path: root/python/private/py_wheel.bzl
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/private/py_wheel.bzl')
1 files changed, 442 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/private/py_wheel.bzl b/python/private/py_wheel.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8bceab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/private/py_wheel.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"Implementation of py_wheel rule"
+load("//python/private:stamp.bzl", "is_stamping_enabled")
+load(":py_package.bzl", "py_package_lib")
+PyWheelInfo = provider(
+ doc = "Information about a wheel produced by `py_wheel`",
+ fields = {
+ "name_file": (
+ "File: A file containing the canonical name of the wheel (after " +
+ "stamping, if enabled)."
+ ),
+ "wheel": "File: The wheel file itself.",
+ },
+_distribution_attrs = {
+ "abi": attr.string(
+ default = "none",
+ doc = "Python ABI tag. 'none' for pure-Python wheels.",
+ ),
+ "distribution": attr.string(
+ mandatory = True,
+ doc = """\
+Name of the distribution.
+This should match the project name onm PyPI. It's also the name that is used to
+refer to the package in other packages' dependencies.
+Workspace status keys are expanded using `{NAME}` format, for example:
+ - `distribution = "package.{CLASSIFIER}"`
+ - `distribution = "{DISTRIBUTION}"`
+For the available keys, see https://bazel.build/docs/user-manual#workspace-status
+ ),
+ "platform": attr.string(
+ default = "any",
+ doc = """\
+Supported platform. Use 'any' for pure-Python wheel.
+If you have included platform-specific data, such as a .pyd or .so
+extension module, you will need to specify the platform in standard
+pip format. If you support multiple platforms, you can define
+platform constraints, then use a select() to specify the appropriate
+specifier, eg:
+platform = select({
+ "//platforms:windows_x86_64": "win_amd64",
+ "//platforms:macos_x86_64": "macosx_10_7_x86_64",
+ "//platforms:linux_x86_64": "manylinux2014_x86_64",
+ ),
+ "python_tag": attr.string(
+ default = "py3",
+ doc = "Supported Python version(s), eg `py3`, `cp35.cp36`, etc",
+ ),
+ "stamp": attr.int(
+ doc = """\
+Whether to encode build information into the wheel. Possible values:
+- `stamp = 1`: Always stamp the build information into the wheel, even in \
+[--nostamp](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/user-manual.html#flag--stamp) builds. \
+This setting should be avoided, since it potentially kills remote caching for the target and \
+any downstream actions that depend on it.
+- `stamp = 0`: Always replace build information by constant values. This gives good build result caching.
+- `stamp = -1`: Embedding of build information is controlled by the \
+[--[no]stamp](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/user-manual.html#flag--stamp) flag.
+Stamped targets are not rebuilt unless their dependencies change.
+ """,
+ default = -1,
+ values = [1, 0, -1],
+ ),
+ "version": attr.string(
+ mandatory = True,
+ doc = """\
+Version number of the package.
+Note that this attribute supports stamp format strings as well as 'make variables'.
+For example:
+ - `version = "1.2.3-{BUILD_TIMESTAMP}"`
+ - `version = "{BUILD_EMBED_LABEL}"`
+ - `version = "$(VERSION)"`
+Note that Bazel's output filename cannot include the stamp information, as outputs must be known
+during the analysis phase and the stamp data is available only during the action execution.
+The [`py_wheel`](/docs/packaging.md#py_wheel) macro produces a `.dist`-suffix target which creates a
+`dist/` folder containing the wheel with the stamped name, suitable for publishing.
+See [`py_wheel_dist`](/docs/packaging.md#py_wheel_dist) for more info.
