AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
8 daysEnd Win Intel experiment.Yuly Novikov
8 daysRoll ANGLE from 0e7d735b144d to d2e5eeefbd67 (1 revision)android-autoroll
8 daysVulkan: UNASSIGNED-CoreValidation-DrawState-InvalidImageLayoutCharlie Lao
8 daysRoll ANGLE from d4519fdce606 to 0e7d735b144d (2 revisions)android-autoroll
8 daysRoll ANGLE from 94179bed1c11 to d4519fdce606 (2 revisions)android-autoroll
8 daysRoll SwiftShader from 9aec4b969291 to 76f7f8cfea80 (1 revision)angle-autoroll
8 daysRoll Chromium from b00758dcbb7a to 4433c533fffb (891 revisions)angle-autoroll
8 daysRoll vulkan-deps from 91b20c9cf5fd to 8ff7d8bf1899 (8 revisions)angle-autoroll
9 daysVulkan: Update mSurfaceCaps with per-present mode caps.Charlie Lao
9 daysRoll ANGLE from 0d1dab2cf11b to 94179bed1c11 (1 revision)android-autoroll
9 daysRoll chromium_revision 39c16b7a37..b00758dcbb (1290535:1290830)Yuly Novikov
9 daysRoll ANGLE from 64e979400646 to 0d1dab2cf11b (3 revisions)android-autoroll
9 daysRoll vulkan-deps from 36da75a01950 to 91b20c9cf5fd (10 revisions)angle-autoroll
10 daysMetal: Fix rewritten out variables with underscoresKimmo Kinnunen
10 daysVulkan: Fix read pixel to cached non-coherent memoryCharlie Lao
10 daysRoll ANGLE from 219f7762e54b to 64e979400646 (1 revision)android-autoroll
10 daysPresubmit: improve bug tag check messageRoman Lavrov
10 daysRoll ANGLE from 40c6ba522234 to 219f7762e54b (1 revision)android-autoroll
10 daysRoll vulkan-deps from 4737535cad1a to 36da75a01950 (8 revisions)angle-autoroll
10 daysRoll ANGLE from 23b8a833f3da to 40c6ba522234 (3 revisions)android-autoroll
10 daysRoll VK-GL-CTS from 669273b1098a to 17c6e3c4dfad (3 revisions)angle-autoroll
10 daysRoll Chromium from e191335efc2d to 39c16b7a3740 (747 revisions)angle-autoroll
11 daysVulkan: Remove unnecessary member from ProgramExecutableVkMohan Maiya
13 daysRoll ANGLE from 84b8737394d5 to 23b8a833f3da (1 revision)android-autoroll
13 daysSuppress VUID-VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR-presentMode-02839Yuly Novikov
13 daysRoll ANGLE from 602a6a9a532f to 84b8737394d5 (2 revisions)android-autoroll
13 daysRoll vulkan-deps from aa20d192b8c4 to 4737535cad1a (9 revisions)angle-autoroll
13 daysRoll SwiftShader from 764410d4d655 to 9aec4b969291 (2 revisions)angle-autoroll
13 daysRoll ANGLE from 51c580031adc to 602a6a9a532f (12 revisions)android-autoroll
13 daysRoll Chromium from b07526b70da5 to e191335efc2d (579 revisions)angle-autoroll
14 daysCL/VK: Implement flush & finishAustin Annestrand
14 daysVulkan: Remove duplicated fallback entry in vk_format_map.jsonShahbaz Youssefi
14 daysCL/VK: Implement enqueue NDRangeKernel & TaskAustin Annestrand
14 daysVulkan: Optimize DescriptorSetLayoutDesc layoutMohan Maiya
2024-04-18Revert "Vulkan: Only enable DS dynamic state if there is DS attachment."Shahbaz Youssefi
2024-04-18Remove duplicated fallback entry in vk_format_table_autogenYuxin Hu
2024-04-18LinkedUniform: avoid frequent GLenum -> index conversionRoman Lavrov
2024-04-18Disable the BasicNoOpMutex testShahbaz Youssefi
2024-04-18Make 'ANGLE_CAPTURE_OUT_DIR' doc clearerBruno BELANYI
2024-04-18Roll chromium_revision 0abb3a90f2..b07526b70d (1287851:1289209)Yuly Novikov
2024-04-18Roll ANGLE from 6861da63bb01 to 51c580031adc (1 revision)android-autoroll
2024-04-18Roll vulkan-deps from bb53ad5f34d9 to aa20d192b8c4 (5 revisions)angle-autoroll
2024-04-18Roll SwiftShader from 1eaac56def92 to 764410d4d655 (2 revisions)angle-autoroll
2024-04-18Roll ANGLE from 313c73c3f6a0 to 6861da63bb01 (3 revisions)android-autoroll
2024-04-18Vulkan: Don't cache staging buffers on PowerVRCody Northrop
2024-04-17Vulkan: Track valid descriptor set layoutsMohan Maiya
2024-04-17Vulkan: Fix dynamic depth/stencil in UtilsVk when unusedShahbaz Youssefi
2024-04-17Roll ANGLE from e92b8e8d97d8 to 313c73c3f6a0 (3 revisions)android-autoroll
2024-04-17Roll vulkan-deps from 8dc5cb57074c to bb53ad5f34d9 (5 revisions)angle-autoroll
2024-04-17Revert "Vulkan: Suppress VUID-VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR-pNext-07781"Shahbaz Youssefi