path: root/tests/ceftests/
diff options
authorInna Palant <>2023-12-12 19:56:22 -0800
committerInna Palant <>2023-12-12 19:56:22 -0800
commit1ee1f36e3b492d7a6a0bf2367fe509365853aeaa (patch)
treea5790e155ff0d998639beb6172dfa0feb294aac9 /tests/ceftests/
parent1e76199e6f0ded437fca14eb9e512e0c6bd0fc1e (diff)
parentc33b736614ef77e4048cee551999a656a5ef465f (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/upstream'main
Import b/312293934
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/ceftests/')
1 files changed, 600 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ceftests/ b/tests/ceftests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c31c7049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ceftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
+// reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
+// can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include "include/base/cef_callback.h"
+#include "include/base/cef_callback_helpers.h"
+#include "include/cef_scheme.h"
+#include "include/wrapper/cef_closure_task.h"
+#include "include/wrapper/cef_scoped_temp_dir.h"
+#include "tests/ceftests/test_handler.h"
+#include "tests/ceftests/test_util.h"
+#include "tests/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "tests/shared/browser/file_util.h"
+namespace {
+const char kTestDomain[] = "";
+const char kTestStartUrl[] = "";
+const char kTestDownloadUrl[] = "";
+const char kTestNavUrl[] = "";
+const char kTestFileName[] = "download_test.txt";
+const char kTestContentDisposition[] =
+ "attachment; filename=\"download_test.txt\"";
+const char kTestMimeType[] = "text/plain";
+const char kTestContent[] = "Download test text";
+using DelayCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(base::OnceClosure /*callback*/)>;
+class DownloadSchemeHandler : public CefResourceHandler {
+ public:
+ DownloadSchemeHandler(DelayCallback delay_callback,
+ TrackCallback* got_download_request)
+ : delay_callback_(std::move(delay_callback)),
+ got_download_request_(got_download_request),
+ should_delay_(false),
+ offset_(0) {}
+ bool Open(CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request,
+ bool& handle_request,
+ CefRefPtr<CefCallback> callback) override {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI) || CefCurrentlyOn(TID_IO));
+ std::string url = request->GetURL();
+ if (url == kTestDownloadUrl) {
+ got_download_request_->yes();
+ content_ = kTestContent;
+ mime_type_ = kTestMimeType;
+ content_disposition_ = kTestContentDisposition;
+ should_delay_ = true;
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(false); // Not reached.
+ // Cancel immediately.
+ handle_request = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Continue immediately.
+ handle_request = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void GetResponseHeaders(CefRefPtr<CefResponse> response,
+ int64& response_length,
+ CefString& redirectUrl) override {
+ response_length = content_.size();
+ response->SetStatus(200);
+ response->SetMimeType(mime_type_);
+ if (!content_disposition_.empty()) {
+ CefResponse::HeaderMap headerMap;
+ response->GetHeaderMap(headerMap);
+ headerMap.insert(
+ std::make_pair("Content-Disposition", content_disposition_));
+ response->SetHeaderMap(headerMap);
+ }
+ }
+ bool Read(void* data_out,
+ int bytes_to_read,
+ int& bytes_read,
+ CefRefPtr<CefResourceReadCallback> callback) override {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI) || CefCurrentlyOn(TID_IO));
+ bytes_read = 0;
+ if (should_delay_ && !delay_callback_.is_null()) {
+ // Delay the download response a single time.
