diff options
mode: <>2010-04-06 15:42:22 +0000 <>2010-04-06 15:42:22 +0000
commit29d56fbb60c635df7efb5ae6bf426b63870bda03 (patch)
parent0e3358a6aae3e3d54e29f17297187f2f078e1ef3 (diff)
Added GYP build files. GYP files are needed for integration with chromium and cross-platform build for glsl translator. It would really be nice if we did not have to maintain two build systems. For now I have only moved the GLSL translator to gyp build system. Please note that the gyp files awkwardly have build_ prefix so they do not conflict with the manually-maintained sln files.
Review URL: git-svn-id: 736b8ea6-26fd-11df-bfd4-992fa37f6226
12 files changed, 806 insertions, 705 deletions
diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9df02130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+deps = {
+ "trunk/third_party/gyp":
+ "",
+deps_os = {
+ "win": {
+ # Cygwin is required for gyp actions, flex, and bison.
+ "trunk/third_party/cygwin":
+ "",
+ }
+hooks = [
+ {
+ # A change to a .gyp, .gypi, or to GYP itself should run the generator.
+ "pattern": ".",
+ "action": ["python", "trunk/build/gyp_angle"],
+ },
diff --git a/build/all.gyp b/build/all.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fbc8ecad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/all.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+ 'targets': [
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'all',
+ 'type': 'none',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ # TODO(alokp): build_ prefix should be removed from the gyp files
+ # as soon as we can get rid of manually-maintained sln files.
+ # Otherwise auto-generated sln files will overwrite/conflict the
+ # manually maintained ones.
+ '../samples/build_samples.gyp:*',
+ '../src/build_angle.gyp:*',
+ # '../tests/tests.gyp:*',
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+# Local Variables:
+# tab-width:2
+# indent-tabs-mode:nil
+# End:
+# vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2:
diff --git a/build/common.gypi b/build/common.gypi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e98234b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/common.gypi
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+ 'variables': {
+ 'library%': 'static_library',
+ },
+ 'target_defaults': {
+ 'default_configuration': 'Debug',
+ 'configurations': {
+ 'Common': {
+ 'abstract': 1,
+ 'msvs_configuration_attributes': {
+ 'OutputDirectory': '$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)',
+ 'IntermediateDirectory': '$(OutDir)\\obj\\$(ProjectName)',
+ },
+ 'msvs_configuration_platform': 'Win32',
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCCLCompilerTool': {
+ 'BufferSecurityCheck': 'true',
+ 'DebugInformationFormat': '3',
+ 'ExceptionHandling': '0',
+ 'EnableFunctionLevelLinking': 'true',
+ 'MinimalRebuild': 'false',
+ 'PreprocessorDefinitions': [
+ '_HAS_TR1=0',
+ '_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600',
+ 'WIN32',
+ 'WINVER=0x0600',
+ ],
+ 'RuntimeTypeInfo': 'false',
+ 'WarningLevel': '3',
+ },
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'FixedBaseAddress': '1',
+ 'GenerateDebugInformation': 'true',
+ 'ImportLibrary': '$(OutDir)\\lib\\$(TargetName).lib',
+ 'MapFileName': '$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).map',
+ # SubSystem values:
+ # 0 == not set
+ # Most of the executables we'll ever create are tests
+ # and utilities with console output.
+ 'SubSystem': '1',
+ },
+ },
+ }, # Common
+ 'Debug': {
+ 'inherit_from': ['Common'],
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCCLCompilerTool': {
+ 'Optimization': '0', # /Od
+ 'PreprocessorDefinitions': ['_DEBUG'],
+ 'BasicRuntimeChecks': '3',
+ 'RuntimeLibrary': '1', # /MTd (debug static)
+ },
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'LinkIncremental': '2',
+ },
+ },
+ }, # Debug
+ 'Release': {
+ 'inherit_from': ['Common'],
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCCLCompilerTool': {
+ 'Optimization': '2', # /Os
+ 'PreprocessorDefinitions': ['NDEBUG'],
+ 'RuntimeLibrary': '0', # /MT (static)
+ },
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'LinkIncremental': '1',
+ },
+ },
+ }, # Release
+ }, # configurations
+ }, # target_defaults
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ 'target_defaults': {
+ 'msvs_cygwin_dirs': ['../third_party/cygwin'],
+ },
+ }]
+ ],
+# Local Variables:
+# tab-width:2
+# indent-tabs-mode:nil
+# End:
+# vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2:
diff --git a/build/gyp_angle b/build/gyp_angle
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6eb3d4e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/gyp_angle
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# This script is wrapper for ANGLE that adds some support for how GYP
+# is invoked by ANGLE beyond what can be done in the gclient hooks.
+import os
+import sys
+script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+angle_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(script_dir, os.pardir))
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(angle_dir, 'third_party', 'gyp', 'pylib'))
+import gyp
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ args = sys.argv[1:]
+ print 'Updating projects from gyp files...'
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ # Add common.gypi to the include path.
+ args.append('-I' + os.path.join(script_dir, 'common.gypi'))
+ # Add all.gyp as the main gyp file to be generated.
+ args.append(os.path.join(script_dir, 'all.gyp'))
+ sys.exit(gyp.main(args))
diff --git a/samples/build_samples.gyp b/samples/build_samples.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..684b2247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/build_samples.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+ 'targets': [
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'essl_to_glsl',
+ 'type': 'executable',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../src/build_angle.gyp:translator_glsl',
+ ],
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ '../include',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ 'translator/translator.cpp',
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+# Local Variables:
+# tab-width:2
+# indent-tabs-mode:nil
+# End:
+# vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2:
diff --git a/samples/samples.sln b/samples/samples.sln
index 12c7ad6d..fee1c7fc 100644
--- a/samples/samples.sln
+++ b/samples/samples.sln
@@ -61,21 +61,11 @@ Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libGLESv2", "..\src\libGLES
{5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7} = {5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7}
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "translator_glsl", "..\src\compiler\translator_glsl.vcproj", "{65DB6E65-00E6-4533-8446-5F623BD94909}"
- ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
- {5B3A6DB8-1E7E-40D7-92B9-DA8AAE619FAD} = {5B3A6DB8-1E7E-40D7-92B9-DA8AAE619FAD}
- EndProjectSection
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "translator_hlsl", "..\src\compiler\translator_hlsl.vcproj", "{5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
{5B3A6DB8-1E7E-40D7-92B9-DA8AAE619FAD} = {5B3A6DB8-1E7E-40D7-92B9-DA8AAE619FAD}
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "essl_to_glsl", "translator\essl_to_glsl.vcproj", "{EADEBCCD-65ED-45D1-9E06-949A21EBAB9E}"
- ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
- {65DB6E65-00E6-4533-8446-5F623BD94909} = {65DB6E65-00E6-4533-8446-5F623BD94909}
- EndProjectSection
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "essl_to_hlsl", "translator\essl_to_hlsl.vcproj", "{E12EA115-EBC7-47C2-B651-30A0CE986025}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
{5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7} = {5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7}
@@ -137,18 +127,10 @@ Global
{B5871A7A-968C-42E3-A33B-981E6F448E78}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{B5871A7A-968C-42E3-A33B-981E6F448E78}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{B5871A7A-968C-42E3-A33B-981E6F448E78}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {65DB6E65-00E6-4533-8446-5F623BD94909}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {65DB6E65-00E6-4533-8446-5F623BD94909}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {65DB6E65-00E6-4533-8446-5F623BD94909}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {65DB6E65-00E6-4533-8446-5F623BD94909}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {EADEBCCD-65ED-45D1-9E06-949A21EBAB9E}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {EADEBCCD-65ED-45D1-9E06-949A21EBAB9E}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {EADEBCCD-65ED-45D1-9E06-949A21EBAB9E}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {EADEBCCD-65ED-45D1-9E06-949A21EBAB9E}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{E12EA115-EBC7-47C2-B651-30A0CE986025}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E12EA115-EBC7-47C2-B651-30A0CE986025}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{E12EA115-EBC7-47C2-B651-30A0CE986025}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
diff --git a/src/ANGLE.sln b/src/ANGLE.sln
index 62c60bb0..2f9837ad 100644
--- a/src/ANGLE.sln
+++ b/src/ANGLE.sln
@@ -11,11 +11,6 @@ Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libGLESv2", "libGLESv2\libG
{5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7} = {5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7}
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "translator_glsl", "compiler\translator_glsl.vcproj", "{65DB6E65-00E6-4533-8446-5F623BD94909}"
- ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
- {5B3A6DB8-1E7E-40D7-92B9-DA8AAE619FAD} = {5B3A6DB8-1E7E-40D7-92B9-DA8AAE619FAD}
- EndProjectSection
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "translator_hlsl", "compiler\translator_hlsl.vcproj", "{5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
{5B3A6DB8-1E7E-40D7-92B9-DA8AAE619FAD} = {5B3A6DB8-1E7E-40D7-92B9-DA8AAE619FAD}
@@ -37,10 +32,6 @@ Global
{B5871A7A-968C-42E3-A33B-981E6F448E78}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{B5871A7A-968C-42E3-A33B-981E6F448E78}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{B5871A7A-968C-42E3-A33B-981E6F448E78}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {65DB6E65-00E6-4533-8446-5F623BD94909}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {65DB6E65-00E6-4533-8446-5F623BD94909}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {65DB6E65-00E6-4533-8446-5F623BD94909}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {65DB6E65-00E6-4533-8446-5F623BD94909}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{5620F0E4-6C43-49BC-A178-B804E1A0C3A7}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
diff --git a/src/build_angle.gyp b/src/build_angle.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc12a639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build_angle.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+ 'variables': {
