path: root/media/filters/
diff options
authorTorne (Richard Coles) <>2012-11-14 11:43:16 +0000
committerTorne (Richard Coles) <>2012-11-14 11:43:16 +0000
commit5821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019 (patch)
treee19f4793aac92e2c0d9a01087019a60d6657d838 /media/filters/
parent8e79a8efe247f109aafd917a69e8a392961b3687 (diff)
Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r167172
This commit was generated by Change-Id: Ib8d56fd5ae39a2d7e8c91dcd76cc6d13f25f2aab
Diffstat (limited to 'media/filters/')
1 files changed, 700 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/filters/ b/media/filters/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b86008b1b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/filters/
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <deque>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/file_path.h"
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/path_service.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread.h"
+#include "media/base/mock_callback.h"
+#include "media/base/mock_demuxer_host.h"
+#include "media/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_common.h"
+#include "media/filters/ffmpeg_demuxer.h"
+#include "media/filters/file_data_source.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+using ::testing::AnyNumber;
+using ::testing::DoAll;
+using ::testing::InSequence;
+using ::testing::Invoke;
+using ::testing::Return;
+using ::testing::SaveArg;
+using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
+using ::testing::StrictMock;
+using ::testing::WithArgs;
+using ::testing::_;
+namespace media {
+ std::string(negation ? "isn't" : "is") + " end of stream") {
+ return arg->IsEndOfStream();
+static void EosOnReadDone(bool* got_eos_buffer,
+ DemuxerStream::Status status,
+ const scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>& buffer) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(status, DemuxerStream::kOk);
+ if (buffer->IsEndOfStream()) {
+ *got_eos_buffer = true;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!buffer->GetData());
+ EXPECT_EQ(buffer->GetDataSize(), 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(buffer->GetData());
+ EXPECT_GT(buffer->GetDataSize(), 0);
+ *got_eos_buffer = false;
+// Fixture class to facilitate writing tests. Takes care of setting up the
+// FFmpeg, pipeline and filter host mocks.
+class FFmpegDemuxerTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ FFmpegDemuxerTest() {}
+ virtual ~FFmpegDemuxerTest() {
+ if (demuxer_) {
+ // Call Stop() to shut down internal threads.
+ demuxer_->Stop(NewExpectedClosure());
+ }
+ // Finish up any remaining tasks.
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Release the reference to the demuxer.
+ demuxer_ = NULL;
+ }
+ void CreateDemuxer(const std::string& name) {
+ CreateDemuxer(name, false);
+ }
+ void CreateDemuxer(const std::string& name, bool disable_file_size) {
+ CHECK(!demuxer_);
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetTotalBytes(_)).Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, AddBufferedByteRange(_, _)).Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, AddBufferedTimeRange(_, _)).Times(AnyNumber());
+ CreateDataSource(name, disable_file_size);
+ demuxer_ = new FFmpegDemuxer(message_loop_.message_loop_proxy(),
+ data_source_);
+ }
+ MOCK_METHOD1(CheckPoint, void(int v));
+ void InitializeDemuxer() {
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetDuration(_));
+ demuxer_->Initialize(&host_, NewExpectedStatusCB(PIPELINE_OK));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ }
+ MOCK_METHOD2(OnReadDoneCalled, void(int, int64));
+ // Verifies that |buffer| has a specific |size| and |timestamp|.
+ // |location| simply indicates where the call to this function was made.
+ // This makes it easier to track down where test failures occur.
