AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-07-07Remove shared memory access.froyoSean McNeil
2010-07-02Update alsa-lib to version 1.0.23.Sean McNeil
2009-12-02Change to shared library as size has decreased.Sean McNeil
2009-06-18Enable additional plugins. Enable inlining.Sean McNeil
2009-04-03Eliminate SYSV shared memory support. Bionic doesn't have support of sys/shm.hSean McNeil
2009-03-12Accept careless whitespace around 'true' when setting BOARD_USES_ALSA_AUDIOSean McNeil
2009-02-19Update to version 1.0.19Sean McNeil
2008-11-20Initial ContributionXiaopeng Yang
2008-11-19external/alsa-lib 1.0.16Xiaopeng Yang