path: root/kotlin/jvm/internal_do_not_use/util/srcjars.bzl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kotlin/jvm/internal_do_not_use/util/srcjars.bzl')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kotlin/jvm/internal_do_not_use/util/srcjars.bzl b/kotlin/jvm/internal_do_not_use/util/srcjars.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..becf573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kotlin/jvm/internal_do_not_use/util/srcjars.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# go/keep-sorted start
+load("//:visibility.bzl", "RULES_KOTLIN")
+load(":run_deploy_jar.bzl", "kt_run_deploy_jar")
+# go/keep-sorted end
+def _zip(
+ ctx,
+ kt_jvm_toolchain,
+ out_jar,
+ srcs = [],
+ common_srcs = [],
+ ignore_not_allowed_files = False):
+ """Creates a srcjar from a set of Kotlin and Java srcs
+ Paths inside the srcjar are derived from the package name in the source file.
+ """
+ args = ctx.actions.args()
+ args.add("zip")
+ args.add(out_jar)
+ args.add_joined("--kotlin_srcs", srcs, join_with = ",")
+ args.add_joined("--common_srcs", common_srcs, join_with = ",")
+ if ignore_not_allowed_files:
+ args.add("-i")
+ kt_run_deploy_jar(
+ ctx = ctx,
+ java_runtime = kt_jvm_toolchain.java_runtime,
+ deploy_jar = kt_jvm_toolchain.source_jar_zipper,
+ inputs = srcs + common_srcs,
+ outputs = [out_jar],
+ args = [args],
+ mnemonic = "KtJar",
+ progress_message = "Create Jar (kotlin/common.bzl): %{output}",
+ )
+ return out_jar
+def _unzip(
+ ctx,
+ kt_jvm_toolchain,
+ dir,
+ input):
+ args = ctx.actions.args()
+ args.add("unzip", input)
+ args.add(dir.path)
+ kt_run_deploy_jar(
+ ctx = ctx,
+ java_runtime = kt_jvm_toolchain.java_runtime,
+ deploy_jar = kt_jvm_toolchain.source_jar_zipper,
+ inputs = [input],
+ outputs = [dir],
+ args = [args],
+ mnemonic = "SrcJarUnzip",
+ )
+ return dir
+def _zip_resources(ctx, kt_jvm_toolchain, output_jar, input_dirs):
+ """Packs a sequence of tree artifacts into a single jar.
+ Given the following file directory structure,
+ /usr/home/a/x/1.txt
+ /usr/home/b/y/1.txt
+ with an input_dirs as [
+ "/usr/home/a",
+ "/usr/home/b",
+ ],
+ The tool produces a jar with in-archive structure of,
+ x/1.txt
+ y/1.txt
+ The function fails on the duplicate jar entry case. e.g. if we pass an
+ input_dirs as [
+ "/usr/home/a/x",
+ "/usr/home/b/y",
+ ],
+ then the blaze action would fail with an error message.
+ "java.lang.IllegalStateException: 1.txt has the same path as 1.txt!
+ If it is intended behavior rename one or both of them."
+ Args:
+ ctx: The build rule context.
+ kt_jvm_toolchain: Toolchain containing the jar tool.
+ output_jar: The jar to be produced by this action.
+ input_dirs: A sequence of tree artifacts to be zipped.
+ Returns:
+ The generated output jar, i.e. output_jar
+ """
+ args = ctx.actions.args()
+ args.add("zip_resources")
+ args.add(output_jar)
+ args.add_joined(
+ "--input_dirs",
+ input_dirs,
+ join_with = ",",
+ omit_if_empty = False,
+ expand_directories = False,
+ )
+ kt_run_deploy_jar(
+ ctx = ctx,
+ java_runtime = kt_jvm_toolchain.java_runtime,
+ deploy_jar = kt_jvm_toolchain.source_jar_zipper,
+ inputs = input_dirs,
+ outputs = [output_jar],
+ args = [args],
+ mnemonic = "KtJarActionFromTreeArtifacts",
+ progress_message = "Create Jar %{output}",
+ )
+ return output_jar
+def _DirSrcjarSyncer(
+ ctx,
+ kt_jvm_toolchain,
+ file_factory):
+ """Synchronizes the contents of a set of srcjar files and tree-artifacts"""
+ _dirs = []
+ _srcjars = []
+ def add_dirs(dirs):
+ if not dirs:
+ return
+ _dirs.extend(dirs)
+ _srcjars.append(
+ _zip_resources(
+ ctx,
+ kt_jvm_toolchain,
+ file_factory.declare_file("%s-codegen.srcjar" % len(_srcjars)),
+ dirs,
+ ),
+ )
+ def add_srcjars(srcjars):
+ if not srcjars:
+ return
+ for srcjar in srcjars:
+ _dirs.append(
+ _unzip(
+ ctx,
+ kt_jvm_toolchain,
+ file_factory.declare_directory("%s.expand" % len(_dirs)),
+ srcjar,
+ ),
+ )
+ _srcjars.extend(srcjars)
+ return struct(
+ add_dirs = add_dirs,
+ add_srcjars = add_srcjars,
+ dirs = _dirs,
+ srcjars = _srcjars,
+ )
+kt_srcjars = struct(
+ zip = _zip,
+ unzip = _unzip,
+ zip_resources = _zip_resources,
+ DirSrcjarSyncer = _DirSrcjarSyncer,