+ # Source files common between translator_glsl and translator_hlsl
+ 'translator_common_sources': [
+ 'common/angleutils.h',
+ 'common/debug.cpp',
+ 'common/debug.h',
+ 'compiler/BaseTypes.h',
+ 'compiler/Common.h',
+ 'compiler/ConstantUnion.h',
+ 'compiler/InfoSink.cpp',
+ 'compiler/InfoSink.h',
+ 'compiler/Initialize.cpp',
+ 'compiler/Initialize.h',
+ 'compiler/InitializeDll.cpp',
+ 'compiler/InitializeDll.h',
+ 'compiler/InitializeGlobals.h',
+ 'compiler/InitializeParseContext.h',
+ 'compiler/Intermediate.cpp',
+ 'compiler/intermediate.h',
+ 'compiler/intermOut.cpp',
+ 'compiler/IntermTraverse.cpp',
+ 'compiler/Link.cpp',
+ 'compiler/localintermediate.h',
+ 'compiler/MMap.h',
+ 'compiler/osinclude.h',
+ 'compiler/ossource.cpp',
+ 'compiler/parseConst.cpp',
+ 'compiler/ParseHelper.cpp',
+ 'compiler/ParseHelper.h',
+ 'compiler/PoolAlloc.cpp',
+ 'compiler/PoolAlloc.h',
+ 'compiler/QualifierAlive.cpp',
+ 'compiler/QualifierAlive.h',
+ 'compiler/RemoveTree.cpp',
+ 'compiler/RemoveTree.h',
+ 'compiler/ShaderLang.cpp',
+ 'compiler/ShHandle.h',
+ 'compiler/SymbolTable.cpp',
+ 'compiler/SymbolTable.h',
+ 'compiler/Types.h',
+ 'compiler/unistd.h',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/atom.c',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/atom.h',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/compile.h',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/cpp.c',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/cpp.h',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/cppstruct.c',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/memory.c',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/memory.h',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/parser.h',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/preprocess.h',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/scanner.c',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/scanner.h',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/slglobals.h',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/symbols.c',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/symbols.h',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/tokens.c',
+ 'compiler/preprocessor/tokens.h',
+ # Generated files
+ 'compiler/Gen_glslang.cpp',
+ 'compiler/Gen_glslang_tab.cpp',
+ 'compiler/glslang_tab.h',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'targets': [
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'translator_glsl',
+ 'type': '<(library)',
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ 'compiler',
+ '.',
+ '../include',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '<@(translator_common_sources)',
+ 'compiler/CodeGenGLSL.cpp',
+ 'compiler/OutputGLSL.cpp',
+ 'compiler/OutputGLSL.h',
+ 'compiler/TranslatorGLSL.cpp',
+ 'compiler/TranslatorGLSL.h',
+ ],
+ 'actions': [
+ {
+ 'action_name': 'flex_glslang',
+ 'inputs': ['compiler/glslang.l'],
+ 'outputs': ['compiler/Gen_glslang.cpp'],
+ 'action': [
+ 'flex',
+ '--noline',
+ '--outfile=<(_outputs)',
+ '<(_inputs)',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'action_name': 'bison_glslang',
+ 'inputs': ['compiler/glslang.y'],
+ 'outputs': ['compiler/Gen_glslang_tab.cpp'],
+ 'action': [
+ 'bison',
+ '--no-lines',
+ '--defines=compiler/glslang_tab.h',
+ '--skeleton=yacc.c',
+ '--output=<(_outputs)',
+ '<(_inputs)',
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+# Local Variables:
+# tab-width:2
+# indent-tabs-mode:nil
+# End:
+# vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2:
diff --git a/src/compiler/glslang.l b/src/compiler/glslang.l
index 6a762341..5167cfb8 100644
--- a/src/compiler/glslang.l
+++ b/src/compiler/glslang.l
@@ -39,24 +39,23 @@ O [0-7]
int yy_input(char* buf, int max_size);
-TSourceLoc yylineno;
-#ifdef _WIN32
- extern int yyparse(TParseContext&);
- #define YY_DECL int yylex(YYSTYPE* pyylval, TParseContext& parseContext)
- extern int yyparse(void*);
- #define YY_DECL int yylex(YYSTYPE* pyylval, void* parseContextLocal)
- #define parseContext (*((TParseContext*)(parseContextLocal)))
+extern int yyparse(void*);
+#define YY_DECL int yylex(YYSTYPE* pyylval, void* parseContextLocal)
+#define parseContext (*((TParseContext*)(parseContextLocal)))
#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) (result = yy_input(buf, max_size))
+TODO(alokp): yylineno is only here to support old flex.exe in compiler/tools.
+Remove it when we can exclusively use the newer version.
+%option yylineno
%option noyywrap
%option never-interactive
-%option outfile="Gen_glslang.cpp"
@@ -308,12 +307,7 @@ int PaParseStrings(char* argv[], int strLen[], int argc, TParseContext& parseCon
yylineno = 1;
if (*cpp->PaStrLen >= 0) {
- int ret;
- #ifdef _WIN32
- ret = yyparse(parseContextLocal);
- #else
- ret = yyparse((void*)(&parseContextLocal));
- #endif
+ int ret = yyparse((void*)(&parseContextLocal));
if (cpp->CompileError == 1 || parseContextLocal.recoveredFromError || parseContextLocal.numErrors > 0)
return 1;
diff --git a/src/compiler/glslang.y b/src/compiler/glslang.y
index 84c0fb79..75467ac5 100644
--- a/src/compiler/glslang.y
+++ b/src/compiler/glslang.y
@@ -29,60 +29,58 @@ Jutta Degener, 1995
#include "ParseHelper.h"
#include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h"
-#ifdef _WIN32
- #define YYPARSE_PARAM parseContext
- #define YYPARSE_PARAM_DECL TParseContext&
- #define YY_DECL int yylex(YYSTYPE* pyylval, TParseContext& parseContext)
- #define YYLEX_PARAM parseContext
- #define YYPARSE_PARAM parseContextLocal
- #define parseContext (*((TParseContext*)(parseContextLocal)))
- #define YY_DECL int yylex(YYSTYPE* pyylval, void* parseContextLocal)
- #define YYLEX_PARAM (void*)(parseContextLocal)
- extern void yyerror(char*);
+#define YYPARSE_PARAM parseContextLocal
+TODO(alokp): YYPARSE_PARAM_DECL is only here to support old bison.exe in
+compiler/tools. Remove it when we can exclusively use the newer version.
+#define YYPARSE_PARAM_DECL void*
+#define parseContext ((TParseContext*)(parseContextLocal))
+#define YYLEX_PARAM parseContextLocal
+#define YY_DECL int yylex(YYSTYPE* pyylval, void* parseContextLocal)
+extern void yyerror(char*);
#define FRAG_VERT_ONLY(S, L) { \
- if (parseContext.language != EShLangFragment && \
- parseContext.language != EShLangVertex) { \
- parseContext.error(L, " supported in vertex/fragment shaders only ", S, "", ""); \
- parseContext.recover(); \
+ if (parseContext->language != EShLangFragment && \
+ parseContext->language != EShLangVertex) { \
+ parseContext->error(L, " supported in vertex/fragment shaders only ", S, "", ""); \
+ parseContext->recover(); \
} \
#define VERTEX_ONLY(S, L) { \
- if (parseContext.language != EShLangVertex) { \
- parseContext.error(L, " supported in vertex shaders only ", S, "", ""); \
- parseContext.recover(); \
+ if (parseContext->language != EShLangVertex) { \
+ parseContext->error(L, " supported in vertex shaders only ", S, "", ""); \
+ parseContext->recover(); \
} \
#define FRAG_ONLY(S, L) { \
- if (parseContext.language != EShLangFragment) { \
- parseContext.error(L, " supported in fragment shaders only ", S, "", ""); \
- parseContext.recover(); \
+ if (parseContext->language != EShLangFragment) { \
+ parseContext->error(L, " supported in fragment shaders only ", S, "", ""); \
+ parseContext->recover(); \
} \
#define PACK_ONLY(S, L) { \
- if (parseContext.language != EShLangPack) { \
- parseContext.error(L, " supported in pack shaders only ", S, "", ""); \
- parseContext.recover(); \
+ if (parseContext->language != EShLangPack) { \
+ parseContext->error(L, " supported in pack shaders only ", S, "", ""); \
+ parseContext->recover(); \
} \
#define UNPACK_ONLY(S, L) { \
- if (parseContext.language != EShLangUnpack) { \
- parseContext.error(L, " supported in unpack shaders only ", S, "", ""); \
- parseContext.recover(); \
+ if (parseContext->language != EShLangUnpack) { \
+ parseContext->error(L, " supported in unpack shaders only ", S, "", ""); \
+ parseContext->recover(); \
} \
#define PACK_UNPACK_ONLY(S, L) { \
- if (parseContext.language != EShLangUnpack && \
- parseContext.language != EShLangPack) { \
- parseContext.error(L, " supported in pack/unpack shaders only ", S, "", ""); \
- parseContext.recover(); \
+ if (parseContext->language != EShLangUnpack && \
+ parseContext->language != EShLangPack) { \
+ parseContext->error(L, " supported in pack/unpack shaders only ", S, "", ""); \
+ parseContext->recover(); \
} \
@@ -119,9 +117,7 @@ Jutta Degener, 1995
-#ifndef _WIN32
extern int yylex(YYSTYPE*, void*);
%pure_parser /* Just in case is called from multiple threads */
@@ -189,17 +185,17 @@ variable_identifier
const TSymbol* symbol = $1.symbol;
const TVariable* variable;
if (symbol == 0) {
- parseContext.error($1.line, "undeclared identifier", $1.string->c_str(), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($1.line, "undeclared identifier", $1.string->c_str(), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
TType type(EbtFloat);
TVariable* fakeVariable = new TVariable($1.string, type);
- parseContext.symbolTable.insert(*fakeVariable);
+ parseContext->symbolTable.insert(*fakeVariable);
variable = fakeVariable;
} else {
// This identifier can only be a variable type symbol
if (! symbol->isVariable()) {
- parseContext.error($1.line, "variable expected", $1.string->c_str(), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($1.line, "variable expected", $1.string->c_str(), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
variable = static_cast<const TVariable*>(symbol);
@@ -210,9 +206,9 @@ variable_identifier
if (variable->getType().getQualifier() == EvqConst ) {
constUnion* constArray = variable->getConstPointer();
TType t(variable->getType());
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(constArray, t, $1.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(constArray, t, $1.line);
} else
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addSymbol(variable->getUniqueId(),
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addSymbol(variable->getUniqueId(),
variable->getType(), $1.line);
@@ -228,22 +224,22 @@ primary_expression
// check for overflow for constants
if (abs($1.i) >= (1 << 16)) {
- parseContext.error($1.line, " integer constant overflow", "", "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($1.line, " integer constant overflow", "", "");
+ parseContext->recover();
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtInt, EvqConst), $1.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtInt, EvqConst), $1.line);
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtFloat, EvqConst), $1.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtFloat, EvqConst), $1.line);
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $1.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $1.line);
$$ = $2;
@@ -257,57 +253,57 @@ postfix_expression
| postfix_expression LEFT_BRACKET integer_expression RIGHT_BRACKET {
if (!$1->isArray() && !$1->isMatrix() && !$1->isVector()) {
if ($1->getAsSymbolNode())
- parseContext.error($2.line, " left of '[' is not of type array, matrix, or vector ", $1->getAsSymbolNode()->getSymbol().c_str(), "");
