path: root/README.rst
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+Go rules for Bazel_
+.. Links to external sites and pages
+.. _//tests/core/cross: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/master/tests/core/cross/BUILD.bazel
+.. _Avoiding conflicts: proto/core.rst#avoiding-conflicts
+.. _Bazel labels: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/build-ref.html#labels
+.. _Bazel: https://bazel.build/
+.. _Build modes: go/modes.rst
+.. _Bzlmod: https://bazel.build/external/overview#bzlmod
+.. _Go with Bzlmod: docs/go/core/bzlmod.md
+.. _Core rules: docs/go/core/rules.md
+.. _Coverage: https://bazel.google.cn/docs/coverage
+.. _Dependencies: go/dependencies.rst
+.. _Deprecation schedule: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/wiki/Deprecation-schedule
+.. _Gopher Slack: https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org/
+.. _gopls integration: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/wiki/Editor-setup
+.. _Overriding dependencies: go/dependencies.rst#overriding-dependencies
+.. _Proto dependencies: go/dependencies.rst#proto-dependencies
+.. _Proto rules: proto/core.rst
+.. _Protocol buffers: proto/core.rst
+.. _Running Bazel Tests on Travis CI: https://kev.inburke.com/kevin/bazel-tests-on-travis-ci/
+.. _Toolchains: go/toolchains.rst
+.. _Using rules_go on Windows: windows.rst
+.. _bazel-go-discuss: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-go-discuss
+.. _configuration transition: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/transition.html
+.. _gRPC dependencies: go/dependencies.rst#grpc-dependencies
+.. _gazelle update-repos: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle#update-repos
+.. _gazelle: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle
+.. _github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle
+.. _github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/go/tools/bazel: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/go/tools/bazel?tab=doc
+.. _korfuri/bazel-travis Use Bazel with Travis CI: https://github.com/korfuri/bazel-travis
+.. _nogo build-time static analysis: go/nogo.rst
+.. _nogo: go/nogo.rst
+.. _rules_go and Gazelle roadmap: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/wiki/Roadmap
+.. _#bazel on Go Slack: https://gophers.slack.com/archives/C1SCQE54N
+.. _#go on Bazel Slack: https://bazelbuild.slack.com/archives/CDBP88Z0D
+.. Go rules
+.. _go_binary: docs/go/core/rules.md#go_binary
+.. _go_context: go/toolchains.rst#go_context
+.. _go_download_sdk: go/toolchains.rst#go_download_sdk
+.. _go_embed_data: docs/go/extras/extras.md#go_embed_data
+.. _go_host_sdk: go/toolchains.rst#go_host_sdk
+.. _go_library: docs/go/core/rules.md#go_library
+.. _go_local_sdk: go/toolchains.rst#go_local_sdk
+.. _go_path: docs/go/core/rules.md#go_path
+.. _go_proto_compiler: proto/core.rst#go_proto_compiler
+.. _go_proto_library: proto/core.rst#go_proto_library
+.. _go_register_toolchains: go/toolchains.rst#go_register_toolchains
+.. _go_repository: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/blob/master/repository.md#go_repository
+.. _go_rules_dependencies: go/dependencies.rst#go_rules_dependencies
+.. _go_source: docs/go/core/rules.md#go_source
+.. _go_test: docs/go/core/rules.md#go_test
+.. _go_toolchain: go/toolchains.rst#go_toolchain
+.. _go_wrap_sdk: go/toolchains.rst#go_wrap_sdk
+.. External rules
+.. _git_repository: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/repo/git.html
+.. _http_archive: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/repo/http.html#http_archive
+.. _proto_library: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_proto
+.. Issues
+.. _#265: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/issues/265
+.. _#721: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/issues/721
+.. _#889: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/issues/889
+.. _#1199: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/issues/1199
+.. _#2775: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/issues/2775
+Mailing list: `bazel-go-discuss`_
+Slack: `#go on Bazel Slack`_, `#bazel on Go Slack`_
+ Release
+ `v0.39.0 <https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/releases/tag/v0.39.0>`_
+ is now available. This release includes a simpler interface for Bzlmod
+ `go_sdk` registration, makes the `//go` tool available to users, and
+ fixes various bugs.
