio_thread_dev_start_ramp(struct audio_thread* thread,
- unsigned int dev_idx,
- enum CRAS_IODEV_RAMP_REQUEST request) {
- audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_called++;
- audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_dev_vector.push_back(dev_idx);
- audio_thread_dev_start_ramp_req = request;
- return 0;
-struct cras_apm* cras_apm_list_add_apm(struct cras_apm_list* list,
- void* dev_ptr,
- const struct cras_audio_format* fmt,
- bool is_internal_dev) {
- return NULL;
-void cras_apm_list_remove_apm(struct cras_apm_list* list, void* dev_ptr) {}
-int cras_apm_list_init(const char* device_config_dir) {
- return 0;
-// From librt.
-int clock_gettime(clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec* tp) {
- tp->tv_sec = clock_gettime_retspec.tv_sec;
- tp->tv_nsec = clock_gettime_retspec.tv_nsec;
- return 0;
-bool cras_system_get_hotword_pause_at_suspend() {
- return !!server_state_hotword_pause_at_suspend;
-} // extern "C"