path: root/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/math/linear/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/org/apache/commons/math/linear/')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/math/linear/ b/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/math/linear/
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+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.commons.math.linear;
+import org.apache.commons.math.Field;
+import org.apache.commons.math.FieldElement;
+ * Interface defining a field-valued vector with basic algebraic operations.
+ * <p>
+ * vector element indexing is 0-based -- e.g., <code>getEntry(0)</code>
+ * returns the first element of the vector.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * The various <code>mapXxx</code> and <code>mapXxxToSelf</code> methods operate
+ * on vectors element-wise, i.e. they perform the same operation (adding a scalar,
+ * applying a function ...) on each element in turn. The <code>mapXxx</code>
+ * versions create a new vector to hold the result and do not change the instance.
+ * The <code>mapXxxToSelf</code> versions use the instance itself to store the
+ * results, so the instance is changed by these methods. In both cases, the result
+ * vector is returned by the methods, this allows to use the <i>fluent API</i>
+ * style, like this:
+ * </p>
+ * <pre>
+ * RealVector result = v.mapAddToSelf(3.0).mapTanToSelf().mapSquareToSelf();
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @param <T> the type of the field elements
+ * @version $Revision: 811786 $ $Date: 2009-09-06 11:36:08 +0200 (dim. 06 sept. 2009) $
+ * @since 2.0
+ */
+public interface FieldVector<T extends FieldElement<T>> {
+ /**
+ * Get the type of field elements of the vector.
+ * @return type of field elements of the vector
+ */
+ Field<T> getField();
+ /**
+ * Returns a (deep) copy of this.
+ * @return vector copy
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> copy();
+ /**
+ * Compute the sum of this and v.
+ * @param v vector to be added
+ * @return this + v
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> add(FieldVector<T> v)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /**
+ * Compute the sum of this and v.
+ * @param v vector to be added
+ * @return this + v
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> add(T[] v)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /**
+ * Compute this minus v.
+ * @param v vector to be subtracted
+ * @return this + v
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> subtract(FieldVector<T> v)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /**
+ * Compute this minus v.
+ * @param v vector to be subtracted
+ * @return this + v
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> subtract(T[] v)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /**
+ * Map an addition operation to each entry.
+ * @param d value to be added to each entry
+ * @return this + d
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> mapAdd(T d);
+ /**
+ * Map an addition operation to each entry.
+ * <p>The instance <strong>is</strong> changed by this method.</p>
+ * @param d value to be added to each entry
+ * @return for convenience, return this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> mapAddToSelf(T d);
+ /**
+ * Map a subtraction operation to each entry.
+ * @param d value to be subtracted to each entry
+ * @return this - d
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> mapSubtract(T d);
+ /**
+ * Map a subtraction operation to each entry.
+ * <p>The instance <strong>is</strong> changed by this method.</p>
+ * @param d value to be subtracted to each entry
+ * @return for convenience, return this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> mapSubtractToSelf(T d);
+ /**
+ * Map a multiplication operation to each entry.
+ * @param d value to multiply all entries by
+ * @return this * d
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> mapMultiply(T d);
+ /**
+ * Map a multiplication operation to each entry.
+ * <p>The instance <strong>is</strong> changed by this method.</p>
+ * @param d value to multiply all entries by
+ * @return for convenience, return this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> mapMultiplyToSelf(T d);
+ /**
+ * Map a division operation to each entry.
+ * @param d value to divide all entries by
+ * @return this / d
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> mapDivide(T d);
+ /**
+ * Map a division operation to each entry.
+ * <p>The instance <strong>is</strong> changed by this method.</p>
+ * @param d value to divide all entries by
+ * @return for convenience, return this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> mapDivideToSelf(T d);
+ /**
+ * Map the 1/x function to each entry.
+ * @return a vector containing the result of applying the function to each entry
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> mapInv();
+ /**
+ * Map the 1/x function to each entry.
+ * <p>The instance <strong>is</strong> changed by this method.</p>
+ * @return for convenience, return this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> mapInvToSelf();
+ /**
+ * Element-by-element multiplication.
+ * @param v vector by which instance elements must be multiplied
+ * @return a vector containing this[i] * v[i] for all i
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> ebeMultiply(FieldVector<T> v) throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /**
+ * Element-by-element multiplication.
+ * @param v vector by which instance elements must be multiplied
+ * @return a vector containing this[i] * v[i] for all i
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> ebeMultiply(T[] v) throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /**
+ * Element-by-element division.