+ Release
+ `v0.37.0 <https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/releases/tag/v0.37.0>`_
+ is now available. This release includes support for generated code in
+ the packages driver as well as various bugfixes.
+ Release
+ `v0.36.0 <https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/releases/tag/v0.36.0>`_
+ is now available. This release adds a Go library to look up runfiles, and
+ two command line flags to pass additional compiler and linker options.
+ Release
+ `v0.35.0 <https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/releases/tag/v0.35.0>`_
+ is now available. This release supports switching Go SDK version from a
+ build flag. Starting this release, rules_go requires Bazel 5.1.0, because
+ it needs to read CPU architecture from Bazel to better support Apple M1
+ with Rosetta translation.
+ Release
+ `v0.34.0 <https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/releases/tag/v0.34.0>`_
+ is now available. This release brings very experimental support for bzlmod,
+ several improvements to nogo and gopackagesdriver.
+ Release
+ `v0.33.0 <https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/releases/tag/v0.33.0>`_
+ is now available. This release consists mostly of bug fixes and deprecates
+ the `asm`, `compile`, `cover`, and `pack` actions on `go_context`.
+ Release
+ `v0.32.0 <https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/releases/tag/v0.32.0>`_
+ is now available. This adds `gomock` to rules_go and supports lcov format
+ for code coverage report, as well as a long list of other changes listed
+ in the release notes.
+* `Overview`_
+* `Setup`_
+* `protobuf and gRPC`_
+* `FAQ`_
+* `Core rules`_
+ * `go_binary`_
+ * `go_library`_
+ * `go_test`_
+ * `go_source`_
+ * `go_path`_
+* `Proto rules`_
+ * `go_proto_library`_
+ * `go_proto_compiler`_
+* `Dependencies`_
+ * `go_rules_dependencies`_
+ * `go_repository`_ (Gazelle)
+* `Toolchains`_
+ * `go_register_toolchains`_
+ * `go_download_sdk`_
+ * `go_host_sdk`_
+ * `go_local_sdk`_
+ * `go_wrap_sdk`_
+ * `go_toolchain`_
+ * `go_context`_
+* `Extra rules <docs/go/extras/extras.md>`_
+ * `go_embed_data`_
+* `nogo build-time static analysis`_
+* `Build modes <go/modes.rst>`_
+Quick links
+* `rules_go and Gazelle roadmap`_
+* `Deprecation schedule`_
+* `Using rules_go on Windows`_
+The rules are in the beta stage of development. They support:
+* Building libraries, binaries, and tests (`go_library`_, `go_binary`_,
+ `go_test`_)
+* Vendoring
+* cgo
+* Cross-compilation
+* Generating BUILD files via gazelle_
+* Build-time code analysis via nogo_
+* `Protocol buffers`_
+* Remote execution
+* `Coverage`_
+* `gopls integration`_ for editor support
+* Debugging
+They currently do not support or have limited support for:
+* C/C++ integration other than cgo (SWIG)
+The Go rules are tested and supported on the following host platforms:
+* Linux, macOS, Windows
+* amd64
+Users have reported success on several other platforms, but the rules are
+only tested on those listed above.
+Note: Since version v0.38.0, rules_go requires Bazel ≥ 5.4.0 to work.
+The ``master`` branch is only guaranteed to work with the latest version of Bazel.
+System setup
+To build Go code with Bazel, you will need:
+* A recent version of Bazel.
+* A C/C++ toolchain (if using cgo). Bazel will attempt to configure the
+ toolchain automatically.
+* Bash, ``patch``, ``cat``, and a handful of other Unix tools in ``PATH``.
+You normally won't need a Go toolchain installed. Bazel will download one.
+See `Using rules_go on Windows`_ for Windows-specific setup instructions.
+Several additional tools need to be installed and configured.
+Initial project setup
+If you are using Bazel's new external dependency management system `Bzlmod`_,
+refer to the dedicated `Go with Bzlmod`_ guide instead.
