path: root/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/third_party/rcssmin/rcssmin.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'catapult/common/py_vulcanize/third_party/rcssmin/rcssmin.py')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/third_party/rcssmin/rcssmin.py b/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/third_party/rcssmin/rcssmin.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae1cefc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/third_party/rcssmin/rcssmin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: ascii -*-
+ CSS Minifier
+CSS Minifier.
+The minifier is based on the semantics of the `YUI compressor`_\\, which
+itself is based on `the rule list by Isaac Schlueter`_\\.
+ Copyright 2011 - 2014
+ Andr\xe9 Malo or his licensors, as applicable
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+This module is a re-implementation aiming for speed instead of maximum
+compression, so it can be used at runtime (rather than during a preprocessing
+step). RCSSmin does syntactical compression only (removing spaces, comments
+and possibly semicolons). It does not provide semantic compression (like
+removing empty blocks, collapsing redundant properties etc). It does, however,
+support various CSS hacks (by keeping them working as intended).
+Here's a feature list:
+- Strings are kept, except that escaped newlines are stripped
+- Space/Comments before the very end or before various characters are
+ stripped: ``:{});=>+],!`` (The colon (``:``) is a special case, a single
+ space is kept if it's outside a ruleset.)
+- Space/Comments at the very beginning or after various characters are
+ stripped: ``{}(=:>+[,!``
+- Optional space after unicode escapes is kept, resp. replaced by a simple
+ space
+- whitespaces inside ``url()`` definitions are stripped
+- Comments starting with an exclamation mark (``!``) can be kept optionally.
+- All other comments and/or whitespace characters are replaced by a single
+ space.
+- Multiple consecutive semicolons are reduced to one
+- The last semicolon within a ruleset is stripped
+- CSS Hacks supported:
+ - IE7 hack (``>/**/``)
+ - Mac-IE5 hack (``/*\\*/.../**/``)
+ - The boxmodelhack is supported naturally because it relies on valid CSS2
+ strings
+ - Between ``:first-line`` and the following comma or curly brace a space is
+ inserted. (apparently it's needed for IE6)
+ - Same for ``:first-letter``
+rcssmin.c is a reimplementation of rcssmin.py in C and improves runtime up to
+factor 100 or so (depending on the input). docs/BENCHMARKS in the source
+distribution contains the details.
+Both python 2 (>= 2.4) and python 3 are supported.
+.. _YUI compressor: https://github.com/yui/yuicompressor/
+.. _the rule list by Isaac Schlueter: https://github.com/isaacs/cssmin/
+if __doc__:
+ # pylint: disable = W0622
+ __doc__ = __doc__.encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape')
+__author__ = r"Andr\xe9 Malo".encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape')
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+__license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0"
+__version__ = '1.0.5'
+__all__ = ['cssmin']
+import re as _re
+def _make_cssmin(python_only=False):
+ """
+ Generate CSS minifier.
+ :Parameters:
+ `python_only` : ``bool``
+ Use only the python variant. If true, the c extension is not even
+ tried to be loaded.
+ :Return: Minifier
+ :Rtype: ``callable``
+ """
+ # pylint: disable = R0912, R0914, W0612
+ if not python_only:
+ try:
+ import _rcssmin
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ return _rcssmin.cssmin
+ nl = r'(?:[\n\f]|\r\n?)' # pylint: disable = C0103
+ spacechar = r'[\r\n\f\040\t]'
+ unicoded = r'[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}(?:[\040\n\t\f]|\r\n?)?'