+ ),
+ "_stamp_flag": attr.label(
+ doc = "A setting used to determine whether or not the `--stamp` flag is enabled",
+ default = Label("//python/private:stamp"),
+ ),
+_requirement_attrs = {
+ "extra_requires": attr.string_list_dict(
+ doc = "List of optional requirements for this package",
+ ),
+ "requires": attr.string_list(
+ doc = ("List of requirements for this package. See the section on " +
+ "[Declaring required dependency](https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide/dependency_management.html#declaring-dependencies) " +
+ "for details and examples of the format of this argument."),
+ ),
+_entrypoint_attrs = {
+ "console_scripts": attr.string_dict(
+ doc = """\
+Deprecated console_script entry points, e.g. `{'main': 'examples.wheel.main:main'}`.
+Deprecated: prefer the `entry_points` attribute, which supports `console_scripts` as well as other entry points.
+ ),
+ "entry_points": attr.string_list_dict(
+ doc = """\
+entry_points, e.g. `{'console_scripts': ['main = examples.wheel.main:main']}`.
+ ),
+_other_attrs = {
+ "author": attr.string(
+ doc = "A string specifying the author of the package.",
+ default = "",
+ ),
+ "author_email": attr.string(
+ doc = "A string specifying the email address of the package author.",
+ default = "",
+ ),
+ "classifiers": attr.string_list(
+ doc = "A list of strings describing the categories for the package. For valid classifiers see https://pypi.org/classifiers",
+ ),
+ "description_content_type": attr.string(
+ doc = ("The type of contents in description_file. " +
+ "If not provided, the type will be inferred from the extension of description_file. " +
+ "Also see https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/core-metadata/#description-content-type"),
+ ),
+ "description_file": attr.label(
+ doc = "A file containing text describing the package.",
+ allow_single_file = True,
+ ),
+ "extra_distinfo_files": attr.label_keyed_string_dict(
+ doc = "Extra files to add to distinfo directory in the archive.",
+ allow_files = True,
+ ),
+ "homepage": attr.string(
+ doc = "A string specifying the URL for the package homepage.",
+ default = "",
+ ),
+ "license": attr.string(
+ doc = "A string specifying the license of the package.",
+ default = "",
+ ),
+ "project_urls": attr.string_dict(
+ doc = ("A string dict specifying additional browsable URLs for the project and corresponding labels, " +
+ "where label is the key and url is the value. " +
+ 'e.g `{{"Bug Tracker": "http://bitbucket.org/tarek/distribute/issues/"}}`'),
+ ),
+ "python_requires": attr.string(
+ doc = (
+ "Python versions required by this distribution, e.g. '>=3.5,<3.7'"
+ ),
+ default = "",
+ ),
+ "strip_path_prefixes": attr.string_list(
+ default = [],
+ doc = "path prefixes to strip from files added to the generated package",
+ ),
+ "summary": attr.string(
+ doc = "A one-line summary of what the distribution does",
+ ),
+ "md": "text/markdown",
+ "rst": "text/x-rst",
+def _escape_filename_segment(segment):
+ """Escape a segment of the wheel filename.
+ See https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0427/#escaping-and-unicode
+ """
+ # TODO: this is wrong, isalnum replaces non-ascii letters, while we should
+ # not replace them.
+ # TODO: replace this with a regexp once starlark supports them.
+ escaped = ""
+ for character in segment.elems():
+ # isalnum doesn't handle unicode characters properly.
+ if character.isalnum() or character == ".":
+ escaped += character
+ elif not escaped.endswith("_"):
+ escaped += "_"
+ return escaped
+def _replace_make_variables(flag, ctx):
+ """Replace $(VERSION) etc make variables in flag"""
+ if "$" in flag:
+ for varname, varsub in ctx.var.items():
+ flag = flag.replace("$(%s)" % varname, varsub)
+ return flag
+def _input_file_to_arg(input_file):
+ """Converts a File object to string for --input_file argument to wheelmaker"""
+ return "%s;%s" % (py_package_lib.path_inside_wheel(input_file), input_file.path)
+def _py_wheel_impl(ctx):
+ abi = _replace_make_variables(ctx.attr.abi, ctx)
+ python_tag = _replace_make_variables(ctx.attr.python_tag, ctx)
+ version = _replace_make_variables(ctx.attr.version, ctx)
+ outfile = ctx.actions.declare_file("-".join([
+ _escape_filename_segment(ctx.attr.distribution),
+ _escape_filename_segment(version),
+ _escape_filename_segment(python_tag),
+ _escape_filename_segment(abi),
+ _escape_filename_segment(ctx.attr.platform),
+ ]) + ".whl")
+ name_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + ".name")
+ inputs_to_package = depset(
+ direct = ctx.files.deps,
+ )
+ # Inputs to this rule which are not to be packaged.