+Create a file at the top of your repository named ``WORKSPACE``, and add the
+snippet below (or add to your existing ``WORKSPACE``). This tells Bazel to
+fetch rules_go and its dependencies. Bazel will download a recent supported
+Go toolchain and register it for use.
+.. code:: bzl
+ load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
+ http_archive(
+ name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
+ sha256 = "6b65cb7917b4d1709f9410ffe00ecf3e160edf674b78c54a894471320862184f",
+ urls = [
+ "https://mirror.bazel.build/github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/releases/download/v0.39.0/rules_go-v0.39.0.zip",
+ "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/releases/download/v0.39.0/rules_go-v0.39.0.zip",
+ ],
+ )
+ load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_register_toolchains", "go_rules_dependencies")
+ go_rules_dependencies()
+ go_register_toolchains(version = "1.19.3")
+You can use rules_go at ``master`` by using `git_repository`_ instead of
+`http_archive`_ and pointing to a recent commit.
+Add a file named ``BUILD.bazel`` in the root directory of your project.
+You'll need a build file in each directory with Go code, but you'll also need
+one in the root directory, even if your project doesn't have Go code there.
+For a "Hello, world" binary, the file should look like this:
+.. code:: bzl
+ load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary")
+ go_binary(
+ name = "hello",
+ srcs = ["hello.go"],
+ )
+You can build this target with ``bazel build //:hello``.
+Generating build files
+If your project can be built with ``go build``, you can generate and update your
+build files automatically using gazelle_.
+Add the ``bazel_gazelle`` repository and its dependencies to your
+``WORKSPACE``. It should look like this:
+ .. code:: bzl
+ load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
+ http_archive(
+ name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
+ sha256 = "6b65cb7917b4d1709f9410ffe00ecf3e160edf674b78c54a894471320862184f",
+ urls = [
+ "https://mirror.bazel.build/github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/releases/download/v0.39.0/rules_go-v0.39.0.zip",
+ "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/releases/download/v0.39.0/rules_go-v0.39.0.zip",
+ ],
+ )
+ http_archive(
+ name = "bazel_gazelle",
+ sha256 = "727f3e4edd96ea20c29e8c2ca9e8d2af724d8c7778e7923a854b2c80952bc405",
+ urls = [
+ "https://mirror.bazel.build/github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/releases/download/v0.30.0/bazel-gazelle-v0.30.0.tar.gz",
+ "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/releases/download/v0.30.0/bazel-gazelle-v0.30.0.tar.gz",
+ ],
+ )
+ load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_register_toolchains", "go_rules_dependencies")
+ load("@bazel_gazelle//:deps.bzl", "gazelle_dependencies")
+ go_rules_dependencies()
+ go_register_toolchains(version = "1.19.3")
+ gazelle_dependencies()
+Add the code below to the ``BUILD.bazel`` file in your project's root directory.
+Replace the string after ``prefix`` with an import path prefix that matches your
+project. It should be the same as your module path, if you have a ``go.mod``
+.. code:: bzl
+ load("@bazel_gazelle//:def.bzl", "gazelle")
+ # gazelle:prefix github.com/example/project
+ gazelle(name = "gazelle")
+This declares a ``gazelle`` binary rule, which you can run using the command
+.. code:: bash
+ bazel run //:gazelle
+This will generate a ``BUILD.bazel`` file with `go_library`_, `go_binary`_, and
+`go_test`_ targets for each package in your project. You can run the same
+command in the future to update existing build files with new source files,
+dependencies, and options.
+Writing build files by hand
+If your project doesn't follow ``go build`` conventions or you prefer not to use
+gazelle_, you can write build files by hand.
+In each directory that contains Go code, create a file named ``BUILD.bazel``
+Add a ``load`` statement at the top of the file for the rules you use.
+.. code:: bzl
+ load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary", "go_library", "go_test")
+For each library, add a `go_library`_ rule like the one below. Source files are
+listed in the ``srcs`` attribute. Imported packages outside the standard library
+are listed in the ``deps`` attribute using `Bazel labels`_ that refer to
+corresponding `go_library`_ rules. The library's import path must be specified
+with the ``importpath`` attribute.
