path: root/tests/core/go_test/BUILD.bazel
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-04-26Create TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE when sharding tests (#3547)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-01-23Add `env` attribute to `go_binary` (#3428)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-01-22Add support for env_inherit (#3256)ttpathan
2022-06-04compilepkg: fix race when run without sandbox (#3145)Son Luong Ngoc
2022-01-24map bazel's --test_runner_fail_fast to go's -failfast (#3058)Jacob Bogdanov
2021-11-30go_test: Add env attribute (#3004)Daniel Wagner-Hall
2021-09-29go_test: add compatibility with fuzzing in Go 1.18+ (#2970)Jay Conrod
2020-12-04go_test: combine testinit and wrapper packages into bzltestutil (#2755)Jay Conrod
2020-11-17go_test: don't require TestMain to call os.Exit (#2716)Paweł
2020-07-22go_test: recompile some archives to split internal, external tests (#2579)Jay Conrod
2020-04-20go_binary, go_test: add gotags attribute (#2440)Jay Conrod
2020-04-15Revert "Setting TMPDIR to TEST_TMPDIR (#2401)" (#2432)Zhongpeng Lin
2020-03-16Setting TMPDIR to TEST_TMPDIR (#2401)Zhongpeng Lin
2020-02-03Add XML testreport generation using testwrapper (#2348)Robbert van Ginkel
2020-01-06Import all pkg which tests depend on (#2331)Roman Mohr
2019-11-27Migrate legacy test to //tests/core/go_test:test_filter_test (#2298)Jay Conrod
2018-10-19Exclude srcs and their runfiles from Go rule runfiles (#1776)Jay Conrod
2018-06-19Set PWD environment variable in generated testmain (#1563)Jay Conrod
2018-06-12Inherit importmap from embedded libraries (#1541)Jay Conrod
2018-04-18Fix build error when go_test contains TestMain but no tests (#1452)Jay Conrod
2018-04-03go_test: fix filtering of _cgo files in external archives (#1425)Jay Conrod
2018-03-08generate_test: implement example testing (#1355)Mike Danese
2018-01-26Adding combined internal and external test mode (#1275)Ian Cottrell
2018-01-24Basic go_test tests (#1269)Ian Cottrell