+ parseContext->error($2.line, " left of '[' is not of type array, matrix, or vector ", $1->getAsSymbolNode()->getSymbol().c_str(), "");
- parseContext.error($2.line, " left of '[' is not of type array, matrix, or vector ", "expression", "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, " left of '[' is not of type array, matrix, or vector ", "expression", "");
+ parseContext->recover();
if ($1->getType().getQualifier() == EvqConst && $3->getQualifier() == EvqConst) {
if ($1->isArray()) { // constant folding for arrays
- $$ = parseContext.addConstArrayNode($3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst(), $1, $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->addConstArrayNode($3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst(), $1, $2.line);
} else if ($1->isVector()) { // constant folding for vectors
TVectorFields fields;
fields.num = 1;
fields.offsets[0] = $3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst(); // need to do it this way because v.xy sends fields integer array
- $$ = parseContext.addConstVectorNode(fields, $1, $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->addConstVectorNode(fields, $1, $2.line);
} else if ($1->isMatrix()) { // constant folding for matrices
- $$ = parseContext.addConstMatrixNode($3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst(), $1, $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->addConstMatrixNode($3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst(), $1, $2.line);
} else {
if ($3->getQualifier() == EvqConst) {
if (($1->isVector() || $1->isMatrix()) && $1->getType().getNominalSize() <= $3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst() && !$1->isArray() ) {
- parseContext.error($2.line, "", "[", "field selection out of range '%d'", $3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, "", "[", "field selection out of range '%d'", $3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst());
+ parseContext->recover();
} else {
if ($1->isArray()) {
if ($1->getType().getArraySize() == 0) {
if ($1->getType().getMaxArraySize() <= $3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst()) {
- if (parseContext.arraySetMaxSize($1->getAsSymbolNode(), $1->getTypePointer(), $3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst(), true, $2.line))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arraySetMaxSize($1->getAsSymbolNode(), $1->getTypePointer(), $3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst(), true, $2.line))
+ parseContext->recover();
} else {
- if (parseContext.arraySetMaxSize($1->getAsSymbolNode(), $1->getTypePointer(), 0, false, $2.line))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arraySetMaxSize($1->getAsSymbolNode(), $1->getTypePointer(), 0, false, $2.line))
+ parseContext->recover();
} else if ( $3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst() >= $1->getType().getArraySize()) {
- parseContext.error($2.line, "", "[", "array index out of range '%d'", $3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, "", "[", "array index out of range '%d'", $3->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()->getIConst());
+ parseContext->recover();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, $1, $3, $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, $1, $3, $2.line);
} else {
if ($1->isArray() && $1->getType().getArraySize() == 0) {
- parseContext.error($2.line, "", "[", "array must be redeclared with a size before being indexed with a variable");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, "", "[", "array must be redeclared with a size before being indexed with a variable");
+ parseContext->recover();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexIndirect, $1, $3, $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexIndirect, $1, $3, $2.line);
if ($$ == 0) {
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtFloat, EvqConst), $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtFloat, EvqConst), $2.line);
} else if ($1->isArray()) {
if ($1->getType().getStruct())
$$->setType(TType($1->getType().getStruct(), $1->getType().getTypeName()));
@@ -332,22 +328,22 @@ postfix_expression
| postfix_expression DOT FIELD_SELECTION {
if ($1->isArray()) {
- parseContext.error($3.line, "cannot apply dot operator to an array", ".", "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($3.line, "cannot apply dot operator to an array", ".", "");
+ parseContext->recover();
if ($1->isVector()) {
TVectorFields fields;
- if (! parseContext.parseVectorFields(*$3.string, $1->getNominalSize(), fields, $3.line)) {
+ if (! parseContext->parseVectorFields(*$3.string, $1->getNominalSize(), fields, $3.line)) {
fields.num = 1;
fields.offsets[0] = 0;
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->recover();
if ($1->getType().getQualifier() == EvqConst) { // constant folding for vector fields
- $$ = parseContext.addConstVectorNode(fields, $1, $3.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->addConstVectorNode(fields, $1, $3.line);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
@@ -356,47 +352,47 @@ postfix_expression
if (fields.num == 1) {
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- TIntermTyped* index = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtInt, EvqConst), $3.line);
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, $1, index, $2.line);
+ TIntermTyped* index = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtInt, EvqConst), $3.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, $1, index, $2.line);
} else {
TString vectorString = *$3.string;
- TIntermTyped* index = parseContext.intermediate.addSwizzle(fields, $3.line);
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addIndex(EOpVectorSwizzle, $1, index, $2.line);
+ TIntermTyped* index = parseContext->intermediate.addSwizzle(fields, $3.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addIndex(EOpVectorSwizzle, $1, index, $2.line);
$$->setType(TType($1->getBasicType(),EvqTemporary, (int) vectorString.size()));
} else if ($1->isMatrix()) {
TMatrixFields fields;
- if (! parseContext.parseMatrixFields(*$3.string, $1->getNominalSize(), fields, $3.line)) {
+ if (! parseContext->parseMatrixFields(*$3.string, $1->getNominalSize(), fields, $3.line)) {
fields.wholeRow = false;
fields.wholeCol = false;
fields.row = 0;
fields.col = 0;
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->recover();
if (fields.wholeRow || fields.wholeCol) {
- parseContext.error($2.line, " non-scalar fields not implemented yet", ".", "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, " non-scalar fields not implemented yet", ".", "");
+ parseContext->recover();
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- TIntermTyped* index = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtInt, EvqConst), $3.line);
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, $1, index, $2.line);
+ TIntermTyped* index = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtInt, EvqConst), $3.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, $1, index, $2.line);
$$->setType(TType($1->getBasicType(), EvqTemporary, $1->getNominalSize()));
} else {
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
unionArray->setIConst(fields.col * $1->getNominalSize() + fields.row);
- TIntermTyped* index = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtInt, EvqConst), $3.line);
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, $1, index, $2.line);
+ TIntermTyped* index = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtInt, EvqConst), $3.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, $1, index, $2.line);
} else if ($1->getBasicType() == EbtStruct) {
bool fieldFound = false;
TTypeList* fields = $1->getType().getStruct();
if (fields == 0) {
- parseContext.error($2.line, "structure has no fields", "Internal Error", "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, "structure has no fields", "Internal Error", "");
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
} else {
unsigned int i;
@@ -408,9 +404,9 @@ postfix_expression
if (fieldFound) {
if ($1->getType().getQualifier() == EvqConst) {
- $$ = parseContext.addConstStruct(*$3.string, $1, $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->addConstStruct(*$3.string, $1, $2.line);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
else {
@@ -422,40 +418,40 @@ postfix_expression
} else {
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- TIntermTyped* index = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, *(*fields)[i].type, $3.line);
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirectStruct, $1, index, $2.line);
+ TIntermTyped* index = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, *(*fields)[i].type, $3.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirectStruct, $1, index, $2.line);
} else {
- parseContext.error($2.line, " no such field in structure", $3.string->c_str(), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, " no such field in structure", $3.string->c_str(), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
} else {
- parseContext.error($2.line, " field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side", $3.string->c_str(), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, " field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side", $3.string->c_str(), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
// don't delete $3.string, it's from the pool
| postfix_expression INC_OP {
- if (parseContext.lValueErrorCheck($2.line, "++", $1))
- parseContext.recover();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addUnaryMath(EOpPostIncrement, $1, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ if (parseContext->lValueErrorCheck($2.line, "++", $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addUnaryMath(EOpPostIncrement, $1, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.unaryOpError($2.line, "++", $1->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->unaryOpError($2.line, "++", $1->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
| postfix_expression DEC_OP {
- if (parseContext.lValueErrorCheck($2.line, "--", $1))
- parseContext.recover();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addUnaryMath(EOpPostDecrement, $1, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ if (parseContext->lValueErrorCheck($2.line, "--", $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addUnaryMath(EOpPostDecrement, $1, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.unaryOpError($2.line, "--", $1->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->unaryOpError($2.line, "--", $1->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
@@ -463,8 +459,8 @@ postfix_expression
: expression {
- if (parseContext.integerErrorCheck($1, "[]"))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->integerErrorCheck($1, "[]"))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
@@ -482,18 +478,18 @@ function_call
// Their parameters will be verified algorithmically.