+.. code:: bzl
+ go_library(
+ name = "foo_library",
+ srcs = [
+ "a.go",
+ "b.go",
+ ],
+ importpath = "github.com/example/project/foo",
+ deps = [
+ "//tools",
+ "@org_golang_x_utils//stuff",
+ ],
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ )
+For tests, add a `go_test`_ rule like the one below. The library being tested
+should be listed in an ``embed`` attribute.
+.. code:: bzl
+ go_test(
+ name = "foo_test",
+ srcs = [
+ "a_test.go",
+ "b_test.go",
+ ],
+ embed = [":foo_lib"],
+ deps = [
+ "//testtools",
+ "@org_golang_x_utils//morestuff",
+ ],
+ )
+For binaries, add a `go_binary`_ rule like the one below.
+.. code:: bzl
+ go_binary(
+ name = "foo",
+ srcs = ["main.go"],
+ )
+Adding external repositories
+For each Go repository, add a `go_repository`_ rule to ``WORKSPACE`` like the
+one below. This rule comes from the Gazelle repository, so you will need to
+load it. `gazelle update-repos`_ can generate or update these rules
+automatically from a go.mod or Gopkg.lock file.
+.. code:: bzl
+ load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
+ # Download the Go rules.
+ http_archive(
+ name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
+ sha256 = "6b65cb7917b4d1709f9410ffe00ecf3e160edf674b78c54a894471320862184f",
+ urls = [
+ "https://mirror.bazel.build/github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/releases/download/v0.39.0/rules_go-v0.39.0.zip",
+ "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/releases/download/v0.39.0/rules_go-v0.39.0.zip",
+ ],
+ )
+ # Download Gazelle.
+ http_archive(
+ name = "bazel_gazelle",
+ sha256 = "727f3e4edd96ea20c29e8c2ca9e8d2af724d8c7778e7923a854b2c80952bc405",
+ urls = [
+ "https://mirror.bazel.build/github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/releases/download/v0.30.0/bazel-gazelle-v0.30.0.tar.gz",
+ "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/releases/download/v0.30.0/bazel-gazelle-v0.30.0.tar.gz",
+ ],
+ )
+ # Load macros and repository rules.
+ load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_register_toolchains", "go_rules_dependencies")
+ load("@bazel_gazelle//:deps.bzl", "gazelle_dependencies", "go_repository")
+ # Declare Go direct dependencies.
+ go_repository(
+ name = "org_golang_x_net",
+ importpath = "golang.org/x/net",
+ sum = "h1:zK/HqS5bZxDptfPJNq8v7vJfXtkU7r9TLIoSr1bXaP4=",
+ version = "v0.0.0-20200813134508-3edf25e44fcc",
+ )
+ # Declare indirect dependencies and register toolchains.
+ go_rules_dependencies()
+ go_register_toolchains(version = "1.19.3")
+ gazelle_dependencies()
+protobuf and gRPC
+To generate code from protocol buffers, you'll need to add a dependency on
+``com_google_protobuf`` to your ``WORKSPACE``.
+.. code:: bzl
+ load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
+ http_archive(
+ name = "com_google_protobuf",
+ sha256 = "d0f5f605d0d656007ce6c8b5a82df3037e1d8fe8b121ed42e536f569dec16113",
+ strip_prefix = "protobuf-3.14.0",
+ urls = [
+ "https://mirror.bazel.build/github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/archive/v3.14.0.tar.gz",
+ "https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/archive/v3.14.0.tar.gz",
+ ],
+ )
+ load("@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_deps.bzl", "protobuf_deps")
+ protobuf_deps()
+You'll need a C/C++ toolchain registered for the execution platform (the
+platform where Bazel runs actions) to build protoc.
+The `proto_library`_ rule is provided by the ``rules_proto`` repository.
+``protoc-gen-go``, the Go proto compiler plugin, is provided by the
+``com_github_golang_protobuf`` repository. Both are declared by
+`go_rules_dependencies`_. You won't need to declare an explicit dependency
+unless you specifically want to use a different version. See `Overriding
+dependencies`_ for instructions on using a different version.