+ * @param v vector by which instance elements must be divided
+ * @return a vector containing this[i] / v[i] for all i
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> ebeDivide(FieldVector<T> v) throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /**
+ * Element-by-element division.
+ * @param v vector by which instance elements must be divided
+ * @return a vector containing this[i] / v[i] for all i
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> ebeDivide(T[] v) throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /**
+ * Returns vector entries as a T array.
+ * @return T array of entries
+ */
+ T[] getData();
+ /**
+ * Compute the dot product.
+ * @param v vector with which dot product should be computed
+ * @return the scalar dot product between instance and v
+ * @exception IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ T dotProduct(FieldVector<T> v)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /**
+ * Compute the dot product.
+ * @param v vector with which dot product should be computed
+ * @return the scalar dot product between instance and v
+ * @exception IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ T dotProduct(T[] v)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /** Find the orthogonal projection of this vector onto another vector.
+ * @param v vector onto which instance must be projected
+ * @return projection of the instance onto v
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> projection(FieldVector<T> v)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /** Find the orthogonal projection of this vector onto another vector.
+ * @param v vector onto which instance must be projected
+ * @return projection of the instance onto v
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> projection(T[] v)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /**
+ * Compute the outer product.
+ * @param v vector with which outer product should be computed
+ * @return the square matrix outer product between instance and v
+ * @exception IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ FieldMatrix<T> outerProduct(FieldVector<T> v)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /**
+ * Compute the outer product.
+ * @param v vector with which outer product should be computed
+ * @return the square matrix outer product between instance and v
+ * @exception IllegalArgumentException if v is not the same size as this
+ */
+ FieldMatrix<T> outerProduct(T[] v)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /**
+ * Returns the entry in the specified index.
+ * <p>
+ * The index start at 0 and must be lesser than the size,
+ * otherwise a {@link MatrixIndexException} is thrown.
+ * </p>
+ * @param index index location of entry to be fetched
+ * @return vector entry at index
+ * @throws MatrixIndexException if the index is not valid
+ * @see #setEntry(int, FieldElement)
+ */
+ T getEntry(int index)
+ throws MatrixIndexException;
+ /**
+ * Set a single element.
+ * @param index element index.
+ * @param value new value for the element.
+ * @exception MatrixIndexException if the index is
+ * inconsistent with vector size
+ * @see #getEntry(int)
+ */
+ void setEntry(int index, T value)
+ throws MatrixIndexException;
+ /**
+ * Returns the size of the vector.
+ * @return size
+ */
+ int getDimension();
+ /**
+ * Construct a vector by appending a vector to this vector.
+ * @param v vector to append to this one.
+ * @return a new vector
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> append(FieldVector<T> v);
+ /**
+ * Construct a vector by appending a T to this vector.
+ * @param d T to append.
+ * @return a new vector
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> append(T d);
+ /**
+ * Construct a vector by appending a T array to this vector.
+ * @param a T array to append.
+ * @return a new vector
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> append(T[] a);
+ /**
+ * Get a subvector from consecutive elements.
+ * @param index index of first element.
+ * @param n number of elements to be retrieved.
+ * @return a vector containing n elements.
+ * @exception MatrixIndexException if the index is
+ * inconsistent with vector size
+ */
+ FieldVector<T> getSubVector(int index, int n)
+ throws MatrixIndexException;
+ /**
+ * Set a set of consecutive elements.
+ * @param index index of first element to be set.
+ * @param v vector containing the values to set.
+ * @exception MatrixIndexException if the index is
+ * inconsistent with vector size
+ * @see #setSubVector(int, FieldElement[])
+ */
+ void setSubVector(int index, FieldVector<T> v)
+ throws MatrixIndexException;
+ /**
+ * Set a set of consecutive elements.
+ * @param index index of first element to be set.
+ * @param v vector containing the values to set.
+ * @exception MatrixIndexException if the index is
+ * inconsistent with vector size
+ * @see #setSubVector(int, FieldVector)
+ */
+ void setSubVector(int index, T[] v)
+ throws MatrixIndexException;
+ /**
+ * Set all elements to a single value.
+ * @param value single value to set for all elements
+ */
+ void set(T value);
+ /**
+ * Convert the vector to a T array.
+ * <p>The array is independent from vector data, it's elements
+ * are copied.</p>
+ * @return array containing a copy of vector elements
+ */
+ T[] toArray();