+ # Currently this is only the description file (if used).
+ other_inputs = []
+ # Wrap the inputs into a file to reduce command line length.
+ packageinputfile = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.attr.name + "_target_wrapped_inputs.txt")
+ content = ""
+ for input_file in inputs_to_package.to_list():
+ content += _input_file_to_arg(input_file) + "\n"
+ ctx.actions.write(output = packageinputfile, content = content)
+ other_inputs.append(packageinputfile)
+ args = ctx.actions.args()
+ args.add("--name", ctx.attr.distribution)
+ args.add("--version", version)
+ args.add("--python_tag", python_tag)
+ args.add("--abi", abi)
+ args.add("--platform", ctx.attr.platform)
+ args.add("--out", outfile)
+ args.add("--name_file", name_file)
+ args.add_all(ctx.attr.strip_path_prefixes, format_each = "--strip_path_prefix=%s")
+ # Pass workspace status files if stamping is enabled
+ if is_stamping_enabled(ctx.attr):
+ args.add("--volatile_status_file", ctx.version_file)
+ args.add("--stable_status_file", ctx.info_file)
+ other_inputs.extend([ctx.version_file, ctx.info_file])
+ args.add("--input_file_list", packageinputfile)
+ # Note: Description file and version are not embedded into metadata.txt yet,
+ # it will be done later by wheelmaker script.
+ metadata_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.attr.name + ".metadata.txt")
+ metadata_contents = ["Metadata-Version: 2.1"]
+ metadata_contents.append("Name: %s" % ctx.attr.distribution)
+ if ctx.attr.author:
+ metadata_contents.append("Author: %s" % ctx.attr.author)
+ if ctx.attr.author_email:
+ metadata_contents.append("Author-email: %s" % ctx.attr.author_email)
+ if ctx.attr.homepage:
+ metadata_contents.append("Home-page: %s" % ctx.attr.homepage)
+ if ctx.attr.license:
+ metadata_contents.append("License: %s" % ctx.attr.license)
+ if ctx.attr.description_content_type:
+ metadata_contents.append("Description-Content-Type: %s" % ctx.attr.description_content_type)
+ elif ctx.attr.description_file:
+ # infer the content type from description file extension.
+ description_file_type = _DESCRIPTION_FILE_EXTENSION_TO_TYPE.get(
+ ctx.file.description_file.extension,
+ )
+ metadata_contents.append("Description-Content-Type: %s" % description_file_type)
+ if ctx.attr.summary:
+ metadata_contents.append("Summary: %s" % ctx.attr.summary)
+ for label, url in sorted(ctx.attr.project_urls.items()):
+ fail("`label` {} in `project_urls` is too long. It is limited to {} characters.".format(len(label), _PROJECT_URL_LABEL_LENGTH_LIMIT))
+ metadata_contents.append("Project-URL: %s, %s" % (label, url))
+ for c in ctx.attr.classifiers:
+ metadata_contents.append("Classifier: %s" % c)
+ if ctx.attr.python_requires:
+ metadata_contents.append("Requires-Python: %s" % ctx.attr.python_requires)
+ for requirement in ctx.attr.requires:
+ metadata_contents.append("Requires-Dist: %s" % requirement)
+ for option, option_requirements in sorted(ctx.attr.extra_requires.items()):
+ metadata_contents.append("Provides-Extra: %s" % option)
+ for requirement in option_requirements:
+ metadata_contents.append(
+ "Requires-Dist: %s; extra == '%s'" % (requirement, option),
+ )
+ ctx.actions.write(
+ output = metadata_file,
+ content = "\n".join(metadata_contents) + "\n",
+ )
+ other_inputs.append(metadata_file)
+ args.add("--metadata_file", metadata_file)
+ # Merge console_scripts into entry_points.