+gRPC dependencies are not declared by default (there are too many). You can
+declare them in WORKSPACE using `go_repository`_. You may want to use
+`gazelle update-repos`_ to import them from ``go.mod``.
+See `Proto dependencies`_, `gRPC dependencies`_ for more information. See also
+`Avoiding conflicts`_.
+Once all dependencies have been registered, you can declare `proto_library`_
+and `go_proto_library`_ rules to generate and compile Go code from .proto
+.. code:: bzl
+ load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library")
+ load("@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:def.bzl", "go_proto_library")
+ proto_library(
+ name = "foo_proto",
+ srcs = ["foo.proto"],
+ deps = ["//bar:bar_proto"],
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ )
+ go_proto_library(
+ name = "foo_go_proto",
+ importpath = "github.com/example/protos/foo_proto",
+ protos = [":foo_proto"],
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ )
+A ``go_proto_library`` target may be imported and depended on like a normal
+Note that recent versions of rules_go support both APIv1
+(``github.com/golang/protobuf``) and APIv2 (``google.golang.org/protobuf``).
+By default, code is generated with
+``github.com/golang/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-gen`` for compatibility with both
+interfaces. Client code may import use either runtime library or both.
+* `Can I still use the go command?`_
+* `Does this work with Go modules?`_
+* `What's up with the go_default_library name?`_
+* `How do I cross-compile?`_
+* `How do I access testdata?`_
+* `How do I access go_binary executables from go_test?`_
+**Protocol buffers**
+* `How do I avoid conflicts with protocol buffers?`_
+* `Can I use a vendored gRPC with go_proto_library?`_
+**Dependencies and testing**
+* `How do I use different versions of dependencies?`_
+* `How do I run Bazel on Travis CI?`_
+* `How do I test a beta version of the Go SDK?`_
+Can I still use the go command?
+Yes, but not directly.
+rules_go invokes the Go compiler and linker directly, based on the targets
+described with `go_binary`_ and other rules. Bazel and rules_go together
+fill the same role as the ``go`` command, so it's not necessary to use the
+``go`` command in a Bazel workspace.
+That said, it's usually still a good idea to follow conventions required by
+the ``go`` command (e.g., one package per directory, package paths match
+directory paths). Tools that aren't compatible with Bazel will still work,
+and your project can be depended on by non-Bazel projects.
+If you need to use the ``go`` command to perform tasks that Bazel doesn't cover
+(such as adding a new dependency to ``go.mod``), you can use the following Bazel
+invocation to run the ``go`` binary of the Bazel-configured Go SDK:
+.. code:: bash
+ bazel run @io_bazel_rules_go//go -- <args>
+Prefer this to running ``go`` directly since it ensures that the version of Go
+is identical to the one used by rules_go.
+Does this work with Go modules?
+Yes, but not directly. Bazel ignores ``go.mod`` files, and all package
+dependencies must be expressed through ``deps`` attributes in targets
+described with `go_library`_ and other rules.
+You can download a Go module at a specific version as an external repository
+using `go_repository`_, a workspace rule provided by gazelle_. This will also
+generate build files using gazelle_.
+You can import `go_repository`_ rules from a ``go.mod`` file using
+`gazelle update-repos`_.
+What's up with the go_default_library name?
+This was used to keep import paths consistent in libraries that can be built
+with ``go build`` before the ``importpath`` attribute was available.
+In order to compile and link correctly, rules_go must know the Go import path
+(the string by which a package can be imported) for each library. This is now
+set explicitly with the ``importpath`` attribute. Before that attribute existed,
+the import path was inferred by concatenating a string from a special
+``go_prefix`` rule and the library's package and label name. For example, if
+``go_prefix`` was ``github.com/example/project``, for a library
+``//foo/bar:bar``, rules_go would infer the import path as
+``github.com/example/project/foo/bar/bar``. The stutter at the end is
+incompatible with ``go build``, so if the label name was ``go_default_library``,
+the import path would not include it. So for the library
+``//foo/bar:go_default_library``, the import path would be
+Since ``go_prefix`` was removed and the ``importpath`` attribute became
+mandatory (see `#721`_), the ``go_default_library`` name no longer serves any
+purpose. We may decide to stop using it in the future (see `#265`_).