+ escaped = r'[^\n\r\f0-9a-fA-F]'
+ escape = r'(?:\\(?:%(unicoded)s|%(escaped)s))' % locals()
+ nmchar = r'[^\000-\054\056\057\072-\100\133-\136\140\173-\177]'
+ #nmstart = r'[^\000-\100\133-\136\140\173-\177]'
+ #ident = (r'(?:'
+ # r'-?(?:%(nmstart)s|%(escape)s)%(nmchar)s*(?:%(escape)s%(nmchar)s*)*'
+ #r')') % locals()
+ comment = r'(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)'
+ # only for specific purposes. The bang is grouped:
+ _bang_comment = r'(?:/\*(!?)[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)'
+ string1 = \
+ r'(?:\047[^\047\\\r\n\f]*(?:\\[^\r\n\f][^\047\\\r\n\f]*)*\047)'
+ string2 = r'(?:"[^"\\\r\n\f]*(?:\\[^\r\n\f][^"\\\r\n\f]*)*")'
+ strings = r'(?:%s|%s)' % (string1, string2)
+ nl_string1 = \
+ r'(?:\047[^\047\\\r\n\f]*(?:\\(?:[^\r]|\r\n?)[^\047\\\r\n\f]*)*\047)'
+ nl_string2 = r'(?:"[^"\\\r\n\f]*(?:\\(?:[^\r]|\r\n?)[^"\\\r\n\f]*)*")'
+ nl_strings = r'(?:%s|%s)' % (nl_string1, nl_string2)
+ uri_nl_string1 = r'(?:\047[^\047\\]*(?:\\(?:[^\r]|\r\n?)[^\047\\]*)*\047)'
+ uri_nl_string2 = r'(?:"[^"\\]*(?:\\(?:[^\r]|\r\n?)[^"\\]*)*")'
+ uri_nl_strings = r'(?:%s|%s)' % (uri_nl_string1, uri_nl_string2)
+ nl_escaped = r'(?:\\%(nl)s)' % locals()
+ space = r'(?:%(spacechar)s|%(comment)s)' % locals()
+ ie7hack = r'(?:>/\*\*/)'
+ uri = (r'(?:'
+ # noqa pylint: disable = C0330
+ r'(?:[^\000-\040"\047()\\\177]*'
+ r'(?:%(escape)s[^\000-\040"\047()\\\177]*)*)'
+ r'(?:'
+ r'(?:%(spacechar)s+|%(nl_escaped)s+)'
+ r'(?:'
+ r'(?:[^\000-\040"\047()\\\177]|%(escape)s|%(nl_escaped)s)'
+ r'[^\000-\040"\047()\\\177]*'
+ r'(?:%(escape)s[^\000-\040"\047()\\\177]*)*'
+ r')+'
+ r')*'
+ r')') % locals()
+ nl_unesc_sub = _re.compile(nl_escaped).sub
+ uri_space_sub = _re.compile((
+ r'(%(escape)s+)|%(spacechar)s+|%(nl_escaped)s+'
+ ) % locals()).sub
+ uri_space_subber = lambda m: m.groups()[0] or ''
+ space_sub_simple = _re.compile((
+ r'[\r\n\f\040\t;]+|(%(comment)s+)'
+ ) % locals()).sub
+ space_sub_banged = _re.compile((
+ r'[\r\n\f\040\t;]+|(%(_bang_comment)s+)'
+ ) % locals()).sub
+ post_esc_sub = _re.compile(r'[\r\n\f\t]+').sub
+ main_sub = _re.compile((
+ # noqa pylint: disable = C0330
+ r'([^\\"\047u>@\r\n\f\040\t/;:{}]+)'
+ r'|(?<=[{}(=:>+[,!])(%(space)s+)'
+ r'|^(%(space)s+)'
+ r'|(%(space)s+)(?=(([:{});=>+\],!])|$)?)'
+ r'|;(%(space)s*(?:;%(space)s*)*)(?=(\})?)'
+ r'|(\{)'
+ r'|(\})'
+ r'|(%(strings)s)'
+ r'|(?<!%(nmchar)s)url\(%(spacechar)s*('
+ r'%(uri_nl_strings)s'
+ r'|%(uri)s'
+ r')%(spacechar)s*\)'
+ r'|(@(?:'
+ r'[mM][eE][dD][iI][aA]'
+ r'|[sS][uU][pP][pP][oO][rR][tT][sS]'
+ r'|[dD][oO][cC][uU][mM][eE][nN][tT]'
+ r'|(?:-(?:'
+ r'[wW][eE][bB][kK][iI][tT]|[mM][oO][zZ]|[oO]|[mM][sS]'
+ r')-)?'