+ void OnReadDone(const tracked_objects::Location& location,
+ int size, int64 timestampInMicroseconds,
+ DemuxerStream::Status status,
+ const scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>& buffer) {
+ std::string location_str;
+ location.Write(true, false, &location_str);
+ location_str += "\n";
+ SCOPED_TRACE(location_str);
+ EXPECT_EQ(status, DemuxerStream::kOk);
+ OnReadDoneCalled(size, timestampInMicroseconds);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(buffer.get() != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(size, buffer->GetDataSize());
+ EXPECT_EQ(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(timestampInMicroseconds),
+ buffer->GetTimestamp());
+ }
+ DemuxerStream::ReadCB NewReadCB(const tracked_objects::Location& location,
+ int size, int64 timestampInMicroseconds) {
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnReadDoneCalled(size, timestampInMicroseconds));
+ return base::Bind(&FFmpegDemuxerTest::OnReadDone, base::Unretained(this),
+ location, size, timestampInMicroseconds);
+ }
+ // Accessor to demuxer internals.
+ void set_duration_known(bool duration_known) {
+ demuxer_->duration_known_ = duration_known;
+ }
+ bool IsStreamStopped(DemuxerStream::Type type) {
+ DemuxerStream* stream = demuxer_->GetStream(type);
+ CHECK(stream);
+ return static_cast<FFmpegDemuxerStream*>(stream)->stopped_;
+ }
+ // Fixture members.
+ scoped_refptr<FileDataSource> data_source_;
+ scoped_refptr<FFmpegDemuxer> demuxer_;
+ StrictMock<MockDemuxerHost> host_;
+ MessageLoop message_loop_;
+ AVFormatContext* format_context() {
+ return demuxer_->glue_->format_context();
+ }
+ void ReadUntilEndOfStream() {
+ // We should expect an end of stream buffer.
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> audio =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::AUDIO);
+ bool got_eos_buffer = false;
+ const int kMaxBuffers = 170;
+ for (int i = 0; !got_eos_buffer && i < kMaxBuffers; i++) {
+ audio->Read(base::Bind(&EosOnReadDone, &got_eos_buffer));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(got_eos_buffer);
+ }
+ private:
+ void CreateDataSource(const std::string& name, bool disable_file_size) {
+ CHECK(!data_source_);
+ FilePath file_path;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &file_path));
+ file_path = file_path.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("media"))
+ .Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("test"))
+ .Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("data"))
+ .AppendASCII(name);
+ data_source_ = new FileDataSource(disable_file_size);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(data_source_->Initialize(file_path.MaybeAsASCII()));
+ }
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Initialize_OpenFails) {
+ // Simulate avformat_open_input() failing.
+ CreateDemuxer("ten_byte_file"),
+ demuxer_->Initialize(
+ &host_, NewExpectedStatusCB(DEMUXER_ERROR_COULD_NOT_OPEN));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+// TODO(acolwell): Uncomment this test when we discover a file that passes
+// avformat_open_input(), but has avformat_find_stream_info() fail.
+//TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Initialize_ParseFails) {
+// CreateDemuxer("find_stream_info_fail.webm");
+// demuxer_->Initialize(
+// &host_, NewExpectedStatusCB(DEMUXER_ERROR_COULD_NOT_PARSE));
+// message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Initialize_NoStreams) {
+ // Open a file with no streams whatsoever.
+ CreateDemuxer("no_streams.webm");
+ demuxer_->Initialize(
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Initialize_NoAudioVideo) {
+ // Open a file containing streams but none of which are audio/video streams.
+ CreateDemuxer("no_audio_video.webm");
+ demuxer_->Initialize(
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Initialize_Successful) {
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Video stream should be present.
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> stream =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::VIDEO);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(stream);
+ EXPECT_EQ(DemuxerStream::VIDEO, stream->type());
+ const VideoDecoderConfig& video_config = stream->video_decoder_config();
+ EXPECT_EQ(kCodecVP8, video_config.codec());
+ EXPECT_EQ(VideoFrame::YV12, video_config.format());
+ EXPECT_EQ(320, video_config.coded_size().width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(240, video_config.coded_size().height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, video_config.visible_rect().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, video_config.visible_rect().y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(320, video_config.visible_rect().width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(240, video_config.visible_rect().height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(320, video_config.natural_size().width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(240, video_config.natural_size().height());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(video_config.extra_data());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, video_config.extra_data_size());
+ // Audio stream should be present.