TType type(EbtVoid); // use this to get the type back
- if (parseContext.constructorErrorCheck($1.line, $1.intermNode, *fnCall, op, &type)) {
+ if (parseContext->constructorErrorCheck($1.line, $1.intermNode, *fnCall, op, &type)) {
$$ = 0;
} else {
// It's a constructor, of type 'type'.
- $$ = parseContext.addConstructor($1.intermNode, &type, op, fnCall, $1.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->addConstructor($1.intermNode, &type, op, fnCall, $1.line);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.recover();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.setAggregateOperator(0, op, $1.line);
+ parseContext->recover();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.setAggregateOperator(0, op, $1.line);
} else {
@@ -502,7 +498,7 @@ function_call
const TFunction* fnCandidate;
bool builtIn;
- fnCandidate = parseContext.findFunction($1.line, fnCall, &builtIn);
+ fnCandidate = parseContext->findFunction($1.line, fnCall, &builtIn);
if (fnCandidate) {
// A declared function. But, it might still map to a built-in
@@ -517,20 +513,20 @@ function_call
// Treat it like a built-in unary operator.
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addUnaryMath(op, $1.intermNode, 0, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addUnaryMath(op, $1.intermNode, 0, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.error($1.intermNode->getLine(), " wrong operand type", "Internal Error",
+ parseContext->error($1.intermNode->getLine(), " wrong operand type", "Internal Error",
"built in unary operator function. Type: %s",
} else {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.setAggregateOperator($1.intermAggregate, op, $1.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.setAggregateOperator($1.intermAggregate, op, $1.line);
} else {
// This is a real function call
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.setAggregateOperator($1.intermAggregate, EOpFunctionCall, $1.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.setAggregateOperator($1.intermAggregate, EOpFunctionCall, $1.line);
// this is how we know whether the given function is a builtIn function or a user defined function
@@ -545,9 +541,9 @@ function_call
for (int i = 0; i < fnCandidate->getParamCount(); ++i) {
qual = (*fnCandidate)[i].type->getQualifier();
if (qual == EvqOut || qual == EvqInOut) {
- if (parseContext.lValueErrorCheck($$->getLine(), "assign", $$->getAsAggregate()->getSequence()[i]->getAsTyped())) {
- parseContext.error($1.intermNode->getLine(), "Constant value cannot be passed for 'out' or 'inout' parameters.", "Error", "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->lValueErrorCheck($$->getLine(), "assign", $$->getAsAggregate()->getSequence()[i]->getAsTyped())) {
+ parseContext->error($1.intermNode->getLine(), "Constant value cannot be passed for 'out' or 'inout' parameters.", "Error", "");
+ parseContext->recover();
@@ -559,8 +555,8 @@ function_call
// Put on a dummy node for error recovery
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtFloat, EvqConst), $1.line);
- parseContext.recover();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtFloat, EvqConst), $1.line);
+ parseContext->recover();
delete fnCall;
@@ -572,8 +568,8 @@ function_call_or_method
$$ = $1;
| postfix_expression DOT function_call_generic {
- parseContext.error($3.line, "methods are not supported", "", "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($3.line, "methods are not supported", "", "");
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $3;
@@ -611,7 +607,7 @@ function_call_header_with_parameters
TParameter param = { 0, new TType($3->getType()) };
$$.function = $1.function;
- $$.intermNode = parseContext.intermediate.growAggregate($1.intermNode, $3, $2.line);
+ $$.intermNode = parseContext->intermediate.growAggregate($1.intermNode, $3, $2.line);
@@ -629,8 +625,8 @@ function_identifier
// Constructor
if ($1.array) {
- if (parseContext.extensionErrorCheck($1.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects")) {
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->extensionErrorCheck($1.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects")) {
+ parseContext->recover();
@@ -677,8 +673,8 @@ function_identifier
if (op == EOpNull) {
- parseContext.error($1.line, "cannot construct this type", TType::getBasicString($1.type), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($1.line, "cannot construct this type", TType::getBasicString($1.type), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
$1.type = EbtFloat;
op = EOpConstructFloat;
@@ -689,15 +685,15 @@ function_identifier
- if (parseContext.reservedErrorCheck($1.line, *$1.string))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->reservedErrorCheck($1.line, *$1.string))
+ parseContext->recover();
TType type(EbtVoid);
TFunction *function = new TFunction($1.string, type);
$$ = function;
- if (parseContext.reservedErrorCheck($1.line, *$1.string))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->reservedErrorCheck($1.line, *$1.string))
+ parseContext->recover();
TType type(EbtVoid);
TFunction *function = new TFunction($1.string, type);
$$ = function;
@@ -709,28 +705,28 @@ unary_expression
$$ = $1;
| INC_OP unary_expression {
- if (parseContext.lValueErrorCheck($1.line, "++", $2))
- parseContext.recover();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addUnaryMath(EOpPreIncrement, $2, $1.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ if (parseContext->lValueErrorCheck($1.line, "++", $2))
+ parseContext->recover();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addUnaryMath(EOpPreIncrement, $2, $1.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.unaryOpError($1.line, "++", $2->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->unaryOpError($1.line, "++", $2->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $2;
| DEC_OP unary_expression {
- if (parseContext.lValueErrorCheck($1.line, "--", $2))
- parseContext.recover();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addUnaryMath(EOpPreDecrement, $2, $1.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ if (parseContext->lValueErrorCheck($1.line, "--", $2))
+ parseContext->recover();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addUnaryMath(EOpPreDecrement, $2, $1.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.unaryOpError($1.line, "--", $2->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->unaryOpError($1.line, "--", $2->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $2;
| unary_operator unary_expression {
if ($1.op != EOpNull) {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addUnaryMath($1.op, $2, $1.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addUnaryMath($1.op, $2, $1.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
const char* errorOp = "";
switch($1.op) {
@@ -738,8 +734,8 @@ unary_expression
case EOpLogicalNot: errorOp = "!"; break;
default: break;
- parseContext.unaryOpError($1.line, errorOp, $2->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->unaryOpError($1.line, errorOp, $2->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $2;
} else
@@ -759,19 +755,19 @@ multiplicative_expression
: unary_expression { $$ = $1; }
| multiplicative_expression STAR unary_expression {
FRAG_VERT_ONLY("*", $2.line);
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpMul, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpMul, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, "*", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, "*", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
| multiplicative_expression SLASH unary_expression {
FRAG_VERT_ONLY("/", $2.line);
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpDiv, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpDiv, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, "/", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, "/", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
@@ -780,18 +776,18 @@ multiplicative_expression
: multiplicative_expression { $$ = $1; }
| additive_expression PLUS multiplicative_expression {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpAdd, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpAdd, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, "+", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, "+", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
| additive_expression DASH multiplicative_expression {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpSub, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpSub, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, "-", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, "-", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
@@ -804,43 +800,43 @@ shift_expression
: shift_expression { $$ = $1; }
| relational_expression LEFT_ANGLE shift_expression {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLessThan, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLessThan, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, "<", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, "<", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
| relational_expression RIGHT_ANGLE shift_expression {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpGreaterThan, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpGreaterThan, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, ">", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, ">", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
| relational_expression LE_OP shift_expression {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLessThanEqual, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLessThanEqual, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, "<=", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, "<=", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
| relational_expression GE_OP shift_expression {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpGreaterThanEqual, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpGreaterThanEqual, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, ">=", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, ">=", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
@@ -848,26 +844,26 @@ relational_expression
: relational_expression { $$ = $1; }
| equality_expression EQ_OP relational_expression {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpEqual, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpEqual, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, "==", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, "==", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
- } else if (($1->isArray() || $3->isArray()) && parseContext.extensionErrorCheck($2.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects"))
- parseContext.recover();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
+ } else if (($1->isArray() || $3->isArray()) && parseContext->extensionErrorCheck($2.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects"))
+ parseContext->recover();
| equality_expression NE_OP relational_expression {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpNotEqual, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpNotEqual, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, "!=", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, "!=", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
- } else if (($1->isArray() || $3->isArray()) && parseContext.extensionErrorCheck($2.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects"))
- parseContext.recover();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
+ } else if (($1->isArray() || $3->isArray()) && parseContext->extensionErrorCheck($2.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects"))
+ parseContext->recover();
@@ -886,13 +882,13 @@ inclusive_or_expression
: inclusive_or_expression { $$ = $1; }
| logical_and_expression AND_OP inclusive_or_expression {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLogicalAnd, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLogicalAnd, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, "&&", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, "&&", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
@@ -900,13 +896,13 @@ logical_and_expression
: logical_and_expression { $$ = $1; }
| logical_xor_expression XOR_OP logical_and_expression {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLogicalXor, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLogicalXor, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, "^^", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, "^^", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
@@ -914,13 +910,13 @@ logical_xor_expression
: logical_xor_expression { $$ = $1; }
| logical_or_expression OR_OP logical_xor_expression {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLogicalOr, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext.symbolTable);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpLogicalOr, $1, $3, $2.line, parseContext->symbolTable);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, "||", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, "||", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
constUnion *unionArray = new constUnion[1];
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, TType(EbtBool, EvqConst), $2.line);
@@ -928,16 +924,16 @@ logical_or_expression
: logical_or_expression { $$ = $1; }
| logical_or_expression QUESTION expression COLON assignment_expression {
- if (parseContext.boolErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->boolErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addSelection($1, $3, $5, $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addSelection($1, $3, $5, $2.line);
if ($3->getType() != $5->getType())
$$ = 0;
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, ":", $3->getCompleteString(), $5->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, ":", $3->getCompleteString(), $5->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $5;
@@ -946,15 +942,15 @@ conditional_expression
: conditional_expression { $$ = $1; }
| unary_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression {
- if (parseContext.lValueErrorCheck($2.line, "assign", $1))
- parseContext.recover();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addAssign($2.op, $1, $3, $2.line);
+ if (parseContext->lValueErrorCheck($2.line, "assign", $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addAssign($2.op, $1, $3, $2.line);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.assignError($2.line, "assign", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->assignError($2.line, "assign", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
- } else if (($1->isArray() || $3->isArray()) && parseContext.extensionErrorCheck($2.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects"))
- parseContext.recover();
+ } else if (($1->isArray() || $3->isArray()) && parseContext->extensionErrorCheck($2.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects"))
+ parseContext->recover();
@@ -971,10 +967,10 @@ expression
$$ = $1;
| expression COMMA assignment_expression {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addComma($1, $3, $2.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addComma($1, $3, $2.line);
if ($$ == 0) {
- parseContext.binaryOpError($2.line, ",", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->binaryOpError($2.line, ",", $1->getCompleteString(), $3->getCompleteString());
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $3;
@@ -982,8 +978,8 @@ expression
: conditional_expression {
- if (parseContext.constErrorCheck($1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->constErrorCheck($1))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
@@ -1010,16 +1006,16 @@ function_prototype
// Redeclarations are allowed. But, return types and parameter qualifiers must match.
