path: root/src/test/resources/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/javadoc/abstractjavadoc/InputAbstractJavadocNonTightHtmlTags2.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/resources/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/javadoc/abstractjavadoc/InputAbstractJavadocNonTightHtmlTags2.java')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/resources/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/javadoc/abstractjavadoc/InputAbstractJavadocNonTightHtmlTags2.java b/src/test/resources/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/javadoc/abstractjavadoc/InputAbstractJavadocNonTightHtmlTags2.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1cf6024f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/resources/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/javadoc/abstractjavadoc/InputAbstractJavadocNonTightHtmlTags2.java
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+package com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.checks.javadoc.abstractjavadoc;
+ * <body>
+ * <p> This class is only meant for testing. </p>
+ * <p> In html, closing all tags is not necessary.
+ * <li> neither is opening every tag. <p>Only the first non-tight tag is logged</li>
+ * </body>
+ *
+ * @see "https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/syntax.html#optional-start-and-end-tags"
+ */
+public class InputAbstractJavadocNonTightHtmlTags2 {
+ /** <p> <p> paraception </p> </p> */
+ private int field1;
+ /**<li> paraTags should be opened</p> list isn't nested in parse tree </li>*/
+ private int field2;
+ /**
+ * <p> this paragraph is closed and would be nested in javadoc tree </p>
+ * <li> this list has an <p> unclosed para, but still the list would get nested </li>
+ */
+ private int field3;
+ /**
+ * <li> Complete <p> nesting </p> </li>
+ * <tr> Zero </p> nesting despite `tr` is closed </tr>
+ */
+ private int field4;
+ /**
+ * <p> <a href="www.something.com">something</a> paragraph with `htmlTag` </p>
+ * <p> <a href="www.something.com"/> Nested paragraph with `singletonTag` </p>
+ * <li> Outer tag <li> Inner tag nested </li> not nested </li>
+ */
+ private int field5;
+ /**
+ * <body> body <p> paragraph <li> list </li> </p> </body>
+ *
+ * @return <li> <li> outer list isn't nested in parse tree </li> </li>
+ */
+ int getField1() {return field1;}
+ /***/
+ int getField2() {return field2;} //method with empty javadoc
+ /**
+ * <p>This is a setter method.
+ * And paraTag shall be nested in parse tree </p>
+ * @param field2 <p> settter
+ */
+ void setField2(int field2) {this.field2 = field2;}
+ /**
+ * <p> paragraph with a <br>singletonElement. <hr> And it contains another one. </p>
+ * <li> List with singletonElement
+ * <param name=mov value="~/imitation game.mp4"> <param name=allowfullscreen value=true> </li>
+ * @return <tr> tr with <base href="www.something.com"> singletonElement </tr>
+ * <tr> nonTight </th>
+ */
+ private int getField3() {return field3;}
+ /**
+ * @param field3 <td> td with singletonElement <br/> </td>
+ */
+ private void setField3(int field3) { this.field3 = field3;}
+ /**
+ * <html> <bR> <Br> <BR> <Br/> <BR/> <bR/> </html>
+ * <option> <INPut/> </option>
+ * @return <tbody> <input/> <br> </tbody>
+ */
+ private int getField4() {return field4;}
+ /**
+ * <thead> <br> </thead>
+ * <tfoot> <AREA ALT="alt" COORDS="100,0,200,50" HREF="/href/"> </tfoot>
+ * <p> </p>
+ * @param field4 value to which {@link #field4} is to be set to
+ */
+ private void setField4(int field4) {this.field4 = field4;}
+ /**
+ * <p> <li> <TR> <Td> <tH> <body> <colGROUP> <DD> <dt> <Head> <HTML> <option> <tBody> <tHead>
+ * <tFoot>
+ * @param field5 </p> value to which {@link #field5} is to be set to
+ */
+ private void setField5(int field5) {this.field5 = field5;}