+ stream = demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::AUDIO);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(stream);
+ EXPECT_EQ(DemuxerStream::AUDIO, stream->type());
+ const AudioDecoderConfig& audio_config = stream->audio_decoder_config();
+ EXPECT_EQ(kCodecVorbis, audio_config.codec());
+ EXPECT_EQ(16, audio_config.bits_per_channel());
+ EXPECT_EQ(CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO, audio_config.channel_layout());
+ EXPECT_EQ(44100, audio_config.samples_per_second());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(audio_config.extra_data());
+ EXPECT_GT(audio_config.extra_data_size(), 0u);
+ // Unknown stream should never be present.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::UNKNOWN));
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Initialize_Multitrack) {
+ // Open a file containing the following streams:
+ // Stream #0: Video (VP8)
+ // Stream #1: Audio (Vorbis)
+ // Stream #2: Subtitles (SRT)
+ // Stream #3: Video (Theora)
+ // Stream #4: Audio (16-bit signed little endian PCM)
+ //
+ // We should only pick the first audio/video streams we come across.
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240-multitrack.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Video stream should be VP8.
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> stream =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::VIDEO);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(stream);
+ EXPECT_EQ(DemuxerStream::VIDEO, stream->type());
+ EXPECT_EQ(kCodecVP8, stream->video_decoder_config().codec());
+ // Audio stream should be Vorbis.
+ stream = demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::AUDIO);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(stream);
+ EXPECT_EQ(DemuxerStream::AUDIO, stream->type());
+ EXPECT_EQ(kCodecVorbis, stream->audio_decoder_config().codec());
+ // Unknown stream should never be present.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::UNKNOWN));
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Read_Audio) {
+ // We test that on a successful audio packet read.
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Attempt a read from the audio stream and run the message loop until done.
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> audio =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::AUDIO);
+ audio->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 29, 0));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ audio->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 27, 3000));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Read_Video) {
+ // We test that on a successful video packet read.
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Attempt a read from the video stream and run the message loop until done.
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> video =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::VIDEO);
+ video->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 22084, 0));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ video->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 1057, 33000));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Read_VideoNonZeroStart) {
+ // Test the start time is the first timestamp of the video and audio stream.
+ CreateDemuxer("nonzero-start-time.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Attempt a read from the video stream and run the message loop until done.
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> video =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::VIDEO);
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> audio =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::AUDIO);
+ // Check first buffer in video stream.
+ video->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 5636, 400000));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Check first buffer in audio stream.
+ audio->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 165, 396000));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Verify that the start time is equal to the lowest timestamp (ie the audio).
+ EXPECT_EQ(demuxer_->GetStartTime().InMicroseconds(), 396000);
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Read_EndOfStream) {
+ // Verify that end of stream buffers are created.
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ ReadUntilEndOfStream();
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Read_EndOfStream_NoDuration) {
+ // Verify that end of stream buffers are created.
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240.webm", false);
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ set_duration_known(false);
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetDuration(_));
+ ReadUntilEndOfStream();
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Seek) {
+ // We're testing that the demuxer frees all queued packets when it receives
+ // a Seek().
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Get our streams.
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> video =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::VIDEO);
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> audio =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::AUDIO);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(video);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(audio);
+ // Read a video packet and release it.
+ video->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 22084, 0));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Issue a simple forward seek, which should discard queued packets.
+ demuxer_->Seek(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(1000000),
+ NewExpectedStatusCB(PIPELINE_OK));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Audio read #1.
+ audio->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 145, 803000));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Audio read #2.
+ audio->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 148, 826000));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Video read #1.
+ video->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 5425, 801000));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Video read #2.
+ video->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 1906, 834000));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+// A mocked callback specialization for calling Read(). Since RunWithParams()
+// is mocked we don't need to pass in object or method pointers.