+ r'[kK][eE][yY][fF][rR][aA][mM][eE][sS]'
+ r'))(?!%(nmchar)s)'
+ r'|(%(ie7hack)s)(%(space)s*)'
+ r'|(:[fF][iI][rR][sS][tT]-[lL]'
+ r'(?:[iI][nN][eE]|[eE][tT][tT][eE][rR]))'
+ r'(%(space)s*)(?=[{,])'
+ r'|(%(nl_strings)s)'
+ r'|(%(escape)s[^\\"\047u>@\r\n\f\040\t/;:{}]*)'
+ ) % locals()).sub
+ #print main_sub.__self__.pattern
+ def main_subber(keep_bang_comments):
+ """ Make main subber """
+ in_macie5, in_rule, at_group = [0], [0], [0]
+ if keep_bang_comments:
+ space_sub = space_sub_banged
+ def space_subber(match):
+ """ Space|Comment subber """
+ if match.lastindex:
+ group1, group2 = match.group(1, 2)
+ if group2:
+ if group1.endswith(r'\*/'):
+ in_macie5[0] = 1
+ else:
+ in_macie5[0] = 0
+ return group1
+ elif group1:
+ if group1.endswith(r'\*/'):
+ if in_macie5[0]:
+ return ''
+ in_macie5[0] = 1
+ return r'/*\*/'
+ elif in_macie5[0]:
+ in_macie5[0] = 0
+ return '/**/'
+ return ''
+ else:
+ space_sub = space_sub_simple
+ def space_subber(match):
+ """ Space|Comment subber """
+ if match.lastindex:
+ if match.group(1).endswith(r'\*/'):
+ if in_macie5[0]:
+ return ''
+ in_macie5[0] = 1
+ return r'/*\*/'
+ elif in_macie5[0]:
+ in_macie5[0] = 0
+ return '/**/'
+ return ''
+ def fn_space_post(group):
+ """ space with token after """
+ if group(5) is None or (
+ group(6) == ':' and not in_rule[0] and not at_group[0]):
+ return ' ' + space_sub(space_subber, group(4))
+ return space_sub(space_subber, group(4))
+ def fn_semicolon(group):
+ """ ; handler """
+ return ';' + space_sub(space_subber, group(7))
+ def fn_semicolon2(group):
+ """ ; handler """
+ if in_rule[0]:
+ return space_sub(space_subber, group(7))
+ return ';' + space_sub(space_subber, group(7))
+ def fn_open(_):
+ """ { handler """
+ if at_group[0]:
+ at_group[0] -= 1
+ else:
+ in_rule[0] = 1
+ return '{'
+ def fn_close(_):
+ """ } handler """
+ in_rule[0] = 0
+ return '}'
+ def fn_at_group(group):
+ """ @xxx group handler """
+ at_group[0] += 1
+ return group(13)
+ def fn_ie7hack(group):
+ """ IE7 Hack handler """
+ if not in_rule[0] and not at_group[0]:
+ in_macie5[0] = 0
+ return group(14) + space_sub(space_subber, group(15))
+ return '>' + space_sub(space_subber, group(15))
+ table = (
+ # noqa pylint: disable = C0330
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ fn_space_post, # space with token after
+ fn_space_post, # space with token after
+ fn_space_post, # space with token after
+ fn_semicolon, # semicolon
+ fn_semicolon2, # semicolon
+ fn_open, # {
+ fn_close, # }
+ lambda g: g(11), # string
+ lambda g: 'url(%s)' % uri_space_sub(uri_space_subber, g(12)),
+ # url(...)
+ fn_at_group, # @xxx expecting {...}
+ None,
+ fn_ie7hack, # ie7hack
+ None,
+ lambda g: g(16) + ' ' + space_sub(space_subber, g(17)),
+ # :first-line|letter followed
+ # by [{,] (apparently space
+ # needed for IE6)
+ lambda g: nl_unesc_sub('', g(18)), # nl_string
+ lambda g: post_esc_sub(' ', g(19)), # escape
+ )
+ def func(match):
+ """ Main subber """
+ idx, group = match.lastindex, match.group
+ if idx > 3:
+ return table[idx](group)
+ # shortcuts for frequent operations below:
+ elif idx == 1: # not interesting
+ return group(1)
+ #else: # space with token before or at the beginning
+ return space_sub(space_subber, group(idx))
+ return func
+ def cssmin(style, keep_bang_comments=False): # pylint: disable = W0621
+ """
+ Minify CSS.
+ :Parameters:
+ `style` : ``str``
+ CSS to minify
+ `keep_bang_comments` : ``bool``
+ Keep comments starting with an exclamation mark? (``/*!...*/``)
+ :Return: Minified style
+ :Rtype: ``str``
+ """
+ return main_sub(main_subber(keep_bang_comments), style)
+ return cssmin
+cssmin = _make_cssmin()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ def main():
+ """ Main """
+ import sys as _sys
+ keep_bang_comments = (
+ '-b' in _sys.argv[1:]
+ or '-bp' in _sys.argv[1:]
+ or '-pb' in _sys.argv[1:]
+ )
+ if '-p' in _sys.argv[1:] or '-bp' in _sys.argv[1:] \
+ or '-pb' in _sys.argv[1:]:
+ global cssmin # pylint: disable = W0603
+ cssmin = _make_cssmin(python_only=True)
+ _sys.stdout.write(cssmin(
+ _sys.stdin.read(), keep_bang_comments=keep_bang_comments
+ ))
+ main()