+ std::move(delay_callback_)
+ .Run(base::BindOnce(&DownloadSchemeHandler::ContinueRead, this,
+ data_out, bytes_to_read, callback));
+ return true;
+ }
+ return DoRead(data_out, bytes_to_read, bytes_read);
+ }
+ void Cancel() override {}
+ private:
+ void ContinueRead(void* data_out,
+ int bytes_to_read,
+ CefRefPtr<CefResourceReadCallback> callback) {
+ int bytes_read = 0;
+ DoRead(data_out, bytes_to_read, bytes_read);
+ callback->Continue(bytes_read);
+ }
+ bool DoRead(void* data_out, int bytes_to_read, int& bytes_read) {
+ bool has_data = false;
+ size_t size = content_.size();
+ if (offset_ < size) {
+ int transfer_size =
+ std::min(bytes_to_read, static_cast<int>(size - offset_));
+ memcpy(data_out, content_.c_str() + offset_, transfer_size);
+ offset_ += transfer_size;
+ bytes_read = transfer_size;
+ has_data = true;
+ }
+ return has_data;
+ }
+ DelayCallback delay_callback_;
+ TrackCallback* got_download_request_;
+ bool should_delay_;
+ std::string content_;
+ std::string mime_type_;
+ std::string content_disposition_;
+ size_t offset_;
+ CefRefPtr<CefResourceReadCallback> read_callback_;
+ IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(DownloadSchemeHandler);
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DownloadSchemeHandler);
+using DelayCallbackVendor = base::RepeatingCallback<DelayCallback(void)>;
+class DownloadSchemeHandlerFactory : public CefSchemeHandlerFactory {
+ public:
+ DownloadSchemeHandlerFactory(const DelayCallbackVendor& delay_callback_vendor,
+ TrackCallback* got_download_request)
+ : delay_callback_vendor_(delay_callback_vendor),
+ got_download_request_(got_download_request) {}
+ CefRefPtr<CefResourceHandler> Create(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
+ CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,
+ const CefString& scheme_name,
+ CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request) override {
+ return new DownloadSchemeHandler(delay_callback_vendor_.is_null()
+ ? base::NullCallback()
+ : delay_callback_vendor_.Run(),
+ got_download_request_);
+ }
+ private:
+ DelayCallbackVendor delay_callback_vendor_;
+ TrackCallback* got_download_request_;
+ IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(DownloadSchemeHandlerFactory);
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DownloadSchemeHandlerFactory);
+class DownloadTestHandler : public TestHandler {
+ public:
+ enum TestMode {
+ };
+ DownloadTestHandler(TestMode test_mode,
+ TestRequestContextMode rc_mode,
+ const std::string& rc_cache_path)
+ : test_mode_(test_mode),
+ rc_mode_(rc_mode),
+ rc_cache_path_(rc_cache_path),
+ download_id_(0),
+ verified_results_(false) {}
+ bool is_clicked() const {
+ return test_mode_ == CLICKED || test_mode_ == CLICKED_INVALID ||
+ test_mode_ == CLICKED_BLOCKED;
+ }
+ bool is_clicked_and_downloaded() const { return test_mode_ == CLICKED; }
+ bool is_downloaded() const {
+ return test_mode_ == PROGRAMMATIC || test_mode_ == NAVIGATED ||
+ is_clicked_and_downloaded();
+ }
+ void RunTest() override {
+ DelayCallbackVendor delay_callback_vendor;
+ if (test_mode_ == NAVIGATED || test_mode_ == PENDING) {
+ delay_callback_vendor = base::BindRepeating(
+ [](CefRefPtr<DownloadTestHandler> self) {
+ return base::BindOnce(&DownloadTestHandler::OnDelayCallback, self);
+ },
+ CefRefPtr<DownloadTestHandler>(this));
+ }
+ CefRefPtr<CefSchemeHandlerFactory> scheme_factory =
+ new DownloadSchemeHandlerFactory(delay_callback_vendor,
+ &got_download_request_);
+ CefRefPtr<CefRequestContext> request_context =
+ CreateTestRequestContext(rc_mode_, rc_cache_path_);
+ if (request_context) {
+ request_context->RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory("http", kTestDomain,
+ scheme_factory);
+ } else {
+ CefRegisterSchemeHandlerFactory("http", kTestDomain, scheme_factory);
+ }
+ if (!is_clicked() || is_clicked_and_downloaded()) {
+ // Create a new temporary directory.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
+ test_path_ =
+ client::file_util::JoinPath(temp_dir_.GetPath(), kTestFileName);
+ }
+ if (test_mode_ == NAVIGATED) {
+ // Add the resource that we'll navigate to.
+ AddResource(kTestNavUrl, "<html><body>Navigated</body></html>",
+ "text/html");
+ }
+ if (is_clicked()) {
+ if (test_mode_ == CLICKED || test_mode_ == CLICKED_BLOCKED) {
+ download_url_ = kTestDownloadUrl;
+ } else if (test_mode_ == CLICKED_INVALID) {
+ download_url_ = "";
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(false); // Not reached.
+ }
+ AddResource(kTestStartUrl,
+ "<html><body><a href=\"" + download_url_ +
+ "\">CLICK ME</a></body></html>",
+ "text/html");
+ } else {
+ download_url_ = kTestStartUrl;
+ AddResource(kTestStartUrl, "<html><body>Download Test</body></html>",
+ "text/html");
+ }
+ // Create the browser
+ CreateBrowser(kTestStartUrl, request_context);
+ // Time out the test after a reasonable period of time.
+ SetTestTimeout();
+ }
+ void OnLoadEnd(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
+ CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,
+ int httpStatusCode) override {
+ const std::string& url = frame->GetURL().ToString();
+ if (url == kTestNavUrl) {
+ got_nav_load_.yes();
+ ContinueNavigatedIfReady();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (is_clicked()) {
+ // Begin the download by clicking a link.
+ // ALT key will trigger download of custom protocol links.