+class MockReadCB : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MockReadCB> {
+ public:
+ MockReadCB() {}
+ MOCK_METHOD0(OnDelete, void());
+ MOCK_METHOD2(Run, void(DemuxerStream::Status status,
+ const scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>& buffer));
+ protected:
+ virtual ~MockReadCB() {
+ OnDelete();
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MockReadCB>;
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Stop) {
+ // Tests that calling Read() on a stopped demuxer stream immediately deletes
+ // the callback.
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Get our stream.
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> audio =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::AUDIO);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(audio);
+ demuxer_->Stop(NewExpectedClosure());
+ // Expect all calls in sequence.
+ InSequence s;
+ // Create our mocked callback. The Callback created by base::Bind() will take
+ // ownership of this pointer.
+ StrictMock<MockReadCB>* callback = new StrictMock<MockReadCB>();
+ // The callback should be immediately deleted. We'll use a checkpoint to
+ // verify that it has indeed been deleted.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*callback, Run(DemuxerStream::kOk, IsEndOfStreamBuffer()));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*callback, OnDelete());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, CheckPoint(1));
+ // Attempt the read...
+ audio->Read(base::Bind(&MockReadCB::Run, callback));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // ...and verify that |callback| was deleted.
+ CheckPoint(1);
+// The streams can outlive the demuxer because the streams may still be in use
+// by the decoder when the demuxer is destroyed.
+// This test verifies that DemuxerStream::Read() does not use an invalid demuxer
+// pointer (no crash occurs) and calls the callback with an EndOfStream buffer.
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, StreamReadAfterStopAndDemuxerDestruction) {
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Get our stream.
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> audio =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::AUDIO);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(audio);
+ demuxer_->Stop(NewExpectedClosure());
+ // Finish up any remaining tasks.
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Expect all calls in sequence.
+ InSequence s;
+ // Create our mocked callback. The Callback created by base::Bind() will take
+ // ownership of this pointer.
+ StrictMock<MockReadCB>* callback = new StrictMock<MockReadCB>();
+ // The callback should be immediately deleted. We'll use a checkpoint to
+ // verify that it has indeed been deleted.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*callback, Run(DemuxerStream::kOk, IsEndOfStreamBuffer()));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*callback, OnDelete());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, CheckPoint(1));
+ // Release the reference to the demuxer. This should also destroy it.
+ demuxer_ = NULL;
+ // |audio| now has a demuxer_ pointer to invalid memory.
+ // Attempt the read...
+ audio->Read(base::Bind(&MockReadCB::Run, callback));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // ...and verify that |callback| was deleted.
+ CheckPoint(1);
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, DisableAudioStream) {
+ // We are doing the following things here:
+ // 1. Initialize the demuxer with audio and video stream.
+ // 2. Send a "disable audio stream" message to the demuxer.
+ // 3. Demuxer will free audio packets even if audio stream was initialized.
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Submit a "disable audio stream" message to the demuxer.
+ demuxer_->OnAudioRendererDisabled();
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Get our streams.
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> video =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::VIDEO);
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> audio =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::AUDIO);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(video);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(audio);
+ // The audio stream should have been prematurely stopped.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsStreamStopped(DemuxerStream::VIDEO));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsStreamStopped(DemuxerStream::AUDIO));
+ // Attempt a read from the video stream: it should return valid data.
+ video->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 22084, 0));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Attempt a read from the audio stream: it should immediately return end of
+ // stream without requiring the message loop to read data.
+ bool got_eos_buffer = false;
+ audio->Read(base::Bind(&EosOnReadDone, &got_eos_buffer));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(got_eos_buffer);
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, ProtocolRead) {
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Set read head to zero as Initialize() will have parsed a bit of the file.
+ int64 position = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->SetPosition(0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetPosition(&position));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, position);
+ // Read 32 bytes from offset zero and verify position.
+ uint8 buffer[32];
+ EXPECT_EQ(32, demuxer_->Read(32, buffer));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetPosition(&position));
+ EXPECT_EQ(32, position);
+ // Read an additional 32 bytes and verify position.