+How do I cross-compile?
+You can cross-compile by setting the ``--platforms`` flag on the command line.
+For example:
+.. code::
+ $ bazel build --platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:linux_amd64 //cmd
+By default, cgo is disabled when cross-compiling. To cross-compile with cgo,
+add a ``_cgo`` suffix to the target platform. You must register a
+cross-compiling C/C++ toolchain with Bazel for this to work.
+.. code::
+ $ bazel build --platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:linux_amd64_cgo //cmd
+Platform-specific sources with build tags or filename suffixes are filtered
+automatically at compile time. You can selectively include platform-specific
+dependencies with ``select`` expressions (Gazelle does this automatically).
+.. code:: bzl
+ go_library(
+ name = "foo",
+ srcs = [
+ "foo_linux.go",
+ "foo_windows.go",
+ ],
+ deps = select({
+ "@io_bazel_rules_go//go/platform:linux_amd64": [
+ "//bar_linux",
+ ],
+ "@io_bazel_rules_go//go/platform:windows_amd64": [
+ "//bar_windows",
+ ],
+ "//conditions:default": [],
+ }),
+ )
+To build a specific `go_binary`_ or `go_test`_ target for a target platform,
+set the ``goos`` and ``goarch`` attributes on that rule. This is useful for
+producing multiple binaries for different platforms in a single build.
+You can equivalently depend on a `go_binary`_ or `go_test`_ rule through
+a Bazel `configuration transition`_ on ``//command_line_option:platforms``
+(there are problems with this approach prior to rules_go 0.23.0).
+How do I access testdata?
+Bazel executes tests in a sandbox, which means tests don't automatically have
+access to files. You must include test files using the ``data`` attribute.
+For example, if you want to include everything in the ``testdata`` directory:
+.. code:: bzl
+ go_test(
+ name = "foo_test",
+ srcs = ["foo_test.go"],
+ data = glob(["testdata/**"]),
+ importpath = "github.com/example/project/foo",
+ )
+By default, tests are run in the directory of the build file that defined them.
+Note that this follows the Go testing convention, not the Bazel convention
+followed by other languages, which run in the repository root. This means
+that you can access test files using relative paths. You can change the test
+directory using the ``rundir`` attribute. See go_test_.
+Gazelle will automatically add a ``data`` attribute like the one above if you
+have a ``testdata`` directory *unless* it contains buildable .go files or
+build files, in which case, ``testdata`` is treated as a normal package.
+Note that on Windows, data files are not directly available to tests, since test
+data files rely on symbolic links, and by default, Windows doesn't let
+unprivileged users create symbolic links. You can use the
+`github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/go/tools/bazel`_ library to access data files.
+How do I access go_binary executables from go_test?
+The location where ``go_binary`` writes its executable file is not stable across
+rules_go versions and should not be depended upon. The parent directory includes
+some configuration data in its name. This prevents Bazel's cache from being
+poisoned when the same binary is built in different configurations. The binary
+basename may also be platform-dependent: on Windows, we add an .exe extension.
+To depend on an executable in a ``go_test`` rule, reference the executable
+in the ``data`` attribute (to make it visible), then expand the location
+in ``args``. The real location will be passed to the test on the command line.
+For example:
+.. code:: bzl
+ go_binary(
+ name = "cmd",
+ srcs = ["cmd.go"],
+ )
+ go_test(
+ name = "cmd_test",
+ srcs = ["cmd_test.go"],
+ args = ["$(location :cmd)"],
+ data = [":cmd"],
+ )
+See `//tests/core/cross`_ for a full example of a test that
+accesses a binary.
+Alternatively, you can set the ``out`` attribute of `go_binary`_ to a specific
+filename. Note that when ``out`` is set, the binary won't be cached when
+changing configurations.
+.. code:: bzl
+ go_binary(
+ name = "cmd",
+ srcs = ["cmd.go"],
+ out = "cmd",
+ )
+ go_test(
+ name = "cmd_test",
+ srcs = ["cmd_test.go"],
+ data = [":cmd"],
+ )
+How do I avoid conflicts with protocol buffers?