+ SendClick(browser,
+ if (is_clicked() && !is_clicked_and_downloaded()) {
+ // Destroy the test after a bit because there will be no further
+ // callbacks.
+ CefPostDelayedTask(
+ TID_UI, base::BindOnce(&DownloadTestHandler::DestroyTest, this),
+ 200);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Begin the download progammatically.
+ browser->GetHost()->StartDownload(kTestDownloadUrl);
+ }
+ }
+ // Callback from the scheme handler when the download request is delayed.
+ void OnDelayCallback(base::OnceClosure callback) {
+ if (!CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI)) {
+ CefPostTask(TID_UI, base::BindOnce(&DownloadTestHandler::OnDelayCallback,
+ this, std::move(callback)));
+ return;
+ }
+ got_delay_callback_.yes();
+ if (test_mode_ == NAVIGATED) {
+ delay_callback_ = std::move(callback);
+ ContinueNavigatedIfReady();
+ } else if (test_mode_ == PENDING) {
+ ContinuePendingIfReady();
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(false); // Not reached.
+ }
+ }
+ void ContinueNavigatedIfReady() {
+ EXPECT_EQ(test_mode_, NAVIGATED);
+ if (got_delay_callback_ && got_nav_load_) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(delay_callback_.is_null());
+ std::move(delay_callback_).Run();
+ }
+ }
+ void ContinuePendingIfReady() {
+ EXPECT_EQ(test_mode_, PENDING);
+ if (got_delay_callback_ && got_on_before_download_ &&
+ got_on_download_updated_) {
+ // Destroy the test without waiting for the download to complete.
+ DestroyTest();
+ }
+ }
+ bool CanDownload(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
+ const CefString& url,
+ const CefString& request_method) override {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(got_can_download_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(got_on_before_download_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(is_clicked());
+ got_can_download_.yes();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(browser->IsSame(GetBrowser()));
+ EXPECT_STREQ(download_url_.c_str(), url.ToString().c_str());
+ EXPECT_STREQ("GET", request_method.ToString().c_str());
+ return test_mode_ != CLICKED_BLOCKED;
+ }
+ void OnBeforeDownload(
+ CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
+ CefRefPtr<CefDownloadItem> download_item,
+ const CefString& suggested_name,
+ CefRefPtr<CefBeforeDownloadCallback> callback) override {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(got_on_before_download_);
+ if (is_clicked()) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(got_can_download_);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(got_can_download_);
+ }
+ got_on_before_download_.yes();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(browser->IsSame(GetBrowser()));
+ EXPECT_STREQ(kTestFileName, suggested_name.ToString().c_str());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(download_item.get());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.get());
+ download_id_ = download_item->GetId();
+ EXPECT_LT(0U, download_id_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(download_item->IsValid());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(download_item->IsInProgress());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(download_item->IsComplete());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(download_item->IsCanceled());
+ EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int64>(sizeof(kTestContent) - 1),
+ download_item->GetTotalBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0UL, download_item->GetFullPath().length());
+ EXPECT_STREQ(kTestDownloadUrl, download_item->GetURL().ToString().c_str());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0UL, download_item->GetSuggestedFileName().length());
+ EXPECT_STREQ(kTestContentDisposition,
+ download_item->GetContentDisposition().ToString().c_str());
+ EXPECT_STREQ(kTestMimeType,
+ download_item->GetMimeType().ToString().c_str());
+ callback->Continue(test_path_, false);
+ if (test_mode_ == NAVIGATED) {
+ CefRefPtr<CefFrame> main_frame = browser->GetMainFrame();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(main_frame->IsMain());
+ main_frame->LoadURL(kTestNavUrl);
+ } else if (test_mode_ == PENDING) {
+ ContinuePendingIfReady();
+ }
+ }
+ void OnDownloadUpdated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
+ CefRefPtr<CefDownloadItem> download_item,
+ CefRefPtr<CefDownloadItemCallback> callback) override {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI));
+ if (destroyed_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ got_on_download_updated_.yes();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(browser->IsSame(GetBrowser()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(download_item.get());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.get());
+ if (got_on_before_download_) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(download_id_, download_item->GetId());
+ }
+ EXPECT_LE(0LL, download_item->GetCurrentSpeed());
+ EXPECT_LE(0, download_item->GetPercentComplete());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(download_item->IsValid());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(download_item->IsCanceled());
+ EXPECT_STREQ(kTestDownloadUrl, download_item->GetURL().ToString().c_str());
+ EXPECT_STREQ(kTestContentDisposition,
+ download_item->GetContentDisposition().ToString().c_str());
+ EXPECT_STREQ(kTestMimeType,
+ download_item->GetMimeType().ToString().c_str());
+ std::string full_path = download_item->GetFullPath();
+ if (!full_path.empty()) {
+ got_full_path_.yes();
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_path_.c_str(), full_path.c_str());
+ }
+ if (download_item->IsComplete()) {
+ got_download_complete_.yes();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(download_item->IsInProgress());
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, download_item->GetPercentComplete());
+ EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int64>(sizeof(kTestContent) - 1),
+ download_item->GetReceivedBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int64>(sizeof(kTestContent) - 1),
+ download_item->GetTotalBytes());
+ DestroyTest();
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(download_item->IsInProgress());
+ EXPECT_LE(0LL, download_item->GetReceivedBytes());
+ }
+ if (test_mode_ == PENDING) {
+ download_item_callback_ = callback;
+ ContinuePendingIfReady();
+ }
+ }
+ void VerifyResultsOnFileThread() {
+ if (test_mode_ != PENDING) {
+ // Verify the file contents.