+ EXPECT_EQ(32, demuxer_->Read(32, buffer));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetPosition(&position));
+ EXPECT_EQ(64, position);
+ // Seek to end and read until EOF.
+ int64 size = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetSize(&size));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->SetPosition(size - 48));
+ EXPECT_EQ(32, demuxer_->Read(32, buffer));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetPosition(&position));
+ EXPECT_EQ(size - 16, position);
+ EXPECT_EQ(16, demuxer_->Read(32, buffer));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetPosition(&position));
+ EXPECT_EQ(size, position);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, demuxer_->Read(32, buffer));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetPosition(&position));
+ EXPECT_EQ(size, position);
+ demuxer_->Stop(NewExpectedClosure());
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, ProtocolGetSetPosition) {
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ InSequence s;
+ int64 size;
+ int64 position;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetSize(&size));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetPosition(&position));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->SetPosition(512));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(demuxer_->SetPosition(size));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(demuxer_->SetPosition(size + 1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(demuxer_->SetPosition(-1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetPosition(&position));
+ EXPECT_EQ(512, position);
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, ProtocolGetSize) {
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ int64 data_source_size = 0;
+ int64 demuxer_size = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(data_source_->GetSize(&data_source_size));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetSize(&demuxer_size));
+ EXPECT_NE(0, data_source_size);
+ EXPECT_EQ(data_source_size, demuxer_size);
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, ProtocolIsStreaming) {
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(data_source_->IsStreaming());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(demuxer_->IsStreaming());
+// Verify that seek works properly when the WebM cues data is at the start of
+// the file instead of at the end.
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, SeekWithCuesBeforeFirstCluster) {
+ CreateDemuxer("bear-320x240-cues-in-front.webm");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Get our streams.
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> video =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::VIDEO);
+ scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> audio =
+ demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::AUDIO);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(video);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(audio);
+ // Read a video packet and release it.
+ video->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 22084, 0));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Issue a simple forward seek, which should discard queued packets.
+ demuxer_->Seek(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(2500000),
+ NewExpectedStatusCB(PIPELINE_OK));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Audio read #1.
+ audio->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 40, 2403000));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Audio read #2.
+ audio->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 42, 2406000));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Video read #1.
+ video->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 5276, 2402000));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // Video read #2.
+ video->Read(NewReadCB(FROM_HERE, 1740, 2436000));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+// Ensure ID3v1 tag reading is disabled. id3_test.mp3 has an ID3v1 tag with the
+// field "title" set to "sample for id3 test".
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, NoID3TagData) {
+ return;
+ CreateDemuxer("id3_test.mp3");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(av_dict_get(format_context()->metadata, "title", NULL, 0));
+// Ensure MP3 files with large image/video based ID3 tags demux okay. FFmpeg
+// will hand us a video stream to the data which will likely be in a format we
+// don't accept as video; e.g. PNG.
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, Mp3WithVideoStreamID3TagData) {
+ return;
+ CreateDemuxer("id3_png_test.mp3");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Ensure the expected streams are present.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::VIDEO));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::AUDIO));
+// Ensure a video with an unsupported audio track still results in the video
+// stream being demuxed.
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, UnsupportedAudioSupportedVideoDemux) {
+ CreateDemuxer("speex_audio_vorbis_video.ogv");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Ensure the expected streams are present.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::VIDEO));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::AUDIO));
+// Ensure a video with an unsupported video track still results in the audio
+// stream being demuxed.
+TEST_F(FFmpegDemuxerTest, UnsupportedVideoSupportedAudioDemux) {
+ CreateDemuxer("vorbis_audio_wmv_video.mkv");
+ InitializeDemuxer();
+ // Ensure the expected streams are present.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::VIDEO));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(demuxer_->GetStream(DemuxerStream::AUDIO));
+} // namespace media