- TFunction* prevDec = static_cast<TFunction*>(parseContext.symbolTable.find($1->getMangledName()));
+ TFunction* prevDec = static_cast<TFunction*>(parseContext->symbolTable.find($1->getMangledName()));
if (prevDec) {
if (prevDec->getReturnType() != $1->getReturnType()) {
- parseContext.error($2.line, "overloaded functions must have the same return type", $1->getReturnType().getBasicString(), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, "overloaded functions must have the same return type", $1->getReturnType().getBasicString(), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
for (int i = 0; i < prevDec->getParamCount(); ++i) {
if ((*prevDec)[i].type->getQualifier() != (*$1)[i].type->getQualifier()) {
- parseContext.error($2.line, "overloaded functions must have the same parameter qualifiers", (*$1)[i].type->getQualifierString(), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, "overloaded functions must have the same parameter qualifiers", (*$1)[i].type->getQualifierString(), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
@@ -1032,7 +1028,7 @@ function_prototype
$$.function = $1;
$$.line = $2.line;
- parseContext.symbolTable.insert(*$$.function);
+ parseContext->symbolTable.insert(*$$.function);
@@ -1064,8 +1060,8 @@ function_header_with_parameters
// This parameter > first is void
- parseContext.error($2.line, "cannot be an argument type except for '(void)'", "void", "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, "cannot be an argument type except for '(void)'", "void", "");
+ parseContext->recover();
delete $3.param.type;
} else {
// Add the parameter
@@ -1078,12 +1074,12 @@ function_header_with_parameters
: fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER LEFT_PAREN {
if ($1.qualifier != EvqGlobal && $1.qualifier != EvqTemporary) {
- parseContext.error($2.line, "no qualifiers allowed for function return", getQualifierString($1.qualifier), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, "no qualifiers allowed for function return", getQualifierString($1.qualifier), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
// make sure a sampler is not involved as well...
- if (parseContext.structQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->structQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
// Add the function as a prototype after parsing it (we do not support recursion)
TFunction *function;
@@ -1097,26 +1093,26 @@ parameter_declarator
// Type + name
: type_specifier IDENTIFIER {
if ($1.type == EbtVoid) {
- parseContext.error($2.line, "illegal use of type 'void'", $2.string->c_str(), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, "illegal use of type 'void'", $2.string->c_str(), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
- if (parseContext.reservedErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->reservedErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string))
+ parseContext->recover();
TParameter param = {$2.string, new TType($1)};
$$.line = $2.line;
$$.param = param;
| type_specifier IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression RIGHT_BRACKET {
// Check that we can make an array out of this type
- if (parseContext.arrayTypeErrorCheck($3.line, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayTypeErrorCheck($3.line, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
- if (parseContext.reservedErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->reservedErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string))
+ parseContext->recover();
int size;
- if (parseContext.arraySizeErrorCheck($3.line, $4, size))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arraySizeErrorCheck($3.line, $4, size))
+ parseContext->recover();
$1.setArray(true, size);
TType* type = new TType($1);
@@ -1137,30 +1133,30 @@ parameter_declaration
: type_qualifier parameter_qualifier parameter_declarator {
$$ = $3;
- if (parseContext.paramErrorCheck($3.line, $1.qualifier, $2, $$.param.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->paramErrorCheck($3.line, $1.qualifier, $2, $$.param.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
| parameter_qualifier parameter_declarator {
$$ = $2;
- if (parseContext.parameterSamplerErrorCheck($2.line, $1, *$2.param.type))
- parseContext.recover();
- if (parseContext.paramErrorCheck($2.line, EvqTemporary, $1, $$.param.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->parameterSamplerErrorCheck($2.line, $1, *$2.param.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
+ if (parseContext->paramErrorCheck($2.line, EvqTemporary, $1, $$.param.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
// Only type
| type_qualifier parameter_qualifier parameter_type_specifier {
$$ = $3;
- if (parseContext.paramErrorCheck($3.line, $1.qualifier, $2, $$.param.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->paramErrorCheck($3.line, $1.qualifier, $2, $$.param.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
| parameter_qualifier parameter_type_specifier {
$$ = $2;
- if (parseContext.parameterSamplerErrorCheck($2.line, $1, *$2.param.type))
- parseContext.recover();
- if (parseContext.paramErrorCheck($2.line, EvqTemporary, $1, $$.param.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->parameterSamplerErrorCheck($2.line, $1, *$2.param.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
+ if (parseContext->paramErrorCheck($2.line, EvqTemporary, $1, $$.param.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
@@ -1191,142 +1187,142 @@ init_declarator_list
$$ = $1;
| init_declarator_list COMMA IDENTIFIER {
- $$.intermAggregate = parseContext.intermediate.growAggregate($1.intermNode, parseContext.intermediate.addSymbol(0, *$3.string, TType($1.type), $3.line), $3.line);
+ $$.intermAggregate = parseContext->intermediate.growAggregate($1.intermNode, parseContext->intermediate.addSymbol(0, *$3.string, TType($1.type), $3.line), $3.line);
- if (parseContext.structQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $$.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->structQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $$.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
- if (parseContext.nonInitConstErrorCheck($3.line, *$3.string, $$.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->nonInitConstErrorCheck($3.line, *$3.string, $$.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
- if (parseContext.nonInitErrorCheck($3.line, *$3.string, $$.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->nonInitErrorCheck($3.line, *$3.string, $$.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
- if (parseContext.structQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->structQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
- if (parseContext.nonInitConstErrorCheck($3.line, *$3.string, $1.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->nonInitConstErrorCheck($3.line, *$3.string, $1.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
- if (parseContext.arrayTypeErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type) || parseContext.arrayQualifierErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayTypeErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type) || parseContext->arrayQualifierErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
else {
TVariable* variable;
- if (parseContext.arrayErrorCheck($4.line, *$3.string, $1.type, variable))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayErrorCheck($4.line, *$3.string, $1.type, variable))
+ parseContext->recover();
| init_declarator_list COMMA IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression RIGHT_BRACKET {
- if (parseContext.structQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->structQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
- if (parseContext.nonInitConstErrorCheck($3.line, *$3.string, $1.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->nonInitConstErrorCheck($3.line, *$3.string, $1.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
- if (parseContext.arrayTypeErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type) || parseContext.arrayQualifierErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayTypeErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type) || parseContext->arrayQualifierErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
else {
int size;
- if (parseContext.arraySizeErrorCheck($4.line, $5, size))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arraySizeErrorCheck($4.line, $5, size))
+ parseContext->recover();
$1.type.setArray(true, size);
TVariable* variable;
- if (parseContext.arrayErrorCheck($4.line, *$3.string, $1.type, variable))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayErrorCheck($4.line, *$3.string, $1.type, variable))
+ parseContext->recover();
| init_declarator_list COMMA IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACKET RIGHT_BRACKET EQUAL initializer {
- if (parseContext.structQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->structQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
TVariable* variable = 0;
- if (parseContext.arrayTypeErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type) || parseContext.arrayQualifierErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayTypeErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type) || parseContext->arrayQualifierErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
else {
$1.type.setArray(true, $7->getType().getArraySize());
- if (parseContext.arrayErrorCheck($4.line, *$3.string, $1.type, variable))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayErrorCheck($4.line, *$3.string, $1.type, variable))
+ parseContext->recover();
- if (parseContext.extensionErrorCheck($$.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects"))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->extensionErrorCheck($$.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects"))
+ parseContext->recover();
else {
TIntermNode* intermNode;
- if (!parseContext.executeInitializer($3.line, *$3.string, $1.type, $7, intermNode, variable)) {
+ if (!parseContext->executeInitializer($3.line, *$3.string, $1.type, $7, intermNode, variable)) {
// build the intermediate representation
if (intermNode)
- $$.intermAggregate = parseContext.intermediate.growAggregate($1.intermNode, intermNode, $6.line);
+ $$.intermAggregate = parseContext->intermediate.growAggregate($1.intermNode, intermNode, $6.line);
$$.intermAggregate = $1.intermAggregate;
} else {
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->recover();
$$.intermAggregate = 0;
| init_declarator_list COMMA IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression RIGHT_BRACKET EQUAL initializer {
- if (parseContext.structQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->structQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
TVariable* variable = 0;
- if (parseContext.arrayTypeErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type) || parseContext.arrayQualifierErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayTypeErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type) || parseContext->arrayQualifierErrorCheck($4.line, $1.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
else {
int size;
- if (parseContext.arraySizeErrorCheck($4.line, $5, size))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arraySizeErrorCheck($4.line, $5, size))
+ parseContext->recover();
$1.type.setArray(true, size);
- if (parseContext.arrayErrorCheck($4.line, *$3.string, $1.type, variable))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayErrorCheck($4.line, *$3.string, $1.type, variable))
+ parseContext->recover();
- if (parseContext.extensionErrorCheck($$.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects"))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->extensionErrorCheck($$.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects"))
+ parseContext->recover();
else {
TIntermNode* intermNode;
- if (!parseContext.executeInitializer($3.line, *$3.string, $1.type, $8, intermNode, variable)) {
+ if (!parseContext->executeInitializer($3.line, *$3.string, $1.type, $8, intermNode, variable)) {
// build the intermediate representation
if (intermNode)
- $$.intermAggregate = parseContext.intermediate.growAggregate($1.intermNode, intermNode, $7.line);
+ $$.intermAggregate = parseContext->intermediate.growAggregate($1.intermNode, intermNode, $7.line);
$$.intermAggregate = $1.intermAggregate;
} else {
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->recover();
$$.intermAggregate = 0;
| init_declarator_list COMMA IDENTIFIER EQUAL initializer {
- if (parseContext.structQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->structQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $1;
TIntermNode* intermNode;
- if (!parseContext.executeInitializer($3.line, *$3.string, $1.type, $5, intermNode)) {
+ if (!parseContext->executeInitializer($3.line, *$3.string, $1.type, $5, intermNode)) {
