path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-14Expose patch reader for consumptionKelvin Zhang
2019-06-14bspatch_fuzzer: guard againts integer overflow with bad patchAmin Hassani
2017-12-04bsdiff: Change all stderr and perror to LOG(ERROR)Amin Hassani
2017-10-27Add/remove includes to match used types.Alex Deymo
2017-10-26Add an interface for bspatch readerTianjie Xu
2017-09-25Add the "bsdiff/" prefix to all include paths.Alex Deymo
2017-05-03Update Makefile to build shared libraries.Alex Deymo
2017-02-02Add another overload of bspatch().Sen Jiang
2017-02-02bspatch: convert all err() and errx() calls to returns.Sen Jiang
2017-02-02Provide interface for in memory bspatch.Sen Jiang
2016-04-11Fix infinite loop when using extents.Sen Jiang
2016-04-11Stream the output to disk.Sen Jiang
2015-11-24Various fixes in bspatch and File class.Sen Jiang
2015-10-23bspatch: Re-enable extents support.Alex Deymo
2015-10-23bspatch: Ran clang-format on Deymo
2015-10-13Convert C sources to C++.Alex Deymo