+ std::string contents;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(client::file_util::ReadFileToString(test_path_, &contents));
+ EXPECT_STREQ(kTestContent, contents.c_str());
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(temp_dir_.Delete());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(temp_dir_.IsEmpty());
+ CefPostTask(TID_UI,
+ base::BindOnce(&DownloadTestHandler::DestroyTest, this));
+ }
+ void DestroyTest() override {
+ if (!verified_results_ && !temp_dir_.IsEmpty()) {
+ // Avoid an endless failure loop.
+ verified_results_ = true;
+ // Clean up temp_dir_ on the FILE thread before destroying the test.
+ base::BindOnce(
+ &DownloadTestHandler::VerifyResultsOnFileThread, this));
+ return;
+ }
+ destroyed_ = true;
+ if (download_item_callback_) {
+ // Cancel the pending download to avoid leaking request objects.
+ download_item_callback_->Cancel();
+ download_item_callback_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (request_context_) {
+ request_context_->RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory("http", kTestDomain,
+ nullptr);
+ request_context_ = nullptr;
+ } else {
+ CefRegisterSchemeHandlerFactory("http", kTestDomain, nullptr);
+ }
+ if (is_clicked()) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(got_can_download_);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(got_can_download_);
+ }
+ if (test_mode_ == CLICKED_INVALID) {
+ // The invalid protocol request is not handled.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(got_download_request_);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(got_download_request_);
+ }
+ if (is_clicked() && !is_clicked_and_downloaded()) {
+ // The download never proceeds.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(got_on_before_download_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(got_on_download_updated_);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(got_on_before_download_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(got_on_download_updated_);
+ }
+ if (test_mode_ == NAVIGATED) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(got_nav_load_);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(got_nav_load_);
+ }
+ if (!is_downloaded()) {
+ // The download never completes.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(got_download_complete_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(got_full_path_);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(got_download_complete_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(got_full_path_);
+ }
+ TestHandler::DestroyTest();
+ }
+ private:
+ void SendClick(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, uint32_t modifiers) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(is_clicked());
+ CefMouseEvent mouse_event;
+ mouse_event.x = 20;
+ mouse_event.y = 20;
+ mouse_event.modifiers = modifiers;
+ SendMouseClickEvent(browser, mouse_event);
+ }
+ const TestMode test_mode_;
+ const TestRequestContextMode rc_mode_;
+ const std::string rc_cache_path_;
+ CefRefPtr<CefRequestContext> request_context_;
+ // Used with NAVIGATED and PENDING test modes.
+ base::OnceClosure delay_callback_;
+ // Used with PENDING test mode.
+ CefRefPtr<CefDownloadItemCallback> download_item_callback_;
+ std::string download_url_;
+ CefScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
+ std::string test_path_;
+ uint32 download_id_;
+ bool verified_results_;
+ bool destroyed_ = false;
+ TrackCallback got_download_request_;
+ TrackCallback got_can_download_;
+ TrackCallback got_on_before_download_;
+ TrackCallback got_on_download_updated_;
+ TrackCallback got_full_path_;
+ TrackCallback got_download_complete_;
+ TrackCallback got_delay_callback_;
+ TrackCallback got_nav_load_;
+} // namespace
+#define DOWNLOAD_TEST_GROUP(test_name, test_mode) \
+ RC_TEST_GROUP_ALL(DownloadTest, test_name, DownloadTestHandler, test_mode)
+// Test a programmatic download.
+// Test a clicked download.
+// Test a clicked download where the protocol is invalid and therefore rejected.
+// There will be no resulting CefDownloadHandler callbacks.
+// Test a clicked download where CanDownload returns false.
+// There will be no resulting CefDownloadHandler callbacks.
+// Test where the download completes after cross-origin navigation.
+// Test where the download is still pending when the browser is destroyed.