// build the intermediate representation
if (intermNode)
- $$.intermAggregate = parseContext.intermediate.growAggregate($1.intermNode, intermNode, $4.line);
+ $$.intermAggregate = parseContext->intermediate.growAggregate($1.intermNode, intermNode, $4.line);
$$.intermAggregate = $1.intermAggregate;
} else {
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->recover();
$$.intermAggregate = 0;
@@ -1338,85 +1334,85 @@ single_declaration
$$.intermAggregate = 0;
| fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER {
- $$.intermAggregate = parseContext.intermediate.makeAggregate(parseContext.intermediate.addSymbol(0, *$2.string, TType($1), $2.line), $2.line);
+ $$.intermAggregate = parseContext->intermediate.makeAggregate(parseContext->intermediate.addSymbol(0, *$2.string, TType($1), $2.line), $2.line);
- if (parseContext.structQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $$.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->structQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $$.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
- if (parseContext.nonInitConstErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string, $$.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->nonInitConstErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string, $$.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$.type = $1;
- if (parseContext.nonInitErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string, $$.type))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->nonInitErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string, $$.type))
+ parseContext->recover();
- $$.intermAggregate = parseContext.intermediate.makeAggregate(parseContext.intermediate.addSymbol(0, *$2.string, TType($1), $2.line), $2.line);
+ $$.intermAggregate = parseContext->intermediate.makeAggregate(parseContext->intermediate.addSymbol(0, *$2.string, TType($1), $2.line), $2.line);
- if (parseContext.structQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->structQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
- if (parseContext.nonInitConstErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->nonInitConstErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$.type = $1;
- if (parseContext.arrayTypeErrorCheck($3.line, $1) || parseContext.arrayQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayTypeErrorCheck($3.line, $1) || parseContext->arrayQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
else {
TVariable* variable;
- if (parseContext.arrayErrorCheck($3.line, *$2.string, $1, variable))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayErrorCheck($3.line, *$2.string, $1, variable))
+ parseContext->recover();
| fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression RIGHT_BRACKET {
TType type = TType($1);
int size;
- if (parseContext.arraySizeErrorCheck($2.line, $4, size))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arraySizeErrorCheck($2.line, $4, size))
+ parseContext->recover();
- $$.intermAggregate = parseContext.intermediate.makeAggregate(parseContext.intermediate.addSymbol(0, *$2.string, type, $2.line), $2.line);
+ $$.intermAggregate = parseContext->intermediate.makeAggregate(parseContext->intermediate.addSymbol(0, *$2.string, type, $2.line), $2.line);
- if (parseContext.structQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->structQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
- if (parseContext.nonInitConstErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->nonInitConstErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$.type = $1;
- if (parseContext.arrayTypeErrorCheck($3.line, $1) || parseContext.arrayQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayTypeErrorCheck($3.line, $1) || parseContext->arrayQualifierErrorCheck($3.line, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
else {
int size;
- if (parseContext.arraySizeErrorCheck($3.line, $4, size))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arraySizeErrorCheck($3.line, $4, size))
+ parseContext->recover();
$1.setArray(true, size);
TVariable* variable;
- if (parseContext.arrayErrorCheck($3.line, *$2.string, $1, variable))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayErrorCheck($3.line, *$2.string, $1, variable))
+ parseContext->recover();
| fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER EQUAL initializer {
- if (parseContext.structQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->structQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$.type = $1;
TIntermNode* intermNode;
- if (!parseContext.executeInitializer($2.line, *$2.string, $1, $4, intermNode)) {
+ if (!parseContext->executeInitializer($2.line, *$2.string, $1, $4, intermNode)) {
// Build intermediate representation
- $$.intermAggregate = parseContext.intermediate.makeAggregate(intermNode, $3.line);
+ $$.intermAggregate = parseContext->intermediate.makeAggregate(intermNode, $3.line);
$$.intermAggregate = 0;
} else {
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->recover();
$$.intermAggregate = 0;
@@ -1448,14 +1444,14 @@ single_declaration
// : INPUT {
-// if (parseContext.globalErrorCheck($1.line, parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel(), "input"))
-// parseContext.recover();
+// if (parseContext->globalErrorCheck($1.line, parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel(), "input"))
+// parseContext->recover();
// UNPACK_ONLY("input", $1.line);
// $$.qualifier = EvqInput;
// }
// | OUTPUT {
-// if (parseContext.globalErrorCheck($1.line, parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel(), "output"))
-// parseContext.recover();
+// if (parseContext->globalErrorCheck($1.line, parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel(), "output"))
+// parseContext->recover();
// PACK_ONLY("output", $1.line);
// $$.qualifier = EvqOutput;
// }
@@ -1484,12 +1480,12 @@ single_declaration
// : type_specifier IDENTIFIER COLON constant_expression SEMICOLON {
-// if (parseContext.reservedErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string, parseContext))
-// parseContext.recover();
+// if (parseContext->reservedErrorCheck($2.line, *$2.string, parseContext))
+// parseContext->recover();
// $$.variable = new TVariable($2.string, $1);
-// if (! parseContext.symbolTable.insert(*$$.variable)) {
-// parseContext.error($2.line, "redefinition", $$.variable->getName().c_str(), "");
-// parseContext.recover();
+// if (! parseContext->symbolTable.insert(*$$.variable)) {
+// parseContext->error($2.line, "redefinition", $$.variable->getName().c_str(), "");
+// parseContext->recover();
// // don't have to delete $$.variable, the pool pop will take care of it
// }
// }
@@ -1500,31 +1496,31 @@ fully_specified_type
$$ = $1;
if ($1.array) {
- if (parseContext.extensionErrorCheck($1.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects")) {
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->extensionErrorCheck($1.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects")) {
+ parseContext->recover();
| type_qualifier type_specifier {
- if ($2.array && parseContext.extensionErrorCheck($2.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects")) {
- parseContext.recover();
+ if ($2.array && parseContext->extensionErrorCheck($2.line, "GL_3DL_array_objects")) {
+ parseContext->recover();
- if ($2.array && parseContext.arrayQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $1)) {
- parseContext.recover();
+ if ($2.array && parseContext->arrayQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $1)) {
+ parseContext->recover();
if ($1.qualifier == EvqAttribute &&
($2.type == EbtBool || $2.type == EbtInt)) {
- parseContext.error($2.line, "cannot be bool or int", getQualifierString($1.qualifier), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, "cannot be bool or int", getQualifierString($1.qualifier), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
if (($1.qualifier == EvqVaryingIn || $1.qualifier == EvqVaryingOut) &&
($2.type == EbtBool || $2.type == EbtInt)) {
- parseContext.error($2.line, "cannot be bool or int", getQualifierString($1.qualifier), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($2.line, "cannot be bool or int", getQualifierString($1.qualifier), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = $2;
$$.qualifier = $1.qualifier;
@@ -1537,29 +1533,29 @@ type_qualifier
VERTEX_ONLY("attribute", $1.line);
- if (parseContext.globalErrorCheck($1.line, parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel(), "attribute"))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->globalErrorCheck($1.line, parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel(), "attribute"))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$.setBasic(EbtVoid, EvqAttribute, $1.line);
- if (parseContext.globalErrorCheck($1.line, parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel(), "varying"))
- parseContext.recover();
- if (parseContext.language == EShLangVertex)
+ if (parseContext->globalErrorCheck($1.line, parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel(), "varying"))
+ parseContext->recover();
+ if (parseContext->language == EShLangVertex)
$$.setBasic(EbtVoid, EvqVaryingOut, $1.line);
$$.setBasic(EbtVoid, EvqVaryingIn, $1.line);
- if (parseContext.globalErrorCheck($1.line, parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel(), "invariant varying"))
- parseContext.recover();
- if (parseContext.language == EShLangVertex)
+ if (parseContext->globalErrorCheck($1.line, parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel(), "invariant varying"))
+ parseContext->recover();
+ if (parseContext->language == EShLangVertex)
$$.setBasic(EbtVoid, EvqInvariantVaryingOut, $1.line);
$$.setBasic(EbtVoid, EvqInvariantVaryingIn, $1.line);
- if (parseContext.globalErrorCheck($1.line, parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel(), "uniform"))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->globalErrorCheck($1.line, parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel(), "uniform"))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$.setBasic(EbtVoid, EvqUniform, $1.line);
@@ -1593,12 +1589,12 @@ type_specifier_no_prec
| type_specifier_nonarray LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression RIGHT_BRACKET {
$$ = $1;
- if (parseContext.arrayTypeErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayTypeErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
else {
int size;
- if (parseContext.arraySizeErrorCheck($2.line, $3, size))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arraySizeErrorCheck($2.line, $3, size))
+ parseContext->recover();
$$.setArray(true, size);
@@ -1606,103 +1602,103 @@ type_specifier_no_prec
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtVoid, qual, $1.line);
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtFloat, qual, $1.line);
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtInt, qual, $1.line);
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtBool, qual, $1.line);
// PACK_UNPACK_ONLY("unsigned", $1.line);
-// TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+// TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
// $$.setBasic(EbtInt, qual, $1.line);
// }
| VEC2 {
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtFloat, qual, $1.line);
| VEC3 {
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtFloat, qual, $1.line);
| VEC4 {
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtFloat, qual, $1.line);
| BVEC2 {
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtBool, qual, $1.line);
| BVEC3 {
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtBool, qual, $1.line);
| BVEC4 {
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtBool, qual, $1.line);
| IVEC2 {
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtInt, qual, $1.line);
| IVEC3 {
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtInt, qual, $1.line);
| IVEC4 {
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtInt, qual, $1.line);
FRAG_VERT_ONLY("mat2", $1.line);
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtFloat, qual, $1.line);
$$.setAggregate(2, true);
FRAG_VERT_ONLY("mat3", $1.line);
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtFloat, qual, $1.line);
$$.setAggregate(3, true);
FRAG_VERT_ONLY("mat4", $1.line);
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtFloat, qual, $1.line);
$$.setAggregate(4, true);
FRAG_VERT_ONLY("sampler2D", $1.line);
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtSampler2D, qual, $1.line);
FRAG_VERT_ONLY("samplerCube", $1.line);
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtSamplerCube, qual, $1.line);
| struct_specifier {
FRAG_VERT_ONLY("struct", $1.line);
$$ = $1;
- $$.qualifier = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ $$.qualifier = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
@@ -1710,7 +1706,7 @@ type_specifier_nonarray
// type.