+See `Avoiding conflicts`_ in the proto documentation.
+Can I use a vendored gRPC with go_proto_library?
+This is not supported. When using `go_proto_library`_ with the
+``@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc`` compiler, an implicit dependency is added
+on ``@org_golang_google_grpc//:go_default_library``. If you link another copy of
+the same package from ``//vendor/google.golang.org/grpc:go_default_library``
+or anywhere else, you may experience conflicts at compile or run-time.
+If you're using Gazelle with proto rule generation enabled, imports of
+``google.golang.org/grpc`` will be automatically resolved to
+``@org_golang_google_grpc//:go_default_library`` to avoid conflicts. The
+vendored gRPC should be ignored in this case.
+If you specifically need to use a vendored gRPC package, it's best to avoid
+using ``go_proto_library`` altogether. You can check in pre-generated .pb.go
+files and build them with ``go_library`` rules. Gazelle will generate these
+rules when proto rule generation is disabled (add ``# gazelle:proto
+disable_global`` to your root build file).
+How do I use different versions of dependencies?
+See `Overriding dependencies`_ for instructions on overriding repositories
+declared in `go_rules_dependencies`_.
+How do I run Bazel on Travis CI?
+* `Running Bazel Tests on Travis CI`_ by Kevin Burke
+* `korfuri/bazel-travis Use Bazel with Travis CI`_
+In order to run Bazel tests on Travis CI, you'll need to install Bazel in the
+``before_install`` script. See our configuration file linked above.
+You'll want to run Bazel with a number of flags to prevent it from consuming
+a huge amount of memory in the test environment.
+* ``--host_jvm_args=-Xmx500m --host_jvm_args=-Xms500m``: Set the maximum and
+ initial JVM heap size. Keeping the same means the JVM won't spend time
+ growing the heap. The choice of heap size is somewhat arbitrary; other
+ configuration files recommend limits as high as 2500m. Higher values mean
+ a faster build, but higher risk of OOM kill.
+* ``--bazelrc=.test-bazelrc``: Use a Bazel configuration file specific to
+ Travis CI. You can put most of the remaining options in here.
+* ``build --spawn_strategy=standalone --genrule_strategy=standalone``: Disable
+ sandboxing for the build. Sandboxing may fail inside of Travis's containers
+ because the ``mount`` system call is not permitted.
+* ``test --test_strategy=standalone``: Disable sandboxing for tests as well.
+* ``--local_resources=1536,1.5,0.5``: Set Bazel limits on available RAM in MB,
+ available cores for compute, and available cores for I/O. Higher values
+ mean a faster build, but higher contention and risk of OOM kill.
+* ``--noshow_progress``: Suppress progress messages in output for cleaner logs.
+* ``--verbose_failures``: Get more detailed failure messages.
+* ``--test_output=errors``: Show test stderr in the Travis log. Normally,
+ test output is written log files which Travis does not save or report.
+Downloads on Travis are relatively slow (the network is heavily
+contended), so you'll want to minimize the amount of network I/O in
+your build. Downloading Bazel and a Go SDK is a huge part of that. To
+avoid downloading a Go SDK, you may request a container with a
+preinstalled version of Go in your ``.travis.yml`` file, then call
+``go_register_toolchains(go_version = "host")`` in a Travis-specific
+``WORKSPACE`` file.
+You may be tempted to put Bazel's cache in your Travis cache. Although this
+can speed up your build significantly, Travis stores its cache on Amazon, and
+it takes a very long time to transfer. Clean builds seem faster in practice.
+How do I test a beta version of the Go SDK?
+rules_go only supports official releases of the Go SDK. However, you can still
+test beta and RC versions by passing a ``version`` like ``"1.16beta1"`` to
+`go_register_toolchains`_. See also `go_download_sdk`_.
+.. code:: bzl
+ load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_register_toolchains", "go_rules_dependencies")
+ go_rules_dependencies()
+ go_register_toolchains(version = "1.17beta1")