+ entrypoints = dict(ctx.attr.entry_points) # Copy so we can mutate it
+ if ctx.attr.console_scripts:
+ # Copy a console_scripts group that may already exist, so we can mutate it.
+ console_scripts = list(entrypoints.get("console_scripts", []))
+ entrypoints["console_scripts"] = console_scripts
+ for name, ref in ctx.attr.console_scripts.items():
+ console_scripts.append("{name} = {ref}".format(name = name, ref = ref))
+ # If any entry_points are provided, construct the file here and add it to the files to be packaged.
+ # see: https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/
+ if entrypoints:
+ lines = []
+ for group, entries in sorted(entrypoints.items()):
+ if lines:
+ # Blank line between groups
+ lines.append("")
+ lines.append("[{group}]".format(group = group))
+ lines += sorted(entries)
+ entry_points_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.attr.name + "_entry_points.txt")
+ content = "\n".join(lines)
+ ctx.actions.write(output = entry_points_file, content = content)
+ other_inputs.append(entry_points_file)
+ args.add("--entry_points_file", entry_points_file)
+ if ctx.attr.description_file:
+ description_file = ctx.file.description_file
+ args.add("--description_file", description_file)
+ other_inputs.append(description_file)
+ for target, filename in ctx.attr.extra_distinfo_files.items():
+ target_files = target.files.to_list()
+ if len(target_files) != 1:
+ fail(
+ "Multi-file target listed in extra_distinfo_files %s",
+ filename,
+ )
+ other_inputs.extend(target_files)
+ args.add(
+ "--extra_distinfo_file",
+ filename + ";" + target_files[0].path,
+ )
+ ctx.actions.run(
+ inputs = depset(direct = other_inputs, transitive = [inputs_to_package]),
+ outputs = [outfile, name_file],
+ arguments = [args],
+ executable = ctx.executable._wheelmaker,
+ progress_message = "Building wheel {}".format(ctx.label),
+ )
+ return [
+ DefaultInfo(
+ files = depset([outfile]),
+ runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = [outfile]),
+ ),
+ PyWheelInfo(
+ wheel = outfile,
+ name_file = name_file,
+ ),
+ ]
+def _concat_dicts(*dicts):
+ result = {}
+ for d in dicts:
+ result.update(d)
+ return result
+py_wheel_lib = struct(
+ implementation = _py_wheel_impl,
+ attrs = _concat_dicts(
+ {
+ "deps": attr.label_list(
+ doc = """\
+Targets to be included in the distribution.
+The targets to package are usually `py_library` rules or filesets (for packaging data files).
+Note it's usually better to package `py_library` targets and use
+`entry_points` attribute to specify `console_scripts` than to package
+`py_binary` rules. `py_binary` targets would wrap a executable script that
+tries to locate `.runfiles` directory which is not packaged in the wheel.
+ ),
+ "_wheelmaker": attr.label(
+ executable = True,
+ cfg = "exec",
+ default = "//tools:wheelmaker",
+ ),
+ },
+ _distribution_attrs,
+ _requirement_attrs,
+ _entrypoint_attrs,
+ _other_attrs,
+ ),
+py_wheel = rule(
+ implementation = py_wheel_lib.implementation,
+ doc = """\
+Internal rule used by the [py_wheel macro](/docs/packaging.md#py_wheel).
+These intentionally have the same name to avoid sharp edges with Bazel macros.
+For example, a `bazel query` for a user's `py_wheel` macro expands to `py_wheel` targets,
+in the way they expect.
+ attrs = py_wheel_lib.attrs,