TType& structure = static_cast<TVariable*>($1.symbol)->getType();
- TQualifier qual = parseContext.symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
+ TQualifier qual = parseContext->symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() ? EvqGlobal : EvqTemporary;
$$.setBasic(EbtStruct, qual, $1.line);
$$.userDef = &structure;
@@ -1720,9 +1716,9 @@ struct_specifier
TType* structure = new TType($4, *$2.string);
TVariable* userTypeDef = new TVariable($2.string, *structure, true);
- if (! parseContext.symbolTable.insert(*userTypeDef)) {
- parseContext.error($2.line, "redefinition", $2.string->c_str(), "struct");
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (! parseContext->symbolTable.insert(*userTypeDef)) {
+ parseContext->error($2.line, "redefinition", $2.string->c_str(), "struct");
+ parseContext->recover();
$$.setBasic(EbtStruct, EvqTemporary, $1.line);
$$.userDef = structure;
@@ -1743,8 +1739,8 @@ struct_declaration_list
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < $2->size(); ++i) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < $$->size(); ++j) {
if ((*$$)[j].type->getFieldName() == (*$2)[i].type->getFieldName()) {
- parseContext.error((*$2)[i].line, "duplicate field name in structure:", "struct", (*$2)[i].type->getFieldName().c_str());
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error((*$2)[i].line, "duplicate field name in structure:", "struct", (*$2)[i].type->getFieldName().c_str());
+ parseContext->recover();
@@ -1756,8 +1752,8 @@ struct_declaration
: type_specifier struct_declarator_list SEMICOLON {
$$ = $2;
- if (parseContext.voidErrorCheck($1.line, (*$2)[0].type->getFieldName(), $1)) {
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->voidErrorCheck($1.line, (*$2)[0].type->getFieldName(), $1)) {
+ parseContext->recover();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < $$->size(); ++i) {
@@ -1767,8 +1763,8 @@ struct_declaration
// don't allow arrays of arrays
if ((*$$)[i].type->isArray()) {
- if (parseContext.arrayTypeErrorCheck($1.line, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arrayTypeErrorCheck($1.line, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
if ($1.array)
@@ -1800,8 +1796,8 @@ struct_declarator
int size;
- if (parseContext.arraySizeErrorCheck($2.line, $3, size))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->arraySizeErrorCheck($2.line, $3, size))
+ parseContext->recover();
@@ -1831,7 +1827,7 @@ simple_statement
- | LEFT_BRACE { parseContext.symbolTable.push(); } statement_list { parseContext.symbolTable.pop(); } RIGHT_BRACE {
+ | LEFT_BRACE { parseContext->symbolTable.push(); } statement_list { parseContext->symbolTable.pop(); } RIGHT_BRACE {
if ($3 != 0)
$$ = $3;
@@ -1857,10 +1853,10 @@ compound_statement_no_new_scope
: statement {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.makeAggregate($1, 0);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.makeAggregate($1, 0);
| statement_list statement {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.growAggregate($1, $2, 0);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.growAggregate($1, $2, 0);
@@ -1871,9 +1867,9 @@ expression_statement
: IF LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN selection_rest_statement {
- if (parseContext.boolErrorCheck($1.line, $3))
- parseContext.recover();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addSelection($3, $5, $1.line);
+ if (parseContext->boolErrorCheck($1.line, $3))
+ parseContext->recover();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addSelection($3, $5, $1.line);
@@ -1894,42 +1890,42 @@ condition
// In 1996 c++ draft, conditions can include single declarations
: expression {
$$ = $1;
- if (parseContext.boolErrorCheck($1->getLine(), $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->boolErrorCheck($1->getLine(), $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
| fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER EQUAL initializer {
TIntermNode* intermNode;
- if (parseContext.structQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
- if (parseContext.boolErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->structQualifierErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
+ if (parseContext->boolErrorCheck($2.line, $1))
+ parseContext->recover();
- if (!parseContext.executeInitializer($2.line, *$2.string, $1, $4, intermNode))
+ if (!parseContext->executeInitializer($2.line, *$2.string, $1, $4, intermNode))
$$ = $4;
else {
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->recover();
$$ = 0;
- : WHILE LEFT_PAREN { parseContext.symbolTable.push(); ++parseContext.loopNestingLevel; } condition RIGHT_PAREN statement_no_new_scope {
- parseContext.symbolTable.pop();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addLoop(0, $6, $4, 0, true, $1.line);
- --parseContext.loopNestingLevel;
+ : WHILE LEFT_PAREN { parseContext->symbolTable.push(); ++parseContext->loopNestingLevel; } condition RIGHT_PAREN statement_no_new_scope {
+ parseContext->symbolTable.pop();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addLoop(0, $6, $4, 0, true, $1.line);
+ --parseContext->loopNestingLevel;
- | DO { ++parseContext.loopNestingLevel; } statement WHILE LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN SEMICOLON {
- if (parseContext.boolErrorCheck($8.line, $6))
- parseContext.recover();
+ | DO { ++parseContext->loopNestingLevel; } statement WHILE LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN SEMICOLON {
+ if (parseContext->boolErrorCheck($8.line, $6))
+ parseContext->recover();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addLoop(0, $3, $6, 0, false, $4.line);
- --parseContext.loopNestingLevel;
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addLoop(0, $3, $6, 0, false, $4.line);
+ --parseContext->loopNestingLevel;
- | FOR LEFT_PAREN { parseContext.symbolTable.push(); ++parseContext.loopNestingLevel; } for_init_statement for_rest_statement RIGHT_PAREN statement_no_new_scope {
- parseContext.symbolTable.pop();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addLoop($4, $7, reinterpret_cast<TIntermTyped*>($5.node1), reinterpret_cast<TIntermTyped*>($5.node2), true, $1.line);
- --parseContext.loopNestingLevel;
+ | FOR LEFT_PAREN { parseContext->symbolTable.push(); ++parseContext->loopNestingLevel; } for_init_statement for_rest_statement RIGHT_PAREN statement_no_new_scope {
+ parseContext->symbolTable.pop();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addLoop($4, $7, reinterpret_cast<TIntermTyped*>($5.node1), reinterpret_cast<TIntermTyped*>($5.node2), true, $1.line);
+ --parseContext->loopNestingLevel;
@@ -1964,40 +1960,40 @@ for_rest_statement
- if (parseContext.loopNestingLevel <= 0) {
- parseContext.error($1.line, "continue statement only allowed in loops", "", "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->loopNestingLevel <= 0) {
+ parseContext->error($1.line, "continue statement only allowed in loops", "", "");
+ parseContext->recover();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBranch(EOpContinue, $1.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBranch(EOpContinue, $1.line);
- if (parseContext.loopNestingLevel <= 0) {
- parseContext.error($1.line, "break statement only allowed in loops", "", "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->loopNestingLevel <= 0) {
+ parseContext->error($1.line, "break statement only allowed in loops", "", "");
+ parseContext->recover();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBranch(EOpBreak, $1.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBranch(EOpBreak, $1.line);
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBranch(EOpReturn, $1.line);
- if (parseContext.currentFunctionType->getBasicType() != EbtVoid) {
- parseContext.error($1.line, "non-void function must return a value", "return", "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBranch(EOpReturn, $1.line);
+ if (parseContext->currentFunctionType->getBasicType() != EbtVoid) {
+ parseContext->error($1.line, "non-void function must return a value", "return", "");
+ parseContext->recover();
| RETURN expression SEMICOLON {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBranch(EOpReturn, $2, $1.line);
- parseContext.functionReturnsValue = true;
- if (parseContext.currentFunctionType->getBasicType() == EbtVoid) {
- parseContext.error($1.line, "void function cannot return a value", "return", "");
- parseContext.recover();
- } else if (*(parseContext.currentFunctionType) != $2->getType()) {
- parseContext.error($1.line, "function return is not matching type:", "return", "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBranch(EOpReturn, $2, $1.line);
+ parseContext->functionReturnsValue = true;
+ if (parseContext->currentFunctionType->getBasicType() == EbtVoid) {
+ parseContext->error($1.line, "void function cannot return a value", "return", "");
+ parseContext->recover();
+ } else if (*(parseContext->currentFunctionType) != $2->getType()) {
+ parseContext->error($1.line, "function return is not matching type:", "return", "");
+ parseContext->recover();
FRAG_ONLY("discard", $1.line);
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.addBranch(EOpKill, $1.line);
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.addBranch(EOpKill, $1.line);
@@ -2006,11 +2002,11 @@ jump_statement
: external_declaration {
$$ = $1;
- parseContext.treeRoot = $$;
+ parseContext->treeRoot = $$;
| translation_unit external_declaration {
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.growAggregate($1, $2, 0);
- parseContext.treeRoot = $$;
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.growAggregate($1, $2, 0);
+ parseContext->treeRoot = $$;
@@ -2026,7 +2022,7 @@ external_declaration
: function_prototype {
TFunction& function = *($1.function);
- TFunction* prevDec = static_cast<TFunction*>(parseContext.symbolTable.find(function.getMangledName()));
+ TFunction* prevDec = static_cast<TFunction*>(parseContext->symbolTable.find(function.getMangledName()));
// Note: 'prevDec' could be 'function' if this is the first time we've seen function
// as it would have just been put in the symbol table. Otherwise, we're looking up
@@ -2036,8 +2032,8 @@ function_definition
// Then this function already has a body.
- parseContext.error($1.line, "function already has a body", function.getName().c_str(), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($1.line, "function already has a body", function.getName().c_str(), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
@@ -2046,25 +2042,25 @@ function_definition
if (function.getName() == "main") {
if (function.getParamCount() > 0) {
- parseContext.error($1.line, "function cannot take any parameter(s)", function.getName().c_str(), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($1.line, "function cannot take any parameter(s)", function.getName().c_str(), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
if (function.getReturnType().getBasicType() != EbtVoid) {
- parseContext.error($1.line, "", function.getReturnType().getBasicString(), "main function cannot return a value");
- parseContext.recover();
+ parseContext->error($1.line, "", function.getReturnType().getBasicString(), "main function cannot return a value");
+ parseContext->recover();
// New symbol table scope for body of function plus its arguments
- parseContext.symbolTable.push();
+ parseContext->symbolTable.push();
// Remember the return type for later checking for RETURN statements.
- parseContext.currentFunctionType = &(prevDec->getReturnType());
- parseContext.functionReturnsValue = false;
+ parseContext->currentFunctionType = &(prevDec->getReturnType());
+ parseContext->functionReturnsValue = false;
// Insert parameters into the symbol table.
@@ -2082,9 +2078,9 @@ function_definition
// Insert the parameters with name in the symbol table.
- if (! parseContext.symbolTable.insert(*variable)) {
- parseContext.error($1.line, "redefinition", variable->getName().c_str(), "");
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (! parseContext->symbolTable.insert(*variable)) {
+ parseContext->error($1.line, "redefinition", variable->getName().c_str(), "");
+ parseContext->recover();
delete variable;
@@ -2095,38 +2091,38 @@ function_definition
// Add the parameter to the HIL
- paramNodes = parseContext.intermediate.growAggregate(
+ paramNodes = parseContext->intermediate.growAggregate(
- parseContext.intermediate.addSymbol(variable->getUniqueId(),
+ parseContext->intermediate.addSymbol(variable->getUniqueId(),
variable->getType(), $1.line),
} else {
- paramNodes = parseContext.intermediate.growAggregate(paramNodes, parseContext.intermediate.addSymbol(0, "", *param.type, $1.line), $1.line);
+ paramNodes = parseContext->intermediate.growAggregate(paramNodes, parseContext->intermediate.addSymbol(0, "", *param.type, $1.line), $1.line);
- parseContext.intermediate.setAggregateOperator(paramNodes, EOpParameters, $1.line);
+ parseContext->intermediate.setAggregateOperator(paramNodes, EOpParameters, $1.line);
$1.intermAggregate = paramNodes;
- parseContext.loopNestingLevel = 0;
+ parseContext->loopNestingLevel = 0;
compound_statement_no_new_scope {
//?? Check that all paths return a value if return type != void ?
// May be best done as post process phase on intermediate code
- if (parseContext.currentFunctionType->getBasicType() != EbtVoid && ! parseContext.functionReturnsValue) {
- parseContext.error($1.line, "function does not return a value:", "", $1.function->getName().c_str());
- parseContext.recover();
+ if (parseContext->currentFunctionType->getBasicType() != EbtVoid && ! parseContext->functionReturnsValue) {
+ parseContext->error($1.line, "function does not return a value:", "", $1.function->getName().c_str());
+ parseContext->recover();
- parseContext.symbolTable.pop();
- $$ = parseContext.intermediate.growAggregate($1.intermAggregate, $3, 0);
- parseContext.intermediate.setAggregateOperator($$, EOpFunction, $1.line);
+ parseContext->symbolTable.pop();
+ $$ = parseContext->intermediate.growAggregate($1.intermAggregate, $3, 0);
+ parseContext->intermediate.setAggregateOperator($$, EOpFunction, $1.line);
// store the pragma information for debug and optimize and other vendor specific
// information. This information can be queried from the parse tree
- $$->getAsAggregate()->setOptimize(parseContext.contextPragma.optimize);
- $$->getAsAggregate()->setDebug(parseContext.contextPragma.debug);
- $$->getAsAggregate()->addToPragmaTable(parseContext.contextPragma.pragmaTable);
+ $$->getAsAggregate()->setOptimize(parseContext->contextPragma.optimize);
+ $$->getAsAggregate()->setDebug(parseContext->contextPragma.debug);
+ $$->getAsAggregate()->addToPragmaTable(parseContext->contextPragma.pragmaTable);
diff --git a/src/compiler/translator_common.vcproj b/src/compiler/translator_common.vcproj
index 5292038a..eeda7e1f 100644
--- a/src/compiler/translator_common.vcproj
+++ b/src/compiler/translator_common.vcproj
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
Description="Executing flex on $(InputPath)"
- CommandLine="if EXIST $(InputDir)Gen_glslang.cpp del $(InputDir)Gen_glslang.cpp&#x0D;&#x0A;$(InputDir)tools\flex.exe $(InputPath)&#x0D;&#x0A;"
+ CommandLine="if EXIST $(InputDir)Gen_glslang.cpp del $(InputDir)Gen_glslang.cpp&#x0D;&#x0A;$(InputDir)tools\flex.exe $(InputPath)&#x0D;&#x0A;rename $(InputDir)lex.yy.c Gen_$(InputName).cpp&#x0D;&#x0A;"
diff --git a/src/compiler/translator_glsl.vcproj b/src/compiler/translator_glsl.vcproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ec8ca0b..00000000
--- a/src/compiler/translator_glsl.vcproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
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- ProjectType="Visual C++"
- Version="9.00"
- Name="translator_glsl"
- ProjectGUID="{65DB6E65-00E6-4533-8446-5F623BD94909}"
- RootNamespace="CrossCompilerGLSL"
- Keyword="Win32Proj"
- TargetFrameworkVersion="196613"
- >
- <Platforms>
- <Platform
- Name="Win32"
- />
- </Platforms>
- <ToolFiles>
- </ToolFiles>
- <Configurations>
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- Name="Debug|Win32"
- OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
- IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)\glsl"
- ConfigurationType="4"
- CharacterSet="1"
- >
- <Tool
- Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCMIDLTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
- Optimization="0"
- AdditionalIncludeDirectories="./;../;../../include"
- PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_DEBUG;_LIB;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS"
- MinimalRebuild="true"
- BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
- RuntimeLibrary="1"
- UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
- WarningLevel="3"
- DebugInformationFormat="4"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCLibrarianTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCALinkTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCBscMakeTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCFxCopTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
- />
- </Configuration>
- <Configuration
- Name="Release|Win32"
- OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
- IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)\glsl"
- ConfigurationType="4"
- CharacterSet="1"
- WholeProgramOptimization="1"
- >
- <Tool
- Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCMIDLTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
- Optimization="2"
- EnableIntrinsicFunctions="true"
- AdditionalIncludeDirectories="./;../;../../include"
- PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS"
- RuntimeLibrary="0"
- EnableFunctionLevelLinking="true"
- UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
- WarningLevel="3"
- DebugInformationFormat="3"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCLibrarianTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCALinkTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCBscMakeTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCFxCopTool"
- />
- <Tool
- Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
- />
- </Configuration>
- </Configurations>
- <References>
- </References>
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- Name="Source Files"
- Filter="cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx"
- UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}"
- >
- <File
- RelativePath=".\CodeGenGLSL.cpp"
- >
- </File>
- <File
- RelativePath=".\OutputGLSL.cpp"
- >
- </File>
- <File
- RelativePath=".\TranslatorGLSL.cpp"
- >
- </File>
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- Name="Header Files"
- Filter="h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd"
- UniqueIdentifier="{93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}"
- >
- <File
- RelativePath=".\OutputGLSL.h"
- >
- </File>
- <File
- RelativePath=".\TranslatorGLSL.h"
- >
- </File>
- </Filter>
- </Files>
- <Globals>
- </Globals>